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Board of directors meeting agenda and minutes, June 1, 1994



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    AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS JUNE 1, 1994 I. WELCOME II. CAMPAIGN REPORT III. WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT IV. ADL AD V. FARAKKHAN'S VISIT VI. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT ' VII. FUNDING FOR DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY VIII. FEDERATION BUDGET IX. LOCAL ALLOCATION COMMITTEE REPORT X. GOOD AND WELFARE XI. ADJOURNMENT JSEIGWEISSHM UFNEDD CEERNATTEIORN - 39O0F9 SLoAuSth MVaErGylAaSn d Parknvy. Suite 400 - Las VeSas. Nevada m 19-7520 (702) 732-0556 - FAX (702) 732-3223 FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING MINUTES JUNE 1, 1994 PRESENT Dr. Allan Boruszak Daryl Alterwitz Amy Boruszak Michael Cherry Dorothy Eisenberg Philip Engel Gene Greenberg Melanie Greenberg Eva Kallick Edythe Katz Ron Kirsh Marty Loeb Sandy Mallin Michael Novick Dr. Marvin Perer Dr. Neville Pokroy Arne Rosencrantz Marta Sorkin STAFF Ronni Epstein Sharon Heiman Suzan Loeb ABSENT Dr. Stanley Ames A1 Benedict Shelley Berkley Ron Cook Judy Frank Elaine Galatz Dan Goldfarb Danny Greenspun Rick Hollander Gregory Kamer Dr. Steve Kollins Arthur Marshall Hal Ober Milton I. Schwartz Lenard Schwartzer Leslie Simon Jerome Turk Douglas Unger Dr. Harris Waters Gerald Welt I. WELCOME Dr. Allan Boruszak welcomed everyone to the Board of Directors Meeting. Allan asked for a motion to accept the Minutes from the April 2 0th Board Meeting. Gene Greenberg motioned to accept the Minutes and Dr. Neville Pokroy seconded the motion. The motion carried. Allan said that prior to discussing the Federation Budget and the Local Allocations Committee Report all reps were asked to leave and only elected Board Members be present. II. CAMPAIGN REPORT Allan called on Dr. Marv Perer to make a final Campaign Report. 1 Marv said we are completing a landslide year, and the goal of $1.1 million was reached and topped, reflecting a 41% card-for-card increase over last year. He said when the Campaign began, we used as our theme, "Building a Community." Marv said that knowing the co-operation of so many dedicated and committed people who made the Campaign the success that it was, the theme was very appropriate as without a team and without a community, we could not have succeeded to the extent we did. Marv acknowledged the leaders who stepped forth this year to diligently work in Campaign: Mike Novick and Doug Unger, who chaired the Major Gifts Division, and Carole and Jerry Turk who chaired the Major Gifts Event1 Jerry Welt, Pacesetters Division Chairman; Melanie and Gene Greenberg, Community Division Chairmen; Marta Sorkin, Super Sunday Chairman; and Leslie Simon and Amy Boruszak, Women's Division Campaign Chairmen. He said thanks were to be extended to all of the Board Members who worked on each of these committees; to our President Allan Boruszak, and our Executive Director Ronni Epstein. Marv said the Campaign certainly reflected a "new beginning" for this Federation, and Marv said he was glad to have been a part of it. Allan thanked Marv and all members of the Campaign Cabinet and Board of Directors that assisted in this year's Campaign. He made mention of the fact that even though we have significantly increased our Campaign to over 1.1 million dollars this amount is still not adequate to support the vast majority of programs and service that we legitimately need to service our growing Jewish population. Next year we hope to make enormous strides in our New Gifts Campaign in an effort to broaden our base. III. WOMEN*S DIVISION REPORT Allan called on Sandy Mallin to make the Women's Division Report. Sandy said that for the first time in history the Women's Division has run a Campaign that has gone over the $400,000 mark, reflecting a card-for-card increase of 3 6%. Sandy said the Women's Division Board will begin meeting the end of June to analyze the 1994 Campaign and begin planning for Campaign 1995. Sandy said since this was her last meeting as the Women's Division President, she wanted to say "thank you" for the privilege of sitting on the Board of Directors and working with its president, Allan. She also wanted the thank Amy Boruszak and Leslie Simon, the Women's Division Campaign Chairman, for making her last year as president an outstanding one. Allan thanked Sandy for the Women's Division Report, and her many years of service as the Women's Division President. IV. ADL AD Allan said the appearance of Louis Farrakhan in Las Vegas this week-end has caused increasing concern on behalf of all of us. He said there has been meetings held with a variety community groups coordinated by the National Conference. Allan said it is the feeling of ADL that we should place an ad in Saturday's paper co-sponsored by them and this Jewish Federation. He asked for a motion to place this ad under our name and ADLs, in the paper. Allan said it was his understanding that ADL has agreed to pay for the ad. Dr. Marvin Perer moved to place the ad on Louis Farrakhan under our name and ADLs in Saturday's paper co-sponsored by them and this Federation. Marty Loeb seconded the motion. Amy Boruszak felt any ad promotion should reflect community unity and be a positive ad. Dorothy Eisenberg felt that with our visibility here we need security during Farrakhan's appearance. Mike Novick said we need to be responsible to the Federation's constituents. Mike Cherry said the ADL is a beneficiary and "this is what they do." After discussion motion was defeated. V. FARAKKHAN18 VISIT Dr. Marv Perer moved we place a 1/4 page ad in Saturday's newspaper reflecting a positive relationship among all people. Marty Loeb seconded the motion. Eva Kallick amended the motion to include the statement, "we respect everyone's right of Freedom of Speech, but when that speech is poisoned with bigotry and hatred, it serves to polarize instead of unify a community." Gene pointed out that any ad placed would become a news story and media would be contacting the Federation. Mike said the ad should have a positive spin. After discussion Eva Kallick withdrew her amendment and the vote was called for. The motion was defeated. Mike Cherry moved the President of the Federation release a Press Release with his discretion. Marta Sorkin seconded the motion. The motion carried. A suggestion was made that the entire Press Release be printed in the next issue of the Jewish Reporter, and that certain members of the board stay after the meeting to compose the press release. VI. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Allan called on Ronni Epstein for a brief Nominating Committee Report. Ronni said the Nominating Committee met and in accordance with the By-Law changes in regards to "up to 40 members" on the Board, read the Committee's recommendations. Recommendations for the board are as follows: Sheldon Adelson Shelley Berkley Dr. Allan Boruszak Mark Fine Gene Greenberg Danny Greenspun David Gross Judge Jack Lehman Emily Novick Michael Novick Irene Perer David Ober Milton I. Schwartz Dennis Stein Deanne Stralser Dr. Harris Waters. Ronni said the recommendations for the Officers of the Federation were as follows: Treasurer, Ira Fischbein Secretary, Sandy Mallin Second Vice President, Doug Unger First Vice President, Mike Novick President, Dr. Allan Boruszak. Ronni announced that on July 1st Ted Flaum, the Senior Campaign Associate for the New Orleans Federation, would be joining us as the Campaign Director. Allan thanked Ronni for her report. VII. FUNDING FOR DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY Allan said that even though the Campaign has significantly increased it is obvious that Las Vegas needs to raise much more than $1.1 million dollars to provide all the needed programs and services and still maintain our commitment to our family in Israel. He said that the Demographic Study, for the next fiscal year, would be a strain on the community if the funding was taken out of the Campaign. Allan said the Federation went to the Foundation Committee to ask for the funds to come from a variety of different endowments and unrestricted monies that are appropriately available for this purpose. He called on Daryl Alterwitz to advise us where the funds will come from. Daryl said the funds will come from the interest of the following accounts: 1. Shipper I Fund $20,152.00 2. Shipper II Fund 7,348.00 3. Goldberg Fund 27,500.00 TOTAL $55,000.00 Dr. Marv Perer moved that the Demographic Study funds come from the interest of the following accounts: Shipper I Fund - $20,152.00, Shipper II Fund - $7,348.00, and the Goldberg Fund - $27,500.00 and the total amount would be $55,000.00. Arne Rosencrantz seconded the motion. The motion carried. Allan thanked Daryl for the work he and his committee did, and said the Federation looked forward to getting tremendous visibility through the Demographic Study for the Foundation Committee. Allan said the next item on the Agenda was the Federation Budget and Local Allocations, and thanked the reps for coming to the Meeting and requested them to excuse themselves. VIII. FEDERATION BUDGET Allan said the Federation's Executive Committee met to review the proposal from the Budget and Finance Committee for the 1994/95 fiscal year. He said the Executive Committee is recommending we accept this budget and in the absence of Dan Goldfarb he called on Ronni Epstein to present the budget. The Budget is available in the Controllers office. Gene Greenberg moved to accept the 1994/95 Federation Budget. Ron Kirsch seconded the motion and the motion carried. Allan thanked Ronni for giving the report. IX. LOCAL ALLOCATION COMMITTEE REPORT Allan called on Mike Novick, Chairman of the Local Allocation Committee, to make his committee report. Mike said the Local Allocations Committee met all year and approximately $3 00,000.00 allocated locally. 5 Dr. Marv Perer moved we accept the Local Allocations as attached. Dorothy Eisenberg seconded. Hike Cherry amended that the request for the Jewish Community Center be cut in half. After discussion the motion was defeated. Amy Boruszak moved $3,000 be moved out of the UNLV Jewish Services into the Federations Jewish Student Union Program line. Edythe Katz seconded and the motion passed. Allan thanked Mike and his hard working Committee for doing a very difficult job. X. GOOD AND WELFARE Bill Feldman, JFSA, announced they were in the process of finalizing another adoption. He said the National JFSA representative was here and was pleased with the local agency. Harold Hyman, Jewish War Veterans, announced the 4th Post is opening the Green Valley and they are trying to get the soldiers of today to come out and support them. Gene Greenberg, Temple Beth Sholom, announced the Crystal Ball to honor Edythe Katz will be on June 12. Melanie Greenberg, Hebrew High, said the 3rd annual graduation to place in the Federation. She said they were looking forward to next year and being part of the Federation. XI. ADJOURNMENT Allan said this was the last meeting of the year. He thanked everyone who has participated, and said that next year he was depending on everyone to help make the Federation even better than this year. Meeting adjourned. Uile: ALL ?S 6/10/94 LOCAL ALLOCATIONS R COMMENDATIONS nnWWnlHrWnWWWrtlHtnWnnnnnnn # 992 # 1993 # 1994 # ORGANIZATIONS # REQUEST ACTUAL # REQUEST ACTUAL # REQUEST RECOMM # # # U # B'nai B'rith Youth # 2,000.00 1,500.00 # 2,000.00 500.00 # 3,000.00 2,300.00 # # # # # Chabad of So. Nevada # 6,775.00 1,500.00 # 5,000.00 1,000.00 # 13,850.00 5,000.00 # # # # # Congregation Adat Art El # # 3,200.00 500.00 # 3,200.00 2,400.00 # # # # # Congregation Ner Tamid # 22,785.00 8,500.00 # 14,450.00 5,000.00 # 27,415.00 8,000.00 # # # # # Hebrew Academy # 100,000.00 62,000.00 # 85,000.00 40,000.00 # 0.00 0.00 # # ? # # # Interfaith Student Center # 5,500.00 5,500.00 # 6,000.00 6,000.00 # 6,500.00 6,500.00 # # # # Jewish Community Center # # # 23,000.00 23,000.00 # # # # # Jewish Family Service Agency # 191,000.00 137,200.00 # 145,000.00 110,000.00 # 177,000.00 120,000.00 # JFSA (In-kind rent) # # # 30,000.00 # Jewish War Veterans # 2,500.00 500.00 # 2,500.00 500.00 # 0.00 0.00 # # # # # Kadima/United Synagogue Youth # # # 3,135.00 2,300.00 # # # # # NTTY/TNT # # # 7,000.00 2,300.00 # # # # # Las Vegas Hebrew High # 1,500.00 1,500.00 # 2,500.00 1,000.00 # 0.00 0.00 # # # # # Solomon Schecter Day School # # # 98,400.00 10,000.00 # # # # # Temple Beth Am # 7,200.00 2,000.00 # 5,000.00 1,000.00 # 8,000.00 3,600.00 # # # # # Temple Beth Sholom # 25,576.00 8,500.00 # 42,000.00 5,000.00 # 55,200.00 5,700.00 # # # # # # # # # Valley Outreach Synagogue # # # 6,700.00 500.00 # # # # # Total Allocations # 364,836.00 228,700.00 # 312,650.00 170,500.00 # 432,400.00 221,600.00 #-