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The Shofar newsletter of Temple Beth Am, April 2000



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    T h e H o u s e of t h e P e o p l e The S h o f a r Monthly Newsletter of Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Volume 10, Issue 4 April 2000 Special Points Of Interest ? Seder Reservation. Come share Passover din-ner with us on April 19th. ? Gala Reservation. Dr. Richard Moore is our Man of the Year. Mayor Oscar Goodman will MC the event on May 20th at . Caesars Palace. Greeters for April April 7 Craig Friedberg April 14 Lelia Friedlander April 21 Mort Friedlander April 28 Hazel Gold Inside this issue: Communication Today Rebbetzen Micki Hecht Milestones - by Arleen Turok birthdays & Anniversaries Yortzeits for this Month Don't Wait Till the End 10 Torah Story Religious School Outing 11 On Mount Charleston Groundbreaking Photos 12 Groundbreaking Ceremony March 15, 2000?That special day is now a part oi Temple Beth Am's nis-tory. It will be long re-membered as the begin-ning of the New Temple Beth Am. Led by our Spiritual Leader, Rabbi Mel Hecht, together with the Board of Directors and our Building Com-mittee Chairman, the first step, grading the land where our new buildings will be erected began. It is the first step down to road to building Phase 1. Over the next ten months, as construc-tion continues, we will see a new Senior Day Care Center, a Banauet Hall, a Wedding Garden, and an expanded Learn-ing Center rise on what has been, until now, a vacant lot. For more photos and details of the festive oc-casion turn to page 12. Dig inl And they didl The first crew moves the very first shovels filled with dirt on the grounds of Phase 1 of the new Temple Beth Am. From left to right: State Senator Ray Rawson, Steve Aizenberg, Building Committee Chairman; Arleen Turok, President; Miki Hecht, Rebbet-zen, Rabbi Mel Hecht, Temple Beth Am's Spiritual Leader. Watch the progress whenever you drive by. Passover Seder at the Luxor Looks Like a Sellout If you haven't made your reservations yet, don't wait another day. Room is start-ing to run out for the Tem-ple Beth Am annual Pass-over Seder Dinner and Ser-vice. Once again it is being held at the Luxor Hotel. Tables will be set for groups of ten. A complete Passover meal will accom-pany the traditional ser-vice conducted by Rabbi Mel Hecht. You can reserve seating for your family by using the reservation form on page 5 of this issue of The Shofar. Or, you can stop by the Temple office and drop off your reservation and a check. Cost is $40 for Temple Beth Am members, $55 for non-members. Chil-dren under 13 are $18. There is no charge for children under 5. Come and join with our congregational family for a "Passover to Remem-ber". You'll share a won-derful service with family and friends. You'll enjoy a great Passover dinner. And possibly best of all, there won't be any clean-ing up afterwards. Don't be left out, make your res-ervations today. Tomor-row just might be too late. 2 THE SHOFAR April 2000 Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL.DD Spiritual Leader Temple Beth Am Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arleen Turok President Larry Steckler First VP Mort Friedlander Second VP Carin Bachant Treasurer Fran Fine Recording Secretary Linda York Corresponding Secretary TRUSTEES Steve Aizenberg William Arager Gary Bordman Craig Friedberg Lelia Friedlander Becky Grill Gerri Lynn Grossan Hazel Gold Dr. Steve Konowalow Julie Pearlman Mark Rich Allison Berman Education Director Amy Stein...Sisterhood Representative Stuart Stein Brotherhood President THE SHOFAR Larry and Lorraine Steckler, Editors Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat, Friday at 7:00pm Shabbat, Friday at 7:30pm Child Care Provided Saturday Services Torah Study, 9:30am Services, 10:30am Communication, Correspondence and the ComputerAge Rebbetzen's Corner by Micki D. Hecht / t has been said that the "art" of letter writing is becoming a "lost art". How many times have you known that you really snould sit down and write tnat thank-you note, or send that get-well card, but just could not seem to find the time? It remains at the back of your mind for days, while you earnestly try to find a moment in your day to just sit down and jot a line or two to someone you genuinely care about. If you're like me, you really would like to afford yourself the luxury of sitting down to write a litter to those individuals you don't necessar-ily see on a regular basis. IIow many times have you thought about someone and wondered how they are doing. You'd Like to know what's new in their lives, but can't find the time to sit down and write, so you pick up the telephone. You have a conversation and a pleasant ex-change, put down the phone and in a few days it becomes a distant memory. When I receive a phone call from a loved one, I am tickled, and cer-tainly enjoy the conversation, for the most part. But again, in a few days, the memory begins to fade. How different it is when the commu-nication or sentiment is written in black and white! There are times when I am cleaning my home that I find an old card or letter that has been sent to me. I usually take a moment right then to read over what was written and relive the experience of receiving the blessing of the thoughts and feelings expressed on the page. Writing a letter or sending a card is a precious gift that you can give, just to let someone know how much you care, to say I am thinking of you or I hope you're feeling better! It can be said that a card or letter with handwritten sentiments included is truly the gift ,'hat keeps on giv-ing. "So," you are most likely asking yourself at this moment, "why is she going on and on about letters, cards, and communications?" The an-swer is quite simply this, Dear Friend: I go on-line several days a week to study the Torah Portion for that week, to read and study commen-tary from many different Rabbis and Torah scholars. Each time I sign on, I see the mailbox icon that tells me I have mail. Sometimes I have more e-mail messages than I can read in one day, and I need to go through to peruse the ones I feel might be the most urgent; notices about meetings or important Temple or community business. Having access to e-mail has certainly simplified my life. It is much easier to open an electronic mail than it is to find a letter opener, open the snail mail letter, decide whether I need to save or discard that par-ticular bit of information, recycle the envelope and move on to the next piece of mail. I know that when I go to the mailbox and retrieve my pa-per mail, I sort though and make piles. I put all the bills in one pile, The solicitation and junk mail in another (you can almost always tell by the outside of the envelope if it is junk mail). I put mail for each member of the family into their own stack, and put personal mail (cards and letters) into another stack. This is the stack I cherish. You can usually anticipate what will be in the stack marked bills. And the solicitations and junk mail do not excite me at all; but I just can't wait to find out what's in the other stack?the stack of personal cards and letters. That is usually the smallest stack, and many days (many weeks, in fact) I don't receive even one card or "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 3 Sisterhood Report By Hazel Gold / f you didn't come to our Wine Tasting party, you missed a really great evening! Our guest speaker, P.J. Howe was truly an expert in this knowledge of wines. We sampled 12 different kinds and he explained why he had chosen them, gave us information about grapes, bottling, corkage and other interesting facts. All of this?accompanied by humor (which kept getting funnier as the tasting went on), along with a selection of cheeses, crackers, bread and fruit. Afterwards we enjoyed coffee, cake, conversation and camaraderie. All in all?the evening eas a huge success. Thanks to Becky Grill for arranging for our guest speaker, to Amy Stein for arranging for all the re-freshments and to Lorraine Steckler for bringing that delicious home-made cake. Thanks too, to all the husbands who set up and cleaned up. We do appreciate your help. Next time Sisterhood issues an invitation, you really should plan to attend. It will always be an in-formative, fun-filled evening and an opportunity to meet with friends. Sincerely, Hazel Gold personal letter from a friend or family member. I can understand w h y . . . . I don't send manv personal cards or letters, my-self, even though I think about doing it often. First you've got to go to the card store and read hun-dreds of cards to find just the right one. Then you've got to find the time to sit down and jot a line or tow (now let's see, where did I put my favorite Een. . . .). Next, you've got to make certain that you ave the correct mailing address and zip code.. Now Jrou've got to scour the place for a stamp. Oh, did I orget to mention that you've got to now mail the thing? It should be delivered in two or three or four or five or six days, depending upon where you are sending it. Oh, it makes me weary to even think about sitting down to write a letter or to send a card. But oh how I love to receive them! Isn't that always the ca Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die! Speaking of Heaven. . . I get a little slice of Heaven each time I sign on to the Internet. I get mail and greetings from friends and family from all over the world, and almost every time I sign on, I have something new to look forward to. The art of communications is indeed alive and well, and living inside your computer! It just amazes me each time I am able to read the many cards, letters, poems, jokes and stories that come in my e-mail each day. I feel that the commu-nications superhighway we call the Internet is akin to the Renaissance (the Rebirth of Learning) that took place in Europe in the 1400's. People are re-newing their talent in the areas of communications and correspondence. We are finding information we feel is worth sharing and we are sharing it. The in-formation is shareafirst with those we care about and know, and then it is filtered down to hundreds and even thousands of unrelated individuals. Each and every individual who receives a piece of information has the option to either share it or de-jete it. We can each tnen have the benefit of learn-ing something new, enjoying a smile or a joke, or being warnedofa danger that lies "out there." I feel that the invention of electronic mail is more than a Rebirth of Learning, it is the dawn of the age of in-formation and communication. A spark of creativity has been ignited in individuals who haven't sat down to write a letter in years. All of a sudden they are writing, they are reading, they are communicat-ing with the world and becoming better people be-cause of it. I have studied for many years to achieve my de- Sees, and I understand that the more you know, e more you realize how much you need to learn. I am blessed to have the opportunity to study and grow online, and to build upon the foundation stone of the traditional education and experience I was able to attain in school. I pray that I will be capable of learning something new each day and I pray that with each thing I learn I will grow as an individual. The Internet has put the World at my fingertips, and for that I am grate-ful. It is not my only method of gaining knowledge or information, but it certainly helps. I still read on the average of a book a week. I still study Torah with my husband using real books, and I still take every opportunity to enroll in a continuing educa-tion class when possible. Of course, there are many drawbacks and a few negatives associated with the Internet. The Inter-net, like fire, can be used for good or evil. We can look for and find the good, and with a "gentle breath" blow the rest away; or, we can become so focused on the potential for harm, or porn, or inva-sion, that we never allow ourselves to find the treas-ure. I wish for you this day, Dear Friend, the ability to squeeze the good out of the Internet, and safety from any harm it could potentially create for you. B' Shalom Rebbetzen Micki D. Hecht 4 THESHOFAR April 2000 Milestones President's Gavel by Arleen Turok hat an unbelievable milestone we have reached in the history of this temple. I took the challenge of accepting the job of being president at a time in the life of our Temple where it was really sink or swim! We were on our way to be-ing sold to another temple and it was the tenacity of our Rabbi, Rebbetzen and Board of Trustees that stopped that and when we decided to go for broke! For 2 years now, every speech of mine has in-cluded how we have always seen the light at the end of the tunnel and have not faltered in our ways! Well I must tell you all that that light is shinning so bright now! We finally broke ground Wednesday March I5,h and the grading of the land has begun. Soon our buildings will be a reality. We have been functioning well at every level. Our pre-school is filled to capacity with a healthy waiting list. Miriam Dake does a wonderful job of keeping the highest standards possible. Her staff, likewise, maintains a standard that makes ours a school with an excellent name in the community. Lelia Friendlander who is the Director whom we are proud to have inducted to our Board; and Steve Henick who is the Administrative Assistant of our Religious School; are running an incredible pro-gram Together with the teachers they are commit-ted to giving our children the best religious ground-ing possible. They too have a waiting list, as our fire code states, we can have no more children in the classrooms. How wonderful! I want to thank the entire Board of Trustees who each in their own way contribute to the smooth run-ning of our Temple. We are truly blessed to be a congregation with a motto of "In a world of strang-ers let us create community". Thank you to my Executive Board Larry Steckler and Mort Friedlander, our vice-presidents, who have done so much that it is impos-sible to mention it all. Carin Bachant for being our treasurer. A job that is indeed harder than anyone understands. I under-stand because I did her job for a while! Linda York who comes in, gets all her corre-sponding secretary work done, and there certainly is a lot to get done month after month. Fran Fine; thanks for being our recording secre-tary, you have done a great job! Thank you also to all of the following people: Allison Berman for your continued guidance which is the success of our pre-school and religious school. Becky Grill, for all the billing which takes a chunk of time out of your life. Steve Aizenberg, without whom, we probably wouldn't be breaking-ground. Bill Arager for organizing our Seder at the Luxor. Mark Rich for the details of our Man of the Year Dinner. Mort Friedlander who has gone above and be-yond to help make our gala the success we know it will be. Hazel Gold without whom I would be lost! Thanks for always being there for me! And thank you to every Trustee who works so hard and are so supportive! We have important upcoming events that we would love to celebrate with the congregation, namely our Seder at the Luxor Wednesday April 19th, which promises, once again, to be an out-standing event. Come along and leave the cooking and dishes to the Luxor! Our Man of the Year Dinner Dance will be held at Caesars Palace Saturday, May 20th, where we will honor Dr. Moore. I would like to thank Lorraine Steckler for the hours she has put into the Ad Book for the Gala! If you have not yet submitted your ad, please do as soon as possible. Last, but certainly not least Tiffany Fiefer who is organizing the silent auction at the Gala. Remember all that we raise from our Gala Dinner Dance goes to our Building Fund! As I close I would like to thank Rabbi for his guidance throughout the past two years. I certainly could not have been here without your help, Rabbi. I certainly look forward to a most exciting year ahead with great changes for us as a congregational family. B'Shalom Arleen Turok, President "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 5 m w t PJIfes Temple Beth Am ANNUAL PASSOVER SEDER Conducted By Rabbi Mel Hecht First Seder Night - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 6:30 pm Luxor Hotel Egyptian Ballroom Everyone is cordially invited to join Rabbi Mel and Rebbetzen Micki Hecht and the Temple Beth Am Congregational Family for this very special event. For Additional Information Please Call The Temple Office 254-5110 Make Checks Payable to: Name: Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 Address: Phone #: Number of Congregants Number of Guests Children Under 13 Children Under 5 $40.00 ea. 5) $55.00 ea. a), $18.00 ea. No Charge $ $ $ - 0 - Any Special Request: 6 T H E S H O F A R April 2000 Happy Birthday Mr. Brian Grill April 1 Linda Green April 1 Sanford Spero April 2 Mr. Martin Siegel April 3 Barbara Gordon April 3 Mrs. Diane Cantor April 3 Henry Artman, M.D. April 4 Mrs. LeVerne Witkow April 7 Mr. Dax Turok April 9 Mr. Robert Hash April 12 Joshua Schussler (7th Birthday) April 12 Marshall Benton Grill (12th Birthday) April 12 Zachary Ryan Brounstein (7th Birthday) April 13 Mr. Scott Cantor April 14 Mr. Arthur Greenspan April 15 Juli Greenspan April 16 Mrs. Carin Bachant April 16 Ms. Julie Pearlman April 17 Aaron LaFountaine (15th Birthday) April 17 Mrs. Michele Miller April 19 Keith Lewis April 19 Mrs. Esther Levof April 19 Mrs. Arvajune Hailpern April 20 Mr. John Farrish April 20 Wendy Shaw April 21 Samuel Lund (3rd Birthday) April 21 Mrs. Cathie DeLee April a 2 Elizabeth Shaw (3rd Birthday) April 24 Mr. Mark Rich April 25 Joshua Nadler (8th Birthday) April 25 Steve Aizenberg April 25 Rachael Krai (8th Birthday) April 27 Joanne Greenbaum April 28 Ruth Geller April 28 Brianna Besman (16th Birthday) April 28 Mrs. Jill Zwerg April 29 William Rubsamen (6th Birthday) April 30 Preston Rubsamen (6th Birthday) April 30 Happy Anniversary to: Morton Winer 14th Anniv April 13 Goldie & Alex Wechsler 43rd Anniv April 14 Linda & Allen Cohen 3rd Anniv April 15 Sheldon Freedman 17th Anniv April 19 Talmudic Puzzle Solution By Ohr Somayach ? Last month we published a little puzzle called "Who Broke the Radio". Do you remember it? Did you figure out who was to blame? Essentially, a worker on the roof of a building grabbed a radio that was playing too loud to suit him and threw it off the roof. Just before it hit the ground, another worker sees it falling and smashes it with his hammer. The question was, "Who pays for the radio?" (This puzzle is from Tractate Bava Kamma, page 17b). The answer is that there are four major opinions among the Talmudic commentators. 1. The worker who threw the radio off the roof must pay. He performed an action that would inevitably break the radio. 2. The worker at the bottom must pay for the radio. He broke it. Although it would surely have broken had he let it go, at the time it reached him it was not yet broken. Therefore, he broke it and must pay for it. 3. They must split the cost, because we are not sure who is responsible. 4. Neither must pay. The one who threw it off the roof, put it into a situation where it would surely break. Consequently, it lost all of its monetary value. A radio that is sure to break is worth nothing. Therefore, when the worker at the bottom broke it, he broke a ra-dio that was worth nothing. The top worker does not have to pay because he did not break it. And the bottom worker does not have to pay because he broke something that was worthless. The Rema in Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpar 390:5 rules like the first opinion, that the worker who threw the radio off the roof must pay. TEMPLE BETH AM "House of the People " ance/ and Silent sAucUatv c?ue&ai& cPalace< c}tolet and C&cisinas SaUuidcuy, c)fia^20, 2000 6:30pm Honoring Dr. Richard Moore Founding President of the New State College in Henderson Past President Community College of Southern Nevada Events Of The Evening Welcome and Introduction Mort Friedlander, Gala Chair Arlene Turok, President, Temple Beth Am Mayor Oscar Goodman, Master of Ceremonies Star Spangled Banner & Hatikvah David Averbach, Cantorial Soloist Invocation Rabbi Mel Hecht Introduction of Dignitaries Arleen Turok Hamotzi Rabbi Mel & Rebbetzen Micki D. Hecht Dinner Introduction of "Man Of The Year" The Honorable Mayor Oscar Goodman Response Dr. Richard Moore Presentation of Awards Rabbi Mel Hecht & Arleen Turok Benediction 8 THESHOFAR April 2000 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COME ONE COME ALU TEMPLE BETH AM'S BROTHERHOOD INVITES YOU TO GAME NIGHT APRIL 27th, 7:30PM A FUN FILLED EVENING OF POKER, PINOCHLE, HEARTS AND ASSORTED BOARD GAMES $5.00 SODA, CHIPS, COFFEE It's not in your Haggadah, but it's in your heart. For 50 years of family seders Israel bonds have been your connection to Israel. Your Israel Bonds investment dollars - over $21 billion to date - have helped transform Israel into a modern industrialized nation and sustain the promise of "NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM." Zero Coupon Bond 7.90% Effective yield to maturity and current purchase price of $ 2 , 8 0 5 for bonds purchased through March 27, 2000. Matures at $6,000 10 years from issue date (first day of the month following the month in which subscription is accepted by Fiscal Agent). Jubilee (Series A) Issue Bond 7 . 3 0% Fixed annual interest rate for bonds purchased through March 27, 2000. Marures 5 years from issue date. Minimum Subscription $25,000. Jubilee (Series B) Issue Bond 7 . 6 0% Fixed annual interest rate for bonds purchased through March 27, 2000. Matures 10 years from issue date. Minimum Subscription $25,000. LIBORnoating Rate Issue (LFRI) Bond / ? 1 * J /O Interest rate for bonds purchased through March 2000. Based on 75 basis points (fixed at time of purchase) above the applicable 6-month LIBOR rate. The applicable LIBOR rate is adjusted thereafter on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. Minimum subscription: $5,000 ($2,500 or $2,000 for IRAs only). Matures: 10 years from issue dale. Development Issue Current Income Bond 4.00% annual interest rate. $500 and increments of $500. Matures 15 years from issue date. Development Issue Savings Bond $500 and increments of $500. Matures 15 years from issue date at 180% of issue amount, resulting in an effective yield to maturity of approximately 4.00%. Chai Bond Purchase price: $136. Matures in 5 years at $180. Non-transferable. Not eligible for early redemption. Purchaser may only purchase one Bond for a given owner in any cal-endar year. May only be purchased for/registered to an (only one) individual. State of Israel Bonds Wishes You a Happy Passover This is not an offering which can be made only by prospectus. Read it carefully before investing. Member NASD, S1PC Development Corporation for Israel / State of Israel Bonds Los Angeles Office: 6222 Wilshire Blvd. ? Suite 300 ? Los Angeles, CA 90048 323-939-3000 ? 8OO-92BONDS ? (Fax) 323-939-9095 San Fernando Valley: 21031 Ventura Blvd. ? Suite 513 ? Woodland Hills, CA 91354 818-999-9491 ? (Fax) 818-999-9075 O Temple Beth Am 2000 April 5760 O Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 2 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10 am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 3 4 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 5 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 6 7 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 8 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 9 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 10 11 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 12 13 14 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 15 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30 am 16 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 17 18 Search of Chometz In Evening Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 19 Fast of First Bom Annual Passover Seder Luxor Hotel 6:30 pm 20 1" Day Passover 2nd Seder in Evening 21 2nd Day Passover Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 22 Choi Hamoed First Day Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 23 Choi Hamoed Second Day Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 24 Choi Hamoed Third Day 25 Choi Hamoed Fourth Day Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 26 Seventh Day Passover 27 Eighth Day Passover Brotherhood Game Night TBA 7:30pm 28 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 29 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30 am 30 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 1 2 Yom Hoshoa Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 3 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30 pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 4 5 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 6 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 9 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 5 Apr. 7 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 12 Teddy Rubel... .Brother Edythe Edwards Daniel Kurtz... .Father of Arthur Anne & Arthur Cohen Sadie Gold... .Mother of Raymond Hazel Raymond Gold Mildred Janowitz... .Mother of Helen Helen Jaffe Irving Dorfler... .Father ofRonni Husband of Gladys Ronni Goodman, Gladys Dorfler William Grobstein.... Inger & John Keator Rachel Jones.... Marlene & Maurice Jones Eva KCaappla, n... .Grandmother of Cindy Cindy & Coe Power Bernard Brabow... .Husband of Ann Ann Grabow Nathaniel Mendebon... .Grandfather of Kellie Mizel & Rick Sanciangco, Kellie Apr. 12 Marissa Stanigar.... Edythe Edwards Apr. 15 Thomas Friedlander... .Father ofMort Sal and Mort Friedlander Apr. 16 Martin Aizenberg... .Father of Stephen Rochelle & Steve Aizenberg Wilson Apr. 17 Constance Rudack... .Mother of Diane Diane & Scott Cantor Apr. 18 Lester Goodman... .Brother-in-Law ofRonni Ronni Goodman, Gladys Dorfler Apr. 21 Charlie Schnee... .Brother-in-Law of Sandra & Albert Sandra & Albert Tucker Apr. 23 Stanley Lowe... .Father of Shelli Shelli Lowe, George Wara Apr. 24 Mordechai Bergman... .Father Simon Bergman Apr. 26 Dora Soltz... .Mother of Josephine Stanley Weinberger Apr. 30 Nathan Levant... .Father of Hazel Hazel & Raymond Gold Apr. 30 Rose Rubel.. .Mother Edythe Edwards NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD, FACC. FACP BERGE |. DADOUR1AN, MD, FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD, FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC |EFFREY B. GITLIN, MD PATRICK C. HSU, MD 31 2 I S Maryland Pkwy Suite 512 Las Vegas. NV 89109 (702) 796-7150 3150 N Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas. NV 89128 (702) 233-1000 1 0 THESHOFAR April 2000 Don't Wait Till The End Sinchd's Torah Stories by Simcha Groffman Hi Chaim. How many raffle tickets have you sold? Eight. Wow, you are doing better than I am. I have only sold five. We still have two weeks to go till the raffle drawing Avi. We have to sell our book of ten by then. Here comes Mr. Weiss. Let's see if he is interested. Hi Mr. Weiss. Hi boys. How are you doing? Great Mr. Weiss. Did you know that our school is running a raffle to raise money to buy more books for the library? I didn't know that. Would you be interested in buying a ticket? We hope to raise enough money to buy several sets of books, many biog-raphies of Torah Giants, and children's storybooks. Boys, this is a great cause. I will do more than buy one ticket. Right before the raffle drawing, bring me all your unsold ticket books and I will buy them. The boys' eyes widened. Really Mr. Weiss? Really. I will see you in a couple of weeks boys. Remember, any raffles that you do not sell, I will buy. The boys are so excited diat they cannot wait to get to school to tell the librarian. Rabbi Sofer we have great news! Yes boys. We found someone who will buy all of the unsold raffle tickets! Boys, that's wonderful! However, we must still try to sell as many as we can. After all, we must be fair and not take advantage of this very generous person. Keep up the great work boys. We'll have that set of Mishnayos and Rambam for our library quicker than you can say Sholom Alelchem Rebbe. Over the next two weeks, Avi and Chaim manage to sell all of their tick-ets. The big day finally arrives. Sure enough, every one of the raffle tickets is sold. The boys see Mr. Weiss on his way to the raffle drawing. Hi boys! What's doing? How many tickets am I going to buy today? I want to make a nice donation to really help the school library. Ummm. Well. What's the matter boys? Are you afraid that there are too many unsold tickets left? Don't worry. I told you that I would buy all of them. Now, how many are left? Ummm. Well. Come, boys. Lefs not waste time. The drawing will be very soon. Now, here is my checkbook. How much should I write on the check? Mr. Weiss, you are not going to be-lieve this. Believe what? All of the tickets were sold. Really? Yes, really. Boys, I must say that I am disap-pointed. However, I should have known that this was going to happen. How could you have possibly known? I'll tell you boys, the same thing happened three thousand two hundred years ago. It happened to our ancestors in the desert. And it is even in a recent Torah portion (Vayakhel). Did they really have a raffle for the school library in the desert, Mr. Weiss? No, boys, of course not. However they had a tremendous fund-raising drive for the materials to build the Mishkan (Tabernacle). All of the Jewish people contributed. The princes of the twelve tribes wanted to give an extra-special gift. They waited for the end, just as I did, to donate whatever was lacking. Guess what? Nothing was missing. Exactly boys. The Jewish people were so generous that they had to be told to stop giving. There was nothing left for the princes to contribute. I should have known better. We were then, and we are now, a nation of people who open their hearts generously to give. The princes learned their lesson and so will I. At the inauguration of the Mishkan, they were the first ones to bring their offerings. The next time you have a fundraising drive boys, come to me first. I want to be the first one to give, not the last. Mr. Weiss, we have all learned a lesson in doing things quickly. If you wait till the end, you end up in last place. SISTERGRAMS byRozRing ? 656-7003 To: Amy Stein From: Sisterhood We all join in wishing you the best birthday ever. To: Any Stein From: Roz & A1 Ring Have a very healthy and happy birthday (Sweet 16?why not!) To: Ann Cohen From: Roz & A1 Ring We wish you the best of health on your upcoming birthday. May you enjoy many more. To: Lois Hartman From: Sisterhood We sincerely hope you are on the road to recovery from your surgery. We miss you?get well. To: Amy & Stuart Stein From: Ann & Art Cohen Mazol Tov on the upcoming mar-riage of your son Jason and Joann. To: A1 Auslander From: Roz & A1 Ring Happy 84th birthday! We wish you continued good health. To: Lois Hartman From: Ann & Art Cohen You are in our prayers. Hope all will be well. To: Lois Hartman From: Roz & A1 Ring You are wished all of the best. We hope your recovery will be complete. Have a special occasion or event to honor? Call Roz Ring at 656- 7003 and do it with a Sistergram or a Brick in the next issue. Digging In New Temple Beth Am Campus Under Way [aLE w 3 CONCERT EVENT C Craig Taubman & His Band HIHl APPEARING Sunday, May 7th @ 3:00 p.m. Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy 9700 Hillpointe Drive ? Summerlin "If it's possible to credit one performer as the originator of modern American Jewish Rock 'n Roll, it would have to go to Craig Taubman" ? Baltimore Jewish Times A COMMUNITY WIDE JEWISH CONCERT EVENT Seating is limited so get your tickets now! Adults $12.50 ? Children 12 and under $7.50 ? 2 and under FREE Credit card orders please call 731-9000. Tickets available at: Las Vegas Window Tinting, 3829 Spring Mtn. Rd. and the Hebrew Academy En Craig Taubma