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Amendment to unnumbered bill for Energy and Water Development Appropriations, 2003, September 14, 2002 (3 pages)



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    F:\M6\BERKLE\BERKLE.010 H.L.C. AMENDMENT TO H . R . 1 6 5 5 , AS REPORTED OFFERED BY MS. BERKLEY OF NEVADA Page 36, after line 9, insert the following new sec-tion: 1 SEC. 18. NUCLEAR WASTE TRANSMUTATION RESEARCH 2 AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. 3 (a) IN GENEKAU?Not later than 180 days after the 4 date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall com- 5 mence a program of research and development on the 6 technology necessary to achieve onsite transmutation of 7 nuclear waste into nonradioactive substances. 8 (b) GRANTS, CONTRACTS, COOPERATIVE AGREE- 9 MENTS, INTERAGENCY FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENTS, 10 AND F IEI JD WORK PROFOSAI JS? 11 (1) ASSISTANCE.?The Secretary may award 12 grants or contracts to, or enter into cooperative 13 agreements with, institutions of higher education 14 and industrial enterprises to conduct research, devel- 15 opment, and demonstration programs on the tech- 16 nology necessaiy to achieve onsite transmutation of 17 nuclear waste into nonradioactive substances. 18 (2) PEER REVIEW:?Funds made available 19 under paragraph (1) for initiating contracts, grants, 20 cooperative agreements, interagency funds transfer 21 agreements, and field work proposals shall be made September 14, 1999 F:\M6\BERKLE\BERKLE.010 H.L.C. 2 1 available based on a competitive selection process 2 and a peer review of proposals. Exceptions shall be 3 considered on a case-by-case basis, and reported by 4 the Secretaiy to the Committee on Science of the 5 House of Representatives and the Committee on En- 6 ergy and Natural Resources of the Senate 30 days 7 prior to any such award. 8 (c) CONSULTATION.?The Secretaiy may establish an 9 advisory panel consisting of experts from industry, institu- 10 tions of higher education, and other entities as the Sec- 11 retary considers appropriate, to assist in developing rec- 12 ommendations and priorities for the research and develop- 13 merit program carried out under subsection (a). 14 (d) LIMITATIONS? 15 (1) AJDMINISIRAMVE EXPICNSES.?Not more 16 than 5 percent of the amount made available to 17 carry out this section for a fiscal year may be used 18 by the Secretaiy for expenses associated with the ad- 19 ministration of the program carried out under sub- 20 section (a). 21 (2) CONSTRUCTION oo&rs.?None of the funds 22 made available to cany out this section may be used 23 for the construction of a new building or the acquisi- 24 tion, expansion, remodeling, or alteration of an exist- September 14, 1999 F:\M6\BERKLE\BERKLE.010 H.L.C. 3 1 ing building (including site grading and improve- 2 merit and architect fees). 3 (e) DEFINITIONS.?For purposes of this section: 4 (1) CONTRACT.?The term "contract" means a 5 procurement contract within the meaning of section 6 6303 of title 31, United States Code. 7 (2) COOPERATIVE AG33EEMENT.?The t e rm "co- 8 operative agreement" means a cooperative agree- 9 merit within the meaning of section 6305 of title 31, 10 United States Code. 11 (3) GRANT.?The term "grant" means a grant 12 awarded under a grant agreement, within the mean- 13 ing of section 6304 of title 31, United States Code. 14 (4) INSLTLUNON OF1 HIGHER EDUCATION.?The 15 term "institution of higher education" means an in- 16 stitution of higher education, within the meaning of 17 section 1201(a) of the Higher Education Act of 18 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1141(a)). 19 (f) AmUQRIZATION OF APPROPRLATIONS.?Of the 20 amounts authorized under section 3(a)(2)(G), $2,000,000 21 for fiscal year 2000 and $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2001 22 shall be available for carrying out this section. September 14, 1999