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Guide to Jewish life in Southern Nevada and community resources, 1998-1999



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    _ if i^Jf--' ? ^^ _ ^ ^ ^ j j ?) ? \ 1 P I 1 . . J I ' 1 b ^ h i j r T T T T T T I i "" F ^ 11 f E f l t S H C O M M U N I T Y 1998-1999 5758-5759 A Publication of Jewish Federation of Las Vegas H Q f5lfl a he entire Venetian team congratulates Israel on 50 years of independence and joins in celebration of this historic occasion. THE VENETIAN Resort ? Hotel ? Casino T H E P R O EMPLOYEE EMPLOYER * P Israel @ 50 Community Event April 19, 1998 Presented by The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Jewish Community of Southern Nevada Co-chairs Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson GOLD SPONSORS: Sands Expo and Convention Center Venetian Resort Hotel and Casino The Jewelers B V* I ' Michael J. Novick, Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. DRGM Advertising and Public Relations Lionel Sawyer & Collins Ajdjjfc' , KVBC Channel 3 News ? Las Vegas Carmel Wines Creel Printing <ttSP AlphaGraphics Santa Fe Hotel and Casino Circus Circus Enterprises Inc. MGM GRAND Hotel Casino Mirage Resorts Blatteis Realty SILVER SPONSORS: New York, New York Hotel and Casino Photo Finish Ventura Enterprises Development and Investment Southern Wine & Spirits Culinary Workers Union Local 226 THE SANDS EXPO & CONVENTION CENTER TAKES GREAT PRIDE IN HONORING AND CELEBRATING ISRAEL'S 50 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE ON THIS HISTORIC DAY. ? EXPO Welcome to the Guide to the Jewish Community Welcome to the "Israel at 50 Community Celebration* presented by The Jewish Federation of Las l/eyas and the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada. This Israel at 50 commemorative book includes acknowledyements of all the siynificant contributions made by numerous individuals who have assisted in the achievement of a successful celebration. This book is also a comprehensive yuide to the Greater Las l/eyas Jewish Community compiled and edited by the Jewish Federation. The yuide Wilt act as a resource that Witt help you become better acquainted and connected to our diverse and yrowiny Jewish community The Jewish Federation represents the Voice of the oryanized Jewish community Bound toyether by shared history, traditions and common Values, it seeks to assure Jewish continuity in Las l/eyas, in Israel and around the World by preserViny, strenyheniny, and enhanciny Jewish life and transmittiny these Values to succeediny yenerations. The Jewish Federation is the central coordination body for fund raisiny, planniny and allocations, and communal services for the Jewish community Activities, educational proyrams, and affinity yroups for Various seyments of the community are offered by the Federation. More than 65,000 Jewish people consider the Las l/eyas Valley their home. As the fastest yrowiny Jewish community in the country We are chatlenyed to move quickly Plans are underway for the development of ? Jewish facility for our elderly and a Campus which Witt house our Jewish Community Center. We, at the Jewish Federation, hope that the "Israel at 50 Community Celebration* and the information sources offered in the yuide Wilt help you connect to Jewish life in Las l/eyas. We are ytad that you are a part of our Jewish community. Ours is a community tht truly lives by the Talmudic sayiny, "Alt JeWs are responsible for each other." Cover Artist This year's directory cover Was designed and created by Lmt Uegat artist, Lisa PaVetka. The artist's Vision was to use an ancient art form commonly found in Israel, to express a concept familiar to all Las Vegans. The mosaic Was made from over 2,500 hand formed polymer clay tHes. Growing up in Denver, PaVelka received a decree in Journalism from Colorado State University. In 1989, after Working in television for nearly ten years, PaVelha switched years from producer!director to artist so that she could Work from home while taking care of her three children. PaVelka works primarily with the mediums of polymer clay and egg shell. Her award Winning art work has keen featured on the Discovery Channel and is sought after by collectors throughout the country. for more Information on Use PaVetka's art Work, contact her studio at (702) 263-6566. A Guide To The Jewish Community Israel @ 50 Co-chairs Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson Jewish Federation of Las Veyas President DaVid bah an Jewish Federation of Las Veyas Executive Director Ronni Epstein Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada President Rhonda Gtyman Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada Executive Director Laura Sussman Jewish Federation Proyram Director Joshua Abbey Israel @ 50 Event Coordinator Lisa PaVelka Israel @ 50 Master of Ceremonies Scott Ober Editor/AdVertisiny Director Joanne Friedtand Cover Photography and Graphic Desiyn, Inside Graphic Desiyn and Layout, Karen M. Foster, President of Avista Graphics & Publishing Graphic Desiyn and Layout Eric Weiss, Atphayraphics Photo Finish Printiny Creel Printiny Company 3 CONGRATULATIONS to the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas J? ewi. sh Comanmd tuhen ity Center of Southern Nevada for sponsoring ^ ISRAEL'S _ GOLDEN J U B I L E E Michael J. Novick Senior Vice President, Investments 0 1 N WITTER " " * l V , m ?"Vnokl. In, MrmhtSIIX' Dear Friends of Israel: We feel tremendously honored to chair the "Israel at 50 Celebration." As we celebrate this joyous occasion with you, it gives us an opportunity to reflect on the importance of the State of Israel - a place near and dear to our hearts. Both of us have witnessed the extraordinary achievements of the Jewish people in their homeland. As one who was born and raised in Israel, and one who owns and operates businesses in Tel Aviv, we truly understand the hardships they have endured to establish the sanctuary - a haven for those who have been victims of persecution and discrimination for generation upon generation. We should also take time for a moment to think about what Israel's existence as a sovereign and independent nation means to Jewish people all over the world. We have proven time and again to be resilient people and Israel has proven to the world that freedom is the most essential of all human manifestations. We take great pride in our Jewish heritage and our homeland and we are among brothers and sisters, family and friends as we celebrate this glorious day. On behalf of the people of Israel and Jewish people everywhere, we want to thank each and every one of you for playing an integral role in making this momentous occasion so meaningful. We pray that peace will one day reign over the miracle that is Israel. It has been said that those who do not remember the past are destined to re-live it. The state of Israel stands as a reminder of our past and a testament to our future. Yasher koach, ^ D i . 'WtOiuuK & S&eldatt ty. /tcCeluM, Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Co-Chairs, Israel at 50 Celebration LIONEL SAWYER & COLLINS j o i n s . ttiE ^ e v j L i I i ^ z d z z a t i o n o f J 2 a s . Q / z g a i a n d ttzE ^eojliIi C o m m u n i t y d z n t s x o f ^ S o u t f z s z n d V z v a d a i n concj z a t u t a t i n c j jJiiazt o n i t i \jzaxi of i n d z f c z n c U n c z This year there is no more joyous way to celebrate' fassauerand the journey ?tq tfTe Promised Land than with CARMEL, WORLD CLASS WINES FROM ISRAEL ERRANEAN, THE ESSENCE OF ISRAEL 8 ter to the United States: ompany, Atlantic City, New Jersey 8-1100 ? Fax: 609-348-3690 j I W i s , Thlo Qoverrjaent has been informed that a Jewish state hae been procl&liaed in Palestine, arvd recognition has been requested by th4 Government thereof. h-vnri 4 Govei Tho United States recognizee the provisional gov-ernment aa the de faoto authority of the -new K^UL JX ? ilonal gov- JM/h b. ti With this statement from U.S. President Harry Truman on May 14,1948, America officially recognized the State of Israel. After 50 years, Israel's star continues to shine brightly and KVBC salutes your great achievements and contributions as a light unto the nations." ml ' ^ ? t J ? ^ ? j T i T i ? J -V- COMES FIRST L 9 PPLAUSE! Circus Circus Enterprises, Inc. Celebrates "Israel at 50" JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS 50 Years of Independence for Israel ITlllTl MI I I I I I I MI CIRCUS CIRCUS ENTERPRISES, INC. 12 ? M G M G R A N D IS PROUD TO J O IN THE JEWISH FEDERATION I OF L A S VEGAS IN ? K SALUTING "ISRAEL M AT 5 0 . " ^ ^ K M G M Q G R A N D THE CITY OF ENTERTAINMENT 1J We are proud to commemorate this historic occasion. rM BLATTEIS ^ i REALTY COr / I N C O R P O R A T E D The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Building a Community The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas while working to build a dynamic and responsible Jewish community, strives to meet the needs of the community today. When you support the Federation, you help us provide assistance to jews here in Las Vegas, in Israel and around the world. Here are just a few of the ways your dollars are put to work: In Las Vegas in Israel and Around the World ? Jewish Family Service provides families and individuals with strength, support and solutions needed to lead better lives. ? Hillel serves as a vital link in the chain of Jewish continuity for the students at UNLV. ? Our Jewish day schools bring Jewish traditions to life and educate our children. ? The Jewish Community Center provides quality recreational, social and educational programming for all ages, from children to seniors. ? Our synagogues offer quality Jewish education in their religious schools and pre-schools, so that our children have positive Jewish experiences all through their lives. ? Youth Groups offer our teens activities and social opportunities with other Jewish teens from across the city, building friendships that will last a lifetime. ? Food packages, Soup Kitchens and Kosher Meals on Wheels sustain elderly Jews in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. ? Hebrew lessons, job training, apartments and food subsidies are provided to the over 60,000 Jews, from the Former Soviet Union, that continue to arrive each year in Israel. ? Jewish day schools, summer camps, synagogue programs are flourishing in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, where Jewish life is being revitalized at an astonishing rate. ? Kosher food for the holidays goes to the Cuban Jewish Community and in Bulgaria emergency medicine is provided for children and the chronically ill. ? Physical therapy, safe houses for abused women, outreach programs for rape victims, and special programs for high risk youths are all part of daily life in Israel The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas 3909 S. Maryland Pkwy., #400, Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-732-0556 16 JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS StGESMUND CENTER ? 3909 South Morytand Parkway. Surte 400 ? Loj Vegas. N e v a d a 89119-7520 ? (702) 732-0656 ? FAX (702) 732-3228 WOMAN ESQ ?c^wcer?' ""??ITBAISS OOUSUIUMC, "ONWOOTM ?r? mtmm i^KAMoe ???<ow ""??wsnM*M K ?i!i?wn? (so J^Wwiv cso -SB?""" "OUHI MO par- S.00*1 ?io?y Si^So"" S S ^ 0 0 ? ? s s r *!?SiSiS2f?<* mJCT^"^ cewib or ttwMsVoHOcPwMKI T Shalom and Welcome, The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas is pleased to join with the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada to provide this celebration of the milestone of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. As we approach the 21" century Israel continues to be a "light unto the nations" and a haven for our people. We are proud to sponsor a series of events to commemorate this historic event in our Jewish history. It is our goal to bring together the entire community for this joyous occasion. As the central address of the Las Vegas Jewish community we are proud of our accomplishments. We have created innovative programs and services that meet the needs of our fast growing Jewish community, while supporting Israel and continuing our life-saving work in 50 countries around the world. Through the support of thousands of people we have been able to plan for a quality Jewish future here in Las Vegas which includes, a Jewish Community Center, a Jewish Family Service agency, Jewish Day Schools, a Hillel program, a Hebrew High for teens, and a soon to be developed Jewish Home for our elderly. It Is with deep appreciation that we offer the community's gratitude to Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson and all the sponsors, committee members, volunteers, agencies and synagogues without whose efforts this celebration would not be possible. May we go from strength to strength and continue to build a Jewish community second to none. Happy 50th Israeli David Dahan, President, Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Ronrii Epstein Executive Director, Jewish Federation of Las Vegas g r y j r ^ ^ A o s M M y 17 ? l > t l 5 0 > o t Ski?' n n s STATE OF ISRAEL this 50th jubilee independence I I ^ f ^ t o r y of the Zionist drea we express^^r determinate on in fulfilliOMApt dream.^WBIi JiWry has stood by IsraeTlJ^pugh times of sorrow and times of joy. Aliyfih end visits to Israel strengthen its solidarity and, therefore, strengthen us both. We welcome with open arms those who can come on Aliyah, thereby personally fulfilling the ultimate commitment to Zionism. Regrettably, I understand that not every Jew will make Aliyah. To those who remain in the United States and have in other ways shown their solidarity with us all these years - we appre-ciate your support. Your support will, however, become more meaningful if you visit our country. Unfortunately, surveys have shown that the majority of World Jewry have never vis-ited Israel. Moreover, whenever problems arise in our region, many of you stay away. This must change! Jews who care about Israel should see firsthand the country that means so much to them, and should show it to their children and grandchildren. Israel remains committed to the Peace Process, and despite the heavy and bloody toll in human lives that terror attacks have taken amongst Israeli citizens. We remain determined that peace with security will be achieved. I believe that this goal is attainable, notwithstanding difficulties. Twenty years ago we were able at Camp David to reach an historic agree-ment on the framework for peace with Egypt. My personal experience as one of the negotiators a* Camp David leads me strongly to believe that peace can be achieved also with the Palestinians and the rest of our Arab neighbors. Israel at 50 years is moving boldly 1,1,0 the 21st century. An economy that onc< was based chiefly on Jaffa oranges is in the forefront of the world of hfc ^ tech. On the New York Stock ExchanJ Israeli companies rank number two in ,L_t tro?e number of foreign companies tnu ^ there. Without foreign invests0 Israel all this would not have been P? ^ ble. Much of this investment is d?ne ^ foreign conglomerates from the United States, Asia Europe. But we would also like to see our Jewish bro ^ and sisters increase their investment in the growing eC?^or|C of Israel. This is one important way of strengthening Jewry's ties with Israel. It is also good business. The Jewish people is experiencing a cultural renais today in Israel. Having achieved statehood, Israel < now become, as Ahad Ha'am advocated, the i$ n*1 Jewish existence and culture for World Jewry. Hebrew ? e je* aiiypf0' just the language of Israel; it is the language of the people. This year - the jubilee year of Israel - espec ^ ^ vides the opportunity to get to know Israeli culture- ^ ^ you to read an Israeli book, see an Israeli play, 9? ^ Israeli movie, visit an Israeli art exhibit, enjoy Israel' * For 2000 years the Jewish people yearned for the <W J they would have a Jewish State again. Finally, ation, we have a state. Now that we have it, le* uS about it and share in it. Ezer Weizman The President of the State of'5"* n ^ u / n n n t w o Prime Minister Dear Friends, 'srael has forged a vibrant democracy unparalleled in the Middle East. We have absorbed millions of .mm,grants from over 100 countries while developing unprecedented economic, scientific and technological capabilities. the approach of Israel's 50th anniversary, we can take 9reat pride in our accomplishments. 1 am convinced that we are on the threshold of an era of peace between Israel and its neighbors, and of great economic Progress. We shall pursue both goals with the same dedication and persistence with which we met past challenges. Sincerely, Benjamin Netanyahu 21 The State Of I S r 8 6 l ! 50 Years of ^ ? - BH iS s t r o 1948 1949 May 14 State of Israel proclaimed End of British Mandate David Ben- Gurion is Prime Minister May 15, Israel invaded by 5 Arab states Armistice agreements are signed with Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon Jerusalem is divided between Israel and Jordan Chaim Weizmann is elected first president Tzena-rationing of food is instituted First ma'abara-temporary camp for immigrants Yitzhak Ben-Tzvi is elected second president Moshe Sharrett Sinai Campaign becomes prime is launched by Minister, after Israel, Great Ben-Gurion Britain, and resigns France 1 9 5 . 7 1 9 6 1 1 9 6 5 Hula Swamp is drained, providing land and preventing malaria Adolf Eichmann, stands trial and is found guilty and hanged in '62 for crimes against humanity and the Jewish people Diplomatic rela-tions are estab-lished with Germany 195 _ Yad Vashem is established to perpetuate the memory of six million Jews who perished in the Nazi Holocaust 22 TlmeLlne Yom Kippur War surprise attack launched by Egypt & Syria The father of the State of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, dies 19 66L1967 Hebrew writer S-Y. Agnon is co-recipient to the Nobel Prize for literature June 6 - 1 1 Six - Day War Jerusalem is reunited and the Golan Heights are taken Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and Sinai peninsula come under Israeli control Military government is established in administered areas 1968 1968-71 first television broadcasts Egypt's War of Attrition ag< Israel ISlt 1 9 7 4 Yitzhak Rabin becomes Prime Minister 'srael and European Community sign a free trade Qgreement of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem Camp David Accords included framework for peace in the Middle East Yitzhak Navon is elected fifth president 1979 'srael - Egypt Peace Treaty signed Prime Minister Menachem ?egin awarded Nobel Peace Prize 23 TimeLine Operation Peace Chaim Herzog for Galilee elected sixth in Lebanon president and Yitzhak Shamir becomes Prime Minister after Operation Moses immigration of Jews from Ethiopia Shimon Peres becomes prime minister of Free Trade Agreement signed with the United States Menachem Begin national unity Yitzhak Shamir becomes prime minister as part of the national unity government rotation agree-ment.. resigns government 1 9 8 7 Palestinian uprising (Intifada) begins in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 1989 Mass immigration of Jews from the Former Soviet Union begins 1991 Middle East Peace Conference convenes in Madrid Operation Solomon 15,000 Ethiopian Jews are brought to Israel in a massive 25 hour airlift 1994 Israel - Jordan Peace Treaty is signed establishing full diplomatic relations Gaza-Jericho Agreement between Israel and the PLO is signed in Cairo Rabin, Peres and Arafat are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize fp* . \ < 1992 Yitzhak Rabin of the Labor party becomes prime minister 1993 Declaration of Principles (Oslo Accords) Ezer Weizman is elected seventh president 24 TimeLine 1 9 9 5 'nterim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip is signed by Israel and the PLO Treaty of Association is signed with European Union Israeli Army (IDF) redeploys in the West including withdrawal from six West Bank cities Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party is elected prime minister Pr'me Minister Yitzhak Rabin ls assassinated by Jewish extremist at peace rally Protocol Concerning the ^deployment in Hebron s,9ned between Israel and the PLO ! A GUIDE TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CFC POPULATION size AND LENGTH OF m m i c e GEOGRAPHIC VIMMION AND HOSIUTY ? / U 60,000 Jem live* 21,100 U^lcLU ? TI U* Ve^ MAA, UUc w/o Uvt U t U w * ? JcMlUti- UAAMICIM, UfWt+J, 7-7% icWt&alJU LA* /VVXL FOWQN-WW POPULAWN G?Nb?f> ? AUi4 9% c{ tU Jtwid fx+Uttie* tU U^uj-Suui. ? Fty? f^u^t (S1%) tU ^cjJUv^o^ U ? fiQ? vimmtoN HOUSEHOLD STRUCTURE % ? TIt, tvtAAfy. fcei^U&cU- v^t L**. Vt^t JcMilrf- ? ttA&t+a (1^%) 26 MARITAL STATUS ? f^uobt (71%)?{UJU Ate cwitetjly 12% (Uvt y^MiA. ht* VjUoMlU, 7% MA AmaoU A+U 1% wemmAve 77,000 ^ Wtu Lew*, I A W , M JtMlU^, Ux v/te- Ate f^U Jcwllt LAEOR PARTICIPATION ? fWk, ^ (Wo) ^ tU aAM [JUL tin*, 38% ^c nX^U, <)% W f*a tUht, \ 6 s b d X \ Ate i^hM^teyl/-, ho^m^luA*, J L i i M U , OA. 4 ISRAEL ? KM** ^VIUAJ, (37%) Ulfjx+M+J* Ut^ iiteui AX U*U <M*CL, ihctvJ^h^ 13% mtc. kut hi** ? fvici+X (21%) itifo+Js+Xt t&*X ALcaA IVl+lL v*. * VMy Ifbf^it^ht f-A^t tUX\ U JtMliit. SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY ? ~\Ute i * A ifoo+tf*. f>tefyte+>4t Im. JcmiIiA wwUxa tlsA JLCAL tU t i / v i l y . tUte i* <dlt\ JtMiUf- UVC* f&Ml+l (67%) *{ Uifofs/obXt j^ul tc. <*4t A J e W CMJtA. A txMx-Jtwi^- cam.. ** u ft* CHILD CARE JEWISH EDUCATIONAL ZA&CQROUND J^SZL^J}. * fill tcA^ OA JiM^it aJaJLU, 77% UCtMltJ- 27 SOCIAL SERVICE / CULTURAL RECREATIONAL AGENCIES JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY* (702) 732-0304 Sigesmund Center (702) 794-2033 Fax 3909 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 205 Las Vegas, NV 89119-7520 Jewish Family Service Agency is a non-profit organization funded by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, private donations, and by memberships from within the community. Jewish Family Service Agency offers the highest quality counseling services at sliding scale fees, emergency assistance, senior case management, bereavement support groups, assistance with food and has an extensive information and referral network. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER (702) 794-0090 OF SOUTHERN NEVADA* (702) 794-2456 Fax Sigesmund Center 3909 South Maryland Parkway, 4th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89119-7520 The JCCSN exists to enhance the quality of life in southern Nevada by providing educational, social, athletic and cultural programs designed to meet the needs of the Jewish community and the community as a whole, in a way that unites, strengthens, nurtures, and enriches all of our lives. A variety of programs of interest to all age groups, from preschoolers to older adults are offered throughout the year. A sampling of programs include a summer day camp, Jewish Book Fair, Holocaust Survivors Group, Meet the Rabbis program, Israel Independence Day, Goldberg Lecture Series, Jewish family activities, chavurot, teen dances and social clubs. Volunteer opportunities are also available. INTERFAITH STUDENT CENTER UNLV* (702) 736-0887 4765 Brussels Avenue (702) 891-0615 Fax Las Vegas, NV89119 Established by Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Jews to create a better understanding of religious beliefs among college aged young adults. The Center is shared and managed co-operatively by the Catholic Diocese, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and the Protestant Campus Ministry, each supporting its own chaplin/coordinator and its own programs, including "Home Away From Home." 'Beneficiary of the Jewish Federation/United Jewish Appeal Campaign JEWISH FEDERATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 3909 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 400 Las Vegas, NV 89119 BRANDEIS SOCIETY The Brandeis Society is a group of legal and paralegal professionals within the Legal Division of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas who seek to strengthen the bonds between themselves, the Jewish community and Israel, through educational, social and philanthropic activities. Members of the Society are committed to the pursuit of Tzedakah-justice, and the teachings of Justice Brandeis. The society offers programs which provide a forum for networking while fostering a sense of common purpose and commitment. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIVISION The Business and Professional Division is a means of demonstrating the Federation's commitment to addressing important social and political issues to our business community. It also provides a valuable networking opportunity for its members. Prominent individuals from the community are invited to make presentations to the group COMMUNITY CALENDAR Compiled and maintained by Federation to clear and coordinate meetings and events of local and national organizations. 28 COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL (CRC) The CRC acts as the public affairs and social action arm of the Jewish Federation to address social, cultural, political and humanitarian issues. The CRC's mission is to preserve, defend and further the rights of the members of the Jewish community of Clark County, and promote Jewish community interests as they relate to the community at large by way of activism, networking and programming. FOUNDATION The Foundation is the Jewish Federation's Endowment program. Its mission is to accumulate enduring assets to ensure the future of our Las Vegas Jewish community. The Foundation offers a full range of "planned giving" programs to help achieve your philanthropic goal to take maximum advantage of tax benefits allowable for charitable contributions. GOLDBERG JEWISH LECTURE SERIES The Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series plays an essential role in the promotion of Jewish culture for the entire community. The series created by Alice and the late Harry Goldberg provides an important cultural outreach to the community. The series is co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada. HEBREW HIGH A community-wide continuing Jewish education program of the Jewish Federation which provides Jewish students with an opportunity to learn more about their Jewish heritage, meet community leaders and make lasting friendships. H|LLEL at UNLV (702) 736-0887 (Located at 4765 Brussels Avenue) (702) 891 -0615 Fax Hillel at UNLV provides all Jewish college students with a connection to Jewish campus life through a variety of social events, holiday celebrations and enrichment programs. Join us for monthly "Shabbat ShaBang," bi-weekly Hillel happening, weekly Renaissance BYOL (bring your own lunch) and holiday celebrations. HOLOCAUST EDUCATION PROGRAM Works closely with the Clark County School District, the University of Nevada system and school district throughout the State of Nevada - often consulting with programs throughout the United States and acting as liaison to the United States Holocaust Memorial in Washington, D.C. and Yad Vashem in Jerusalem .to teach the lessons of the Holocaust. It sponsors student/teacher conferences, provides in-service programs for educators, maintains the Sperling Holocaust Library and Resource Center, provides gifted speakers for the community-wide Yom Hashoah programs, and works diligently on legislation for Holocaust studies and funding for future activities and events. Gertrude Sperling Holocaust Library and Resource Center A 'ending library and resource center established to provide educational materials to be used by students, teachers, and lnterested persons throughout the community on the subjects of the Holocaust and prejudice. Also houses the Henry a n d Lillian Kronberg Media Center. JEAN WEINBERGER MUSEUM OF JEWISH CULTURE The Jean Weinberger Museum of Jewish Culture, created from an endowment in honor of Jean Weinberger is an 'nnovative cultural institution operated by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. The museum's mission is to interpret and Present the historical and ongoing social and cultural contributions of the Jewish people of Southern Nevada for the PurPose of enhancing public awareness and promoting Jewish heritage, identity and continuity. ^WLSH REPORTER The Jewish Reporter is a non-profit bi-monthly tabloid size newspaper. It is an effective and cost-efficient way to reach ^ality conscious families in the Jewish community and greater Las Vegas valley. Published since March 1976 by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, the Reporter has continually covered news and events of the Federation as well as the Jewish community locally and statewide. It keeps readers abreast with national and international Jewish related news. Sections of interest also include arts, sports, and entertainment; health news; business, finance and real estate; a Jewish travel section; and kosher recipes. The Reporter also lists local synagogues and with each publication, features an article from resident rabbis. The Reporter is mailed free of charge to subscriber's homes and delivered to synagogues and various businesses throughout southern Nevada. Look for the Jewish Reporter at our web site: ( 29 MAIMONIDES SOCIETY The Maimonides Society is a group of medical professionals within the Healthcare Division of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas who seek to strengthen the bonds between themselves and the Jewish community through educational an^lnrv!!? n t! t h T ^ aCt'V,,'?S' f f m e m b e r S of a f i e l d c o m m i t t e d t o helping others, membership in the society offers an opportunity to help Jews ,n Las Vegas, Israel and throughout the world. The society, which is affiliated with the ^ l ^ r ^ ^ f i f T ^ the? U n i t e d J T , S h A p p e a l ' 0 f f e r s p r 0 g r a m s w h i c h 9ive our local healthcare providers the opportunity to network with their colleagues while demonstrating their caring and commitment to the Jewish community. WOMEN'S DIVISION A fund-raising arm of the Federation, W/D acts as a creative force for connecting women through outreach events and community education programs. Through their work on behalf of the Federation/UJA Campaign, women help to ratee significant funds to meet the needs of Jews here, in Israel, and around the world. Women's Divisbn exempSies a strong commitment to meet humanitarian needs. Women's Division is "The place to be." a strong YOUNG LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Encourages and stimulates the training and development of potential leaders for the organized Jewish community An ongoing educational program of .ntensive study group seminars. Lectures and retreats which exotore amona other topics, our Jewish community, Tzedakah, social action, Israel politics and the d l ^ ^ i ^ S ^ S ^ S ! ! . LOCAL ORGANI7ATINN^ Anti-Defamation League 862-8718 1050 East Flamingo Road, #N339 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 B'nai B'rith, Nate Mack Lodge 898-0000 3909 South Maryland Parkway, #314 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 Hadassah - Aviva of Summerlin 233-8601 9844 Ridge Creek Place Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 Hadassah - Rishona Group 228-3555 8617 Copper Mine Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89129 Hadassah - Shoshanim Group 256 4641 3627 Dutch Valley Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 Southern Nevada Council Jewish War Veterans 732-1972 3092 Tumwater Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Jewish War Veterans - Post 21 255-7256 2601 High Range Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 Jewish War Veterans - Post 30 254-8089 7617 Marleuna Court Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 Jewish War Veterans - Post 64 228-0881 9320 Yucca Blossom Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 Jewish War Veterans - Post 65 270-8784 251 East Pyle Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89123 30 Jewish War Veterans - Post 711 3g17 Rose Canyon Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89030 649-4623 Jewish Women International 254-5706 2456 Palmridge Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework 369-9618 Na'AmatEIVee 256-1998 3477 Middle View Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89129 National Conference of Christians & Jews 387-6225 East Charleston Boulevard, Suite B Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 Women's American ORT 233-8618 Meadows Chapter i 20 Canyon Rim Way, #201 Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 Women's American ORT 736-2062 Las Vegas Chapter 4568 Carriage Lane Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 Contact your local synagogues for Men's Club and Sisterhood activities. ISRAELI ORGANIZATONS ISRAEL ALIYAH CENTER 213-761 -8915 5700 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2816 L?s Angeles, California 90036 AlPAC 213-937-1184. ?310 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 240 L?s Angeles, California 90048 IS*AEL GOVERNMENT TOURIST OFFICE 213-658-7463 6380 Wilshire Boulevard L?s Angels, California 90048 STATE OF ISRAEL BONDS 800-922-6637 ?222 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300 213-939-3000 L?s Angeles, California 90048 HOUSES OF WORSHIP ORTHODOX A|SH HA TORAH OF NEVADA 792-4197 How