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Board of directors meeting agenda and minutes, October 26, 1994



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    AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS OCTOBER 26, 1994 I. WELCOME AND ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. AUDIT REPORT IV. CAMPAIGN REPORT V. WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT VI. BUILDING MORTGAGE VII. JEWISH REPORTER VIII. COMMUNITY RELATIONS CONCERNS IX. NEXT MEETING - NOVEMBER 30, 1994 JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS SIGESMUND CENTER . JW9 Sou* Maryland ParK??y. Suite 400 ? U s VeSas. Vevada H91l9-,520 (702) 732-0556 - FAX (702) 732-3223 JEWISH FEDERATION OP LAS VEGAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES OCTOBER 26, 1994 PRESENT ABSENT Dr. Allan Boruszak Daryl Alterwitz Brian Berman Amy Boruszak Michael Cherry David Dahan Ira Fischbein Eva Kallick Emily Novick Michael Novick David Ober Hal Ober Irene Perer Dr. Marvin Perer Lenard Schwartzer Dennis Stein Dr. Neville Pokroy Sheldon Adelson Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Al Benedict Shelley Berkley Ron Cook Dorothy Eisenberg Philip Engel Mark Fine Judy Frank Elaine Galatz Gene Greenberg Melaine Greenberg Danny Greenspun David Gross Rick Hollander Edythe Katz Ron Kirsh Judge Jack Lehman Marty Loeb Sandy Ma11in Art Marshall Arnie Rosencrantz Milton I. Schwartz Leslie Simon Marta Sorkin Deanne Stralser Jerry Turk Doug Unger Dr. Harris Waters Gary Zimmerman STAFF Ronni Epstein Ted Flaum Tony Figueredo Sharon Heiman Suzan Loeb GUESTS Beri Kaplan REPS Harold Hyman Nadine Kaufman Jonathan Levenson I. WELCOME AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE MINUTES Dr. Allan Boruszak welcomed the Federation, and in particular the new Board members, to the October Board meeting. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS Allan said before addressing tonight's Agenda he thought everyone needed to take a moment to celebrate an historic event which took place this morning in Amman, Jordan after 46 years. Everyone can now look forward to a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Understanding the dangers that terrorism still holds for the Jewish people everywhere, he said we must still look ahead to a strong and united Israel and pray that with the inclusion of Syria as a peaceful neighbor in the future we can work together to build a better world. Allan impressed upon everyone the importance of attending the General Assembly in Denver. He encouraged all Board members to make every effort to participate even if it is only for a few days. Allan said the Business and Professional Division, in cooperation with the Community Relations, will sponsor a luncheon at the Golden Nugget on Wednesday, November 2nd at 12:00 noon. Dr. Brian Cram, Superintendent of the Clark County School District will serve as the keynote speaker to discuss the school bond issue. Allan said that Danny Goldfarb, who was the past Treasurer of this Federation, died last week. He requested everyone to take a minute of silence in remembrance of Danny who served this Jewish Federation as well as the overall community for many years. Allan asked everyone to mark their calendars for November 3 0th for the next Federation Board meeting. There will be a program beginning at 5:00 p.m. with a trainer from the UJA National Training Center, who will give us new techniques in the solicitation process. Our campaign is primary to what we do and it is imperative that everyone develop their solicitation skills, and more important, learn about what the "product" is in terms of the future of the Jewish community. He asked everyone to be at the Federation office at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 3 0th, and dinner will be provided at a nominal cost. Allan reminded everyone that the Demographic Study will begin shortly. Information will be in the mail shortly, but he wanted everyone to be aware that if called upon to please take the time to respond appropriately. Allan said that as part of the pilot missions program which the Board voted on, last year, Reesa and Jerry Niznick are opening their home for a gathering on Sunday evening November 2 0th. Anyone thinking about visiting or revisiting Israel is welcome to attend. The Congressional Delegates and Mayor Jan Jones, who have visited Israel with the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, will share their 2 experiences in Israel with the group, encouraging them to visit there this year. The Federation has received a good response from the first wave of advertisements and mailing. III. CAMPAIGN REPORT Allan called on Mike Novick, Campaign Chair, to give a brief report. Mike Novick said the Campaign Cabinet met last week and they are organizing the 1995 Campaign. The Super Sunday Committee, under the Chairmanship of David Dahan, had a meeting last week. Subcommittees to work on the various aspects of Super Sunday are being formed. Super Sunday will be March 26 and Super Week will be from March 27 - 30. There will be a contest among high school students for posters. Slogans such as the following have been suggested: You Count - Be Counted, Hear our Call, Super Sunday - It's Not Just a Football Game. More information will be available as Super Sunday approaches. A Major Gifts Division meeting is scheduled for next week under the Chairmanship of Sandy Mallin. Mike said he is recruiting workers, rating cards and assigning donors. Allan thanked Mike for his report. IV. WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT Allan called Emily Novick to make the Women's Division Report. Emily Novick said the Women's Division's Campaign was off to a great start. Over the summer, their cards were reviewed and solicitors assigned. So far, for the 1995 Campaign, $11,5000 has been raised from the Women's Division, including the addition of their first new Lion of Judah for the year. Their first two Coffee and Conversations have taken place and through them the Women's Division has met 55 new women in the community. Their third Coffee and Conversation will be November 1st at Emily Novick's home. On November 6th, the Women's Division is sponsoring an Education Day for all women in Las Vegas at the Desert Inn. The program will present a panel of professional to discuss issues that shape our lives today, with discussion groups to follow the panel presentation. The first CLAL Study Breakfast with Rabbi Steve Greenberg was well received with 25 Women's Division Board members and guests attending. On October 27th the Women's Division Board and guests will go to Phoenix to officially kick-off their Campaign efforts. Allan thanked Emily for her report. 3 v. BUILDING MORTGAGE Allan said that at the last Executive Committee meeting the Committee voted to recommend, to this Board, the Jewish Federation buy-out of the Federation's mortgage on this building as an investment and charge ourselves an interest rate of 6.5% which is 2% lower than the current mortgage rate we currently are paying the bank, and approximately 2.5% more than what we are getting on our current investments. Allan called on Ira Fischbein to elaborate on this recommendation. Ira Fischbein said various ways to finance the mortgage were looked at, and the Investment Committee found the best scenario was to buy-out the Federation's mortgage. In this way we are paying a lower percentage on the payback and receiving a higher percentage on our investment. Hike Novick moved the Jewish Federation buy-out of the Federation's mortgage on the Federation building as an investment and charge the Federation an interest rate of 6.5%, and Ira Fischbein seconded the motion. Amy said money from the Endowment Fund would be used to buy-out the building mortgage. The building mortgage is approximately $165,000. Mike Cherry wanted to know the new terms of payment, and Ronni explained that it would be the principal plus the 6.5% interest on a 15 year mortgage amortization. It would be like any other outside investment, but we would be investing in the building. Daryl Alterwitz said he would like the focus to be on the funds that are a true endowments where the interest only is to be used. Allan said Ira Fischbein as the Federation Treasurer, Daryl Alterwitz as Chairman of the Endowment Committee and Ronni Epstein would determine which funds would be used to complete the buy-out. The vote was called for and it carried. Allan said that at the last Board meeting we asked for recommendations for changes in the Investment Policies and Guidelines. Numerous suggestions have been received, and the Investment Committee has not been able to reconvene until after this meeting. The discussion relating to the changes and new recommendations will be discussed at the November meeting. The information will be mailed out to you prior to that meeting and he asked that the Board members read it and come prepared for discussion. VI. JEWISH REPORTER Allan said there were two important matters to discuss regarding the Jewish Reporter. The first concerns advertising. Attached to everyone's Agenda was a copy of a letter from Allan to the Board members emphasizing the importance of everyone on this Board to advertise in the paper. The Jewish Reporter is now being run by the Jewish Federation and since this was a non-budgeted item, it is necessary to appropriate advertising to make this newspaper fiscally sound. Georgiana Mayon will be calling every Board member to discuss how everyone can support the Jewish Reporter through their advertising. Allan said some Board members have already done this, however, there are many who could still make this commitment. The newspaper has a new look and is widely read by most members of the Jewish community, and would be an opportunity for their business or organization to get it's message out to the appropriate people. Allan said that at the last Board meeting Ronni was asked to put together a Jewish Reporter Budget. He called on Ronni to review the budget and to discuss the issues relating to the publishing of the paper. Ronni announced Marc Fineman has been hired as the Editor of the Jewish Reporter. He will also be doing some Public Relations for the Federation. Ronni thanked Amy for her help in compiling the Budget for the Jewish Reporter. The budget on the expense side is very close but the revenue side will be determined by the amount of advertising the Jewish community buys in this paper. (The Jewish Reporter Budget is attached.) Amy asked for a status report on the Jewish Reporter to be brought back to the Board of Directors in February. Mike Novick moved to accept the Budget for the Jewish Reporter with money coming from the Reserve Fund, Dennis Stein seconded the motion. The motion carried. VII. AUDIT REPORT Allan said the accounting firm of Mein Gorman and Co. has conducted and completed our 1994 Audit. He introduced Richard Gilmore who reviewed the results of the audit. Richard Gilmore said the audit was clean and complimented Tony Figueredo's accounting skills and thanked him for his help in completing the audit so quickly. Ira Fischbein moved to accept the 1994 Audit. Dennis Stein seconded the motion and it carried. VIII. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Allan called on Hal Ober to give the Community Relations Committee report. Hal Ober said the newly formed Steering Committee of the CRC recently met. Two subcommittees have been created; one to prepare a mission statement for the CRC and the other will develop by-laws for the CRC. Hal said that as requested by the Federation Board, the CRC Steering Committee addressed the National Coalitions' motion for members of the Coalition to get support from their respective boards in order for the Coalition to go before the school board and city and county entities to gain support for positive alternative programming for students outside the regular school hours, including programs such as Safekey for middle school students. The CRC Steering Committee unanimously approved such support. The Steering Committee recognized that due to school conducting split sessions, there are concerns about what students will be up to after school gets out. Programs need to be offered that will encourage students to stay off the streets. Hal Ober moved that the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas support the National Coalition's request to go before the school, city and county entities to gain support for positive alternative programming for students outside the regular school hours, including programs such as Safe Key for middle school students. Mike Cherry seconded and the motion carried. Allan thanked Hal for his report. IX. NEXT MEETING Allan said the next meeting will be November 3 0th. JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS SIGESMUND CENTER ? 3909 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 400 ? Las Vegas. Nevada 89119-7520 ? (702) 732J0556 ? FAX (702) 732-3228 PRESIDENT OR. ALLAN N. BORUSZAK FIRST VICE PRESIDENT MICHAEL J. NOVICK SECOND VICE PRESIDENT DOUGLAS UNGER SECRETARY SANDY MALLIN TREASURER IRA FISCHBEIN WOMEN'S DIVISION PRESIDENT LESLIE SIMON WOMEN'S DIVISION CAMPAIGN CHAIRWOMAN EMILY NOVICK ERXOENCNUIT IEVPES TDEIINRE CTOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHELDON ADELSON DARYL ALTERWITZ SHELLEY BERKLEY. ESQ. BRIAN K. BERMAN. ESQ. MICHAEL A. CHERRY. ESQ. RON COOK DAVID DAHAN MARK FINE JUDY FRANK ELAINE GALATZ DAN GOLDFARB GENE R. GREENBERG MELANIE GREENBERG DANNY GREENSPUN DAVID GROSS RICHARD A. HOLLANDER EVA KALUCK GREGORY J. KAMER. ESQ. EDYTHE KATZ RON KIRSH JUDGE JACK LEHMAN MARTY LOEB EMILY NOVICK DAVID OBER IRENE PERER DR. NEVILLE POKROY MILTON I. SCHWARTZ LENARO E. SCHWARTZER. ESQ. '.1A0TA SORKIN S STEIN IE STRALSER ? . .i4E H. TURK DR. HARRIS J. WATERS GARY ZIMMERMAN PAST PRESIDENTS AL BENEDICT DOROTHY EISENBERG PHIL ENGEL DAVID GOLDWATER SENATOR BILL HERNSTADT LLOYD KATZ* JEROME D. MACK ARTHUR MARSHALL HAL OBER DR. MARVIN A. PERER ARNE ROSENCRANTZ PAST CAMPAIGN CHAIRS NATE ADELSON* MEL EXBER NEIL G. GALATZ STAN MALUN MICHAEL J. NOVICK DR. MARVIN A. PERER LEONARD ROSEN* IRVING STEINBERG DR. LEON H. STEINBERG JEAN Z. WEINBERGER-WILLIAM WEINBERGER EU WELT BENEFICIARIES B'NAI B'RfTH (NATE MACK) BBYO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GROUP CHABAD OF SOUTHERN NEVADA COMMUNITY RELATIONS CONGREGATION ADAT ARI EL CONGREGATION NER TAMID ? NTTY / TNT FEDERATION FOUNDATION HOLOCAUST EDUCATION INTERFAITH STUDENT CENTER AT UNLV ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF SOUTHERN NEVADA JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY JEWISH STUDENT UNION LAS VEGAS HEBREW HIGH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TEMPLE BETH AM TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM -'t.OMON SCHECTER DAY SCHOOL ED SYNAGOGUE YOUTH / KADIMA Y OUTREACH SYNAGOGUE YUM HASHOAH October 26, 1994 Dear Board members, We are currently faced with a challenging and formidable task. As we resume ownership of the Jewish Reporter, in the final quarter of 1994, our immediate goal must be to secure long-term commitments in advertising dollars to support this newspaper. )]? .if1"';': i!'" i'llMi!'/' t The newest edition certainly is a reflection of great possibilities however we must encourage you to set aside a realistic portion of your 1995 advertising budget to properly support your Federation newspaper. We require a minimum of twelve Federation members with successful businesses/practices to dedicate advertising dollars twice each month for the Jewish Reporter to recover and be totally self supporting. In turn these modest business deductions on your part will generate new clients and a new and much needed awareness of Federation's role in the community. When Georgianna Mayon Advertising director for the Jewish Reporter calls you over the next several days, please give your generous attention and support. Sincerely, Dr. Allan N. Boruszak President ?DECEASED MEMBER (g)