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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, January 2008



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    Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin January 2008 TBS Hosts Expressions Israeli Art Show "EXPRESSIONS" one of the largest and most diverse collection of Israeli art will return after a two year hiatus to Temple Beth Sholom from January 26th through February 2nd. This very special exhibit will introduce to our community over 150 Israeli Artists and Artisans with origins from all over the world: the Soviet Union, Ethiopia, France and of course native Israelis. Some of the artists include Tolla Inbar, Ruth Bloch, Ana Lazovsky, Izzy Assour, Avi Ben Simhon, Yuval Mahler, Asia Katz, Rasia Gershon, Dima Gorban, Martin Holt, Michael Gorban, Rephael Abecassis and Tremler. This unique exhibition and sale of art includes the finest works of bronze sculptures, paintings, glass work, Judaica, crafts, jewelry and more. This is a wonderful opportunity to enhance your home or office with art. "EXPRESSIONS" wascreated with the full encouragement and support of the Israeli government in order to promote artists who work in Israel and suffer from the tourists' decline. Colonel Itzhak Assour, who served for 25 years in the Israeli army and his son Major, are the organizers and curators of the show. For more information on this show, contact Danielle Zenou at 804-1333 ext. 108. 7th Annual Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival Temple Beth Sholom will continue its tradition of hosting a film at the Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival on Saturday, January 19, 2008 at 7:00PM at the Summerlin Library. Temple Beth Sholom will be sponsoring the film, YIPPEE: A JOURNEY TO JEWISH JOY, Award-winning writer/ director/actor Paul Mazursky chronicles his whirlwind journey to Uman, a small Ukrainian town that is the site of an annual gathering of I lassidim visiting the burial place of the revered Rabbi Nachman. An investigation of the mass expression of spiritual ecstasy. Tickets are free and seating is limited. Tickets for Temple Beth Sholom members will be available through January 11 and will become available to the general public after that date. Contact the Temple office at 804-1333 ext. 100 to reserve your ticket. This program is underwritten by Betsi Steinberg. Please check (click film festival) for complete information on the entire film festival and program updates. Solomon Schechter Hosts National Schechter Professionals Conference The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas is finishing its preparations for its duties when it will have the honor of hosting the national Schechter Professionals Conference on January 13-15 right here at TBS! This event is a special and somewhat unusual one for the Schechter Professionals Conference. According to conference planners, "'Leading from the Inside Out' will give us opportunities to reflect on our own spiritual growth and religious development as Jewish day school leaders in order to be better prepared to lead our schools toward becoming a 'spirited and spiritual community." We will draw upon the extraordinary skills and exemplary leadersliip of colleagues in the Schechter movement who understand the challenges of creating spiritual community from the inside. This is going to be a meaningful experience on a personal and professional level and will include curricular projects and programs that further the goals of nurturing the religious growth and spiritual development of students and teachers." continued on page 6 Temple News dine, hike, socialize and keep active. Cooking with Chef Gustav Mahler A cooking class with Chef Gustav Mahler will be held Wednesday, January 23 from 6:00 pm- 8:30 prn. The cost is $50.00 for members and $80.00 for non-members and will include a three course meal and dessert. Gustav Mahler has been honored by being inducted into the International Food and Beverage Forum as Restaurateur of the Year in 2006. Mahler also operates the Cigar Bar and Spiedini restaurant, another Italian eaterie, at the JW Marriott hotel in Summerlin. If you are interested in participating in this program please contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, at dzenou@ 804-1333 ext. 108. Aleph - Bet Hebrew Alphabet Yoga Classes will be taught by Amy Stein who is certified in Asana, Theoretical and Applied Yoga philosophy. Classes will begin Sunday, January 6th, 2008 from 9:30am -11:00am. The cost for the four class session is $36.00 for members and $60.00 for non members. Classes will be conducted in the Sigesmund Social Hall. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, at 804-1333 ext. 108. Chavurah Special Oneg Shabbat, Friday, January 11 t h Join existing TBS Chavurah members and potential Chavurah members for the opportunity to make new friendships, deepen existing friendships, share meals, and celebrate Jewish life in an intimate group setting for a Special Friday Night Oneg Shabbat. Enjoy a delicious Oneg prepared by the Women's League, while you schmooze among your fellow members. We are happy to announce the expansion of our successful Chavurah program. Getting to know people in a larger congregation can be intimidating for some. A Chavurah is an excellent way to become acquainted with others who have similar interests. Through your participation in Chavurot, you will develop more meaningful relationships with one another and create a stronger synagogue community. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, at dzenou@ or 804-1333 ext.108. Your Child and the Internet Join TBS and USY on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 7:00pm in the Sigesmund Social I Iall for a conversation long overdue. Your child has a 1 in 2,731,481 chance of being attacked by a shark - but we still require they swim with a buddy. Your child has a 1 in 3,696,676 chance of being struck by lightening - but we still cancel Little League games. Your child has a 1 in 5 chance of receiving unwanted sexual solicitations online - What are you doing about it? Nancy Koppe, a United States District Attorney practicing in Las Vegas, will present an overview of current online safety issues and concerns spanning the K-12 grades, and focusing specifically on what parents and kids need to know about the dangers lurking online. From text messaging to MySpace, from blogging to online pornography, there's something new for parents to worry about every day. This presentation will provide an overview of the major issues and a foundation of good strategies for keeping your kids safe and cyber-street smart. Whether you're the parent of a kindergartner or a high school senior, this issue and presentation is right for you. Free fingerprint kits will be provided. The 6 year old and the 18 year old both need refreshers in stranger safety, and the internet has opened the flood gates of even STRANGER strangers that we dare imagine. Sponsored by USY and Temple Beth Sholom. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, to RSVP at dzenou@ or 804-1333 ext.108 or Lauren Frydman, USY Director at Rabbi's Tisch Saturday, January 19th In communities throughout the world, people gather around the table of their Rabbi for an afternoon of food and learning called a Shabbat Tisch. We invite you to join Rabbi Goodman for insightful study, a Kiddush lunch and song immediately after Shabbat services. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, at or at 804-1333 ext. 108. TBS Shabbat Dinner, Friday, January 25, at 5:45pm Join other families for a warm, spirited Shabbat dinner, as we welcome Shabbat with a festive meal, schmoozing, singing, community building and Shabbat entertainment. Following dinner enjoy Temple News Shabbat Services with Rabbi Felipe Goodman and Cantor Friedman. RSVP by January 18th. Contact Danielle Zenou at or 702- 804-1333 ext.108 for more information. TBS members $18/ children $10 (under 5 is free) Non-members $43 children $10 (under 5 is free). Came Night Game Night is back with a vengeance! Join other I BS members on Thursday, January 17th at 6:30pm. Get ready for an action packed evening of noshing, fun and games. Dinner will be provided. Show your creative side by creating your own signature sandwich. Bring your favorite card and board game or even something out of the ordinary that is new and exciting. Cost is $12.00 TBS members / $20.00 non members. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, at 804-1333 ext.108. L'Dor V'Dor by Shel Kolner Did you ever want to make your potato latkes taste better? I have a new recipe. Serve them to 252 appreciative seniors out from their homes at a Hanukkah party at the Temple. It sure does make the ones you eat taste sweeter. Add to the recipe 150 of our kids singing and dancing. Introduce Jeanne Brei who, while tap dancing, sang some oldies from the 30's and 40's, accompanied by the renowned pianist George Pollak. Stir in a lunch prepared by Gustav Mauler's team and discover what a great time the L'Dor VDor guests can have. Just to be sure our guests knew it was Hanukkah, the fourth graders presented each of them with a pillowcase adorned with art done by all the children. Over 50 volunteers helped the 252 guests who came from their own homes or from one of 25 facilities. It is the volunteers who make these events the successes they arc. L'Dor V'Dor is a labor-intensive project and we could not offer this program to the community without exceptional and abundant volunteer help. I have been the L'Dor VDor coordinator for about 6 months, and I have not seen a more dedicated group of volunteers. Each seems to care genuinely about the role he or she is playing and each puts out extraordinary energy and warmth to make sure our guests have the most joyous time possible. I also wish to acknowledge, with gratitude, those who created L'Dor V'Dor. As I looked at our guests arid saw the pleasure on their faces, I recognized that the enormous effort that went toward giving them a happy experience irr our synagogue was worth the hard work we <ill contributed. As we progress into the year, our goal is to serve a minimum of 250 seniors at each event. If you know of any senior who is homebound and could benefit from this opportunity to socialize with other people, please call the L'Dor VDor coordinator, Shel Kolner (228-4744 or 334- 8914), or the Temple office (804- 1333 ext 100). We'll make sure they receive invitations to the upcoming events, which are planned for Purim on February 19th, Passover on April 22nd and Shavuot on June 3rd. We invite you to join the camaraderie and see how good it feels to make a difference in the life of a homebound senior by being part of the L'Dor V'Dor volunteer program. S a v e t h e D a t e ! March 19 2CC8 The Second Annual Schechter Hine-Tasting V Chinese Auction Honoring Sidney Chaplin All proceeds to go to the Sidney Chaplin Schechter Scholarship Fund All wine has been generously donated, by Southern Wine and Spirits 7:CC nm Temnle Eeth Slultm For more information contact Ivy at 702-804-1333 ext. 114 ? Education Jennifer Zukowski Early Childhood Director The Sandra & Stanley Mallin Eariv Childhood Center Womens League News By Kim Memar As I write this article I am thinking ahead to when you will be reading it. It will be a new year already full of new resolutions we have just made. Our hopes are that one of your resolutions includes spending more time at Temple Beth Sholom, whether it is for services or just to be with your synagogue family in general. Our Women's League extends its arms to every woman in hopes of you joining us in our mission to strengthen and unite our members. We strive to educate our women so that they may understand and peipetuate Conservative/Masorti Judaism in our homes, our synagogue and the community at large. We are committed to Jewish values and traditions such as "middot" - moral qualities, "mitzvot'" - commandments or good deeds, "musar" ? instruction and being a "mensch" ? a decent person. Please join us Friday night, January 18th and Saturday morning, January 19th for Women's League Shabbat as our women lead us in song, prayer, and reading of the Torah. This is Shabbat Shirah, the Shabbat of Song. The liturgy contains Miriam's song and even more than usual, sings of gratitude, joy and faith. I low fitting it is for this to be our Women's League Shabbat. If you would like to participate, please let us know by calling Lillian Radomsky at 553- 9425 or by e-mailing her at Lillian@ Our book club will meet at 7pm on Tuesday night, January 8th and at 10am on January 9th at Suriva's. The book to read is Exile by Richard North Patterson. Please RSVP to Suriva at 301 - 9424. Our scrapbook club will meet on January 15th at Nancy Glass Stone's from 10-12 and/or 12-2 call: 743-6661 by January 11th to RSVP-lunch will be served. We have been delighted with our ongoing Secret Sister program. If you have a gift for your Secret Sister, you may leave it with us in the gift shop from 9-12 Sunday-Friday. It is just another way of creating bonds for new and lasting friendships. Also save the date for our Torah Fund luncheon to be held on February 13th honoring Marci Seltzer and Lara Stone. We hope to see you at our upcoming programs, clubs and events. Remember YOU can make a difference in your community, your Temple and most of all in yourself. TBS Club, Hearts & Diamonds Are you looking for an afternoon or evening of card playing fun? We have had numerous requests for members who want to start canasta, mahjongg games or various card games and are compiling a list of active card players looking to start a weekly game. Contact Danielle Zenou, Program Director, at or 702-804-1333 ext.108 to add your name to this list. New York Club Forming TBS members are you from Da Bronx, Aye Oh, Oh Aye from Brooklyn. Or, like me, from Queens then Long Island. If you are interested in participating in a New York Club, (you choose the name of the group) where you can get together and have social functions, lectures, and yes even stickball for you daring folks, then contact Danielle Zenou at dzenou@ or 804-1333 ext.108. Early Childhood News The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Education Center at Temple Beth Sholom wrapped up another successful and wonderful two weeks of Winter Camp. During the first session of camp, the children immersed themselves in the theme of Winter Fun with such exciting activities as making snow globes, playing and experimenting with snow, and participating in a marshmallow toss. This fabulous first long celebration of the coming New Year where the children explored the differences between old and new with exciting science experiments like putting old pennies in vinegar to make them "new" again. They also made colorful and noisy party favors and decorations to help ring in the New Year with a fantastic pizza party on the last day of camp. Welcome Ducks I luge and heartfelt hugs to our newest and youngest addition to our wonderful preschool family. In no time at all we know the Ducks, led by the fabulous Nina Fallico, will be learning, creating, singing and celebrating as if they've been here all year long. Look for their happy, smiling faces in Room 4 of our preschool. We are so glad you have joined us. NAEYC In early November, I had the opportunity to attend the annual National Association of Young Children (NAEYC) conference in Chicago. I was fortunate enough to bring along my Assistant Director as well as four of our incredible teachers for four jam-packed days of learning with the major movers and shakers in early childhood education. Although exhausted from our days of intense learning sessions, we somehow found time to visit the Field Museum and Miracle Mile. We even shared a Chicago-style pizza. In addition to revitalizing our staff by giving them new ideas and concepts to Jon Mitzmacher Director of Education Education bring back to our classes, children, and other staff, this conference is also important because we are currently undergoing the accreditation process through NAEYC convention. This afforded us another opportunity to see what an outstanding program we have here at Temple Beth Sholom. SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOLof LAS VEGAS continuedfrom cover SSDS-LV is excited and as the host school will have opportunities to include its teachers, students, and lay leadership in the event. Elaine Cohen, Associate Director of the Education Department of United Synagogue, stated that, "The Professionals' Council of the Solomon Schechter Day School Association is very much looking forward to holding our biennial meeting in Las Vegas where we will be hosted by the newest school in our network of Jewish day schools. It will be exciting for all the professional leaders to observe the excellence and dynamism of the SSDS of Las Vegas and the community in which it plays an increasingly significant role.71 Solomon Schechter Performs for L'dor V'dor & Celebrates Hanukkah As part of their preparations for Hanukkah, Schechter students performed as part of Temple Beth Sholom's "L'dor V'dor" program on Tuesday, December 4th which brings homebound seniors from till over Las Vegas to Temple Beth Sholom for lunch and entertainment. Conducted in I both Hebrew | and English, i s t u d e n t s impressed the well over one hundred fifty attendees with their command of both languages. They also created decorative pillow cases for the seniors to take with them as mementos from their visit. Participation in community events is an important part of the school's mission. The SSDS-LV believes that performing acts of loving-kindness is one of Judaism's most important values and strives to be out in the "real world" putting into practice what is learned in the classroom. Students had an opportunity to celebrate Hanukkah later that afternoon at the Parent Organization Family Hanukkah Party and again Thursday, December 6th when they performed as part of TBS' annual I Ianukkah Festival. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL & MIDRASHA Town Hall Meetings The Task Force to Re-Imagine the Religious School will be holding two Town Hall meetings in the coming weeks. We welcome feedback from any and all congregants, about what the goals and future of the Religious School can be, so that we can create a program that will answer the needs of our community. llannukah Happenings The Religious School students did an awesome job participating in the TBS I Ianukkah Festival on December 6th, singing as a chorus, and lighting the candles. They also enjoyed the celebration that followed, filling up on latkes and donuts, and dancing to favorites spun by aDJ. The Religious School Hanukkah Program on December 9th was a great event, with students learning all about Hanukkah and the traditions that accompany it while doing skits, team games, making dreidels, and singing their favorite songs. Our Kitah Zayin (7th grade) students helped to lead the stations and worked with the younger students, and really made a big difference in the program. Parents joined us in the sanctuary for a candle lighting ceremony, and a rousing rendition of Ma'oz Tzur. Tu B'Shvat The Religious School will have a Tu B'Shvat program on January 13th, and as always the theme will be trees, nature, and how we can all help to protect our world's environment and ensure that there will always be trees for future generations to enjoy and benefit from. Parent-Teacher Conferences On Sunday, January 27, parents and teachers will have the opportunity to sit down find catch up on Religious School students' progress. The teachers are excited to meet with the parents, and share the activities that are happening in the classroom. Kitah Hay Kabbalat S ha!>1 mi Service The students of Kitah I lay (5th grade) will be leading the Kabbalat Shabbat service on Friday, January 25th. They will show off their symigogue skills for the congregation, and make a special presentation related to the work they've been doing in class over the last several months. We .ire all looking forward to watching our Kitah Hay shine on the bimah! Snack Sales Snacks are for sale before Religious School hours - bring a dollar and buy a snack (or two!) If there arc tiny parents who would like to help out at the snack sales table or buying snacks, please see Yonina for more information. New Midrasha Leadership Program! We are proud to announce a new option for Midrasha students (8th- Education Yonina Schnee Assistant Religious School Director 12th grades). Beginning on January 13th, Cindy Fox will hold a one-hour leadership workshop, followed by two hours of working in the classrooms with the Religious School students. The program will meet once a month and Midrasha students are welcome to come on non-Midrasha Sunday mornings to help tutor students in Hebrew or help out teachers in the classroom. They can even earn hours for Community Service! For more information, call Yonina at 804-1333 ext. 122. Rosh I lodesh Rosh Hodesh: It's a Cirl Thing! draws on the tradition of Rosh I lodesh (the monthly celebration of the new moon) to build and enrich the Jewish identities of adolescent girls. The program takes place in an informal setting, with small group size, and carefully designed activities draw on Jewish texts and practices through: Creative Arts & Expression Celebration of Jewish Rituals Learning About Women from the Jewish Tradition Intimate Group Discussion Food & Friendship! Age Croup: 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Jewish Girls Program Fee: $54 Registration is limited to 12 girls per group. Email: LVRosh.I Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing! 5768 (2007-2008) Schedule Thurs, Jan 10 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Shevat Thurs, Feb 14 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Adar I Thurs, Mar 13 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Adar II Thurs, Apr 10 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Nissan Thurs, May 8 at 6:00 to 7:30 - lyar Thurs, June 5 at 6:00 to 7:30 - Si van Phone number 804-1333 ext. 114 Email: for registration materials. Facilitator: Cindy Fox Assistant-Facilitators: Brianna Kirsh and Rebecca Walden. Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl's Thing is supported by the Women's League of Temple Beth Sholorn. Adult Education Our Spring semester of adult education courses will be starting up on February 7th. Watch for the brochure with class offerings that will be mailed out soon! We'd love to hear from you about what courses you'd like to take- so please take five minutes to fill out a simple on-line survey! The link for the survey is http:// www. survey monkey, com/s. aspx ? sm = w3 r8MwkIKFqSidM0h9VtXQ_3d_3d GEMILUT HASADIM (This new section in the Bulletin provides information on how you can provide loving-kindness to a congregant in need) Reach Out to a Child W ho Needs Your I lelp Article by Ariana Miner Brooke Alexander is three years old. I Ier face is full of light, her smile is large and bright ? and it easily inspires joy in others. Like any small girl with a big imagination, she enjoys reading and is eager to learn new things about the world around her. She also loves to sing and dance. Brooke has a nineteen-year-old brother, Timothy, who went away to serve our country in Iraq. Timothy was called home when the shocking news struck the Alexander family: Brooke had been diagnosed with stage three Glioma, a deadly cancer. I Ier brain tumors are completely inoperable. In order to maintain Brooke's increasingly pricey treatment, her family needs your help. We're asking you to give what you can; any little bit will help ? but it's going to take a lot to fight for the cause of making this beautiful little girl well again. A fund has been set up in Brooke Alexander's name and will be used to cover medical costs, travel to California to be treated by specialists, incidentals for her travels, and nursing care for her at home while her mother works to support the rest of her family. Caren Alexander, Brooke's mother, is one of our valued Temple Beth Sholom members. She moved here to Las Vegas from California with her family in 1994. Caren has three daughters (Brooke, 3, Cailey, 15, and Elise, 17) and one son (Timothy, 19). Brooke's illness caught her entire family off guard and came with no warning. If Caren could tell you one thing, it would be to hug and appreciate your loved ones every day; treasure every moment and take nothing for granted. Our ultimate goal is to raise $100,000 for Brooke. If you wish to donate for the cause of saving this young girl's life, you may do so by sending your funds to: Red Rock Community Bank 1000 W Charleston Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89135 (702) 948-7500 Account #462004220 (Tax ID #20-0330559) Audrey Merkin Scholarship Fund Our warmest thanks to all those who made the Audrey Merkin Scholarship Fundraiser successful beyond all expectations. Sharon Adashek Susan Aronson Millie Banfield Adele Baratz Caryl Berg Bonnie Berkowitz Arlene Blut Ruth Brewster Lillian Bruski Shirley Chaplin Thank you Barbara Chozahinoff Jon Mitzmacher Anne Cohen Susan Molaskv June Colodny Larry Monkarsh Loraine Drubarez Patricia Montgomery Joanne Dunn Marci Murdock Harriet Elisofon Michael Novick Wendy Feldman Louisa Oakinell Helen Feldman DYorre Ober Suriva & Bob Fischer Jessica & Josh Pianko Geraldine Fischer Sherry Pierce Esther Frankenstein Ellen Ploesch JoEllen &c Arthur Fusco Helene Rosen Janice Gerard Nancy Rosten Edvthe Goldberg Adrienne & Stacy Rush Ruth Gold far b Karen Schilling Elaine Goldman Ellen Scully Carolyn & Oscar Goodman Marci & Ed Seltzer Rabbi Felipe & Liz Goodman Miriam Sharp Harriet Grunberg Mona Silverman Bea Hirsh Dee & Carl Simcox Priscilla Hodes Marcy Simon Sheryl I Ionig Dottie Sperling I. Human Faye Steinberg Carol Jeffries Elaine Steinberg Barbara Kenig Lara Stone Dorothy Klegerman Sandy Stolberg Brian Kraft Gita Stotland Sherron Kulwin I Ieidi Straus Yvette & Ellis Landau Laura Sussman Debbie Lapping Ann & Mike Tillman Debbie Lederer Terri Weisbord Fran Levien Lenora Wulfle Louisa & Louis Levin Anita Lewy Special Thank You to: Dawn Mack Shirley Chaplin Judy Mack Beverlee Chervitz Sandy & Stan Mallin Ira Ellis Lillian Manno Freddie Glusman Iris Marks Rabbi Felipe Goodman Flora Mason Deb Havre Carrie Matt Barbara Kenig Blanche Meisel Fran Levien I Ielen Memar Sandy Mallin Kim Memar Sarah Memar Morris Menasche Debbie Miner Eunice Merkin Marshall Retail Group Ellen Merkin D J . Sinai Phyllis & Edward Merkin Temple Beth Sholom Men's Club Daniel Miller Temple Beth Sholom Women's Leagui Debbie Miner Wynn Retail Shops If your name was inadvertently omitted we apologize and would appreciate it if you would call Carol at 804-1333 ext. 104 and inform her of the omission. Temple Belli Sliolom If is with mixed emotions writing (his. In January I will he moving to the Fast Coast. Temple Belli Sliolom has been an important part of my life for the past 13 years Ac with pride. Harold and I watched the Temple grow and prosper after the move to Sununcrfin. It has been my pleasure to he able to volunteer in the office for many years and be a part of the inner workings of the Synagogue Ac the dedicated stall'. You have honored me with a beautiful plaque and wonderful memories that I will always cherish. All of you have made me part of your families when I larold passed awav. I can't thank you enough for the love and friendship that has been given to me. But now it is time to be with my daughter and great and grandchildren. I will miss all of you very much and hope to keep in toucli for manv vears to come. W ith lots of love ' Debbie Lederer Tributes RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Hazel & Harold Handelman Thank you: D'VorreOber In Honor of: Marsha & Steve Cohen's 40th Wedding Anniversary Charlotte & Sam Showel In Memory of: Leon Schidlow Frances & Harvey Sanoff CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you: D'Vorre Ober Thank you for a beautiful concert: Sally & Dick Eskenazi Elaine, Howard & Holly Jacobs Anita Lewy SANDRA & STANLEY MALLIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In Honor of: Jill & Ben Super on daughter Rachel Danielle's baby naming Susan & Ira Lieberman In Memory of: Rudolph Golden Morris Golden Hal Ober Arlene & Jerry Blut Carl Striet Mona & Charles Silverman SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL In Honor of: Lois Joseph's Birthday Helene & Harold Sussman Lois & Bruce Joseph's -Anniversary Helene & Harold Sussman Speedy Recovery: Bruce Joseph Helene & Harold Sussman In Memorv of: Hal Ober ' Dr. & Mrs. GaryAvakian Janet & Ken Cooper Hazel & Harold Handelman Blanche & Phil Meisel JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: .Allen Brewster's Birthday & Retirement Kathy & Moe Menasche Judy Mack's Birthday Judy & David Applebaum Susan & HilleLAronson Bonnie Berkowitz & Family Shirley Chaplin Lilian Glicken Edythe & Irwin Goldberg Tina & Craig Hamilton Lillian & Henry Kronberg Maxine Niems Marcy & Jack Simon Elaine & Irv Steinberg Ron Mack's Birthday Shirley Chaplin Edythe & Irwin Goldberg Emily & Michael Novick on Miriam becoming a Bat Mitzvah Florence Bolatin Speedy Recovery: Lilian Glicken Kathy & Moe Menasche SIDNEY CHAPLIN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Shirley Chaplin's Birthday Lilian Glicken AUDREY MERKIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Thank you: For my Ilanukkah gifts Anita Lewy GENERAL FUND Andrew Bursten Brenda & Jerry Katz In Honor of: Suzanne & Sam Green on son Stuart becoming a Bar Mitzvah Wendy Kraft Sc Laura Sussman Susan 6c Paul Lapell An Aliyah: Sally & Dick Eskenazi Thank you: Laura Sussman Gigi Marks Felsher In Memory of: Nissim Eskenazi Sally & Dick Eskenazi Esther Molly Gewercer, mother Sam Gewercer Hal Ober Dana & Nicholas Foskaris & Family Iryna & Thomas Foskaris & Family Henry Schore Karen Schore Sara Schore Dr. Sheldon A. Schore YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Jack .Alter Barney Family Joseph Aitkin Warren Aitkin Karen & Jeffrey Langbert Manny Barney Barney Family Gabriel Bergman Bess Bergman Susan Berman Ruth Bartnof Morley Bartnof Sara Lee Bostom Debbie & Jerry Smith Alma Brooks Rabbi Hershel Brooks Jennie Brown Rose Raphael Lillian Brustowsky Allen Brewster Fred Burns Ella Shaikin Anne Cohen Ethel Koulange Lily Phillips Sarah Forman Helene Shay Albert Fruchter Gertrude Fruchter Barbara & Bernard Fruchter Rochelle Schneider Seymour Ginsburg David Ginsburg Anita Glass Nancy, Martin & Chelsea Stone Lena Goldstein Mart Goldstein Irving Gordon Pat & Don Gordon Frances Grippo Roslyn Smoleri Henry Jacklcr Marsha & Steve Cohen Estelle Ktdwin Seymour Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Ruth Kunin Ishi Kunin, Shoshana & Ariana Lewis Langbert Marvin Lansky Karen & Jeffrey Langbert -Aaron Leitner Murray Leitner .Abbot Long Blanche & Phil Meisel Coldie Merkin Merkin Family Dorothy Minsberg Lilian Glicken Rose Molasky Susan & Irwin Molasky Ada Moore Brenda Moore Flank Lawrence (Larry) Mushkin May Mushkin & Family Jacob Ober Ober Family Sheldon Raphael Rose Raphael Anne Robinson Marcy Samoiloff Norman Rofey D'Vorre Ober George Rosencrantz Arne Rosencrantz Jacob Rosenthal Florence Bolatin Bessie Sala Nancy Horowitz Norman SamoilofT Marcy & Jerry Samoiloff Helen Samowicz Marianne & Uri Litvak Tributes Pearl Schussler Charles Schussler Philip David Shapiro Sylvia Feigelson Anne Showel Sam Showel Irving Shulman Debbie Lederer Adele Silverman Sheila & Jay Gershman Benjamin Simon Connie Pectol William Soroky Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Jacob Stein Judy & Manny Stein Harold Robert Stern Dr. Albert & Nancy Rosten Esther Stevens Laura Rinzler Claire Turner Cladyce Sc Marty Ehrlich Carlyn Turshinsky Jackie & Ron Tiirshinsky Max Ukeiley Sheri Newberry Joseph Weiner Lilian Glic/cen David Weisbord tt'eisbord Family Samuel Wexler Daniel Wexler Dr. William Winner Dorothy Demby-Lasky L'DOR V'DOR Shirley & Murray Barondess Gloria Bransky Jean Fortel Matilda Green Hazel & Harold Handelman Faye & Marvin Levin Miriam Shientag Sydney Silberman Victoria &