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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, June 1999



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    20th Edition A Conservative Congregation Affiliated With The United Synagogue Of Conservative Judaism Future Home: Town Center Drive & Haven wood Lane Visit us on our web page at www Inside this issue: Rabbi's Message 2,3 Organization News 4 Education 7 Healing Service 15 Of Special Interest: ? High Holy Day Ser\'ices & Break the Fast will be held at the Resort at Summerlin. ? The Healing Service will be held June 19. It is a time to repair the broken places in our souls. ? Scholar in Residence Shabbat Weekend. June 11-12. 1999- Rabbi Neil Gil!man. Guest Scholar. June 1999 Sivan 5759 Coming Events Construction is under way for our beautiful new shul! We wish to thank all of our special donors who have made this dream come true. JUNE Temple Beth Sholom will host a second Scholar-in-Residence weekend June 11-12 with Rabbi Neil Gillman i A MESSAGE FROM THE RABBI Rabbi Felipe Goodman Crossing the Wilderness Together The ego of the legendary heavyweight champion, Muhammad Ali, was as big as most midwestem states. A popular song of the 1970s chimed: "they call him the Black Superman, who says to the other guys? I'm Ali... Catch me if you can I"' Once Ali was about to take off on an airplane flight when the stewardess reminded him to fasten his seat belt. He came back brashly, "Superman don't need no seat belt." The stewardess quickly replied, "Superman don't need no airplane, either!" Ali fastened his seat belt. During this month and throughout last month we have been reading together from the Torah the book of Bemidbar which commences with these words: "And the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the Tent of the second year following the exodus from the land of Egypt, saying: "Take a census of the whole Israelite community, by their families, by their ancestral houses, according to the number of names, every male, head by head." (1:1-2) The English name Numbers is adopted from the Greek translation. It is derived from the Lord's commandment concerning census. Yet the Hebrew title Bemidbar is derived from the book's opening words. Given the fact that the wilderness is understood to be a place of wild or desolate character in which one wanders or loses his or her way, how could the Hebrew namegivers feel comfortable with their selection of this seemingly negative label - "In the Wilderness?" In the weeks to come, we shall read in Bemidbar the instructions for the holiday celebrations, which serve as the source for the Maftir readings on Jewish Festivals. So, why not pick a Hebrew name that reflects joy and optimism? The Rabbinic tradition is helpful to our problem when it discusses God's reason for giving the Torah to the Israelites while they are in the wilderness: [This teaches us] that if a person does not make himself free to all, as the wilderness, then he is not worthy to receive the Torah. (Pesachim 107a) A second teaching echoes this sentiment: Who preserves the Torah? ? One who makes himself like an empty wilderness and disregards all other influences. (Bemidbar Rabbah 19:26) The Rabbis, therefore, drew a conceptual contrast between the empty wilderness and the inhabited city; cities, they felt, were full of vice, luxury and idolatry. Hence the soul that is to receive the Torah must be cleansed of the vices which it acquires in the city. Were we to take the Rabbis literally, we would all go home and pack our bags. Yet city life is not necessarily the bane of Jewish identity today. If anything, big cities provide us with the critical mass necessary to finance and facilitate our perpetual commitment to Torah. These times call for a new metaphor for the wilderness and, in turn, a fresh contrast that replaces the city as a repository of vice. Returning to the text of the Bible, let us recall that the wilderness was the route that our ancestors took to reach the Promised Land. It was, above all, a special avenue; although God could have guided them along a more direct path that would have gotten them there in only two years, the Israelites had to traverse the wilderness in order to arrive in Canaan. But instead of two years, it took fort}'. That delay allowed for the growth of a new generation, which had not experienced the oppression of Egypt. Taken figuratively, then, the wilderness is the epitome of a journey that sustains and strengthens its travelers. Our ancestors needed the additional thirty-eight years to prepare themselves for survival in their permanent home-to-be. Let us take stock of the many journeys that each of us takes through life, that serve as a necessary transition to new horizons: adolescence, courtship, college, mid-life, the rabbinic search process, a disappointing baseball season. In each of these cases, there is a need for self-inventory and a mandate to make the adjustments that will facilitate a desirable bridge to endurance. One of my great rewards this year was a class for clergy in the counseling of recovering drug and alcohol abusers. I have been enlightened to the process of the Twelve Steps, and I have been made sensitive to the fact that, in most cases, the addict's spouse and children require an equitable amount of healing. Everyone in recovery has his or her story to tell. And I have heard and read many stories. These stories often make me cry. Yet I do not react with tears to the tragedy of the addiction; rather, I weep with emotion at the beauty of discoveries made along the journey to recovery. Each discovery is rich in its pathos, but so successful in opening the door to self-esteem. The comic Louie Anderson published a journal of his journey to recovery. Dear Dad: Letters From an Adult Child, reveals the shame and neglect that shaped Louie's life in inner-city projects as one of eleven Continued on page 3 Rabbi's article continued from page 2... children in a household held hostage to the erratic moods of his alcoholic father. As a first step on his quest of discovery, he asks his mother about her early relationship with his father, and then queries his siblings as he tries to get to the heart of the matter: "Why, Dad, did you drink?" The book reveals an honest exploration of the pain and guilt that Louie felt while living with his father. Through writing these letters, he broke a lifelong pattern of denial and learned to deal with his past. His triumph came at a standing-room-only performance at Minneapolis' Guthrie Theater, when he made the bold move of integrating into his stand-up routine videotape of his siblings talking about their father. He writes in his entry of the following day: "The [newspaper's] review of [my show] was bad, but I can't say that I didn't expect it. But what really bothered me was that the reviewer didn't get it. He didn't understand where I was going. Nor did he try to understand. He wanted the old Louie Anderson...You know what I realized? People don't like you to change. They get comfortable with you and they want you to stay that way forever. They might change, but they don't want you to. It's scary...If I've learned anything through all this, it's that, in order to be happy with yourself, you must follow your heart.....See, you're the one who's making this journey. And if you can't enjoy your own company, you have to figure out what's wrong and try to change." Louie crossed through the wilderness, just like all of us cross through the wilderness when we take the path of admission. The wilderness of recovery is only one case of the many types of wilderness that we encounter in life. And what is the name of the place that is to be avoided, that arena which the Rabbis thought to be the city? It is the bottomless, unfathomable gulf known as the abyss. The most profound example of an individual who entered the abyss is David Koresh. And he took eighty-five people with him. I have devoted my professional life to guiding people through the wilderness journeys of their lives. Taking the proper path through that wilderness is essentially vital, for otherwise the traveller runs the risk of slipping into the abyss, from which there is no return. Some of you" are probably wondering what on earth that story about Muhammad Ali has to do with this sermon. Here goes... The seat belt is a vital mechanism of safety in a moving vehicle, but as such it is only secondary to the vehicle itself. Federal regulations require everyone to wear seat belts on an airliner, but those regulations do not tell people which airline to use. We as rabbi and congregation must work diligently to make the synagogue an accessible and user-friendly airline on which people will fly over the proverbial wilderness of life. Should we ignore this task, they will get across the wilderness, but it will be on another airline. Here's to making customer satisfaction priority number one! Jtf E ]E RSHIJP COMMITTEE Melanie Greenberg, Chairman A New Member Shabbat was held during May Open House Month honoring the new members of our congregation. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new members and we all look forward to meeting you during the summer months. I want to thank all of the wonderful members of our committee who came through with the details to make our Friday night Oneg and Saturday morning Kiddush so lovely. We will be planning some social events over the summer to give new and prospective members a chance to meet our Temple family. If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining TBS, please have them call myself or Louise at the Temple office, 804-1333. We are looking forward to delivering welcome baskets to our new members. So, if you know someone who is interested, this is a great time to join, before the High Holy Day rush! Washing you and your family a safe, cool, and fun summer! I look forward to seeing you soon. Chesecj Committee Rose Raphael Faye Steinberg This summer, the Chesed committee will be meeting to formalize their plans for the Fall. Presently, Shabbat baskets are being made to take to hospital patients and committee members will be participating in a Community Continuing Education Program and training sessions. Members of the committee are Louise Appenzeller. Jerry Biut, Barbara and Igal Chozahinoff, Liz and Rabbi Felipe Goodman, Sheryl Honig. Anita Lewy, Stan Mall in, Liz Olbur, Rose Raphael, Elaine Steinberg, Faye Steinberg, and David Underwood. If you are interested in participating on this committee, please call the Temple office, 804-1333. Acts of loving Kindness. What: Jewish Community Day at Black Mountain Aquatics Center When: Sunday, July 18, 1999, 6-8 pm Where: 599 Greenway Rd., Henderson (Take 95 to Horizon, east to Greenway. turn left) Cost: JCC- or Temple members $ 10/family $5/individual Non-members: $ 15/family S7.50/individual RSVP by July 14. For more info call the JCC @ 794-0090. Sponsored by: The Jewish Community Day School, in cooperation with Las Vegas area temples and day schools President's Message Sandy Mallin While on vacation in Italy, Stan and 1 had the opportunity to visit the Jewish congregation of Casale Monferrato and saw it's splendid synagogue, it's museum, and archives. It was a great discovery for me, as it was not just a synagogue that we saw, but rather four centuries that make up its history. We experienced the story of the Jewish families that formed the congregation, which once numbered 2,000. I met with the president of the now 36 member congregation, Dr. Georgio Ottolenghi. He has been president for more than 40 years. His family date back to the founders of the community. After World War II, the synagogue was left in ruin and the two remaining families in Casale saw the synagogue through the restoration and preservation. Today, tour groups from countries throughout the world visit this magnificent synagogue and experience its history. I know I'm stretching in order to compare our Temple's circumstances to that of Casale, but the Jewish spirit and sense of survival is what has kept us together throughout the centuries. With our new7 synagogue, now under construction, and the hall of history, our story, the Jews of Temple Beth Sholom, Las Vegas will continue for generations to follow. YOl/NG FAMILY SHABBAT Kim Memar The theme for our June 4th young family Shabbat was Shavuot. The children learned the importance of being kind to others. After the lesson, we enjoyed a wonderful chicken dinner which concluded with a birthday cake honoring all of our June birthday children. We look forward to sharing a delightful Shabbat experience with you at our next young family Shabbat in September. Have a wonderful summer!_ DEADLINES ARE APPROACHING IT'S TIME TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS! July 1 Newsletter June 21 Kol Nidre Journal September 3 Book of Memory September 3 Sold^n fiavurah Lauren Frumes The first organizational meeting of the Golden Havurah will be on June 27th at 10:00 am in the Hebrew Academy Auditorium. For further information, please call the Temple office. (Age 60+) TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM June Upcoming Events June 15. 22, 29 Introduction to Judaism Class with Rabbi Goodman in Room 7:30 p.m. 315 of the Hebrew Academy 10.17, 24 Beginning Hebrew Class with Elke Sidranski in the Temple 7:30 p.m. office. 11 Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Scholar in Residence Kabbalat 7:30 p.m. Shabbat. Guest Scholar: Rabbi Neil Gillman who will be speaking on The Death of Death, Resurrection and Immortality in Jewish Thought 12 Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Scholar in Residence Shabbat 9:00 a.m. Guest Scholar: Rabbi Neil Gillman who will be speaking on The State of Conservative Judaism, The First 120 Years. 19 Meditation/Healing Service followed by Havdalah. 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Programming/Child Care Always Provided on Friday Evenings in Room 315 at the Hebrew Academy. Shgbb^t Shalom June 11 7:39 p.m. June 18 7:41 p.m. June 25 7:45 p.m. Temple Beth Sholom Contest Who is going to be the first person to cross the threshold of the new Temple Beth Sholom? We've received our first bid from Sherry Sigesmund who has offered $25,000 for the honor of being the first. It could be you! Call 804-1333 with a higher bid.........and stay tuned for an update! U.S.Y. & Kadima Temple Beth Shalom's youth groups have achieved many milestones over the past year. Kadima has continued to reach out to new youth through innovative programming, and has attracted close to 30 youth participating in a variety of activities. This year not only marked the first TBS regional convention attendance in several years, Kadima also attended both the fall and spring Kinnus regional weekends. Other programs included the their second annual golf clinic and Putting Tournament. This year's tournament appreciated donations from 20 local businesses that enhanced this successful program. A wonderful Chanukah celebration at the Lukasiewicz home and a spring Shabbat Dinner and service add to the successful programs the youth have enjoyed over the last year. USY has certainly enjoyed the wave of media attention over the monthly "Talmud and Friends" program. Sport Sundays have been enjoyed by our youth and more are planned for next year. Winter break brought USYers together to feed the homeless at a local women's shelter. As TBS youth make plans for the year 2000, the youth group continues to develop programming and experience growth. attendance of the Broadway production of "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoaf, and the local performance of "Fiddler on the Roof. As well, the youth decorated Kiddush Cups for Shabbat and a few months later, Seder plates for Passover. Kadima also enjoyed Religious School As our Religious School year comes to an end, we pause for a moment to remember ail of the wonderful experiences and insights we have shared. This past year, our school curriculum emphasized an experiential approach to teaching children about their heritage. We have gone on field trips, held many holiday celebrations and we have sampled each holiday's edible traditional delicacies. We sang with D.J., learned new Israel folk dances and created crafty "keepsakes." We became more and more comfortable with the tefillot as we came together each week to pray as a community. This and much, much more have enriched our lives. I hope that each of our students will carry those special feelings experienced at Religious School into their homes. In every way possible, the teaching staff and I attempted to demonstrate to our students how our ancient customs, traditions and rituals can be applied to everyday living. This was most certainly a year of growth and enrichment for all of us! Mazel tov to all of our students for their fine Achievements this school year. You are a source of blessing to our temple. Have an exciting and safe summer vacation. B'Shalom... Susan We are now enrolling for the Fall semester. For more information, please call the Temple office. We Love It !!! Mommy & Me has enjoyed a great start this year! Stay tuned to the Bulletin for when Mommy & Me will resume in the fall. Learning is foocj for your sou 7 Campaign Contributors * Designates Past Presidents Hineini! Here I am. In the months just passed, you have heard several messages about our synagogue's future - our prospects for a thriving membership and religious school in a facility which will continue to be a vi-brant center of our congregational life. The time to make this beautiful vision a reality has arrived. The need to build the new synagogue for the next generation - our most treasured legacy is the key-message behind our appeal to you as valued members of our congregation. Please find a way to participate in the Capital Campaign. We need every member of the synagogue to join us in partnership to achieve our campaign goal of $8.5 million. We can proudly announce that our Campaign Committee has been hard at work. Pledges have now exceeded S6.5 million. We are enthusiastic about this achievement, and we are grateful to our members who have demonstrated their support. We also know that reaching the $8.5 million mark requires a major effort. We urge you to participate. With your gift, we will help ensure the continuity of our congregation. Susan & Hillel Aronson Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Dr. Miriam & Sheldon Adelson Adele Baratz Alvin Benedict William Bennett Foundation Sam Berkley Bonnie Berkowitz *Nancy & Ed Bernstein Seena & Jack Benistein Evelyn Bittker z'J *Arlene & Jerry Blut ?Ruth & Allen Brewster Eileen & George Brookman Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Shelley & Dr. Stanton Carroll June & Bert Colodny A1 DeArmas *Mel Exber Rene Feinstein Susan & Dr. Alan Feld Geraldine & Herbert Fisher Patti & Leo Frey Joyce & Morton Galane Lilian & Ken Glicken Samuel Goldberg * Carolyn & Oscar Goodman Sandy Hanson Lisa & Dan Harris Gail & Ambassador Chic Hecht Evelyn & Howard Hertz, Marlene & Maury Jones Irwin Kishner Lillian & Henry Kronberg Ishi Kim in & Terry Leavitt Yvette & Ellis Landau Debbie & Harold Lederer Deena & Dr. Steven Leibowitz Elaine Lewis Anita Levvy Barbara & Jim Lukasiewicz Judy & Ron Mack Jody & Michael Mack Steven Mack Sandy & Stan Mallin Howard Martin Foundation Agnes Mason *Flora & Stuart Mason Susan & Irwin Molasky Reesa & Dr. Gerald Niznick Emily & Michael Novick D'Vorre & Hal Ober Mitchell Ogron Gail & Hugh Olbur Barbara & Terry Raben Rose Raphael & Sheldon Raphael z'\ Philip Rosenberg Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Julie & Mark Schemer Abigail & Milton I. Schwartz Dorit & Ronnie Schwartz Priscilla Schwartz Ellen Scully & Lawrence Scully z'l *Claire & Jared Shafer Florence & Melvin Shapiro Miriam Shatp Sharon E. Sigesmund Mona & Charles Silverman Naomi & Art Sloan Betsi & Dr. David Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Elaine & Irv Steinberg Deanne & Harold Stralser Sunbelt Communication --Jim Rogers & *Gene Greenberg Laura Sussman Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood Brenda & Dr. Murton Strimling Carole & Jerry Turk Barry Vinik & Shannon Goldsmith Mary Sue & Steven Weiss Norma & Philip Wilensky Ruth & Mel Wolzinger Carol & Jeffrey Zucker THE PAST WE INHERIT -THE FUTURE WE CREATE Bold designates new donor. Temple Beth Sholom Tributes! Donations from our hearts,.. June 1999 GENERAL FUND From the Heart Sylvia Garfrakel BUILDING FUND In Memory of Our Mother on Mother's Day Lynn & A me Rosencrantz In Honor Of Fay e <? Dr. Leon Steinberg's New Home Lillian & Henry Kronberg In Memory of Evelyn Bittkcr Helen G. Sladler In Memory of Lillian Cohn Marcy & Dr. Steve Saxe Wishing Oscar Goodman Mazel Tov on his race for Mayor Morton A. Karsh Louise &. J err)- Appenzeller In Honor of Shirley & Sidney Chaplin's 50th Anniversary Dr. & Mrs. William A. Gurwiteh Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ball in In Appreciation of Ruth Goldfurb's Assistance Louise Appenzeller In Honor of June <6 Bert Co/odny's 46th Anniversary Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Bonnie & David Rogers Charlotte & Sani Show el Refiuth Shlema to Lil Glicken Flora & Stuart Mason Refuah Shlema Herb Fischer Flora & Stuart Mason Refuah Shlema Melvin Feldman Morton A. Karsh Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Cary Sokolcc on the birth of their first grandchild. Rebecca Jo Fanny, Nina & Les Boshes Mazel Tov to Mrs. Ida Stein on the birth of her first great granddaughter, Rebecca Jo Fanny. Nina & Ljss Boshes In Honor of D.J. Sinai's Scholarship Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Charlotte & Sam Showel Refuah Shlema to Sandy Pittle Ruthe Spector Refuah Shlema to Roz Carter Ruthe Spector Refuah Shlema to Sadie & Milton Bernstein Morton A. Karsh In Honor of Charlotte <? Sam Showers 50th Anniversary Louise & Jerry Appenzeller June & Bert C-olodny Morton A. Karsh Marlene & Maury Jones Mazel Tov to Sandy Mallin and the TBS Board of Directors on the start of the Temple's construction Morton A. Karsh In Memory of Anne Moskowitz Flora & Stuart Mason Happy Birthday to Adele Gross Rose Raphael Happy Birthday to Helen Schultz Rose Raphael RABBI'S DISCRETION ARY FUND hi Appreciation Ann Gastwirth Roehelle & Arnold Schneider Thomas Patrick Moran Dr. Larry Neuman Maty Schwartz Refuah Shlema to SamelaGoldberg Ruthe Spector ALIYAH In Appreciation Louise & Jerry Appeuzeller The De Armas Families Morris Bemoan PRAYER BOOK FUND Shirley & Sidney Chaplin In Memory of Miriam Kugelman Rutlie Spector YISKOR Sam Gewercer 9 Donations in memory of our loved ones. May their Yahrzeit Tributes memory be a blessing In Memory of Morris Adler by Bobbe Zack In Memory of Esther Aisuss by Sam Showel In Memory ofAdeUe Alexander by Phyllis Edelstein In Memory of Edith & Benjamin Banker by Lester Banker In Memory of Herman Berger by Judy, Mel & Jessica Meyers In Memory of Ben Burstein by Helen Rosenberg In Memory of Ann Best by Mona & Charles Silverman In Memory of Anna & Allen Miller by Anna Block In Memory of Nathan Bloomberg by Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bloomberg In Memory of Pat & Morris Chaplin by Shirley & Sidney Chaplin In Memory of Rebecca Cohen (Mother) by Meyer J. Cohen In Memory of Ann Marie Cohen (Daughter) by Meyer J. Cohen In Memory of Dorothy c? Jack Entratter by Michele Wolkoff hi Memory of the Ettinger Family by Use Choliat In Memory of Bornch Feldman by Nathan Spiegel In Memory: of Hilda Freeman by Ruth Brewster In Memory: of Max Gertz bv Max Gertz In Memory' of Jonathan Joseph Gilbert by Rave & Harry Gilbert Bonnie Gilbert Berkowitz In Memory of Richard Goldberg by Jeanne Goldberg (wife) In Memory of Annette Linda Guzman by Bess Sala In Memory of Robert G. Herch by Shirley Herch In Memory of James Klain by Elaine & Elliott Klain In Memory of Allen Lazarus by Howard Goldman In Memory of Beatrice Lederer by Harold Lederer In Memory- of Jacob Lipsky by Dr. Doris L. Soroky In Memory of Charles Mack by Lucille Mack hi Memory?? of Ada Marsh by Norman Marsh In Memory of David II. Miller by Florence Miller In Memory of Flo Miller by Judith Cribbens In Memory of Lorraine Nissan by Mary Schwartz In Memory of Hyman Novak by Kay Wallerstcin In Memory of Sylvia Okin (Sister) by Meyer J. Cohen In Memory of Benjamin Orenstein by Hazel & Harold Handelman In Memory of Sidney Phillips by Lily & Max Phillips In Memory of Harry: Rosenberg by Philip Rosenberg In Memroy ofFaye Handeiman by Philip Rosenberg In Memory of Sara Saltzman by Todd Marshall In Memory of Esther Schajfer by Esther Schaffer In Memory of Sidney Walter Selver by Ruthe Spector In Memory of Abraham Shapiro by Flo & Bo Sokoloff In Memory of Sophie & Charles Sherman by Florence Marks In Memory of Max Silverman by Mona & Charles Silverman In Memory of Esther Lea Sincoff by Judith Sincoff Morrison In Memory of Elias Stendig by Faye Steinberg In Memory of Isaac Soroky by William Soroky In Memory of Bella Steinberg by Doris & Sam Kirk In Memory of Nettie Strauss by Fran Goldberg In Memory of Morris Sutton by Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz In Memory of Sol Varon by Shellie & Wally Magda In Memory of Jennie Uttaro by Linda littaro In Memory of Betty Wexler by Eleanor Libby Spector In Memory of Betty Wexler by Natalie Berger In Memory of Shirley Willick bv Birdie & Jem Willick Transportation from the Eastside of town is available each Saturday morning at 8:15 a.m. from the Griffith Methodist Church parking lot, 1705 East Oakey Boulevard, to the Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy. Minyan is held at The Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy Monday and Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Rosh Hodesh 7:15 a.m. Friday Services - 7:30 p.m. Saturday Services - 9:00 a.m. WE WANT YOU! The Temple Board of Directors invites you to join one of the following Temple Committees. Board of Education Budget/Finance Facilities Fundraising Membership Personnel Ritua! Dr. Steven Leibowitz Mark Scheiner Robert Murdock Elaine Steinberg Melanie Greenberg Dr. Steven Saxe Gene Greenberg Please call the Temple office and leave your name and telephone number for one of the chairpersons. Our Committee is eager to keep your children connected "Jewishly" during their college years. We send care packages, food, birthday cards and e-mail from Rabbi Goodman. Be sure that we have the following information. We want our youth to know that Temple Beth Sholom is keeping the lines of communication open. Help us to keep connected. Please return this form today to: Temple Beth Sholom - (OllCGC Residence Form P.O. Box 36837 Las Vegas, NV 89133-6837 1999 (OllCGC PCSiDCtvCC ilvtOR/WfliOtV Student's Name: College/University: Address: WE WANT TO CELEBRATE WITH YOU... PLEASE CONSIDER SPONSORING AN ONEG SHABBAT OR KIDDUSH TO COMMEMORATE A WONDERFUL EVENT IN YOUR LIFE! Temple Beth Sholom is a family. We share our sorrows and our joys, and want to know when special attention is needed by a member of our congregation. Please inform us of your joyous events and those moments when we can offer consolation and provide assistance. 13 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES AND BREAK-THE-FAST will be held at THE RESORT AT SUMMERLIN GRAND BALLROOM September 10,11 12,19 & 20, 1999 Special Children's Services Babysitting Will Be Available For further information call the Temple office, 804-1333 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM MEDITATION/HEALING SERVICE Ksnj* 'tr msn "Heal us O Lord and we will be healed!" A time to seek the resources of Jewish life for all who are ill, hurt or in pain. A time to sing, pray and seek community. A time to repair the broken places in our souls. Join us on Saturday evening, June 19th at 7:15 p.m. in the Milton 1. Schwartz Hebrew Academy ALL ARE WELCOME! 15 16 MOMMY/DADDY & ME IS IN FULL SWING! L-R Ayelet Blit, Mommy & Me Teacher with Heidi and Sander Straus "Hail Hail the Gangs All Here'' The first Sunday Mommy/Daddy and Me Program and Brunch L-R Randi and Aaron Lampert, Elissa & Jodie Katz, Hope & Adam Lorimer TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM PARTICIPATES AT THE ISRAEL @ 51 CELEBRATION L-R Rose Raphael, Secretary, Murray Leitner, Oscar Goodman, Past President, Maury Jones, Treasurer, Davis Rogers, and Hylda Leitner 1999 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM ANNUAL MEETING L-R Sandy Mallin, President David Rogers, Sam Showel, June & Burt Colodny, Charlotte Showel and Lauren Frumes L-R David Underwood, (newly elected Board member), Shelley Carroll (newly elected Board member), Dr. Stanton Carroll, Gene Greenberg and Rabbi Felipe Goodman L-R Lilian Glicken, Henry & Lillian Kronberg 1999 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM ANNUAL MEETING Hylda & Murray Leitner L-R Jim Lukasiewicz and Maury Jones Board members L-R Faye Steinberg, Board Member, Allen Brewster, Past President, Dr. Steven A. Saxe, 1st Vice President, and Ruth Brewster L-R Board of Directors: Melanie Greenberg, 2nd Vice President, Jim Lukasiewicz, Bldg. Chairman, Jerry Blut, Past President, Maury Jones, Mona Silverman, Faye Steinberg and Steve Mack Board of Directors: Mark Scheiner, Dr. Steve Saxe, Rabbi Felipe Goodman and Elaine Steinberg TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM STUDENTS PERFORM FIDDLER ON THE ROOF UNDER THE DIRECTION OF SUSAN SINAI, EDUCATION DIRECTOR AND KATE HARRIS "Anatevka" "Sabbath Prayer" "Do You Love Me?" "Sunrise, Sunset" "Fiddler on the Roof' ?To Life? ?if i Were A Rich Man" "Matchmaker" "Tradition" "Miracle of Miracles" Future Home - Summerlin South Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 171 Temple Beth Sholom Temporary Location 9700 West Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 36837 Las Vegas, NV 89133-6837 (702) 804-1333 (702) 804-1370 Fax Rabbi Felipe Goodman Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Susan Sinai, Education Administrator OFFICERS Sandra Mallin - President Dr. Steven Saxe - 1st Vice President Melanie Greenberg - 2nd Vice President Rose Raphael - Secretary Maury Jones - Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shelley Carroll Ellis Landau Dr. Steven Leibowitz Jim Lukasiewicz Steven A. Mack Mark Scheiner Mona Silverman Elaine Steinberg Faye Steinberg David Underwood Fran Levien, Sisterhood President Dr. Gary Markewich, Men's Club President Jerome L. Blut, Past President Sharon E. Sigesmund, Honorary Member Photos Courtesy of Appenzeller Photography TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM APPRECIATES THE PATRONS FOR THIS YEAR ? Lawrence and Marcia Bergenfield ? Sidney and Shirley Chaplin ? Bert and June Colodny ? Suzanne & Dr. Alien Feld ? Henry and Lillian Kronberg ? Bill and Dr. Doris Soroky ? Elaine & Irv Steinberg ? Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A PATRON, THE COST IS $100.00 PER YEAR. PLEASE CALL LOUISE AT THE TEMPLE OFFICE 804-1333. In our web site you will find all the information you need about our Temple, including, life cycle events, membership, Jewish Holy Days, etc. The web site also includes a section of books recommended by Rabbi Goodman as well as some of his recent sermons. If you want to know about the most recent activities or programming in our Hebrew School you can also access that information online. In addition, we will shortly be adding a list of the most useful and interesting Jewish links on the internet. We have also entered into a special partnership with AMAZON.COM the largest bookstore in the world. AMAZON.COM can be reached through the internet. They have one of the most wonderful selections of books for sale, including a truly superb Judaica section. We have a link to AMAZAON.COM in our web site. Every time you enter AMAZON.COM and buy a book by linking them through our web site, a small percentage will be donated to Temple Beth Sholom. If you ?' ever have bought a book from AMAZON.COM or are planning to buy one in the future please try to enter their store through the multiple links provided in our web site. Our internet presence is rapidly growing and constantly changing, so please visit us online as often as possible. NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD, FACC, FACP BERGE J. DADOURIAN, MD, FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC JEFFREY B. GITLIN, MD SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD, FACC PATRICK C. HSU, MD 3121 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 512 Las Vegas, NV 89109 (702) 796-7150 3150 N. Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 233-1000 11 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS TO HELP THE ELDERLY : ? FRIENDLY VISITOR ? SHOPPER/TRANSPORTATION ? TELEPHONE REASSURANCE Call: Lorraine Rubenstein, Volunteer Coordinator at 732-0304 WE HOIE EVEHYOITE MAS A WOIDERFUI FATHER'S DAY! Thank you Murray & Hylda Leitner for donating your station wagon to Temple Beth Sholom! Temple Beth Sholom has many Funds to which you can designate your donations: Aliyah, Bereavement, Building, Bulletin, General Publications, Music, Rabbi's Discretionary, Transportation, Yahrzeit, Youth