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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, December 1989



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    I Ccpgregatici? Ncr Tan?id A Ten u n9n? ? i The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Rulh Pile, Executive Director Sandra Cohen, School Principal Terri Merman, Bulletin Editor December 1989 Kislev - Tevet 5750 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Kenneth J. Schnitzer, President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES All Services begin at 8:00 pm * Friday, December 1, 1989 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Baby naming of Michael Warren Levine Friday, December 8,1989 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by second grade fcYiday, December 15,1989 * Conducted by Bella Schwartz Friday, December 22, 1989 7:30 pm Family Chanukka Service Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Friday, December 29,1989 Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by Candice Barr and Rick Carter in honor of the 50th anniversary of Mike & Bernice Barr *Note: Dec. 22nd Service at 7:30 pm RfiBBI'S MESSAGE December (or more precisely Kislev) has always been an important month in our tradition. Embracing the festival of lights, Chanukka, we are reminded of our people?s age old battle for survival. The lights of Chanukka, ever increasing in number, remind us of the importance of increased resolve in fighting those who by their actions or words seek to denigrate or destroy freedom. Remarkable changes are happening around the world. Who would have dreamt just a few months ago that the Berlin Wall which symbolized for generations the bitter divisions both political and social that exist in our so?ciety, would come crashing down? Who could have imagined just a year ago that hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews would be allowed to leave for freedom in Israel, America and other parts of the world? And yet, these changes are happening before our very eyes. In every part of this globe the battles for freedom rage on. Jews have been at the forefront of the fight for freedom around the globe. As we light our Chanukka Menorah this year it shall burn brighter with the taste of victory in our midst. Our little Menorah teaches us a very powerful lesson: One candle can indeed light another. And another. May the message of freedom that has been fought for over so many years be the taste of the new year to come. And may we, in our own way, increase our resolve to cherish the freedoms which we possess already. B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi gfilii W& December 1 Ann Baer Celia Raynes Jennie Goldstein Mina Elman December 8 Phillip Brown Isadore Mendelson Charlotte Kishner Gertrude Kelin Freiden December 15 Esther Wallace Bertha Stone Louis Gottlieb Florence Sternberger Rose Klein Abraham Goldberg December 22 Florence Helen Stone Sol Sternberger Hyman Solowitz Rose Sendrow Roz Katz December 29 Jenny Aranoff Lillian Ruth Fink Lillian BrewsterCongregation Ner Tamid PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE It is with great sadness and joy that I pen my last President?s | Message. Sad that I will not be at the reigns of such a vibrant | organization but joyful that a new and very capable administration | will take the helm. Over the past three years our accomplishments | have been many. Our temple has grown from 80 to almost 300 | families. We purchased our property from the Bureau of Land Man- f agement and secured permanent financing. Our rabbinical search | was very successful and Rabbi Akselrad is leading our Congregation | into a new era. The religious school has grown from 40 students to | over 100. And maybe most important of all we have shown the | community that we are here to stay. Naturally these past three years would not have been so | successful without the assistance of many many people. There is not | enough space to thank each one of you personally so I will just say | ?THANKS? to everyone. Of course there is an exception to every | rule so I must thank my patient and understanding wife LINDA. | Without her I could not have survived the past three years. This is only the beginning of a bright future. The new admini- | stration will ensure that we will grow at a steady pace, that our f projects in the future such as the building of the new sanctuary and offices will be realized, new programs will be instituted. I know that I share these visions with our incoming Presi?dent Eileen Kollins and her Board. I am confident that our new Board will continue our outstanding tradition. Shalom, Kenneth J. Schnitzer RABBI AND CONGREGRNTS ATTEND BIENNIAL From November 2nd through the 6th Rabbi Akselrad, Congregants Eileen Kollins, Marilyn Glovinsky, and Sam and Hortense Alper attended the 60th General Assembly of the UAHC Biennial Convention. Held in New Orleans, the conven?tion addressed current issues such as the aids crisis, gay rights and single parent problems. Our congregants attended workshops and strolled through the vendor area investigating everything for the Temple from software to furniture. TOT SHABBAT SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 23RD Mark your calendars now for December 23rd as we continue our successful program once again this year. Tot Shabbat is a special Sabbath morning program designed for chil?dren 2- 5 years of age and their siblings. Last year over 80 children participated in the Tot Shabbat program. Geared especially for younger children, Rabbi Akselrad will con?duct a special abbreviated service for the children. Following services, children will participate in exciting arts and crafts proj?ects and have lunch to complete a fun filled morning. This program?s theme is ?Cele?brating Chanukka.? This program is chaired by Joni Aksel?rad and sponsored by Sisterhood. It is open to the entire community but reservations are a must. If you are interested in coming or learning more about the program please complete the form below. Yes, we would like to know more about the Tot Shabbat and other programs: Name:------------------------------------------------- Address:--------------------------------------------^ Phone:________________________________ We are planning on attending December 23rd__________________________________ Children?s Names:--------------------------------- We are unable to attend:------------------------- THANK YOU This month we have a few people to thank for their generous dona?tions. Janice Rounds for her dona?tion of a cuisinart. This should not only please everyone who works in the kitchen, but make their lives a little easier. And thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Fred S iegel for their donation to add more lights in our beautiful ark| Fully illuminated, the beautiful win" dows that Carol created will shine for many years to come. Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ANNUAL MEETING HEAR YE, HEAR YE... The Board of Directors announces that the Election of New Officers and Annual Meeting of Congregation Ner Tamid will be held on Sunday, December 3, 1989 at 5:00 pm. The entire Congregation is invited and encouraged to attend. The Nominating Committee recently met and proposed the fol?lowing individuals: President... Eileen Kollins V.P. - Administration... Marilyn Glovinsky V.P. - Ways & Means... Gerald Gordon V.P. - Education... Bobbie Bernay V.P. - Religious Activities... Lewis Etcoff V.P. - Membership... Mary Fox Treasurer... Ira Levine Recording Secretary... Jay Poster Trustee... Dyane Kohnen Trustee... Cal Lewis Trustee... Don Eisner Trustee... Scott Schreiber Trustee... Lois Doctors Trustee... Maxine Gratz Trustee... Sandy Ewan Trustee... Dottie Gross Trustee... Jeanne Schuma cher Nominations from the floor will also be considered during the Annual Meeting. SECOND GRADE SHABBAT DINNER & JUNIOR CHOIR DEBUT On Friday, December 8th, the second grade class will be holding its annual Shabbat dinner. Under the supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Rose Dunn and the Religious School aide, Sharon Dunn, the students will lead their families in the traditional Shabbat blessings of the candles, wine and challah. During the service that follows, the second graders will re-enact scenes from the life of Jacob, complimenting the Torah portion to be read that night. Also, participating in this evenings? service will be the JUNIOR CHOIR. This will be their debut performance. Under the direction of ALAN CHENIN and LORI FRANKL. the JUNIOR CHOIR will enhance the service with their selections of Shabbat melodies, and they will now be performing at all Family Services. DUES INCREASE This year has been an exciting and challenging year for all of us at Congregation Ner Tamid. Our growth has been tremendous, almost reaching 300 families. We have added new programs, such as adult education and continued successful programs like Meal and Spiel. Temple life is busy with Hebrew School, Confirmation class, preparing for Bar and Bat Mitzvah?s, New Member Sabbaths and many many more. A mitzvah, our growth has also created some problems. With so many more families to assist and functions taking place in Temple we find ourselves stretching our resources to the limit. In order to not only keep up with the growth, but also forge ahead, the Board of Trustees have determined that we must increase our dues by $50.00 for full members, as well as associates. We are also adding a new dues category - Gold Menorah for $800.00. Very shortly you will be receiving your dues statements for 1990. Don?t forget to take advantage of the tax laws and pay your dues before December 31st. I know you will agree with us that this dues increase, the first in more than 5 years, is necessary. We will continue to work with you and for you. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ADDI?TIONAL DONORS OF OUR KOL- NIDRE APPEAL Lewis & Marilyn Etcoff Judy Klein Nathaniel & May Raichelle Norman Goldberg David & Rona Mendelson Bunny Magin Noel Thompson Max Shapiro Norman Sussman Leonard Steinberg Elizabeth Hogan Myma Weidenfeld Wilma Walsby Barry Solomon Elaine Brand Tiny Kaplan Jack Karo Robert Hirsch Marianne Anderson Scott Schreiber David Rosenblatt Brandon Rosenthal Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid MfiRY FOX HONORED The evening was kool but the feelings were warm. On November 10th everyone gathered to honor all the new members and Mary Fox as Congregant of the Year. This year alone the Congregation has added over 100 members and many were on hand to have their picture taken and enjoy the service conducted by Rabbi Akselrad. The evening began with Certificates of Membership being handed out to all the new members. Then a professional photographer ?snapped? all the new members. During the service many of Mary ? s relatives and friends participated. The speeches were filled with glowing sentiments of how caring and dedicated Mary is. Tears of joy certainly flowed. After the service everyone enjoyed a beautiful oneg sponsored by Jeffy Fox. Many of Mary?s friends and relatives help in the preparation and the love shown throughout the room. THANK YOU Dear DyaneKohnen, Temple Family, Friends and New Mem?bers My special evening on No?vember 10th in which our Temple honored me as Congregant of the year 1989, was an evening I will never forget. Thank-you Dyane for your friendship and devotion and all of your committee who were involved in planning the very special shab- bat evening. My sincerest appreciation to all of you who sent lovely notes and contributions to our Sisterhood and Temple in my honor. I was touched by all of you. On behalf of Jerry, Ryan, and Dana, thank-you for my cherished memories. Your support and friendship means a lot to me. Congregation Ner Tamid is a special place to belong. Fondly, Mary Fox Mary Fox & Rabbi Akselrad at Congregation Ner Tamid's New Member Sabbath Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid TELL fiND KVELL Congratulations to Justin Finkelstein, Melissa Kaufman, and Larry Schnitzer, all enrolled in the Distinguished Scholars Program at Chapparral High School, for achiev?ing straight A ? s for the first quarter of the school year. Keep up the excellent work. Your families and friends are all very proud of you. Outreach Com?mittee to be chaired by Lois Doctors Congregation Ner Tamid is now forming an Outreach committee under the able direction of Lois Doctors. Outreach is a national pro?gram sponsored by the Reform Movement. Outreach is a program designed to welcome Jews-by- Choice, interfaith couples, and oth?ers wishing to learn about the Jewish faith into Congregational life. Out?reach began 11 years ago and has touched thousands of families throughout the United States. This program is sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid and is open to the entire community at no icharge. For more information about Foecoming involved in Outreach ac?tivities or becoming a part of the Outreach committee please call Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292. IN THE NEWS Mark your calendars DE?CEMBER 9TH, take a nap and turn on your radio to listen to our own Rabbi fikselrad on KDWN, 720 m on your radio dial at I fi. M. The Rabbi will be discussing the State of Is?rael. MfiH 10NGG PLAYERS IT?S THAT TIME AGAIN. The new cards will be one size only. Cost is $3.75 each. Please send name, address apartment number and zip code with check made payable to: Florence Weinstein, 4255 Channel Ten Drive, Apt. 93, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119. Thank you. New Members who attended the New Member Sabbath Page 5 Congregation Ner Tamid COME AND CELEBRATE CHANUKKA WITH CIS!!! On Friday, December 22nd, there will be a Cha?nukka family service. Beginning at 7:30 pm (please note time change) Rabbi Akselrad will conduct a beautiful Chanukka service preceded by the kindling of the Chanukka candles. BRING YOUR MENORAH AND CANDLES AND KINDLE THE CHANUKKA LIGHTS WITH US. After the service we will serve jelly donuts and latkes. Don t miss this fun evening. CONSECRATION 1989-1990 Congregation Ner Tamiid Religious School proudly presents its 1989-1990 Conse?cration Class. This years class consists of 20 first grade children and 5 second grade children who are new to our school. Pictured hereare(fromlefttoright): Rabbi Akselrad. Sandy Cohen (Princi?pal of Religious School), Michel Zweig (First Grade Teacher), the entire first grade and several second graders. This picture was taken on the evening of the First Grade Shabbot Dinner. The stu?dents led their families in recit?ing the Blessings over the candles, challah, and wine. Also, under the direction of theig teacher, Michel Zweig. the? participated in the service on that evening. Page 6 THE SISTERHOOD OF CNT PRESENTS THE FIRST ANNUAL ???MYSTERY NIGHT??? % JANUARY 20TH IF YOU ARE ADVENTUROUS AND LIKE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME - THIS EVENING IS FOR YOU!!! DRESS IS CASUAL & COMFORTABLE. CARPOOLS SUGGESTED OR WE WILL ARRANGE ONE FOR YOU. INCLUDES DINNER & A FUN EVENING. \ f i WHAT TO BRING PER CAR 1. Flashlight 2. 2 Pencils 3. 1 Coat hanger 4. Beach towel 5. 5 cotton balls 6. 1 cue tip ^ p 9 / 9 a We will meet at the Temple ata 6:30 p.m. COST: $25 per person. * Your check is your reservation. Please send check to Congregation Ner Tamid, made payable to Sisterhood. RSVP BY JANUARY 6TH TO THE TEMPLE OFFICECongregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood presents * The Annual Channuka Bazaar Saturday, December 9th 4:00 - 8:00 pm at the Social Hall 1=1 $ The first night, of Channuka is Friday, December 22nd Come and enjoy the feastivities and get all your shopping done' Food will be served... Bring the whole family! () A () 4 aaaaaaaA Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid SISTERHOOD On Thursday, January 11,1990, at 7:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid proudly hosts Dr. Sandy Greenblatt who will speak on the current issues, roles and challenges of women. Dr. Greenblatt, a Temple member, has worked with many women?s groups and is currently chairing our Teen Impact. ?Between Women? promises to be an enlightening and instructional meeting for us all. A four week womens discussion group will be formed this evening. Please mark this date!!! SISTERHOOD CALENDAR We would like to thank everyone who worked on the Sisterhood 1989/90 Calen?dar. And thanks to all our advertisers who helped make this project happen. It was recently mailed to all Sisterhood members. Additional copies can be purchased for SI .00 in the Temple office. Sisterhood tributes To Jean Freeman & Family In memory of Hal Freeman from Rita Tell & Family To Hortense Alper Wishing you a successful year from Lillian and Harold Finkel To Marlenne Sherman Mazel Tov on your new grandson from Jeanne, Pete and David Schomaker To Rita Moses Mazel Tov on your coming marriage from Jeanne, Pete and David Schomaker To Rita Moses Mazel Tov on your engagement from Lill and Don Eisner To Mary Fox Congratulations on becoming Congregant of the Year from Lill & Don Eisner To Mary Fox Congratulations on Congregant of the Year Award from Hal & Carryl Carter To Mary Fox Congratulations on Congregant of the Year Award from Phyllis Lewis To Dyane Kohncn Thanks for your help on the calendar from Pyhllis Lewis. GOLDEN CHfil Dear Seniors: Our yearly Hanukkah party date has been changed from the 14th of December to the 21st of December due to circumstances that called for a change of date. We are planning a lovely luncheon and I am sure that it will be! The party will be held on our regular meeting day so that it is easy to remember. The menu will be just scrumptious. I am looking forward to such good food and lots of fun. Are there any of our members that can entertain us, like singing and playing the piano? Please tell us about it and wouldn?t that be fun. I get so excited when I write about good happenings! This party is for paid up members so please get your dues paid. We will have election of officers in December for the year 1990. On January 18th we will have Shellie Weinberg, who is with Paine ^^tVebber. She will speak with us on investments and tell us the best way to manage our money. There will be a question and answer period. Thank you, Dorothy Herman NTTY N'lTY is experiencing whatcanonly be called astronomical success. During the past month our members participated in programs on A.I.D.S. and communication. NTTY?s first Bagel Brunch was a tremen?dous success. A special thanks to Sisterhood and Sophie for their contributions for the sale. We are all looking forward to seeing YOU at our next Bagel Brunch on Sunday, December 3rd. During Thanksgiving weekend ten members of NTTY participated in SWFTY?s regional Fall Conclave which was held in Albuquerque, NM. The youth participated in religious, social, and educational pro?grams on the environment. More impor- tandy, NTTY had the opportunity to show off their ruach (spirit) when they wore their new tie-dyed t-shirts. December will be a slow month for NTTY as we take a three week vacation. However, we will be working on our pro?gramming for next year which includes a very special program on abortion. With Rabbi Akselrad and a guest speaker from Planned Parenthood, NTTYites and their parents will engage in a discussion of the moral and religious issues facing our legis?lature and our youth. Watch for more details of this program in next month?s bulletin. If you would like any details about NTTY, contact Shira Lewis at 451 -0866 or Alan Hirsh at 458-8066. Page 9 Congregation Ner Tamid NOVEMBER A1 Ginsberg Family In loving memory of husband and father A1 Ginsberg From Helen & Morris Ginsberg Marvin (Tiny) Kaplan Dear Tiny - wishing you a very speedy recovery From Rabbi Akselrad & staff at Ner Tamid - ? Rabbj>s Discretionary From Frieda Fund Zabinofsky Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund Our 10/89 birthdays From Phyllis Lewis Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund From Blanche S. Warren Tree Certificate - Debbie Feldman In loving memory of Samuel Feldman From Herman & Evelyn Feldman Tree Certificate - Bonnie Kruloff In loving memory of Samuel Feldman From Herman & Evelyn Feldman The Porter Family In memory of Sam Porter From Nettie Grossman TRIBUTES Mary Fox In honor of being chosen Congregant of the Year From The Gratz Family Mrs. Saul Nathan & Family In memory of Saul Nathan From David & Annette Weinstein Prayer Books In memory of Dora & William Weintraub and In memory of Celia & Harry Raynes From Libby & Morris Raynes Prayer Books - Mrs. Stein & Family In memory of Hank Stein From Dr. Jeffrey Katz Prayer Books - Lillian Tuman In honor of Lillian Tuman?s 75th birthday From Dr. Jeffrey Katz Leo Wilner In memory of Mickey Wilner From Rita Moses Bernice May In memory of Sidney May From Bruce Boruszak Tree Certificate - Robert Bland In loving memory of Maria Frances Bland From Louis & Ellen Zimmerman Don't Forget... No Religious School December 17th or January 3rd * DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Sharon Davidson..........................1 Danny Gross...............................10 David Karlin...............................23 Shaun Naiman............................14 Matthew Pete................................2 Ryann Russell.............................28 .Jessica Schreck............................2 Rene Sherman............................12 Julie Shlisky.................................6 Aaron Cohen..............................21 Nicole Corzine...........................23 Shana Davidson............................5 Abra Eisenman...........................13 Aaron Epstein.............................15 Aaron Goldberg..........................12 Ryan Hoffman...........................25 Benjamin Hogan.........................13 Mike Kollins...............................16 Jeanne Mutnick...........................7 Ashley Ohriner..........................31 Lisa Sherman..............................12 Rachel Sklar...............................21 Jerry Sloane................................22 Mamie Spiezer..........................21 Adam Sternberg...........................4 Mara Wanderer..........................23 Bruce Borgelt.............................2U Paul Finkelstein...........................'8* Jerry Fox......................................29 Steve Glyman...............................6 Harold Goldsmith......................11 Jeffrey Heit.................................13 Robert Hirsh...............................26 Cal Lewis.....................................10 Karen Marano...............................6 Sandy Milmeister........................4 Jack Mutnick..............................13 Morris Rifkin................................1 Jeff Sloane....................................9 Steven Walsh..............................12 Ellen Winograd............................1 Lisa Bulavsky.............................16 Dotty Gross..................................4 Madelyn Nitzkin.........................13 Nancy Sloane..............................14 Helen Mendelson.......................12 Debra Nelson..............................24 Marian Anderson.........................2 Barbara Rosenberg....................16 Judy Lugo.....................................4 Sonja Saltman.............................29 Helen Krauss..............................13 Pamela Goldberg.......................27 Mary Fox.....................................16 Phyllis Fredkin...........................12i Rose Seltzer................................29 Mollie Silverman.......................16 Andrea Corzine..........................12 I Page 10 Congregation Ner Tamid /? Hy & NathlieejBergman.. Lee & AlliSbn Berman .... Joseph & Irene Chenin .... Sydney & Joy Cincinatus ANNIVERSARIES 18 Harvey & Gailj^odorov........ ..26 Neal & Judith Lewis............ ....27 21 Gerald & Yvonne Gordon.... ...22 Dennis & Debra Nelson...... ....31 21 Mort & Inez Kirson............... ...31 Lawrence & Brenda Sklar... ....20 15 Richard & Frances Klamian.. ...20 Leon & Annette Sweet........ ....28 JEFFERY HEFT Ben Zimmerm STUDIO SOUTHWEST PH01 portraiture-celebrations-adverti^ BAR & BAT MITZVAHS - WE 3370-B Pinks Place 2 /instate Sen (D I & Pecos. 3025 East Des Las Vega Bus. 794-3600 MoneyJ r?i 3''25 E. Desert Inn. #120 Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 369-8744 Home: 456-5672 Pager: 381-7002 {ODOT ?2221 TYPESETTING LOGO DESIGN ADVERTISING DIRECT MAIL ILLUSTRATION ART DIRECTION ARCHITECTURAL PACKAGING Home or Office ICO SECURITV INC. RED RLRRM SYSTEMS ,en or Jay Herman 32) 735-4080 Cont. Lie. 0022287 Oal" Lewis ttcher & Company it Bankers Smce 1910 Inc st Flamingo, Suite 137 *s. Nevada 89119 2-4222 (800) 825-6973 ir Mitzvah D.J. ring a planned evening of entertainment for Mitzvahs & Bat Mitzvahs 456-5452 JOAN POSTER REALTOR COMMERCIAL . LAND ? RESIDENTIAL 368-1850 Res. 876-1660 PHOENIX PLAZA 6370 W. FLAMINGO ROAD. ?15 f E LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89103Congregation Ner Tamid NOVEMBER A1 Ginsberg Family In loving memory of husband and father A1 Ginsberg From Helen & Morris Ginsberg Marvin (Tiny) Kaplan Dear Tiny - wishing you a very speedy recovery From Rabbi Akselrad & staff at Ner Tamid Rabbi?s Discretionary From Frieda Fund Zabinofsky Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund Our 10/89 birthdays From Phyllis Lewis Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund From Blanche S. Warren Tree Certificate - Debbie Feldman In loving memory of Samuel Feldman From Herman & Evelyn Feldman Tree Certificate - Bonnie Kruloff In loving memory of Samuel Feldman From Herman & Evelyn Feldman The Porter Family In memory of Sam Porter From Nettie Grossman TRIBUTES Mary Fox In honor of being chosen Congregant of the Year From The Gratz Family Mrs. Saul Nathan & Family In memory of Saul Nathan From David & Annette Weinstein Prayer Books In memory of Dora & William Weintraub and In memory of Celia & Harry Raynes From Libby & Morris Raynes Prayer Books - Mrs. Stein & Family In memory of Hank Stein From Dr. Jeffrey Katz Prayer Books - Lillian Tuman In honor of Lillian Tuman?s 75 th birthday From Dr. Jeffrey Katz Leo Wilner In memory of Mickey Wilner From Rita Moses Bernice May In memory of Sidney May From Bruce Boruszak Tree Certificate - Robert Bland In loving memory of Maria Frances Bland From Louis & Ellen Zimmerman Don't Forget... No Religious School December 17th or January 3rd ?A Sharon Davidson..........................1 Danny Gross...............................10 David Karlin...............................23 Shaun Naiman............................14 Matthew Pete................................2 Ryann Russell.............................28 Jessica Schreck............................2 Rene Sherman............................12 Julie Shlisky.................................6 Aaron Cohen..............................21 Nicole Corzine...........................23 Shana Davidson...........................5 Abra Eisenman...........................13 Aaron Epstein.............................15 Aaron Goldberg..........................12 Ryan Hoffman...........................25 Benjamin Hogan........................13 Mike Kollins...............................16 Jeanne Mutnick...........................7 Ashley Ohriner..........................31 Lisa Sherman..............................12 Rachel Sklar...............................21 Jerry Sloane................................22 Mamie Spiezer..........................21 Adam Sternberg...........................4 Mara Wanderer..........................23 Bruce Borgelt.............................21, Paul Finkelstein Jerry Fox.....................................29 Steve Glyman...............................6 Harold Goldsmith......................11 Jeffrey Heit..................................13 Robert Hirsh...............................26 Cal Lewis.....................................10 Karen Marano...............................6 Sandy Milmeister........................4 Jack Mutnick..............................13 Morris Rifkin................................1 Jeff Sloane....................................9 Steven Walsh..............................12 Ellen Winograd............................1 Lisa Bulavsky.............................16 Dotty Gross..................................4 Madelyn Nitzkin........................13 Nancy Sloane..............................14 Helen Mendelson.......................12 Debra Nelson..............................24 Marian Anderson.........................2 Barbara Rosenberg....................16 Judy Lugo.....................................4 Sonja Saltman............................29 Helen Krauss..............................13 Pamela Goldberg.......................27 Maiy Fox.....................................16 Phyllis Fredkin..........................1 Rose Seltzer................................29 Mollie Silverman.......................16 Andrea Corzine.........................12 Page 10 ngregation Ner Tamid Hy & Natalieejtiergman Lee & Alihan Berman . Joseph & Irene Chenin . Sydney & Joy Cincinati ith Lewis............ ....27 Debra Nelson...... ....31 Sc Brenda Sklar... ....20 inette Sweet........ ....28 OUR SUPPORTERS Ben Zimmerman?s STUDIO SOUTHWEST PHOTOGRAPHY portraiture-celebrations-advertising-editorial BAR & BAT MITZVAHS ? WEDDINGS 3370-B Pinks Place 362-3686 Eiferman?s Health Club 953 E. Sahara Ave. Suite 11A (Commercial Center) 733-1533 Open 24 Hrs. Steven M. Smith OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR CA ?Cal? Lewis Boettcher & Company 5 Investment Bankers Since 1910 Inc 1850 Easl Flamingo. Suite 137 Las Vegas. Nevada 89119 (702) 732-4222 Toll-free: (800) 825-6973 /instate PRIDE -?0R your 11| ?tore Officially Licensed by UNLV SHEL SBARRA Senior Account Agent (D l & Pecos. Cmemax 8 Plaza) 3025 East Desert Inn Road. #19 Las Vegas. NV 89121-3812 Bus 794-3600 ? Claims 456-2200 1220 E. Harmon Ave.. Suite A-1 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 Steve has offered a Special Discount to Temple Members Steven N. Lang (702) 735-4444 Bar Mitzvah D.J. offering a planned evening of entertainment for Bar Mitzvahs & Bat Mitzvahs 456-5452 m MoneyWorld REALTORS? [Ci 3'-?.5 E Desert Inn. #120 Us Vegas. NV 89121 (702) 369-8744 Home: 456-5672 Pager: 381-7002 A STITCH ?N? TIME ^DOMESTIC & IMPORTED YARN=> All Counted Cross Stitch Supplies CLASSES IN ALL CRAFTS 454-9979 JANIS ROUNDS G.R.I. REALTOR1 Sandhill & Flamingo c*h JOAN POSTER REALTOR COMMERCIAL . LAND . RESIDENTIAL 368-1850 Res. 876-1660 PHOENIX PLAZA 6370 W. FLAMINGO ROAD. ?15 LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89103 it- Page 11 f Z DECEMBER SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NOVEMBER JANUARY 3 KISLEV 2 4 KISLEV 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 rrn 8:00 p.m. Shabbot fin Services P'4 To Idol ^ 5 KISLEV 4 6 KISLEV 7 KISLEV 6 8 KISLEV ?J 9 KISLEV O 10 KISLEV ! 9 11 KISLEV 9:30 a.m. Religious School 7:00p.m. ANNUAL MEETING 7:00 p.m. NTTY meeting 7:00 p.m. Teen Impact 7:30 p.m. Board Meeting 10:30 a.m. Sister hood Board Meeting 12:00 noon Golden Chair 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 6:15 p.m. 2nd Grade ^^ Shabbat Dinner (1(1 8:00 p.m. Shabbot Mil Services * ' 10:00 a.m. Sped 4:00 p.m. kith Bazaai Meal & Hanuk cX Vayetze > CO ic o 1? 11 13 KISLEV 14 KISLEV 13 15 KISLEV ^ A 16 KISLEV 15 17 KISLEV 16 18 KISLEV 4:30 p.m. Religious School 7:00 p.m. NTTY Social 7:00 p.m. Confirma tion Class 4:30 p.m. Hebrew School 8:00 p.m. Shabbot / I Services Vayishlach ?| ^ 19 KISLEV 18 20 KISLEV "19 21 kislev 20 22 KISLEV ^ 23 KISLEV 24 KISLEV ZZ Up 23 25 KISLEV Up No Religious School No Confirmation Class 12:00 Golden Chai No Hebrew School 7:30 p.m. Brother hood Mcccting WINTER BEGINS 7:30 p.m. Chanukka 0^ Family Services HR EREV CHANUKAH Chanukka 9:00 a. m. Tot Shabbat l^l Vayeshev Eg CHANUKAH r\ A 26 KISLEV Z4 Up Chanukka ? No Religious School ? 31 3TEV, No Religious School AT 27 KISLEV ZO Up Chanukka Office Closed CHRISTMAS CHANUKAH 28 KISLEV ZO up CHANUKAH 29 KISLEV Z ( up CHANUKAH r\Q 30 KISLEV ZO up Chanukka 4:30 Hebrew School ROSH CHODESH CHANUKAH O Q 1 TEVET zy iip Chanukka 8:00 p.m. Shabbat a * Services (ou) ROSH CHODESH fln CHANUKAH 30 2TEVET Mikelz CHANUKAH TEMPLE BOARD | 1 Kenneth Schnitzer............ ..................... President Malcolm Doctors.............. V.P. Administration Noreen Sternberg............. ......V.P. Membership Claude Rosenthal.............. .V.P. Ways & Means Eileen Kollins.............V.P. Religious Activities Marilyn Glovinsky............. ..........V.P. Education Debra Schreck.................... ........................Secretary Gerald Gordon.................... Joan Dunn.............................. Sandy Ewan.......................... Maxine Gratz........................ Rona Mendelson................ ...........................Trustee Sheryl Kogan...