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Executive Committee meeting minutes, January 11, 1994



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    JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 11, 1994 MEETING PRESENT Dr. Allan Boruszak Amy Boruszak Michael Cherry Gene Greenberg Dr. Stephen Kollins Michael Novick Dr. Marvin Perer Dr. Neville Pokroy Douglas Unger STAFF Ronni Epstein Tony Figueredo Sharon Heiman Suzan Loeb I. WELCOME Dr. Allan Boruszak welcomed everyone to the January Executive Committee Meeting. Allan asked for acceptance of the Minutes of the last meeting. Dr. Marv Perer moved to accept the Minutes of the December 15th, 1993 meeting and Mike Cherry seconded the motion. Motion carried. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS Allan said there were several programs that would be taking place in the community which require the Federation Leadership's support. Allan said the Goldberg Lecture Series, chaired by Dr. Stan Ames, at Temple Beth Sholom on Sunday evening, February 6th at 7 p.m. He said this year the speakers will be from the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, and Rabbi Steve Greenberg, who served as our scholar for the Board Retreat, will open the series. Allan said the evening of Sunday January 23rd, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas in co-operation with the Board of Rabbis will sponsor an evening with Leopold Page. Mr. Page was a member of Shindler's List and served as the chief consultant to Steven Speilberg in the production of the movie. He said this will also be held at Temple Beth Sholom, and encouraged everyone to attend. Allan said the Board Meeting has been changed to Tuesday, January 18th instead of our normal Wednesday meeting. Til. CAMPAIGN REPORT Allan said everyone should be aware our Major Gifts Reception will be on ABSENT Daryl Alterwitz Dan Goldfarb Sandy Mallin Arthur Marshall Leslie Simon 1 Saturday evening, February 5th with our Guest Speak - Dr. Jeane Kirkpatrick. He said the event was originally scheduled to take place at the home of Carole and Jerry Turk; however, due to some problems with the completion of construction, we have moved the Major Gifts event to Tournament Players Club. Allan said it was imperative we actively work towards covering our Campaign assignments at the Major Gifts level, and would like to see -as many members of the Executive Committee as possible make that gift and attend this function. Allan called on Marv Perer for the Campaign Report. Marv said he was pleased to announce the Federation. Campaign was well underway, and presently the pledges were in the amount of $406,651. He said last year the same cards represented $264,819 which was approximately a 57% increase over last year. *,Marv said the bad news was this only represents 135 gifts which mean there are many cards left in the Campaign which needs to be covered. He said he was pleased to report the most active division, outside of Dr. Allan Boruszak who is a division unto himself, was the Maimonides Division chaired by Dr. Neville Pokroy and Dr. Harris Waters. He said other divisions have not yet produced significant results and hoped they would be actively soliciting their cards in the next few weeks. Marv said this was a critical year for the community. He said every effort must be made to get people to increase their gifts. Marv said not only need increased giving was needed but we must increase our donor base significantly which means our success is largely dependent on new gifts. He said that was why at the last Board meeting members were asked for new names as possible prospects for the Campaign. Marv encouraged everyone to complete their cards and turn them into the office as soon as possible so new cards can be given you to cover. Allan thanked Marv for his report and called on Amy Boruszak for the Women'L Division's Campaign Report Amy said of the $392,000 raised to date, $132,432 was from 64 Women's gifts, and represents a card-for-card increase of 53% from those cards in to date. She said the concentration at present is on Lion and Pomegranate level gifts prior to upcoming events. Amy said the balance of cards have been assigned to Women's Division Board and are expected to be completed by the end of January. Amy said four coffees will be held over the next month in Woman's Division Board Members' homes. Amy said invitations were being sent by zip code to zero and new prospects in an attempt to interest these new women..- These coffees will be non-solicitation in nature, but the women will be encouraged to participate at least on the dollar-a-day level. Amy said the Lion of Judah Event is being chaired by Linda Cohen. '.She said it will be held on Wednesday, February 16th at the new MGM in a suite on the 29th floor. Amy said Deborah Lipstadt, famed scholar and author will be the guest speaker. Amy said the Pomegranate Luncheon is being chaired by Bonnie Berkowitz and Susan Langsner. She said it will be in the Monte Carlo Room at the Sheraton Desert Inn on Thursday, February 24th. Amy said the noted movie critic and author, Michael Medved will be the guest speaker. Amy said Heidi Sarnow, Karen Borgelt and Wendy Plaster are chairing the $3 65 minimum Main Event Luncheon. She said it would be held on Tuesday, April 5th with formr~~ President Carter's Assistant Midge Coistanza as guest speaker. She said ' of today, it appeared the event would probably be held at the home of Carole Turk. Allan thanked Amy for the Women's Division Report. IV. FINANCIAL REPORT Allan said Epstein wo ulidn tphree saebnste ntchee oFfi nDaannc iGaoll dRfeaprobr,t .F inance committee Chairman, Ronni Ronni said both Allan and she felt strongly the Board needs to be well advised of our financial"' situation. She said the Memo from Dan Goldfarb and Tony Figueredo, attached ?to ' the -Agenda, reflects answers asked in the Management letter received earlier this, year which the Committee was privy to. Ronni said Tony has been working from 7:00 a.m. until closing to put the Financial Statement together. She said anyone wanting to could come to the Federation office and review the Statement. Ronni said the figures on the Unrestricted Federation, attached to the Agenda, are from July 1, 1993 to November 30, 1993 and is a-5 month overview. She said the reports will be approximately 1 1/2 months behind as the bank statement must come in before the figures for the statements can be put together. Ronni said the last column is the approved budget and reflects the projected deficit for this year of $288,682.21. She said there are outstanding gifts, sales of investments and other means of income to'offset the deficit. Ronni said later this year this Committee would be asking consider amortizing the deficit over several years. She said there will be a bi-monthly Financial Statement. She said at present we are in line with our approved budget. Ronni thanked Tony for his untiring work and the'Committee agreed. Marv asked how much had been raised in the Building Fund. Ronni said approximately $120,000; -Ronni said there was a great' amount of momentum for the Building Campaign prior to the Dedication, and once the annual Campaign is over we will begin to push again for the Building Fund.' V. STRATEGIC PLANNING PROGRAM Allan said as everyone was told at the last Executive Committee Meeting, we will be participating in probably the most important process that this Jewish Community has ever been engaged in, that is the Strategic Planning Seminars which will be given by Dennis Stein, Director of the Nevada Development Authority, on Sunday, January 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, January 30th 9:00 a.m. until approximately 2:00 p.m. He said it was imperative that all members of the Executive Committee attend both of these sessions. Allan said to be successful and move forward in developing a quality Jewish community, we must take the responsibility as members of this Executive Board to participate in this process. Allan said outside of the Campaign, nothing is more important. Allan said he and Ronni and met with Dennis Stein last' Wednesday and Dennis did a mini-session with them. He said everyone no matter what their business will benefit from the Strategic Planning Seminars. Allan said this will be the opportunity to set the direction of this Federation. - - VI. MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL Allan asked Ronni to give a report on the status of our Property Management situation. 3 Ronni said a serious problem had developed with Las Vegas Business Management. She said the Business Management company went out of business due to a family illness. Shortly thereafter calls were coming to the office with bills which were not being paid, checks were bouncing etc., and the office had trouble in contacting them. Recently they were contacted and have been into the Federation office and are rectifying the problems, Ronni said 6 companies were contacted to bid on the property Management of the Federation building and Mixer Stuart Property Management were low in their bid and she was recommending them after checking their references and meeting with them. Ronni said after considerable 1 bids for the maintenance/janitorial care of the Federation building a decision was reached to remain with DeLuca as they were very reliable and trustworthy. It was suggested by Mike Novick to clarify the Property Management Contract and specify the organizations that do not pay rent. Mike -Cherry suggested to clarify the Property Management Contract and be explicit in reference to the Leading Proposal fees. Allan asked for a motion to accept the Contract after these matters were clarified. Marv Perer moved to accept the Mixer Stuart Property Management Contract after clarifications were made. Gene Greenberg seconded and the motion carried with one VQting no, VII. MISSION TO ISRAEL Allan said that several meetings ago, he announced that this coming October he would like to take the Federation Board and Women's Division Board on a special Mission to Israel. He said it would be two years since any organized trip had left from this community. He said before beginning the planning and implementation of this program, he wants to have firm commitments from people on this Executive Committee. Allan said the dates being looked at are October 16 through October 23rd, which means the participants will only be away from their businesses for five working days. He said for those who choose to stay longer, arrangements can be made for extensions. Allan said the cost will be approximately $2,500 per person. He is requesting to know well in advance the number of people who are considering the trip as a deposit must be put down well in advance, most likely by next month as October is the height of their season and hotels are filling quickly. Allan said he would poll the Board at the next meeting. Mike Cherry said B'nai B'rith tried to organize a nationwide Mission and they were unable to do so. He suggested perhaps opening this up to others than just Board members* It was suggested the Board lead the community to Israel and perhaps an invitation in which the Board of Directors invites the community to join them on a Mission to Israel. VIII. GOOD AND WELFARE Allan asked if anyone had any announcements. He wished a Mazel Tov to Emily and Mike Novick on the birth of their son, and announced Dr. Harris and Liz Waters had a new baby girl. IX. ADJOURNMENT The Executive Committee was adjourned. 4