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The Bulletin of Temple Beth Sholom, December 2004



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Dec 2004 Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN KISLEV-TEVET 5765 Vol. 4, No. 12 INSIDE THIS ISSUE President's Message Executive Director's Message 2 Hanukkah Festival Lox Boxes 3 New Members L'Dor V'Dor 4 Stamp Collecting Friday Night Kids 5 Women's League TBS Men's Club 6 Under the Dome 7 Religious School 8 Early Childhood Center 9 TBS Torah Troop 10 Youth/Yiddish 11 Donations 12 Calendar 19 Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism LEARN THE SECRETS OF BIDDING & WINNING ON E BAY, AND SUPPORT TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Here's a way to do a mitzvah and get the things you've always wanted. Come to the training session on Sunday, December 12th at 5:30pm and learn how to bid and win on ebay, with Temple Beth Sholom's first ever fundraiser auction. E Bay mavens, Abbie Friedman, Jodie Springberg, Jeff Zucker and Rabbi Goodman will conduct a "Latkes and Lessons," class, to assure members of the congregation and the general public how to bid and win successfully on e Bay when TBS' Decem-ber auction takes place. The fundraising committee is looking for donations of designer handbags, accesso-ries, clothing, vintage collectibles, Judaica, etc. to be auctioned off all across the country. In addition to those items, we will be requesting hotel packages, restaurant packages and show tickets. All donations will be tax-deductible and will generate much needed funds for the Temple. If you have something special to donate to the auction, (Sandy Mallin donated her stunning high holiday suit), please drop it off in the Temple office. Here's an oppor-tunity for the entire congregation to participate as we help raise funds to support our great synagogue. There is no charge to attend the "Latkes and Lessons Bid and Win Class," just RSVP to Myrna at 804.1333, ext. 100 by Thursday, December 9th. Everyone Is Invited To The TBS Hanukkah Festival Thursday, December 9 at 6:30 PM $ Performances By A Variety Of TBS Groups $ Dancing with a DJ ? Latkes by Women's League See page 5 for details! 2?President's Message I Executive Director's Message Go Forth By Jeff Zucker TBS President Two Weddings and A Funeral By Laura Sussman TBS Executive Director The results are in. I'm not talking about the election, but rather Temple Beth Sholom's membership. As of the end of the High Holy Days our membership increased by approximately 50 families over what it was at the same time a year ago. This is particularly notable because, in addi-tion to the normal turnover that all synagogues must experience, in Las Vegas we lose all too many members because of relocation to different areas. No small part of our growth is thanks to the Membership Committee. The Blue Table, which is rapidly becoming a fixture of Shabbat Onegs and Kiddushes is only a small part of their efforts. Throughout the year they have and will continue to spearhead numerous activities, not only to interest prospective members in our synagogue, but also to help new members meet each other as well as us "old timers". The Jewish geog-raphy Oneg was just one of many events we can expect from them. Furthermore, in addition to these more visible efforts, the committee members are constantly working to keep in touch with prospective and new members, to help them become fully involved in our Temple family. However, our synagogue's continued growth cannot depend only on staff and the Membership Committee. Indeed, in a certain sense, many of our congregants are already helping. The warm and welcoming at-mosphere is one of the reasons most often given by new members for joining. That feeling cannot be under estimated, but we need to do more. Each of us probably knows at least one family of unaffiliated Jews who aren't hostile to their heritage, but for whom it has not been a priority. Just invite them to Friday night services, to the Hanukkah party or what-ever you think may appeal to them. Give us their names. It's not that hard and everyone benefits. Through our membership in-centive program anyone who brings in new members can get a reduction in their dues. Those new members themselves help the Temple by pro-viding additional support for the numerous programs and activities we conduct. Most importantly, however, affiliation is the key to our continua-tion as a people. No one expects that in a free society there will be 100% affiliation, but the fact remains that our origins as a nation and a religion are one and the same. We are a people and a faith. One cannot exist without the other. Without their religion providing context and a refuge, the "cultural" Jew couldn't exist. They would be like the trees we see from time-to-time that have been left standing after the buildings they originally surrounded were abandoned and torn down. If they are mature enough they can survive for a long time, but without water they will even-tually die and disappear. For Judaism that water is the religion that has been the reason for our people's being for millennia. Each additional Jew who affiliates with a temple is one more drop in a reservoir which will hopefully nourish our people for a long time to come. Please do all you can to keep that reservoir full. In a number of meetings I've recently at-tended, members spoke about their involve-ment with the synagogue and how the syna-gogue meets different needs for different people. One week this past month was es-pecially poignant in demonstrating one of the reasons membership in a synagogue is so important. It wasn't the filming of a movie, but during that especially busy week, our clergy presided at a bris, a bar mitzvah, two weddings, and a funeral. I often hear from people who don't feel the need to belong to a synagogue. They tell me they have Jewish friends and attend activities within the Jewish community without be-longing to a synagogue. These people may be missing out on some of the wonderfully rich opportunities and experiences a syna-gogue provides. As a member of the congre-gation, you can be comforted by knowing that our clergy, staff and congregation will be there for you in times of need and in times of joy. This is one of the many benefits of membership that many of us take for granted. On a different note, I want to thank those of you who demonstrated great patience when receiving an incorrect statement from the synagogue recently. We are updating our software and are working to correct all ac-counts. If you have received a statement that has incorrect information, and have not yet contacted our office to inform us, please do so at your earliest convenience. Our goal is to have all accounts up to date and accu-rate during this billing cycle. Hanukkah Festival/Lox Boxes?3 TBS Hanukkah Festival "Miracle of Hanukkah" Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:30 PM Special performances by The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center and The Solomon Schechter Day School Live music by: The Religious School Zimriyah (Youth Choir) Makheylah (Adult Choir) Latkes made by the Women's League And a live DJ for dancing, directly after the presentation! Special Guest:Headliner Lounge Singer, Eric Hillson All members are encouraged to join us for a special night of celebration! L'DOR V'DOR SPONSORS SUPERBOWL SUNDAY LOX BOX FUNDRAISER Want to serve something special for your Super bowl Sunday party in February? How about a Lox Box? Each Lox Box serves two, and contains bagels, cream cheese, lox, tomato, onion, juice, cookies and candy. L'Dor V'Dor of Temple Beth Sholom will sponsor the Lox Box fundraiser in an effort to raise money for their special homebound senior outreach program. All donations will go to funding additional entertainment and hospitality programs for nearly 300 homebound seniors that attend the L'Dor V'Dor program on a regular basis. Lox Boxes are priced at $20 each or $30 for the deluxe set which includes a decorative Lucite tray. Delivery will be available in designated areas for a $5 charge. Please place your orders early, no later than January 28, 2005, for February 6, 2005, Super Bowl Sunday. For additional information on pickup and delivery, or to place an order, contact Lois Joseph at 240-5024, Audrey Merkin at 341-8623 or Hazel Handleman 876-7878. Dec 2004 4?New Members/L'Dor V'Dor Help Welcome New Members And Guests At a recent Oneg Shabbat, a guest informed a temple leader who was stationed at the "Blue Table" that they were from Skokie. The temple leader quickly hooked the guest up with a member from Skokie, and a relationship began. When a new member or guest comes to Temple Beth Sholom, we try to help them feel as comfortable as possible. One way to do this, is to connect them with a member who is from their hometown. The Membership Committee is looking for members who come from dif-ferent parts of the country and are willing to be on a list that we can use to connect new members and Shabbat guests with our membership. If you are willing to be part of this effort, please call the Temple office and give us your name and hometown. New Year's Eve At TBS Start this year on a spiritual high! New Year's Eve falls on Shabbat this year, and that's another great reason to attend services. Spend the start of New Year's Eve with your TBS family and enjoy a special oneg after services. (You'll even be done early enough to attend those midnight parties, if you're so inclined). L'DOR V'DOR CELEBRATES CHANUKAH! L'Dor V'Dor will celebrate Chanukah on Tuesday, December 14th from 10:30am to 1:00pm. All homebound seniors are invited to attend this very spe-cial event. L'Dor V'Dor is a three year old volunteer supported senior outreach and so-cialization program, offering homebound seniors an opportunity to make new friends, and enjoy a day away from their routine living environment. Seniors will enjoy a wonderful lunch prepared by celebrity chef Gustav Mahler, in the Chanukah tradition. In addition to lunch, the program will include an ex-citing musical concert produced by Susan Lind Vex, and interaction with the children of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Preschool. Thanks to the generosity of a special committee representing Temple Beth Sholom, and volunteers that support the program, L'Dor V'Dor is free, and available to all homebound seniors. Courtesy transportation is available, when needed. If you know of a homebound senior that would benefit by attending this program, contact L'Dor V'Dor admisistrator Rosalie Lazer at 395.0117. If you would like to volunteer to help with the Chanukah party, please contact volunteer coordinator Lois Joseph at 240-5024. Be a part of L'Dor V'Dor and see for yourself the joy this program brings to homebound seniors across the Valley. For more information on the L'Dor V'Dor program, or to make a reservation, contact the Temple office at 804.1333. Stamp Collecting/Friday Night Kids ?5 ATTENTION CURRENT?FORMER-WANT TO BE YES!! Temple Beth Sholom is starting a STAMP COLLECTORS' CLUB! After many inquiries, Rabbi Goodman, a stamp collec-tor himself, (philatelist), and others, have planned the first meeting to coincide with the lighting of the first Hanukkah candle on December 7th at 7:00 PM. Not only will latkes be served, but free stamp collecting materials and stamps to get started will be available. We encourage all interested; from eight to one hundred twenty, to attend this first meeting. A spe-cial gift will be given to the first twenty who call the Temple office with their intention to attend. We need to know how many so that we have sufficient FREE materials and stamps to have on hand. Older collectors: we need you to help the younger ones!! Several most interesting collections will be on display including some from Rabbi Goodman's Israel Collection. Please call Carol (at 804-1333 Ext. 104) and put your name on the list. There will be an important gift for all collectors beyond the special gift for the first 20 to call. Friday Night Kids The 2nd Friday of each Month (December 10) 6:30 PM -7:15 PM Join the rabbi and cantor in the Steinberg Chapel for a special Shabbat service for families with preschool age children. Shabbat and Me Friday Mornings; 8:45-9:45 AM Children birth through 3 years with a special adult $10/child/class for TBS members, $14 for others Parents and grandparents are encouraged to join other families with young families for these fun, stimulating and educational classes which incorporate music, movement, art, and Judaics. For more information, contact the TBS Early Childhood Department at 804-1333 ext. 112. Thank you to everyone who donated Religious School Hanukkah cards to be sent to Israeli Soldiers MicBaeC& MicheCCe Harney MarceCBiCak ShirCey ChapCin Staci CoCumBo Cfiristi & TKvight Vow Hrenda jCank ImiCy JA. Qoodman 'RaBBi JeCipe & Liz QoocCman Richard-& Andrea Q or don J-fazeC& JfaroCcCJ-fancCeCman Lory & Ofek tfayon Myma JiiCCs 'Barbara & JJowarcCXenig Louis Levin /RonaCcC& JucCy Mack Sandra MaCCin Xvm Memar JarecCM iche Cman Miner famiCy OBer famiCy IVendy & MicBaeC Tasser Josh Tianko Larry 'Rodxs HeverCy 'Ron Stacy & JAdrienne 'Rush Martin & Sharon Scfiaffer TrisciCCa Scfvwartz SeCtzer famiCy Laura 'WeidenfeCd Terri "WeisBord Jeff Zucker Dec 2004 6?Women's League/Men's Club WOMEN'S L E A G U E FOR CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM AT TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM PAT KANE, PRESIDENT We have just come from The Women's League Convention in Orlando Florida. We were privileged to see Faye Steinberg honored with the Binah award presented by our own Rabbi Goodman. Faye has been a member of our congregation and Women's League for many years. We were joined by Marcie Seltzer, Gloria Bransky and Blanche Meisel. On Wednesday December 8th there will be a joint program with Zahava to celebrate Chanukah in the small social hall at 11:30 am. Please bring a wrapped gift marked for a boy or girl (and what age) to be donated to the Jewish Family Services. We look forward to seeing you there. Music, food and laughter with surprises to follow. i The Torah Fund Luncheon has been rescheduled for Sunday, January 9th. This is Blanche Meisel and Shirley Chaplin's area of expertise. For more information please call 243-3090 or 877-2710. The luncheon is at 11:30 am at Temple Beth Sholom and is honoring Gloria Bransky and Edythe Goldberg. The Torah Fund is in support of The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic, Los Angeles & Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. Have a Happy Chanukah and by the time you will have read this, we hope to have seen you at our Chanukah Bazzar, Chanukah Party, To-rah Project Pet Blessing, JCC bookfair and on Shabbos. Thank you. Vat *K<ute and fafae luteAindty Ptetidett and Sxecutiuel/P Men's Club News! The Men's club next meeting will be December 15th at 6:30pm. Our speaker for the evening will be Eric Goldstein the new JCC Director. The meeting will cover business matters and finalize what will be a very busy 2005. Raffle tickets were mailed to members and are for sale in the Temple (see the Rabbi's Secretary Carol). The an-nual Western Region Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs raffle program has prizes ranging from $100 to $1000. The drawing is to be held on February 20th. Ticket dona-tions are $1 each or $18 for twenty entries . The Men's club family Sport's Night is scheduled for January 13th in the Orleans arena at 7:05 pm. All Temple members and their children are invited to attend the Wranglers hockey game at special ticket rates ($15 for an adult and $8 for children (12+ and under)). Seats must be reserved by January 3rd. Call Carol at TBS office (804- 1333) to reserve seats. Our thanks go to Dr. Eliot Horowitz for his November presentation to the Men's Club. Happy Chanukah to the entire congregation. TBS MEN'S CLUB SPORT'S NIGHT For ALL TBS members and their children Las Vegas Wranglers Hockey % Orleans Arena Thursday. January 13th at 7:05 n.m Las Vegas Wranglers vs. Victoria Kings Adult Mardi Gras Seating - $15.00* (normally $15.75) Youth (12 + under) Mardi Gras Seating - $8.00" (normally $10.50) Under the dome?7 Bereavement Group Mazal An important reminder, especially during this holiday time of year ,is that a bereavement support group meets regularly at the temple. The group gets together on Tuesday mornings at 10am and usually wraps up by ll:30am. Refreshments are served. If you have no need at this time for the meetings, please remember to let your friends, fam-ily and associates know that it is available . Any questions can be directed to Rita Tell, group facilitator, at 255-0043 USY Jr. USY's Movie night was lots of fun. The youth department thanks Ziona and Fred Tredup for hosting the event at their house. The night be-gan with a wonderful Havdalla service outside. Icebreaker activities were played afterwards. Many new facts were learned this night. Jr. Usyers learned new things about each other and Matt S. demonstrated "The Worm" to everyone. I will not mention the movie that was watched because it would embarrass the boys, but let's just say we all watched a "Chick Flick". The movie was watched by all. There was lots of pizza, cookies, and chips eaten throughout the night. If you are in 7th - 8th grade and are inter-ested in joining USY, please contact David Frydman at 233-5199. Tov Steve and Marsha Cohen announce the birth of their grandson, Ethan Jacob Harris in Denver, CO. Parents are Brad and Leslie Harris. Thank you to everyone that has given to Kol Nidre Appeal since the last issue James and Marcia Marx unofficial Shabbat Greeters If you have come to Shabbat morning services anytime in the past few years, you have seen them. They are there almost every Shabbat morn-ing, with a smile on their face, providing directions for newcomers and guest and a friendly welcome for everyone. Zena and Bennett Fishbain have taken it upon themselves to make TBS a more friendly place for those who attend Shabbat morning services. They have no official title, but saw the need for a friendly face for those unfamiliar with the Temple. Many of us may take our Shabbat greeters for granted, but when they are not here, they sure are missed! Thank you Zena and Bennett For everything you do to make TBS a special place. "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. Dec 2004 8? Religious School Eight Nights of... Mitzvot! By Ayelet Blit, Education Director Isn't it amazing! During the darkest time of the year, our Chanukah holiday has us increasing light for eight nights by light-ing one candle after another until all eight shine brightly?a reminder of our power and spirit, even in the darkest of times. We are here. We are alive. We are free to celebrate Chanukah in our special way! Since Judaism is a religion of action, Chanukah celebrations don't end with lighting the candles. Here are some ideas for bringing light into the lives of those around you, teaching valuable lessons to your children, and spending precious and meaningful Jewish moments together repairing the world. The first six are ideas from Family Action: Chanukah "Mai Cha-nukah?" by Sharon Halper. 1-Before Chanukah, play a family game of "Light Up The World." Make the longest list you can of ways you can brighten up the world. It's a game that every family member can play. The 3-year old can turn on the lights with kisses and cray-oned pictures; the teen can visit with an elderly relative or drive a lonely person to your synagogue for a class or activity. Hang your list in a central location, like the refrigerator, as a reminder that the world can always use some extra light. 2--AII children can share their plenty-from warm clothes or toys, to the warmth of a gesture of friendship, in an invitation to join the lunch table or the extension of a helping hand. 3-If your post-teen is going out into the "real" world and leaving childhood behind, make that professional hair-styling into a gift of new life. Locks of Love accepts donations of unprocessed hair, 10 inches or longer. Donations are made into wigs for children who are experiencing long-term medically-induced hair loss. Donations of shorter lengths are acceptable and are sold to meet production costs. For more information, go to "". 4-Got a clown in the family? Clowning is serious business. It brings life to the ill and lonely. Find out about projects that train 'mitzvah clowns' from Sweet Pea and Buttercup (a.k.a. Mike and Sue Turk) at "". 5 - ls there a teen on the phone in house? Contact your local school district or senior citizen program. Find out if they run a phone contact program for children who are home alone after school or lonely senior citizens. Turn your teen-talker into a mitzvah-doer. 6-Are there animal lovers in your family? Contact your local animal shelter and ask for ways your family can help. You might have some four-legged company on your family's walks. If you are ready for a major animal-related mitzvah, con-tact your local organization that provides seeing-eye dogs for the visually impaired and find out about raising a puppy for their use. 7--Honor real life Macabees! Send Chanukah greetings and care packages to IDF Soldiers or American Jewish Soldiers ( 8-Have your family agree to donate one night's worth of gifts to a family in need. CHANUKAH CARDS PROJECT Our students at the Religious School created and signed original Chanukah cards which were then purchased by parents and Temple members in order to benefit the school. Soldiers in Israel and Iraq will be benefiting from the project too. Par-ents and temple members sponsored Chanukah cards to be sent to Israel and Iraq to bring light into the soldiers' holiday. I would like to offer a huge thank you to our Education Committee for having the vision and making it a reality and to eve-ryone who contributed to the success of the project. ^ Happy Chanukah Ayelet and the Religious School staff hope you will have a wonderful and meaning full Chanukah Early Childhood ?9 Early Childhood Education News by Jennifer Zukowski, Interim ECE Director The parents, students and staff of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Educa-tion Department are "kvelling" over the recent successes in their unique Judaic and secular programming developing this school year. Recently, the entire school focused on a Noah's Ark theme which reflected the student's enthusiasm in learning to count by two's (the way the animals were on the Ark), graphing their favorite animals (on the Ark of course), visiting with a traveling petting zoo and listening to their teachers re-tell the story much to their glee. Learning through play and confidence is a great way to teach and encourage curious, young minds. Are you an Eric Carle fan? He is an award winning , whimsical illustrator who had many books of his displayed at our recent Schoolastic Book Fair. Happy faces could be seen all around as the yeladim picked out books filled with ad-ventures waiting to be shared. Funds which were raised through this hugely successful event will allow the school to purchase more books and educational materials which will be integrated into every classroom. Thank you to all of our families and friends for their extreme display of generosity and support of this fundraiser. At "open house", our parents had the opportunity to get an overview of our newest curriculum materials, schooze with other parents and tour the classroom and centers. It was a perfect time to hear the innovative things that the teachers had planned for the upcoming school year and become familiar with learning strategies in their classroom. Of course, lots of love, hugs and understanding are always paramount in our developmentally appropriate programming at T.B.S. This time of the year many of our families will join us in celebrating Thanks-giving at our feast. We are fortunate to enjoy turkey and all the fixings as prepared by our very own Master Chef, Gus-tav Mahler. Several classes will be dressing like their favorite Native Americans or Pilgrim. Songs and chants herald-ing this reflection of good fortune will fill the halls. Each classroom decided to share the blessing of abundant food and perform "Mitzvot" when they adopted a family in need to make the holiday brighter. Turkeys, stuffing, gravy, gift cards and more were delivered by special caring families to those in need. Performing "Mitvot" is a quality strongly encouraged throughout the school. Look for upcoming year round events which perpetuate our wonderful "Mitzvot" programming. Chanukkah is right around the corner. This year we will have the unique opportunity to enjoy a temple-wide Cha-nukkah Festival on December 9th at 6:30 P.M with the children of the Early Education Department, Solomon Schecter School, Religious School and the Choir. We are anxiously looking forward to a joyous singing and dancing ex-perience to unite our congregation celebrating the "Festival of Lights." Hold on to your latkas and get ready to spin your dreidels and light the Hanukkiah with Rabbi Goodman and Cantor Friedman. Did you know we have such after school activities such as Mad Science, Karate, Dance, Computers, Music, Cheer-leading and Round-up? Our little ones love choosing their favorite interests and having a blast while spending some much loved extra time doing them. So, if you should see a group of students all decked out in their tu-tu's at about 3:00, and then they are probably eagerly headed to dance class! We are looking forward to establishing a new part and full-time "Frog's" class in January, 2005. Children from eighteen months to two and a quarter years old will be able to attend Temple Beth Sholom for the very first time. Lots of fun and nurturing experiences are in store for our newest age level students. For further information about any of these programs, please feel free and give us a call in the Early Education Department at-804-1333, extension -112. We would love to have you join our family. Dec 2004 10? TBS Torah Troop/Hanukkah Shopping SH'MAH.... Hear, Oh Members of TBS... The Torah is our friend. Have you ever thought about reading from the Torah? Curious if you could do it? Don't know what reading from the Torah entails? Well, now is your chance to face your fears in a very friendly, safe and nurturing environment. The Cantor is starting The TBS Torah Troop; a group of men and women of all ages who are in-terested in learning how to read torah, from trope (T'ammim) to the bima presentation. Don't be afraid! Give us a call and get started today learn-ing and fulfilling a mitzvah. For more information email Lillian Radomsky at or call the Temple and ask for Lillian's extension in the Religious School. We look forward to hear-ing from you. "Hazz'n - A Cantors Tale" "Hazz'n - A Cantors Tale" is going to be the premier film of this year's Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival at the Suncoast Hotel and Casino on Thursday, January 13th at 7:00 pm. As part of this historic "sneak preview" Temple Beth Sholom will present a short concert featuring the films protagonist Hazzan Jacob Ben-Zion Mendelson, the current president of The Cantors Assembly, just prior to the showing of the documentary. Hazzan Mendelson is highly regarded in his field and is currently the Hazzan at Temple Israel Center of White Plains, New York. Also appearing with Cantor Mendelson will be Tova Morcos Kliger on piano and our very own Cantor Daniel Friedman. As an additional treat, after the showing of the film, the director/producer of the documentary, along with Hazzan Mendelson, will be on hand to hold a symposium on the creation of the project and answer any questions. Tickets are only $25.00 and can be purchased through the Temple office. Seating is on a first-come-first-served basis. More information will follow. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW. Last Minute Hanukkah Shopping Hanukkah begins sundown on Tuesday, December 7. Pick up your last-minute Hanukkah supplies in the Schwartz Judaica Shop at TBS; open Sunday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9AM-Noon. MEDIATORS OF SOUTHERN NEVADA, INC PEACEMAKER CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION September 23, 2004 TO TEMPLE BETH SHALOM TEMPLE BETH SHALOM AND CANTOR DANIEL FRIEDMAN HAVE ENHANCED THE CULTURAL AWARENESS OF LAS VEGAS FOR BOTH YOUNG AND OLD WITH THE "PEACE THROUGH HUMOR" ART EXHIBIT THAT WAS DISPLAYED AT TEMPLE BETH SHALOM IN NOVEMBER OF 2003. Youth/Yiddish?11 December Activities For TBS Youth Saturdays, December 4 and 18, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM; Kehillat Ha'Noar are special Shabbat morning ser-vices for, of, and by our teens. Held in the Steinberg Chapel, twice a month [usually on the 1st and 3rd Shab-bat], younger guests (5th grade and up) are welcome to join us with their parents. We need brave teen souls to help us lead services, read Torah, and make our Tefillah meaningful, personally relevant, and filled with ruach (spirit)! Call Ayelet Blit for more information. Saturday, December 4; 5 PM-10:30 PM; Havdallah, Mitzvah and City-Wide High School Hanukkah Dance. Come to TBS for a short havdallah service, participate in a special mitzvah project and board a bus to the Sands Expo for a huge Hanukkah Dance. $18 for TBS and USY members, $30 for non-members, includes all activities and a private bus. Please bring a gift to be donated to a teen at Shade Tree Shelter. Space on the bus is limited. RSVP prior to December 1. Call David Frydman or Ayelet Blit for more information, mhm ? - ? ? ?? MM Sunday, December 5; Kadima Hanukkah Party. 4th-6th graders are invited to join their friends and meet new friends at this party at a private home. Call David Frydman to RSVP and for location and time. $5 for Kadima mem-bers and $10 for non-members. Monday, December 13- 6:45-8:15 PM?Kadima Lounge Night. 4th-6th graders are invited to hang out with your friends in the TBS Youth Lounge. Play games, listen to music and have a great time! Call David Frydman for more information. Wednesday, December 15- 6:45-8:15- USY Lounge Night. 7th -12th graders are invited to hang out with your friends in the TBS Youth Lounge .Play games, listen to music and have a great time! Call David Frydman for more information. Sunday, December 19, Jr. USY SkyMania, 2:00-4:00 PM. 7th and 8th graders won't want to miss this fun adventure at SkyMa-nia. Call David Frydman for more information. TBS Midrasha: Students are still welcome to register for this interesting and stimulating post B'nai Mitzvah Jewish Education Pro-gram. 8th Graders meet Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 PM, 9-12th Graders meet Mondays from 6:30-8:30 PM. Call Ayelet Blit for more information. Check out the USY Website: Celebrating Yiddish Join the Yiddish enthusiasts who are now part of the richness and vitality of the worldwide renaissance of contemporary Yiddish language and culture. Yes, Yiddish is vibrant, alive and flourishing in our contempo-rary world. In addition to developing conversation, grammar, reading and writing skills, each session will include Yiddish songs, for vocabulary building, and, of course, enjoyment! At the conclusion of the course, we will view and discuss a Yiddish feature film. Come join us and take your first, middle or giant steps in the Yiddish language that is a gift within our living Jewish heritage. Taught by Jean Arin, educator extraordinaire. Twelve Thursdays, from 1 PM-3 PM, beginning January 20. Fee, $120 for TBS members and $180 for non-members; plus a textbook fee. Register by calling the Temple office, 804-1333, ext. 100. Dec 2004 12? Donations, Tributes and from the heart RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Linda & Richard Lapierre Anita Lewy Philip Rosenberg Thank you: Brenda & Michael Flank Dan Miller For Torah lesson June Colodny For Affixing a Mezuzah on Mason's new home Ruth Goidfarb For your inspiring service Sylvia Hoffman For the honor of Opening the Ark on Yom Kippur & the Aliyah on Simcas Torah Holly Jacobs For the honor at Simcas Torah Elaine Jacobs For the Animal Blessing Holly Jacobs In Appreciation o