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Yucca Actions document with annotations, circa 2002 (6 pages)



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    YUCCA ACTIONS ISSUE Time period Agency/Industry Goal TRANSPORTATION Cask testing Fall 2002 - Winter 2003 Holtec International, NRC Goal: Increase level of safety for transportation and storage of high-level nuclear waste Proposed Action ? request CRS report on who, where, schedule, Questions: what contractors, schedule, projected and incurred costs ? request NRC contract proposal ? FOIA request to obtain copy of Holtec testing plan ? request results / ? introduce l e g a t i o n mandating more realistic testing and setting new standards (stricter standards, TOW missile, terrorist attacks, fcst casks in use) [discuss with Richard, Mark, Michael, Jre] ? Meet with members of the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board \ ? Meet with NRC Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste ? Request GAO studAif feasible / ? request CRS/GAO srndy (if not feasible, coordinate with q Reid) \ ^J ? Press: highlight contracts between standards and analysis methods. V Pending Action Done DOE internal use transportation plan due Jan. 2003 \ DOE Goal: Increase public awareness and participation in transportation plans for high-level radioactive waste Information Gathering fc. ? Gather more info through ^ FOIA request and obtain copy from DOE ? review plan and follow-up ? request CRS study /GAO report on transportation risks ? Follow-up: If mostly rail scenario - > inquire about safety of dedicated rains, feasibility of casks, transfer hubs, number of barge and truck shipments when rail line does not exist... Eoseitne Actions ^Proposed Action ? Obtain Record of Decision ? request new EIS if DOE plan changes significantly Pending Action Done Training and background checks Winter/Spring 2003 Industry, NRC Goal: Increase monitoring and security to reduce risk of terrorism and sabotage related to transportation of high-level nuclear waste. Information Gathering ? Request CRS study w^fy. Possible follow-up steps: *9 V CJ Possible Action ? introduce legislation requiring special driving permit to haul high-level waste ? introduce legislation mandating background check and security clearances for all personnel handling or hauling nuclear waste (equivalent to Markey legisl. defeated under Price Anderson) ? introduce legislation / providing whistle-bloweA protection J Proposed Action Pending 1 Done Accidents 2002-2003 DOE Goal: Obtain realistic assessment of accident risks and consequences. Information Gathering ? request CRS report (details, how many, where, whether radioactive waste came out of the cask) ? request details from DOE and DOT on previous accidents and transportation routes for previous nuclear waste shipments ? research accidents related to INEEL Possible Action ? Follow up with op-ed, floor statement, press release/press conference... Proposed Action Pending Done Terrorist attacks 2002-2003 NRC and DOE Goal: Obtain realistic assessment of terrorist risks. Information Gathering ? request CRS report (post- September risks to nuclear power plants and high-level waste shipments) ? request report from CRS about how much neptunium is needed to make a dirty bomb - this may be classified, release/press conference Possible Action ? introduce legislation mandating that NEPA consider the potential impacts on health and the environment of terrorist attacks. ? introduce legislation requirinjv?m<jcale cask tests J to incjjrae attacKttsijyg a S misnle (see also cask testing)^ ? require th"M the n^litary provide suppoKmi defending against terrorist attacks aimed at high-leve/waste shipments v ? Follow up with op-ed, floor statement, press Proposed Action Pending Done Emergency planning Winter 2003 States Goal: Increase and improve level of participation of States regarding emergency planning and risks of transportation Information Gathering Proposed Action ? introduce legislation giving states adequate access to information about transportation, mandate consultation with states before any final route decision, and giving states the power to veto any final decision on transportation routes. ? introduce legislation expanding emergency planning zone ? introduce legislation prohibiting transportation within a certain limit of populated centers, schools... ? introduce legislation involving the military to secure the repository ? request congressional hearing ? press conference Pending Done Engaging the military 2002-2003 Nellis Base and other Goal: Engage military in dialogue about Yucca Mountain Information Gathering ? Meet with Nellis AF to gauge military concerns about Yucca Possible Action ? Introduce legislation calling on the military to assume safety responsibility of Yucca Mountain if built and on ?sh ipments Proposed Action Pending Done INTERIM NUCLEAR WASTE DISPOSAL 2002-2004 DOE Goal: Oppose early shipment of nuclear waste to Nevada. Information Gathering Possible Action ? talking points! ? introduce legislation against any storage if nuclear waste before Yucca Mountain is built ^ Meet with Members whose states would be affected by transportation of nuclear waste ? press conference with environmental groups ? op-ed in key states Proposed Action Pending Done YUCCA PROJECT LICENSE APPLICATION 2002-2004 Expansion efforts Fall 2002 J DOE, Administration Goal: Highlight significant discrepancy between previous calculations and new estimates, and mismanagement of the yucca project or efforts to deceive Congress and the public Information Gathering Proposed Action ? IG investigation / GAO study about new calculations ? request legal opinion since expansion would violate prohibitions under NWPA ? request new EIS Pending ? no written response received yet Nov. 18: Called Dan Brouillette (Cong. Aff.); he said numbers are being submitted to OMB now. Done ? Sent Sept. 26 letter to DOE inquiring about discrepancy. 293 technical problems Fall 2002-2003 NRC, DOE Goal: Obtain information about whether NRC and DOE are satisfactorily resolving these issues. ' a \ Proposed Action ? request regular updates on progress and remaining problems Pending Done COSTS Fall - on-going DOE, DOT, OMB, CBO, NRC Goal: Obtain / Calculate realistic cost estimate and point out discrepancies and highlight boondoggle InformatiouGathering ? Request cost projection and specific projection based on each phase and steps of the project. ? request detailed cost projections from DOE, DOT, OMB, CBO, N R C ^ ? follow-up: FOIApecfuest for $ projections Proposed Action Pending Done Transportation Cost of rail line: Bechtel and contractor computer model on costs of building rail line in NV to Yucca Fall 2002 Nov.-Dec. 2002 DOE, DOT Bechtel and contractors Same Information Gathering ? ask for results ? obtain list of contractors ? from DOE Proposed Action Pending Done License application Fall 2002 DOE, OMB, COB Same Information Gathering ? Request cost projection and specific projection based on each phase and - steps of the project. Proposed legislation Highlight discrepancy in press release or op-ed. Pending Done Repository construction Fall 2002 DOE, OMB, COB Same