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Amendment to Jewish Federation of Las Vegas by laws, April 1, 1994


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    JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS Amendment to the By-Laws April 1, 1994 The By-Laws Committee of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas is recommending the following change in the Federation By-Laws: Article II Purposes and Powers Section 1. Purposes The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas is formed for benevolent charitable, educational and philanthropic purposes. The Federation shall: Proposed: 3. Serve as the central planning and coordinating body for the Jewish community, sensitive to, and seeking to serve the needs for all the elements within the community. Existing: 3. Serve as a unifying and coordinating force in the Jewish community, sensitive to, and seeking to serve the needs for all elements within the community. Article IV Board of Directors Section 2. Composition of the Board Proposed: 2. forty (40) members elected by the membership at large of those members in good standing only. The election shall occur at the annual meeting of the membership, and shall allow for nominations from the floor of those members in attendance only. Existing: 2. thirty (30) members elected by the membership at large of those members in good standing only. The election shall occur at the annual meeting of the membership, and shall allow for nominations from the floor of those members in attendance only.