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Minutes for HSGSN Board of Directors and Officers meeting, September 20, 2000



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    Minutes of the Meeting of Board of Directors and Officers of Holocaust Survivors Group of Southern Nevada (HSGSN) at The Home of the President, September, 20, 2000 President Henry Schuster chaired the Meeting and called the Meeting to order at 7:30 PM. A. PRE-MEETING BUSINESS 1. Before the official meeting, the President extended the floor to Ms Adrienne Rosenberg, (Spelling of first name; Officer? Position, or whatever) of the Jewish Family Service. Interactions and relationships between the two groups were discussed and Ms. Rosenberg extend her offer to help HSGSN in any way her agency can. 2. The President also permitted Mr of to address the group of a project that he envisioned and needed eventually a letter of support from the Group, once officially incorporated. B AGENDA .The president then declared this meeting open and presented an outline of a broad program of activities for the newly, and yet to be officially incorporated group. The specific activities which the Group must address are listed, with appropriate comments, below. Some of the questions posed by the President were debated, some sent to committees, others were voted upon. 1 Do we have to take minutes of General meetings'? The issue was discussed. It was decided that if action was needed by the membership during a general meeting would that part of the Minutes of the Board of Directors be brought to the attention of the membership, prior to discussions and vote on these matters (e.g., election of officers and board members, or any other policies needing a vote by the general membership). 2. Bylaws Messrs George Guzik and Harold Blitzer have agreed to present a set of Bylaws to the Board. 3. Finance, Ways and Means Committee Considerable discussion revolved around a number of financial issues and these are to be presented formally by a Committee of Volunteers: Sam Chinkes (Chair), David Aviv, Myra Berkovits and Sydney Pressberg a) It was generally agreed that yearly dues to HSGSN were to be $25, a person/spouse. b) [it says here, "Tributes $5.00 cost .50" -1 don't rememeber what this is all about??? c) Roster Book with ads (can you elaborate???) d) Attempts will be made for people to contribute in "Honor of' and "In Memoriam", etc. Appropriate contributions cards were passed around for inspection and approval. e) It was the treasurer's job to collect the monies. Dispersal of funds will be through the treasurer, with one signature up to $100 checks, and above that two signatures are required (treasurer and president). The Committee is to report back to the Board on any or all of the above, and other related issues. 4. Meeting dates Several options were debated. A Meeting of the Board eveiy two months with General Meetings during the other months. Suggestions of Meetings every two months, with a Board of Director Meeting prior ro the General Meeting. The matters was not entirely resolved and will be debated further at the subsequent meeting. 5. Program The President will serve as Program Chair. 6. Distribution of Material pertinent to HSGSN Myra Berkovits has taken the responsibility for the distribution of pertinent materials for the Group. 7. Committee Assignments (PLEASE check spelling of first and last names. Thank you) Publicity and Speakers Bureau Gina Klonoff Sergeant-at-Arms Sam Chinkes Program Schusters Arrange meeting places Henry Kronberg Transportation (for those in need) Dube Tributes Lydia Lebovic Telephone Evelyn Oestreicher Schmooze Pola Zimmerman Refreshments Bernie Judd and Mishpocha Sick Visits David Berkovitz Bulletins and Chronicle Myra Berkovits Photographer Willie Lebovic, or 2nd Generation Naomi Phillips whoever 8. National Conference Attempts will be made to attract a National Meeting of Holocaust Survivors for a National Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. The idea generated by George Guzik (or is it Gusik?) will be explored by a committee of volunteers. 9. Representation with the Jewish Federation The President will attempt to meet with the new executive director of the Federation and explore this subject. We have no representation currently at the Federation level. The Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.