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Report and newsletter for B'nai B'rith, Las Vegas, 1962-1963



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    Dearest Claire:- Here is my report for the B'nai BTrith Brotherhood Night, February 21st, 1962 at the Temple Beth Sholom, Las Vegas, Nev. It was a huge success, 200 people. Had some good publicity/- Wss* on 2 T V programs with NAACP and the NCCJ". As you can see by the Flyer enclosed, CJrant Sawyer qovenor of Nevada, We received a lovely letter from it? praising the ADL and BTnai B'rith work which was read, also a proclamation of Brotherhood Week by Mayor oran oragson of Las Vegas. By the way the Mayor was present that evening. Mrs. DSrST Kemp" sang a solor, "A Brotherhood 3ong?? to the tune of America, accompanied by ^tt^. charlotte MoCann at the piano.?^o a l s o inv0lve4%he youth, the AZA Boys and the B'nai B'rith Girls and their friends. : Lt. "?ov. Rex BellTs speech was excellent, so well presented, everyone was very much impressed. We were so pleased to have him. All in all it was a very successful evening and everyone had a delightful time. P.So IT snd & Met with the Mew Superintendent of schools, *'rr. Newcomer, 9 very fine young man and he is giving us the co-operation we need as far as the school situation goes, prayer and all, which we have cleared up. ** tryt what have yon on the Nati ona 1 committee f or _eGQnomic_freedom, _also Muhommed ^03que NQ.2, 5335 Greenwood Ave, Chicago 15, 111* pljah yuhamnod, Messenger of Allah. The Nevada power Co. (local) is showing 30 minutes of a colored movie "Communist Encirclement - 1961" produced by the National educational program at Harding College in Searcy, Ark. I haven't seen it, plan to as soon as possible. ^ x J ^ ^ j j ^ o^SUUjuq -v^cr^^lT what about the Human Events paper and the ADA* vfoat information can you send me on this? I am sending you some news clips of a new Youth organization called "young Americans for preedom". This may be the II if Christian youth against Communism in our area, will keep close tabs and report our findings later. This George Shaner and Nancy Sherman (clip enclosed) are all leaders in the 4th dimensional warfare committee, which we thinjg is our Las Vegas^Tohn Birch soclety that 1 told you about berore. George" I am sending you the latest clippings of oot what our local NAACP are pushing for. I haven't entered into this too much, have spoken to them about it, and feel that the3^ are not right thing at the right time, this situation cannot be pushed at this time. Mare can be done about this tto Education and not Legislations T'rhen do you think you will make your field trip. Please advise when you can come up, as yau know by now* /I met Mrs. Gertrude Nosrr of Natl z & d l 7 lunch W 3 imsfc with her. .she is a ch&rining delight to be with. Please answer all Wiflfces Lions, am patiently waIting" t oTear from you. *fy. love?to P.S. Please to report that the Superintendent of schools of Clark County, Mr. Leland Newcomer sent me a letter and advised me that the curriculum ^o3rd has approved and the school system bought a Profile u on commumism for each secondary school library in the districTT- "re bave worked on this since last March and they finally bought the book. Thank goodness*? Dear R e x i e : _ On behalf of the 3'nai B'rith Women's Chapter and Men's Lodge, want to thank you very much for being my guest speaker of the evening. Can't recall a speech that was given ?o much comment, so favorable on the text and delivery. It was a p l e a s u r e and a privilege to have had you as our B'nai B'rith Women LAS VEGAS CHAPTER #415 JANUARY 1963 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA VOL 1, NO. 4 FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! The National Commission of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith on the occasion of its Fiftieth Anniversary, requests the pleasure of your company at dinner with . . . THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Thursday, January 31st, 1963 SHERATON PARK HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D.C. President John F. Kennedy will deliver a major address to accept the League's highest citation, the America's Democratic Legacy Award. The program will include a colorful hour long musical tribute to FREE-DOM with Robert Preston as Master of Ceremonies. The program will be televised nationally on CBS. We here in Las Vegas, Nevada, will get the program on Channel 8 KLAS TV from 10 to 11 P.M. In conjunction with this telecast, the Las Vegas Lodge and Chapter of B'nai B'rith will be holding their meeting that night, Thursday, January 31st, 1963, at 8 P.M. at Temple Beth Sholom, so that we can see this program. It will be called "A meeting with the President" and we will all be watching it on TV here. REMEMBER OUR NEXT REGULAR MEETING - TO WATCH THE PRESI-DENT OF THE UNITED STATES ON TV - is THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st at 8 P.M. at Temple Beth Sholom. W i l e ^ a p s p U n c j , - - - "Elegant" is the way the shower given for SUZANNE WILSON by her sister-in-law, MARY BURNS, was described by those attending. Happy Birthday, MARGE FELMAN. FAYE STEINBERG'S children ready for anything now that they're over the mumps. JERE and JACK SNYDER off to Murrietta ? here's wishing you luck at the pan table, Jere. A magnificent shower for bride-to-be GAIL DAVID was given at the beautiful Sultan's Table by mother Bea's Tuesday nite Pan Club. Congratulations to Pat and DICK FRIEDKIN and their wonderful son, LARRY, on his Bar Mitzvah. The lovely and lively affair was held at Temple Beth Sholom January 19th. SHIRLEY BERNSTEIN found her tour of duty with the Clark County Mobile X-Ray Unit most gratify-ing ? sounds like a good idea when you have some spare time. We're so proud of the beautiful spread in the Sunday supplement on BESS SCHWARTZ' lovely home ? always discovering new talents in Bess. So glad to hear that Rose Meisner's husband, CHARLES, is back to work after a bout with pneumonia. Congratulations to FREDDIE SWARTZ and of course his parents, DORIS and AL, on his forthcoming wedding, set for March 9th in Los Angeles. Want to see your name in print? Call 382-9860. A GLANCE INTO JANUARY'S BOARD MEETING Letters of "Thanks" and "Appreciation" were read from Sally Rob-bins and Lea Wolfe. Our Chapter sent Sophie Tucker a BBgram honor-ing her 75th birthday. A letter of appreciation was received from Cantor Kinnory for Chapter's best wishes while he was ill. Jerry Kalb, President of Inter-Mountain Council, invites our group to send delegates to Retreat January 26-27. It was recommended and passed that our Chapter pay the amount required for the day and meals for two delegates to attend. In response to Birdie Kudler's plea for "Hannukah Contributions", it was passed unanimously we send $10.00 from our Chapter. Bunker Brothers are still collecting old eyeglasses and frames to be sent to "New Eyes," Short Hills, New Jersey. We presently have 1 96 members and a concerted effort will be made to bring 34 of these into good standing. Good news! Las Vegas will receive the T.V. program honoring the U.S. President with the American Democratic Legacy Award given in Washington, D.C., Thursday, January 31. The program will be tele-vised on Channel 8 from 10 to 11 P.M. It was recommended and passed that our regular fourth Thursday meeting be moved to January 31 so we can have a "Meet the President Evening". A switch of printers gives the "PARTY LINE" a new look for January. Our Community Project to help the March of Dimes requires more volunteers to take boxes around. Adele Stevens is Chairman for the Community Clubs Award con-ducted by KORK. Deadline for first week's contest in Wednesday, Jan-uary 30. Urgent need for more rummage which should be taken to 1309 D Street. Sophie Weiner is starting Bowling League and needs more players. | Woman Power Needed For | I March Of Dimes | ELSIE GOLDRING is doing a great job getting | the MARCH OF DIMES banks placed in all the busi- y / ness establishments in Las Vegas. However, more ? y help is needed ? if you have any spare moments, it >' call Elsie at RE 5-5669. | HELP -- RUMMAGE NEEDED Chairmen ETTA HARMELL and BESS SCHWARTZ report that the joint SISTERHOOD - B'NAI B'RITH rummage sale is going so well that more rummage is urgently needed. Drop your rummage at the rummage store at 1309 "D" Street, or call Etta at RE 5-0621 or Bess at 735-5351. Girls we need B'nai B'rith women to help on the Rummage Sale. PLEASE. Call ETTA HARMELL at 735-0621. DON'T FORGET - SISTERHOOD Donor Luncheon Card Party ? February 18th ? 12 Noon at the Temple. FIRST ADULT JEWISH EDUCATION STUDY GROUP HUGE SUCCESS A most interesting and informative first discussion group meeting was held on January 6th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weisman. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Osheroff, the Da-vid Katzmans, the Larry Harmells, the Doc Steins, the Howard Brotmans, Bernice Gerson, Sophie Weiner, Wilma Stone, Lee Wolfe, Henrietta Gordon, Rose Ungerleider and Ruth Grey. The sample discussion was led by Joan and Fred Weisman and was based on the 10 commandments. Following the stimulating group participation discussion, refreshments were served. So well received was this first meeting that a second Study Group is set for Sunday, February 3rd, at 8:30 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Eli Grey, 1720 Howard Avenue. Discussion will be based on the reading of the BBYO pamphlet: "What is a Jew?" All interested may call Lucille Brotman at 735-3244. There is still time to join the group if you act quickly. COMMUNITY CLUB AWARDS . . . Chairman Adele Stephens advises that we can put money in our B'nai B'rith treasury if we will save and turn in the tapes of purchases from any of the stores listed below. Bring tapes from any of these stores to the next meeting and Adele will take care of the money-getting. For additional information, call Adele at 382-6116. Las Vegas Cleaners Holiday Models Sellman Auto Servisoft Pepsi-Cola Miranti Homes K & K Department Store Mannis Furs Market Town Builders First Western Savings Ted Wiens Firestone Ozzie Kraft Pools Bertha's Sunset Appliances Fox Market Town Mobil Garehime's Larry's Shoes Supersonic Car Wash Young & Rue Moving Sherry's CHAIRMAN NEEDED! B'nai B'rith lodges and women's chapters will give new expanded kits of guidance publications to their local high schools, public libraries, colleges and community agencies. The new kit includes career and guidance pam-phlets, representing a variety of career fields, the skilled trades, how to write a job letter, how to find and hold a job, how to study; guidance comic books. Help bring B'nai B'rith's vocation service to your community. A.D.L. MEMO BOOKS: Call Eileen Brookman at DU 2-1080. SUNSHINE: To send greetings, congratulations or condolences, call Fan Labby at RE 5-7360. Or put it in the Bulletin - call Editor Madelyne Rosin at DU 2-9860. FOUR FREEDOMS LIBRARY: For contributions call Sophie Katzman at DU 4-4858. GIFTS AND TRIBUTES: Call Evelyn Shafer at RE 5-8393 for contributions to Martyrs Forest, Children's Home in Israel, and Israeli bonds. PLEASE SAVE YOUR OLD NYLONS-THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE FOR THE BLIND! Call Eileen Brookman at DU 2-1080. EYEGLASSES FOR THE NEEDY . . . Bring any old or unused eyeglasses to the next meet-ing ? PLEASE ? they are needed by the poor the world over. DON'T FORGET TO SAVE THOSE PENNIES - bring them (in rolls of 50) to the meetings and get your easy-way Donor credit. BOWLING: A Bowling League is starting ? all bowlers call Sophie Wiener at DU 4-9791 any evening. Tints and Bleaches ? Hair Culling Permanent Waving ? Hair Styling Manicuring and Pedicuring BEAUTY CHATEAU 1215 East Charleston ? DU 4-8316 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA PAT ANDERSON CARPETS and DRAPERIES CLEANING SERVICE Quality Cleaning at Regular Price* FREE ESTIMATES 1 3 0 Las V e g a s B l v d . S o . - D U 2 - 4 5 2 6 Fashions that "STEAL THE SCENE" RON MARKIN, Inc. IN THE TROPICANA HOTEL. LAS VEGAS Daily 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday 10 to 6 p. m. RE 3 - 2 0 8 1 Bar-B-Que Kitchen and Gourmet Delicatessen LOCATED IN MARKET TOWN Kosher Style Foods and Sandwiches Home Made Salads Chickens and Spare Ribs WE CATER TO PARTIES f 0Xl|S RESTAURANT ON THE STRIP OPEN 24 HOURS CHIC HECHT EVERYTHING IN SPORTSWEAR 413 FREMONT STREET - DUdley 4-7036 LAS VEGAS NEVADA DUSTY SPRINGSTON'S LAS VEGAS BOWL G a t e w a y t o t h e S t r ip PHONE RE-5-454:> RELY ON RON'S For Finest Quality Foods at Lower Everyday Prices Las Vegas' Finest Supermarket 121 LAS VEGAS BLVD. NORTH JO-SYD HAIR DESIGNERS 15 East O a k e y - D U 4 - 1 4 6 0 C r e a t i v e S t y l i n g ? A r t i s t i c C o l o r i n g 3 for value fur ifujht-y * for A/fMDAfSC Las Vegas Blbd. So. at Oakey in Las Vegas 1310 E. College in North Las Vegas On the Boulder Highway in Henderson 1962-1963 OFFICERS: B'NAI B'RITH WOMEN: P r e s i d e n t Eileen B r o o k m a n First V i c e P r e s i d e n t Winnie S t e in S e c o n d V i c e P r e s i d e n t Jean S a d u r T h i r d V i c e P r e s i d e n t Irene D v o r a k T r e a s u r e r Sophie W i e n e r F i n a n c i a l S e c r e t a r y Wilma Stone R e c o r d i n g S e c r e t a r y Fay S t e i n b e r g C o r r e s p o n d i n g S e c r e t a r y Lee J a c k m a n S e n t i n e l Lee W o l f e G u a r d i a n Adele S t e p h e n s Counselor" Etta H a r m e l l B u l l e t i n E d i t o r Madelyne P o s i n BERNARD'S MEAT CO. 7 1 3 O g d e n Since 1942?Wholesale and Retail HOME FREEZER ORDERS DU 2-3711 DU 2-3712 W O M E N ' S APPAREL 4 1 9 FREMONT ATTENTION BOARD MEMBERS: Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 13th, 8 P.M. at the home of MADELYNE POSIN, 1310 So. 5th Place Mrs. Morris Jackman 511 E. San Francisco, F207 Las Vegas, Nevada