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The Shofar newsletter of Temple Beth Am, March 2000



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    The H o u s e of t h e P e o p l e T h e S h o f a r Monthly Newsletter of Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Volume 10, Issue 3 March 2000 Special Points Of Interest ? Seder Reservation. Come share Passover dinner with us. ? Gala Reservation. Dr. Richard Moore is our Man of the Year. Mayor Oscar Goodman will MC the event. Greeters for March March 3 Linda York March 10 Steve Aizennberg March 17 William Arager March 24 Carin Bachant March 31 Gary Bordman Inside this issue: Gifts from the Heart 2 Rebbetzen Micki Hecht Sistergrans & Bricks 3 by Roz Ring Exciting Times Ahead 4 by Arieen Turok Religious School News 5 by Lelio Friedlander Birthdays & Anniversaries 6 Yartzeits for February Torah Story & Puzzle 10 Groundbreaking Ceremony Set for March 15th ^M^Wark the date on m I v l y o u r calendar! WWW March 15th at 4:15pm. Triat's the official date for the groundbreaking ceremonies that will be-gin the construction of Phase 1 of the new Tem-ple Beth Am. With Summerlin's ap-proval in hand, and the submission to the City of Las Vegas Planning Board complete Rabbi Mel Hecht, together with Rebbetzen Micki Hecht and the entire board of directors invite all con-gregation members to witness this long-awaited event. City, County and State dignitaries are ex-pected to be present for this special event. We will keep you posted in the weekly issues of High Lights as we have more nes. Phase 1, expected to be complete and in use near the end of this year, will provide an urgently needed Senior Day Care Center; an enlarged ca-pacity Learning Center; a banquet facility and a wedding garden. Phase 2, will follow soon after, re-placing the modular buildings we now use with a new Sanctuary, new offices, and more classrooms. The list of those who have worked so hard to brine us to this point are too long to list here. But the heartfelt thanks of every Temple Beth Am member goes out to each and every one of them. Following the ground-breaking, there will be refreshments served in the existing Temple building. Again, all con-gregation members are invited as we toast to the new beginnings. Following this event we will flow right into our regularly scheduled Annual Congregational Meeting. Details of the new Temple officers and trus-tees can be found in the article at the bottom of this page. This will be a truly great moment in the his-tory of Temple Beth Am. We are looking forward to hosting all of you in our celebration. Congregational Meeting to Follow Groundbreaking lection day is coming. ^W March 15th is the date scheduled for the con-gregation to meet and elect new board members. A list of nominees has been sub-mitted by the Nominating Committee and the Con-gregation will vote for their selection. The meet-ing will begin immediately following the ground-breaking ceremonies.. Here is the slate of can-didates: Officers President Arleen Turok First Vice President Larry Steckler Second Vice President Mort Friedlander Treasurer Carin Bachant Corresponding Secty. Linda York Trustees Steve Aizenberg William Arager Gary Bordman Craig Friedberg Lilia Friedlaner Hazel Gold Becky Grill Geri Lynn Grossan Dr. Steve Konowalow Julie Pearlman Mark Rich Sisterhood and Brother-hood Representatives are appointed by Sisterhood and Brotherhood. Any ad-ditional board trustees will be appointed by the board 2 THE SHOFAR March 2000 Temple Beth Am Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arleen Turok President Larry Steckler First VP Mort Friedlander Second VP Carin Bachant Treasurer Fran Fine Recording Secretary Linda York Corresponding Secretary TRUSTEES Steve Aizenberg William Arager Dr. Sheldon Freedman Craig Friedberg Becky Grill Gerri Lynn Grossan Hazel Gold Dr. Steve Konowalow Dr. Frank Masters Julie Pearlman Mark Rich Allison Berman Amy Stein Stuart Stein Education Director Sisterhood Rep Brotherhood Pres THE SHOFAR Larry and Lorraine Steckler Co-Editors Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat, Friday at 7:00pm Shabbat, Friday at 7:30pm Child Care Provided Saturday Services Torah Study, 9:30am Services, 10:30am Gifts from the Heart and the Sandwich Generation Rebbetzen's Corner by Micki D. Hecht any Baby Boomers (born in and around the 1950's) have found themselves referred to as the Sandwich Generation). When I first heard this term, it conjured up images of us feeding Sandwiches, perhaps with soup or salad, but serving sandwiches to our families for dinner. I couldn't have been more wrong. I knew that I had never served a sandwich to any member of my family for dinner, so I knew that they could not have been referring to me, in any event! Upon further study, the subject of the Sandwich Generation comes into full light, and it is not always as simple as one might imag-ine. Psychologists use the term Sandwich Generation to refer to those in-dividuals who are sandwiched between two generations. For example, my husband and I share our home with our youngest daughter, Melissa and her grandmother, Esther. On occasion we also entertain our mar-ried daughter, Karin (along with her husband) and her wonderful chil-dren, thus adding yet another generation to our wonderful household! Many Baby Boomers have complained about the burden of caring for an elderly parent, and also having to care for their own children and grandchildren as well. To them I say; "Wake up and smell the roses!" Raising children is not an easy task, and trying to raise a parent, well. . . what can you say about that. . .but what a Blessing, what a truly beautiful, wonderful blessing it is to have more than one genera-tion living under our roof] We have the constant kvetching from Grandma that the air condi-tioning is too cold, and the complaints from the teen-ager that it's sti-fling in the house. But all un all, the atmosphere around here is incredi-ble. Even with all us kvetching about; "What, chicken again!" and "Your're spending money on what? and "Why can't I have (you fill in the blank)?" Even with all that and more. "Life is indeed 'Beautiful'!" What a gift it is when your (almost 15 year old daughter) asks: "Mom, what's 'rubbish'? Grandma just asked me to take it out!" With a smile I explain that 'rubbish' is also known as 'garbage' or 'trash' and yes, she should take it out right away! What a wonder it is for me to see my teen-age daughter take her nearly 81 year-old Grandmother on a virtual trip around the internet and teach her how to play "Slingo"?a "virtual game." It warms the very cockles of my heart when I see the two of them play Uno or some other game, and I could cry with pride as I see Melissa bring a drink of water up to her grandmother as she gets ready for bed. It secretly tickles me when I see my mother plot with my daughter to plan a teen-age party that I most certainly will not approve of, but how can I fight City Hall? grandma thinks it's a good idea. I get tickled when I see our granddaughters play with their great-grandmother or when I see her teaching them how to do some trick in the kitchen, like crack an egg or peel a tangerine; tricks that she taught me and that I taught to Karin and Melissa to help make them good cooks. What a gift we are given when we are given the gifts of memory and Generational Family T We have recently had a bout of the flue, here in our home, and it was amazing to see how each of us dealt with the illness and cared for on another. It is never easy to be ill. And life, at its best, is not a snap to get through; but when you have the benefit of loved ones to share your burden and lighten your load, you can realize what a Gift from Heaven we have been given when we are given Family. There are so many things to be grateful for in this life of ours. If we could only take the time to re-alize the value of gifts that have been handed down through the generations to us, to our children, and to our children's children. We might be able to place a more favorable outlook on our Past, our Pre-sent, and our Future. If we can learn from the Past and build upon it, and look to the Future with cheer-ful trust, the world will indeed open up for each and every one of us. Find the good, Dear Friend, in the everyday act of survival. Find the good, and find a reason to be thankful to those who have gone before you. I will leave you with a poem of unknown ori-gin, with apologies to whoever wrote it, I claim it not for myself: "Even though I clutch my blanket, and growl when the alarm rings, Thank You, Lord, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf. "Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning light as long as possible, Thank You, Lord, that I can see. There are many who are blind. "Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned and tempers are short, my children are so loud, Thank You, Lord, for my family. There are many who are lonely. "Even though our breakfast table never looks like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at times unbalanced, Thank You, Lord, for the food we have. There are many who are hungry. "Even though the routine of my hob often is mo-notonous, Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to work. There are many who have no job. "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 3 SISTERGRAMS byRozRing ? 656-7003 To: Mrs. Jean Tobman From: Sisterhood fVe all join together to wish you a healthy and happy birthday. To: Mrs. Stella Bialac From: Sisterhood Mazel Tov and best wishes for a healthy and happy birthday. To: Meta Doran From: Sisterhood May this be the best birthday ever. Good health and many more years ahead. To: Amy & Stuart Stein From: Helen Jafte I'm glad to hear that your son Billy is getting better. To: Esther LevofT From: Helen Jafle Looking forward to getting together. Get well. From your Mother-in-Law. To: Esther LevofT From: A1 & Roz Ring Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. Get well soon. We love you. BRICKS by Roz Ring ? 656-7003 To: Arleen & Dax Turok From: Sisterhood Good luck. Good health and much happiness in your new home. "Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest, Thank You, Lord, for LIFE!" I wish for you this day, Dear Friend, the insight to see the many blessings already in your life, and the Wisdom to focus on the positive! B' Shalom Rebbetzen Micki Df Hecht 4 THE SHOFAR March 2000 Exciting Times Ahead President's Gavel by Arleen Turok l ^ # h a t a n e x c i t i n g few months we have ahead W of us! W W Join us for our groundbreaking ceremony on March 15th at 4.15 p.m. Yes we have permission from the city and we will begin building our new facility. A cocktail party will follow and we will end the evening with our Annual General Meeting. Please join us for this most exciting dream come true for our congregational family. Our Seder this year will once again be held at the Luxor Hotel. We will celebrate on Wednesday April 19th at 6:30 p.m. Rabbi Hecht will conduct the service. If you intend to come, make your reserva-tions early! Last year we had such a large crowd, that we actually turned away many people. Tickets are $4-0.00 for members, $55.00 for non-members, and $18.00 for children under 18 years of age. Chil-dren under the age of 5 years are free. Come and en-joy Rabbi's service, search for the afikomen that he will hide, and he will reward the "finder". We will all enjoy the excellent food prepared for us by the chef at the Luxor, and enjoy the company of our congregational family. Our next exciting event will be our Gala Dinner Dance to be held at Caesers Palace Hotel. We will be honoring Dr. Richard Moore who is the Found-ing- President of the new State College in Hender-son as oui Man of the Year. Mayor, Oscar Good-man will be our MC for the evening and the music will be provided by our very own Piermarini and his orchestra. We have a wonderful menu in place! Our silent auction committee is already hard at work getting together many items for us all to bid on. If you are able to donate any items, Tiffany Pheiffer is our chairperson and is accepting all goods for the auction. Our Commemorative book is being put to-gether by Larry and Lorraine Steckler. If you would like to place an ad, please do so! Remember that this is our Temple that we are building and this is our Big Fund-raiser for the year. Everyone's help is needed to make it a success. Tickets for the evening are $150 per person and $100 per person for Tem-ple members in good standing. The Gala promises to be a wonderfully elegant evening with all the trimmings! If you want to help in any way, please call the office, we can use it! Please look for the flyer in this edition of the Shofar for further information! Our religious school is hard at work on their Pesach candy Fund-raiser, so if you need any candy, please call the office and we will gladly give you the flyer. They are also organizing a Craig and Co. event for May 5th. It will be fun for young and old alike to hear this wonderful afternoon of music. If you would like any more information on any of these two events, see the article about our Religious School on the facing page. As you can see all of our committees and the Board have been hard at work, making our Temple available for many different functions. Please join your congregational family for any or all of our up-coming events! We all look forward to being to-gether with you! B'Shalom Arleen Turok, President SISTERHOOD NEWS ^ P i s t e r h o o d welcomes Illene Zuckermandel, ^ ^ Membership Chair and Rosalie Lipton, Phone W0 Committee Chair; as the two newest members of the Sisterhood Board. Illene has already sent a letter together with a membership application to all ladies who have not yet joined Sisterhood. Rosalie will be making telephone calls to remind everyone of our upcoming activities. To make our Board complete and properly func-tioning, we still need to fill the following positions: President (I am presently serving in this capac-ity on a pro-tem basis.) Recording Secretary Ways & Means Donor Program I sincerely hope thai when you received your membership application, you did respond by mailing your check to show your financial support. I hope also, you will consider volunteering to gill one of the vacant positions!! Sisterhood has always been a major support to our Temple and we want that support to continue. With your help it will!!! Sincerely, Hazel Gold Sisterhood President Pro-Tem Religious School News f D very thing continues to go well for our Reli- ^BV gious School family. The biggest news as of late is about our Craig N' Company concert, planned for Sunday May 7th at 3:00PM. Tickets are $7.50 for children 12 and under; $12.50 for adults. Child care is available for children under 5 on a do-nation basis. The Milton I Schwartz Hebrew Academy at 9700 W. Hillpointe Road (just a block or so west of our Temple) has donated their facility for our con-cert. We are on the roll, creating press releases, fly-ers and posters to place around town. All local news media including the Jewish Press will be notified. If you have a local business and would like to dis-play flyers or posters, please contact Lelia Fried-lander at 217-2955 or 645-4839 as soon as possible. Tickets will soon be on sale, you can call the Temple office now to make reservations. On Sunday February 13th, a gaggle of Temple Beth Am snow bunnies headed off to the Lee Canyon snow play area to sled, throw snowballs, and make snow rabbis! Gloria Kritzler, pre-school teacher and event organizer extraordinaire chartered us a beauti-ful new bus to take us in style to the mountains. We had about 60 people from our Religious School fam-ily cavorting in the white stuff. Friday night, March 3rd, our Temple is having a Shabbat Pot-Luck Dinner at 7:00PM. Everyone who can, please bring a dish to share. We will be eating and celebrating family style in the Sanctuary. Rabbi Hecht will conduct services around the meal with the assistance of some of our Religious School chil-dren. This is a heartwarming event you do not want to miss. Sunday march 19th a Purim Carnival will be held at the Milton I Schwartz Hebrew Academy from 12:00 noon to 3:00PM. Our temple will sponsor a booth at the carnival. Please come and support this event. Tickets are available at the Religious School office. The Megillah will be read that Sunday during the Religious School assembly. Children are encouraged to dress up in costume as their favorite Purim story character. After assembly, it's off to the carnival. Saturday night April 8th, a special Havdalah ser-vice will be conducted by Rabbi Hecht, at 7:30 PM. All are welcome to attend this very special event. B' Shalom Lelia Friedlander "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 5 Sisterhood's Wine & Cheese Tasting Party n Wednesday March 22, 2000 7:00 PM set the date aside / / / Everyone is Welcome !!! Don't Miss It Our Own Cantorial Soloist David Averbach Is appearing with the Las Vegas Master Singers Celebrating Robert Shaw Musical arrangements of Robert Shaw and Alice Parker: featuring folk songs, spirituals and carols. Clark County Library Sunday * February 27 * 4:00 PM 1401 E. Flamingo Road Tickets available in advance or at the door. Adults $7 Students, Seniors and Military $5 For More Information Call 228-8316" 6 THE SHOFAR March 2000 Happy Birthday Keely Lewis (6th Birthday) March 1 Mrs. Anne Cohen March 1 Kara Shapiro (12th Birthdday) March 2 Mrs. Jodi Renee Brounstein March 2 Mrs. Amy R. Stein March 4 Daniel Schwartz (19th Birthday) March 5 Lauren Glassman (18th Birthday) March 5 Ashley Glassman (18th Birthday) March 5 Mr. Arthur Adams March 6 Mrs. Susan Stein March 7 Ms. Suzanne Kloud March 8 Mrs. Shirley Siegel March 11 Martha Mitchell March 11 Brad Mishlove March 12 Carolyn Baxter March 12 Jordan Chesin (13th Birthday) March 13 Mr. Albert Auslander March 14 Macey Myers (8th Birthday) March 15 Coe Power March 15 Simon Bergman March 15 Mrs. Susie Allazetta March 16 Rachel Vosko March 16 Noah Charles Ilanlon (3rd Birthday) March 18 Pablo Delgado March 18 Mr. John Miner March 18 Jared Drizen (3rd Birthday) March 19 Katrina Schweitzer (8th Birthday) March 19 Georgie Wara (20th Bitrthday) March 20 Ashley Hartman (13th Birthday March 20 Mrs. Barbara Shapiro March 22 Mrs. Gail Olbur March 22 Mr Frank Friedlander March 22 Rick Sanciangco March 24 Julia Breckner (2nd Birthday) March 24 Goldie Wechsler March 24 Gilbert Hyatt March 26 Kathleen Jade Friedlander (9th Birthday) March 26 Maximillian ChesnofT(9th Birthday) March 28 Samantha Cantor (8th Birthday) March 29 Craig Shaw March 29 Conrad Lewis (3rd Birthday) March 31 Mrs. Lauriann Bradford March 31 Happy Anniversary to: Beverly & Richard Yates Diana & David ChesnofT Robin & Steven Breckner Cindy & Coe Power Neva & Peter Forman Bernyce & Stan Broselow Wendy & Craig Shaw 2nd Anniv March 8 15th Anniv March 15 9th Anniv March 16 16th Anniv March 18 25th Anniv March 23 51st Anniv March 27 8th Anniv March 28 Rabbi & Rebbitzen To lead Trip to Israel. Group will Celebrate Israel Independence Day IN ISRAEL Dates: May 8 through May 18 Round Trip Air, Breakfast Everyday, Tours and Shabbat Dinner Included Photo by Lorraine Steckler Visit Such Places As Tel-Aviv, Caesarea, Megiddo, Haifa, Nazareth, Tiberus/Safed/Golan, Capernaum, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Massada, Qumran, Beit-She'an, Beit Alpha Experience the Holy Places of Judiasm, Christianity, Islam and Bahai Space is limited. For more information and details about this 11-day trip please phone 702-254-0224 (Monday to Friday 10AM to 3PM) Or 702-243-4747 O Temple Beth Am C^H 2 0 0 0 M a r c h 5 7 6 0 iyj* Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 1 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 2 3 Tot Shabbat Service and Pot Luck Dinner7pm 4 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 5 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 6 7 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 8 9 10 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 11 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 12 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am Brotherhood Bagel Breakfast 9:00am 13 14 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 15 Groundbreaking Ceremony 4:30pm Annual Membership Meeting & Election 6:30pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 16 17 Tot Shabbat 7pm Torah Service 7:30pm 18 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 19 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am Purim Carnival Milton I Schwartz Hebrew Academy 12-3pm 20 Fast of Esther 21 Feast of Purim Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 22 Sisterhood Wine & Cheese Tasting 7:00pm TBA 23 24 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 25 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 26 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 27 28 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 29 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 30 31 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 1 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 4 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 5 6 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 7 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30pm 8 9 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 10 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am i ? t r? C'i m ? a v * m J m ESLiLMt-J BHffflTMl p> if I | ? mwt p^fllfe I IV mM M / y v^a.'. "A V3> Temple Beth Am ANNUAL PASSOVER SEDER Conducted By Rabbi Mel Hecht First Seder Night - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 6:30 pm Luxor Hotel Egyptian Ballroom Everyone is cordially invited to join Rabbi Mel and Rebbetzen Micki Hecht and the Temple Beth Am Congregational Family for this very special event. For Additional Information Please Call The Temple Office 254-5110 fi Make Checks Payable to: Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 Name: Address: Phone #: Number of Congregants Number of Guests Children Under 13 Children Under 5 @ $40.00 ea. $ @ $55.00 ea. $ @ $18.00 ea. $ No Charge - 0 - Any Special Request: O TEMPLE BETH AM 'House of the People " uwieA/ z g j a n c e / P a l a c e / c ) l x v U } l / a n d ^ ^ o s u u p S c u L u u l c u j / , l T L i y / 2 0 , 2 0 0 0 7 : 3 0 p m / Honoring Dr. Richard Moore Founding President of the new State College in Henderson A D R A T E S & I N F O RMA T I O N * Gold Patron Full Page $1,500 Quarter Page (2 V* x 4") $150 * Silver Patron Full Page $1,000 Business Card Size (2 V* x 1 5/8") $100 Full Page (6 1/4" x 8 V*") $ 500 Signature (Per Name) $ 40 Half Page (6 1/4" x 4") $ 250 Jewel (Children 13 & Under) $ 20 Gala Tickets $150--Temple Beth Am Members $100 CT" Attached, please find my check in the amount of $_ for a Advertisement $ for Gala Tickets Name: Phone: Address: Zip:_ I | ADVERTISING COPY ATTACHED [?] CAMERA READY COPY ATTACHED ? DIGITAL FILE ATTACHED Please Make Check Payable To: Temple Beth Am For Pick-Up or Information Lorraine Steckler Please Phone: 240-.0183 Fax: 838-6924 Digital Files to be PC or MAC formatted, on 3.5" floppy or Zip Disk 100mb. Programs accepted on disk include Word or Quark Express. Please indicate all fonts used. Artwork to be saved as a Tiff, EPS or JPEG file. Disks MUST be accompanied by a PROOF & specify PROGRAM used to create ad However, if you are in need of artistic assistance, we stand ready to help you 9001 Hillpointe Road, Las Vegas 89134 (702) 254-5110 "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 9 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS Mar. 1 Rose Greenstein... .Mother of Morris Morris Greenstein Mar. 1 Shirley Kazan... .Aunt of Carin Carin & Robert Bachant Mar. 3 Henrietta Rich Mother of Mark Mark Rich Mar. 6 Joshua Horowitz Son of Eliot Melissa & Eliot Horowitz Mar. 7 Joseph Allen Kamer... .Grandfather Tiffany Feifer Mar. 9 Irving Cohen Father of Allen hinaa & Allen Cohen Mar. 9 Sadie Stanger... .Grandmother ofRobyn Robyn & Salvatore Cuccia Mar. 10 Karl Shapiro Stepfather Laura & Kenneth Keating Mar. 10 Jacob Stein... .Father of Stuart Amy fis? Stuart Stein Mar. 13 Neal Recktenwald... .JJncle ofMichele Michele & Irwin Glassman Mar. IS David DeGennaro Inger & John Keator Mar. 15 Jeanette Seigal... .Goodfriend of Esther Esther Levoff Mar. 21 Sara Torres... .Grandmother of Estelle Estelle & Albert Auslander Mar. 22 Harry Jaffe... .Father of Eon Lon Jaffe Mar. 22 Stanley Rothberg... .Father of Carol Carol & Dennis Pessin Mar. 24 Gwen Bialac... .Daughter of Stella Stella Bialac Mar. 26 Julius Corn... .Father of Jean Jean & Herb Tobman Mar. 28 Eva Craft Mother of Toby Toby & Tale Cohen Mar. 29 WolfForkos... .Father ofHyman Helen & Hymen Forkos Mar. 31 Rose Bird... .Mother of Allan Myrna & Allan Bird Mar. 31 Robert David Mizel.. .Father of Kellie Kellie Mizel-Sanciangco & Rick Sanciangco NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD, FACC, FACP BERGE J. DADOURIAN, MD. FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD, FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC JEFFREY B. G1TLIN, MD PATRICK C. HSU, MD 3121 S Maryland Pkwy Suite 512 Las Vegas. NV 89109 (702) 796-7150 3150 N Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas NV 89128 (702) 233-1000 10 THE SHOFAR March 2000 Knock Before Entering Sincha's Torah Stories by Simcha Groffman ^ B h o s h i e , you look like some- ^ ^ thing is troubling you. Mom, there is something that I would like to talk to you about. Can we go into the other room? Of course, Shoshie dear. Mom and Shoshie go into the bedroom and begin to talk. Sud-denly Avi bursts into the room without knocking. Mom! Guess what? You'll never believe what happened. Shoshie is so startled from the sudden entrance that he begins to cry. Oh, poor Shoshie. Avi, try to be more cautious when you enter the room. I know Mom, but you'll never believe what happened. What happened Avi? Moishe caught a frog and put it into his pocket. I see Avi. Okay, now that you've told me that, please go out of this room so that I can speak with Shoshie. Afterwards I would like to have a few minutes with you. Sure Mom. Mom and Shoshie finish their little talk. Then it is Avi's turn. Mom, are you upset with me? Not at all Avi. I just want to share a Devar Torah with you. Avi, do you know what the main subject of this weeks Torah por-tion is? The portion is Tetzaveh and it discusses the clothing that the Kohanim (priests) wore in the Beis HaMikdash (Holy Temple). Very good, Avi. One of the special garments of the Kohen Godol (High Priest) was a long blue robe. Sewed onto the bot-tom were golden bells. The verse (Shemos 28:35) writes that the sound of the bells would be heard when the Kohen Godol entered the Holy Sanctuary in front of G-d. Now let me ask you some-thing, Avi. Did G-d know that the Kohen Godol was entering the Sanctuary? Sure Mom, G-d knows every-thing. Then why did he need bells on the robe of the Kohen Godol to signal his entrance? G-d does not need any signals. That's a great question Mom. What's the answer? To teach us the importance of letting people know that we are coming. There are several stories in the Talmud that stress the im-portance of not entering a room suddenly. Now I know why you are tell-ing me this Devar Torah Mom. I came into your room without knocking and disturbed your conversation with Shoshie. Exactly, Avi. When you come home from school, I know how excited you are to tell me about your day. You want to rush into the house to see me. Pause a sec-ond, knock softly on the door, and then enter the room. That way you will not startle me. Whenever a door is closed in our home, you should knock softly before entering. Someone may be sleeping in the room, or may not wish to be disturbed. You are so right Mom. No one wants to be startled or dis-turbed. That's right, Avi. Our home is one where we all respect each other's privacy. Our rule is "knock before entering". Who Broke the Radio? By Simcha Groffman http://www 7The view sure is nice up here on the roof the building Yos-sie." "Beautiful Chez! I'm glad that I brought my radio so that we can lis-ten to music. It helps drown out the noise of the worker's power tools." Suddenly one of the workers walks over to Yossie, grabs his ra-dio and throws it off the roof. "I don't like that music!" the worker growls. "But you didn't have to break my radio!" "I didn't break it. I just threw it off the roof." With that the two lean over watching the radio fall. A worker on the ground floor sees it falling. Just before it hits the ground he smashes it with his hammer. "You see, I didn't break it. That man at the bottom broke it." "But you'll have to pay." "No I won't. I didn't break it." Yossie runs downstairs and quickly finds the worker who smashed his radio. "You have to pay for my radio." "No I don't. It would have surely broken anyway in another second. I didn't break it any more than the fall would have." The question is: who pays for Yossie's radio? (Tune in next month for the answerj Please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in "The Shofar" Call Larry or Lorraine, 240-0183, about placing your business card ad here j m SPANISH HILLS R E A L T Y Ed Weisel, ABR Realtor 4955 S. Durango. Suite 116 Las Vegas, Nevada S9103 e-mail: CELL: 702-521-6302 OFFICE: 702 939 SOOO FAX: 702 838 4634 P optronics The Magazine for the Electronics Activist Visit us on the Web MARy KAV. GeriLynn Grossan Independent Beauty Consultant 7 7 2 1 Leavorite Drive Las Vegas, N V 8 9 ) 2 8 (702) 242-5730 A T T O R N E Y AT L A W 6 0 1 E A S T B B I D G E B A V E N U E TELEPHONE (702) 3 8 Z - 5 1 1 I L A B V E O A S , N E V A D A 8 9 1 a 1 FACSIMILE <7a2> 3 B 2 - 7 7 1*7 E - M A I L : R R A N F I N E @ W O R L O N E T . A T T . N E T Mort Friedlander Mediation and Arbitration Services Tel (702) 645-1288 ? Fax (702) 645-1149 E-Mail: ALLSTATE INSTANT PRINTING Providing Las Vegas with prompt, courteous, & economical service since 1972 Dan & Meggan Debevac 3111 S. Valley View, #U-104 (702) 253-9448 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Fax (702) 253-5547 FUNERAL HOMES 6200 S Eastern Avenue 2127 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89119 Us Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 736-6200 (702) 381-2900 TEMPLE BETH AM ONEGS: Contact Amy Stein at 233-6230 to sponsor an Oneg. DATE SPONSOR OCCASION Mar. 3 Stuart & Amy Stein In celebration of the engagement of their son Jason & Joanne Marrable ( and multiple family birthdays) Mar. 10 Al & Estelle Auslander In celebration of Al's 84th birthday Mar. 17 Open Mar. 24 Open Mar. 31 Open The Shofar Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. 395 702-254-5110