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Hadassah-Shoshanim meeting minutes, September 1, 1995


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    H A D A S S A H The Shoshanim Group September 1, 1995 The September meeting of the Shoshanim group will be held on Monday, September II, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Sheila Simon. Sheila's address is 9616 Cliff View Way. To get to Sheila's house go west on Sahara Ave. past Durango to Fort Apache. Turn left on Fort Apache to Mariner's Cove which should be the first stop sign. Turn right on Mariner's Cove. Go about three blocks to Pelican Beach. Turn left on Pelican Beach. Go about four streets and turn right on Cliff View Way. Sheila's house is the second house on the right. In case you get lost, you can call Sheila at 256-3976. For a pictorial view look at the map on page 68 in your telephone book. Cliff View Way is street #43 in the lower inset but actually located on the page on the top left. Again, if you get lost, call Sheila. At the September meeting Lori Lipman-Brown will tell us about her recent fabulous trip to Israel complete with pictures. Lori was Shoshanim's delegate to Hadassah's 81st National Convention held in Israel. Lori was able to see firsthand all the wonderful projects that Hadassah funds. 7he Chapter will be hosting a luncheon on Monday, September 18th at 11:30 a.m. at the Las Vegas Country Club. Charlotte Franklin, one of the four Jeyvish nurses Hadassah sent to Bosnia to assess the medical needs of the people of Sarajevo, will be speaking and showing visual slides. Charlotte is very inspiring and everyone is encouraged to attend. Ihe cost is $15.00. Please call 656-1666 to RSVP. The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Adrienne Shearer as our new Membership Vice President. Adrienne has exhibited a strong desire to promote Shoshanim and encourage our growth. If you know of any prospective members for Hadassah, please call Adrienne at 256-1859. We extend our condolences to Sharon Walker and hei family on the recent loss of her father, Julius Walker. The Chapter will be selling Entertainment books this year. If anyone is interested in purchasing an entertainment book through Hadassah, contact Jeanine Rappaport at 656-8534. Happy September birthdays to Irene Friedman, Barbara Morris, Jackie Schneider, and Hillari Tischler. Congratulations to Brina and Douglas Drobnis on the move into their new home. Congratulations to Lois and Allen Dunaisky on the move into their new home. Congratulations to Ramona Luckman on becoming our newest Life Member. October's meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 9th. Please mark your calendars now. If you have any questions and or would like more information about anything regarding Hadassah and the Shoshanim Group, or if you have any suggestions please call, Sherry DeArmas- 459-2428. Hope to see you at the next meeting. Bring a friend!!! L'Shana Tova ....May you have a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!