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Development News, Winter 2008



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    Molasky Corporate Center Installs Public Art (l-r) Irwin Molasky, artist Jon Koehler, Rich Worthington Early one morning, artists Jon Koehler and Neil Shigley crossed their fingers and toes as their 20-foot stainless-steel sculp-ture was hoisted by crane from the street to the seventh floor deck level at Molasky Corporate Center. Koehler and Shigley created "Rain," an original stainless steel kinetic sculpture specifically for dis-play at the entrance of the seventh floor lobby. "It was very important to us to install public art that repre-sents a commitment to the environ-ment and community," says Richard Worthington, Molasky Group of Companies President. The Molasky Group also commissioned an interac-tive museum-quality dis-play. Created by Garner Holt Productions, world renowned for designing and manufacturing show systems for companies like Disney, Universal, and MGM, the exhibit is on the 7th floor lobby. Multiple touch screens let school-aged children to scientific engineers experi-ence the GREEN movement in action at Molasky Corporate Center at their own level. The sculpture has three symbolic elements: Two 20' abstract metallic shapes made of polished and brushed stainless steel represent the landscape and mountains that surround Las Ve-gas. The wind driven kinetic move-ment represents the human pres-ence here in this desert city. And in a stunning display, the two shapes align so that the space between represents a water droplet, un-derscoring the conservation messages that are key to the anchor tenant, the Southern Nevada Water Authority. The Molasky Group of Companies 100 City Parkway, Suite 1700 Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 702.735.0155 Fax: 702.737.7025 WINTER 2008 The Molasky Corporate Center is more than a Green building... it's golden. The 17-story Class A office tower has achieved Leader-ship in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED?) Gold Certification from the United States _ Green Building Coun cil. Aside from being a crown ing jewel for the Las Vegas d o w n t o w n r e d e v e l o p - ment district, it is a rare gem indeed? one of only 200 highly-cer-tified buildings in the world. The 285,000-square foot building achieves its Gold cer-tification for Sustainable Site, Wa-ter Efficiency, Energy and Atmo-sphere, Materials and Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality. It was built on a brownfield site, uses Under Floor Air Distribution technology for an exceptionally clean work environment, uses post-industrial denim as insulation, has state-of-the-art water conservation devices and its main construction materials are recycled steel and glass?allowing the bright South-ern Nevada sun to shine in on work spaces, thus conserving energy and giving workers a chance to connect to the outdoors. In addition to the green features, the building offers 1400 parking spac-es, brand-name retailers to serve the tenants and its visitors and a public art display that creates a lasting impres-sion about water conservation. "We are very proud to that our building has been recognized as one of the greenest on the planet," says Rich-ard S. Worthington, president of the Molasky Group of Companies. "It's a better and healthier work environment and offers efficiencies that conserve precious water and energy. Building it was the right thing to do for Las Vegas and we are proud to take a leadership role in sustainable development." "The Molasky Corporate Center stands as a testament to the city's commitment to sustainability," said Las Vegas Mayor Oscar B. Goodman. "The Mo-lasky Group of Compa-nies has taken the lead Seventh floor lobby in planning for future generations by being environmentally responsible, and it is my hope others will follow the company's lead." The building is 97 percent leased and its anchor tenant, The Southern Nevada Water Authority, has offices on seven floors. "Being the anchor tenant of Molasky Corporate Center is a perfect fit for the Southern Nevada Water Authority. It aligns with our commitment to be a leading steward of the environment, while the building itself offers us a vehicle for educating our customers on conservation and sustainable living," says Pat Mulroy, general manager of the Southern Ne-vada Water Authority. The SNWA is joined by two prom-inent law firms, Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck, and Ballard Spahr Anderson & Ingersoll, The Molasky Group of Companies and the General Services Administration. On the retail level is the first national fitness center to enter downtown Las Vegas, 24 Hour Fitness, popular res-taurant Jason's Deli, Java De-tour, Bank of Nevada with an "The Molasky Group of Companies has taken the lead in planning for future generations by being environmentally responsible..." ?Mayor Oscar B. Goodman ATM, and Legal Copy Cats. Additional amenities include a convenience retail kiosk in the lobby that is managed by an Opportunity Village client, a shoe shine station, and a VIP Car Service to drive busy exec-utives to downtown destinations, thus reducing downtown traffic congestion. The building has 24 bicycle racks and those who ride to work can shower? at no charge?at the fitness center. "The Molasky Corporate Center is a crowning achievement and a testa-ment to their leadership in sustainabil-ity," said Planning & Development Director M. Margo Wheeler, AICP. "We're hopeful that more and more proposed projects reach for this level of quality, stewardship and accom-plishment." the workspace A large photovoltaic array converts sunlight into electricity atop the parking structure. Photometric sensors turns off lights when rooms are unoccupied. Drought tolerant landscape is irrigated with reclaimed water. Insulation made from post-industrial denim and ductwork sealed by plastic during construction are green building features. Technology that makes Molasky Corporate Center "green " includes: Molasky Corporate Center Achieves LEED Gold Certification Not only will tenants benefit from the Molasky Corporate Center's state-of-the- art features in terms of health and attitude, they will also have a plethora of high-touch amenities to take advan-tage of. From the fully-automated ga-rage to the life-size outdoor chess-set on the seventh floor outdoor court-yard, the building is the preeminent 21st Century office building in Las Vegas. A standout element of a progres-sive office environment?efficiency? comes courtesy of the first floor ten-ants. 24 Hour Fitness not only makes workouts an elevator ride away, it also provides showers for workers who will use bicycles to commute. And don't be surprised if you see Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman working out at the gym, as he recently purchased a 24 Hour Fitness membership. The Mo-lasky Group also underwrote a grant so that city employees can exercise at a great rate. Java Detour will be the in-office source for caffeinated energy, and the zero trans-fat menu at Jason's Deli will provide healthy lunch options without having to exit the premises. Law firms are likely to make the most use of Le-gal Copycats, but anyone in the build-ing will have it as an option for their own copying needs. Also open for use by tenants and the public at large is a retail kiosk in the first floor entrance. The kiosk will be managed by Dante, who comes to us through the Opportunity Village Job Development program and will have snack, gift items and sundries. Alternative means of transporta-tion are encouraged at Molasky Cor-porate Center. Carpooling among building employees can be arranged through a form at www.molaskcycen-ter. com and the building offers a VIP Car service during business hours for meetings at downtown destinations. After 5 p.m., the rapidly develop-ing cultural scene and night life are just outside the doors. It's one of the only aspects of the Molasky Corpo-rate Center that might make people want to leave the building. Jackie Crawford (standing), head of Mo-lasky Group's Government Services divi-sion, hosted a luncheon at Park Towers in honor of Florence McClure (right) with special invited guest, Dawn Gibbons, first lady of Nevada (left). Activist Honored Nevada's First Lady Dawn Gibbons recognized the life and achievements of Florence E. McClure by officially nam-ing a day after the women's rights ac-tivist during a ceremony and luncheon hosted by Molasky Group principal Jackie Crawford. Florence founded "Community Action Against Rape," which was originally based out of her own home and was later renamed the "Rape Crisis Center." She is also known for her activism to promote the placement of the Women's Correction-al Center within the Las Vegas area. This arduous task was undertaken as a means of strengthening family bonds between mothers and children, and to promote rehabilitation and reinstate-ment of the functional family following release. Molasky Corporate Center Hires Management Staff As operational systems swing into high gear at Molasky Corporate Center, several key management positions have been filled. Anna Juarez has accepted the position of General Manager. Dan Edwards is the newly appointed Director of Operations. Melissa Sanchez is administrative assistant. Vic Waisenen, has been named Building Dan Edwards Vic Waisenen Superintendent. Luis Riviera is an engineer. Handling the parking garage are Trent Lingard and Sean Wasden. If you have questions about any of our properties or are interested in discussing a development opportunity, please contact Richard S. Worthington, President of The Molasky Group of Companies at 702-735-0155 or via email: County OKs Detention Center The Clark County Correctional Facil-ity has no beds to spare and an ever-increasing population of prisoners are sent to rented beds at other facilities around the Valley. But as early as the beginning of 2009, the Molasky Group will have put the finishing touches on a 1000-bed facility with the potential to expand to 4000 beds. The deal was finalized at a Sept. 4 hearing held before the Clark Coun-ty Board of Commissioners, several months after the Molasky Group had secured a 37-acre site located approxi-mately eight miles from downtown, and made a proposal. Jackie Crawford, a former State corrections director and current principal of the Molasky Group of Companies Government Services Division, initially shined a light on the opportunity, which had al-ready run into several dead ends after the County had funded several studies for land sites. "We were able to secure a site for them and we made a propos-al," says Vice-President of Develop-ment Suzanne Sanders. Molasky President Rich Worthington and Vice President of Fi-nance Brad Sher will work the num-bers, while the project management team includes Peter Wenner, Sheila Kirk and Roland Cliff. Groundbreak-ing could start by the beginning of 2008, with the facility fully functional by early- to mid-2009. The County would be happy to accept an earlier opening date, of course. "The biggest challenge right now is timing," says Sanders. "They're in an emergency situation right now and obviously it takes time to develop a plan, get it en-titled, get the permits pulled and build it. If they could move in today, they could use the space!" Great Office Space Now at Bank of America Plaza 3 0 0 S O U T H F O U R T H STREET For the first time in years, 31,000 square feet of space is now available at this Las Vegas Class A landmark tower. Unmatched amenities include: ? Starbucks and Legal Copy Cats in the handsome lobby ? $12 million renovation ? Sophisticated elevator system ? Keycard access control ? 24-hour manned security desk Join Nevada's most prominent law firms and businesses at Bank of America Plaza. Keith W. Bassett, CSM Commerce CRG / Cushman & Wakefield Alliance 702-688-6930 For leasing information: C O M M E R C E WrTfl | FULL SERVICE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE I O WAKEFIELD. Flying into Paradise Remember when private aircraft hangars were half-cylindrical, corru-gated- metal warehouses where airplanes got the once over by mechanics as the owner went about his business? That's not the case at Paradise Aviation where seven high-end hangars exceed everyone's expec-tations for aircraft and office facilities. Indicative of this new age of flight is Han-gar Seven at Paradise Aviation, the signature hangar of the entire property. "Executive jet travel is soaring, especially to strong economic destinations like Las Vegas, and with that trend comes bigger and better hangar fa-cilities," says Rich Worthington, presi-dent of the Molasky Group which is developing the proper-ty. "This project is both practical and progressive?and it's being built on one of the last parcels of land available at McCarran International Airport for private jet facilities. Clients who invest in these facilities are among an elite class in private aviation. "The Molasky Group has exceeded all expectations for that land's potential." ?Scott Kichline 'Just a quick look at the exterior of Hangar Seven tells you something extraor-dinary is being built," says Project Manager Kobi Weston. "It's be-yond state-of-the-art." The 13,000 square foot hangar will house two private aircrafts and the 13,000 square feet of office space will serve as the headquar-ters for an interna-tional gaming software company. Guests arriving at the front entry will find a futuristic facade con-structed from glass Aluca-bond paneling, while a clean, white minimalist motif of steel and marble characterizes the in-terior." The corporate offices on the north-east corner resemble a control tower and its circular design allows for spec-tacular observations of landings and takeoffs. Scott Kichline, manager of com-mercial and business development for McCarran International Airport tes-tifies to the significance of the nearly completed project. "How the last ten acres of available land are used is of great importance to the airport, the community and the aviation industry," he says. "The Molasky Group has ex-ceeded all expectations for the land's potential." # Ovation adds Tivoli to Portfolio The 15th apartment complex in the Ovation Development port-folio has come on-line this year. Tivoli is a 417-unit luxury apartment complex located in the northwest with nearby access to US 95. The property is close to Sante Fe, Fiesta and Texas Station. With the real estate market in Las Vegas taking some unpredictable turns as of late, the value offered by apart-ment complexes such as Tivoli Apart-ments will become more important? and desirable?as fewer people will be able to afford their own homes. "You have to put yourself in the shoes of the apartment resident and ask 'What should I expect in the price range I can afford. What do I deserve?'" says Alan Molasky, CEO of of Ovation Devel- "... build a place that you would live in yourself..." ?Alan Molasky opment, a partner with the Molasky Group of Companies. "And then try to satisfy those wants and needs." The apartment complex, nestled in the heart of Northwest Las Vegas, back and play a game of chess with a new neighbor. A large, kitchen and recreation area in an adjoining room serves as an indoor party space. The second floor contains a large fitness room with state-of-the-art equipment, as well as rec room perfect for closed-door meeting and private parties. But the most cutting edge amenity of Tivoli lies downstairs: the gated commu-nity has its own convenience store, to which residents can call in orders. "You need to build a place that you would live in yourself, if you truly want quality residents to enjoy living there?and if you want to keep them," says Molasky. ^ is exemplary in its atten-tion to aesthetics. Tivo-li's special touches truly separate it from other residential developments in this expanding area of Las Vegas, and it is a prime factor in enticing residents. The strikingly hand-some exterior archi-tecture, with its stone-accented enhancements and meticulously main-tained landscaping, only hints at the dynamic living experience provided by Tivoli. The residences themselves are master-pieces of design. One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments offer imported granite counters, wood floors, faux fireplaces and ingeniously designed office nooks that eliminate the need for an extra room. Kitchens contain porcelain sinks and expan-sive cabinet space, while bed-rooms have loft-style shelf space, walk-in closets and washer dryers. French doors on second floor apartments open to spectacular view of surrounding mountains or overlook the Euro-style pool and heated spa. Residents share a club-house marked by relaxing reds, blues and charcoal tones. An elegantly furnished dining area, with dark, rich mahogany chairs and cabinets surrounding a din-ing table, overlooks the pool. Wood floors, high ceilings and a fireplace create a comfortable place to kick Property Address: 4650 North Rainbow Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 (702) 990-2633 Ownership Entity: Lone Mountain Apts 1 LP Parcel Size: 18.95 gross acres; 18.04 net acres Number of units: 417 units Land Acquisition Date: August 6, 2004 Land Acquisition Price: 5,735,990 (13,755/unit; $303K per gross acre) Unit size: 752 to 1,129 square feet Rental rates: $880 to $1,265 C O M P A N Y NEWS A Heart of Gold As a volunteer at Project Sunshine's Camp Firefly, Christina Natale, fi-nancial analyst at Molasky Group of Company, and others from the com-mercial real estate industry work alongside children who are bravely battling childhood illnesses. "These children need time to just be kids and camping provides an un-forgettable experience, especially to the children whose exposure to the great outdoors may be minimal or non-existent," says Christina. "Camp Firefly is creative, recre-ational, and educational and contrib-utes to each camper's mental, physical, and spiritual growth along with teach-ing them to believe in themselves and others!" Project Sunshine is an organiza-tion that operates with integrity and compassion and provides opportuni-ties for joy, learning and growth in the lives of children. During the year 2006, Project Sunshine served well over 600 children throughout Nevada. Project Sunshine began holding camps for critically ill children in 1999 and offers it to families free of charge, with no regard to race, religion, ethnic-ity, or economic standing. For more information, visit New Hires at Molasky Group of Companies Francis Hruby-Hotz has joined the Finance Department as the adminis-trative assistant to Brad Sher, VP. The accounting department expands with Stefanie Bryan as assistant controller and Steve Rosales as A/P Specialist. Babies R Us Brad, Glenda and princess Sydney Sher welcomed Dylan to their family on May 10, 2007. Dad is vice presi-dent of finance. The entire company anticipated the birth of Kobi Weston's son at a baby shower at Park Towers. Archibald Graham was born on August 29, 2007. Kobi is a project manager at Paradise Jet Aviation and Molasky Corporate Center Irwin and Susie Molasky are great grandparents for the second time. Now Open Opening 2008 MOLASKY SOUTHERN NEVADA WATER AUTHORITY GROUP OF COMPANIES Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck AA A A BALLARD SPAHR ANDREWS & INGERSOLL, LLP BANK OF Vtl NEVADA ( f1) java detour Another fine project developed by The Molasky Group of Companies for leasing information contact Keith Bassett at (702) 657-7110