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From: Judye Rhebus.CRS.GRI.LTG To: JoAnn Seller JAN-28-1997 12:15 Date: 1/28/97 Time: 16:35:22 Page 3 of 4 P. 02 HA D A S S A H The Shoshanim Group February 1, 1997 1 he next meeting of The Shoshanim ?i oup will he hostin , Monday F ebruary 10, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of J Phebus Skorina. Judy's address is 7795 lara Ave. Her home i on iheas* ct rner of Buffalo ilKi . , S just south of VV. Sahara. Enter tin j dt sac after turning east onto Tara. it ou would like better directions, Judye's phone number is 873- 9035. (>n Hebruary 3, 1997 at 7:30 the Shoshanim group will have a board meeting at the home of Kariiona Lucknuin's home. All members are invited attend the meeting. It would be advantageous to at'end, especially if you are interested in being oi toard for next year. Kanutna's address is V 01 Dnuncanvon Ave. but directions were not available at printing time. V ou van call Kaiuona at The. calendar for the Shoshanim group is as follows: Lite Membership Luncheon at the new Orleans, Sunday. March 2. 1997 l1:30a.m. General Meeting at the home of Sherry Mavman. Monday March 10, 1997. 7:30 p.m board Meeting. Mondav March 17, 1997, 7:30 p m. Hadassah's HMO Gala. Sundav. April 6. 1997. Evening General Meeting and Elections. Mondav. April 14, 1997. 7:30 p.m VV ine and Cheese Extravaganza. Sahirdav evening, Ma> 3. 1997 Oeneral Meeting and installation, Mondav. May 12. 1997 Board Meeting. Mondav. May 19. 199" 7 30. mark vour calendars nuw ihe Safenest Shelter received the toys that we donated during the holiday season for their children and weie very grateful. Rhonda Weisbein drove the toys to their administration office They can also use used children and women's clothes.. As an ongoing project the Shoshamm Group collects toiletries and sample items tor the shelter tor battered women and their children The shelter is in dire need of the most Simple items such as shampoo, toilet paper, kitchen utensils, etc. W e are asking each of our members that the next time vou buv the "economy pack' of paper towels, toilet paper, soap, etc. that vou remove one of those items and bring it to our next meeting Such things we take for granted and wc must remember those fortunate. Our group will he holding a Wine and Cheese Extravaganza on Ma\ 3. 1997 as a fund-raiser to benefit Youth Aliyah. held at Michelle Ravmer's home, rhe wine will be donated bv the Southern Wine and Spirits. Bermce Wagner 's husband has graciously to have the wine donated, rhis event will be held on a r?\ orv/H tnwitirsnl AtK^rc will Vv^ im it^H mqrW' ^^nr rnl^nH'ift UUIUI UU I V > UIIUl^ WU1VIU "1U Uitl.vv. I (VHL'V 111UJ .V ? VWi WUtWIIUtU J I,CRS,GRI,LTQ To: JoAnn Seller -1997 12:15 Date: 1/28/97 Time: 16:36:22 Page 3 of 4 P. 02 Donations to the IMA, fund have been made bv the following: V, . ; By Sherry DcArrnas - To hc^or andtfiank aU fee member* of the S h c ^ Gn^p ami the Las Vegas ureery. You. wonderful women have no By Lori Lipman-Birown i Bv Lori f .ipman- Brown '? ji. idea how supportiw you have been to my recovery. ' ' :??-.?? ' :i ! Li. ii . 5 : 1 !!..::.;! ;! 7 ...? : ? ',: ! ? - In honor of my recent Supreme Court Success. - ' T-. . .;.?.?.!'.. , .: : :. . . .;?:,. ;. ., . li|ijijt.|..:;i !Hi|i;? i, ?? ; ; - In honor of Sherry DeArmas beine outofiho hospital. Tributes have been sent bv the following: To Bob and Lois Goldberg; Best Wishes on your 50th anniversary: from Bern Klein To the family ol Melvm Kahn, ui Memory of our beloved Melvm; from Bettv KJein To Sherry DeArmas. Get W ell .Soon and Speeds Recovery, from the Shoshaiiun Group, from Murcia Marx. Sheila bimon. lirina Drobnis, Ramona Luckman. Barbara Schwartz, Ruthe Spector To Jackie Schneider. Get Well Soon and Speeds Recovers- from Ruthe Spector To Mr Arthur Cohen; Happv Birthdav and Best Regards- from Ruthe Spector To Mrs Mir)am Kugelman; Happv Birthdav and manv more; from Ruthe Spector To Mrs. Ruth Pasternak; Wishing you a Complete and Speedy Recovers. from Ruthe Spector To Mrs. Florence Stewart Wishing you a Complete and Speeds Recovers; from Ruthe Spector J o Pnscilla and Walter Schwartz: in Memory or sour Brother; trom Ruthe Spector (?n Honor of my saying the HaMoitze at meeting; from Ruthe Spector If you svould like to send a Tribute, as a personal greeting, get vvelL memorial, birthdav or congratulations card, call Brina Drobnis at 243-7474. Tributes cost from S3.00 to S5.00 and Brina will even address, stamp and mail diem tor sou. Hadassah tribute cards save you time and help our group meet its yearly quota to aid Israel and. ot course, vou get hill donor credit Happy Birthdavs to Marcy Saxe. Gloria Halpem. Carole Slobin, Brina Drobrns. and Marcia Marx. Happs Birthdavs Belated Birthdays to Gloria Branskv. Linda Fleeter. Karen Sev ienv. Susan Smith and sneliev Weinbers Congratulations to Hi Hun and Howard Tischler on the birth of their newest son. Hunter Logan I J J I H L h ' . U J us,CRS,GRI.LTQ To: JoAnn Seller ^.'8-1997 12:16 Date: 1/28/97 Time: 16:37:22 Page 3 of 4 P. 02 J he Las Vegas Chapter of Hadassah ot which \vc are a part will be hosting the annual Hadassah Medical Organization Gala Ball on Sunday Evening. April 6 1997 at the Treasure Island Hotel. The money raised at this very special event will benefit the Hadassah Hospitals. The benefit drawing, tor which you have all received these rattle tickets, has always been an exciting part of the gala evening and this ball will be an exceptional event Tickets are 55 00 each or 6 for $25.00.. lhe check can be made to Hadassah and the check and stubs with your names on them should be sent to Kathv Menasche. 1S91 Del Fonte Ct. Las Vegas NV. 89117. We do get individual donor credit and quota credit for our group. We are in the planning stage of compiling a Shoshanim-Hadassah co?>- ook. We need everyone's help for ideas and. of course, your recipes. If vou have a favorite Jewish recipe, biing it to the next meeting, or send it to Kathleen Menasche. 1891 Del Fonte Ct. Las Vegas. NV. 89117. The I Membership Luncheon will be held on Sundav. March 2. 11:30 a.m. at the Orleans, at Arville and Flamir or Iropicana Its a brand new restaurant and I hear, verv nice, with accessible parkins Life Members will receive invitations to attend All new Life Members will be honored. LEAD THE TEDDY BEAR PARADE OF NEW LIFE MEMBERS EVERYONE LOVES THE HADASSAH TEDDY BEAR. OUR GIFT FOR NEW CHILD LIFE MEMBERS. NOW YOU. TOO. CAN HAVE ONE! HERE'S HOW TO GET OUR CUDDL} TEDDY BEAR TO SNUGGLE WITH: ENROLL THREE (3) NEW LIFE MEMBERS BETWEEN JUNE 1. 1996 and MAY I. 1997 Dues are $25.00 a vear. Please send vour check made out to Hadassah to Marcy Simon, 8524 W. Sahara Blvd. #237, Las Vegas, NV. 89117. or bring your dues to the next meeting. Life Membership is S250.00. Vou can even pav vour life membership in installments during lhe entire vear. Vour membership is transferable to anv Hadassah Group in the world The nominating committee is meeting this month to compile the Slate tor the 1997-1998 Board. Members of the nominating committee are llenc Adlcr. Jackie Fleekop Birdie Goldsmith, Lindsay Alpert. Harriet Smvhe and Shirlev Klcinman. All Board positions are available If you are interested to be on the Board, please meet with one of these w omen Phe slate will be presented to the t-ebruarv meeting, the March Bulletin and the elections will be held in April The Installation will be at the May meeting. Hie elected Board positions axe as follows: President;. Organization V P , Fund-Raising V.P.; Membership Outreach V.P . Education V P.. Program V.P.; Treasurer, Records Administrator (formerlv Financial Sec v); Recording Sec"y Corresponding V.P There are also manv non-elected positions, we do have a place for every one.