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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, September 2001



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN September 2001 Elul 5761-Tishri 5762 Vol. 1, No. 7 Inside This Issue: Messages from Cantor Friedman and President Sandy Mallin Early Childhood Center Education Department The Women's League Under the Dome Donations and Yahrzeits Advertisements Calendar of Events Schedule of Services 12 Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. By the time you read this it will probably be just days away from Rosh Hashanah. I would very much like to share with you something that pened the other day. I do it not because I want to make people feel bad but simply because I wish that some of us would become more sensitive to e idea of the sanctification of life. I share these words with you so that we n become aware of the enormous responsibility of being who we are. share these words with you so that maybe next year we can save two or ree hours of our time to devote ourselves to a most sacred task. . . . It's very hot outside, and I am working on my High Holy Day messages when I suddenly hear a loud voice addressing me. "Is that you, rabbi?" I look up. Has all that reading pushed me beyond the border of sanity? "What do you want?" I ask. "Rabbi, do you remember the Yahrzreit list last week?" "The Yahrzeit list," I stutter, "You mean every name on it?" "No, I mean my name." At that point, I stop working and begin listening. "I died two years ago, and I am bewil-dered. Sure, my kids are busy and successful, but wouldn't you think they could spare a couple of hours to come to synagogue and give thanks for my life? Can you believe it, everything I did for the community and only one of them belongs to the Temple! Is it too much to ask for them to be there when you pronounce my name? "Perhaps..." I interrupt, but to no avail. This soul is on fire. "I admit that I wasn't a perfect parent. We had our ups and downs, but I loved them, I nurtured them, worried about them, and my heart broke at their defeats and rejoiced at their happiness. So why do they allow my name to be read with no one there to remember me, to smile at the thought of me, to fill with the love of me?" "Maybe they were out of town," I respond seeking an excuse for my congregants. "You're wrong!" says the voice. "From my heavenly perch, I see and hear it all. Last year they were out playing golf. This year, despite the letter sent them from synagogue, they forgot my Yahrzeit completely, didn't even light a candle at home." "But they probably think of you all the time," I say. "Of course they do! But that's different. You love your wife and you're with her all the time. Do you use that as an excuse for not celebrating her birthday or your anniversary?" I nod, and the voice continues. "I am talking about devoting some special time, some time that flows out of love, to my memory. That's what saying Kaddish is about. It's not much to ask. And from out there in the pure air of heaven, it's what keeps us souls living!" With that the voice disappeared, and I quickly turned back to my computer to write down this report. Rabbi Felipe Goodman Schedule of High Holy Day Services ROSH HASHANAH: Mon. Eve. Sept. 17 8:00 pm Tues. Morn. Sept. 18 9:00 am Tues. Eve. Wed. Morn. Sept. 18 Sept. 19 8:00 pm 9:00 am YOM KIPPUR: Kol Nidre Wed. Eve. Sept. 26 5:45 pm Thurs. Morn. Sept. 27 9:00 am Yiskor Thurs. Morn. Sept. 27 approx. 11:00 am (Immediately following the Torah reading) Neilah Thurs. Eve. Sept. 27 approx. 5:00 pm Messages from Rabbi Felipe Goodman and Cantor Daniel Friedman Cantor Daniel Friedman Here we are at the High Holy Days. The time of the chant of Kol Nidre (all vows) which dramatically opens the Yom Kippur eve service, prior to sundown, for all Jews. "With the knowledge of the Omnipresent, and the knowledge of the congregation, by authority of the court on high, and by authority of the court below, we give permission to pray with the transgressors." Now, having said this we begin the chant. The first of the three repetitions is soft, like a person amazed at entering the palace of the king to ask a favor, and is afraid of coming close to the king; like asking for something. The second time the voice is raised slightly higher than the first. The third is even higher, like a person who is at home and accustomed to being a member of the king's household. We chant with trembling and fear and devotion especially into the third repetition as the congregation whispers along supporting the cantor with every utterance. Yom Kippur is a day of forgiveness and Teshuvah, and it is necessary for us to participate in this liturgy to purify ^mai^^mmmmm^ma^^^^mmmmmmmmmammmmi^m^mmmmm ourselves of our iniquities. We must fulfill our commitments and Kol Nidre allows us the opportunity to remember our commitment publicly and openly ask to have our vows fulfilled even though we may have forget one or two. We should in essence make a guilt offering to God. This is in brief the dramatic importance of reciting Kol Nidre. After reciting Kol Nidre three times, we cry out together: "And all the congregation of the children of Israel shall be forgiven, and the stranger that sojourneth among them, for in respect of all people it was done in error" (Num. 15:26). It is with the start of Kol Nidre that we begin our transformation through the process of self reflection and self forgiveness in the eyes of God and others, that we begin to heal and turn our energy to renewal. Through the liturgy and truthful, heartfelt prayer we can emerge from the cocoon of the High Holy Days prepared to spread our new wings like a butterfly with determination to do perhaps only one thing differently than last year; we can strive to live up to our vows in the coming year. L'Shanah Tova Tikatevu. A Message from our President The summer vacation is coming to an end and personally I am looking forward to celebrating the High Holy days together as a congregation. This year's services are going to be beautiful as well as spiritual. As we come together as a congregation it will be apparent that we have accom-plished so much this last year and have so much to look forward to in the coming year, 5762. I want to welcome all our new members to Temple Beth Sholom. We have at least 75 new families. This increased membership is a testimony to all the efforts of our clergy, board of directors and friendly, vibrant congregation. Please plan on attending the book signing with Dorothy Rice on September 6th, the dedication, by Lovee and Bob Arum, of the Mitch Halpern Memorial Field, in September and our "Man of the Year" gala, on December 2nd, honoring long time Temple member and distinguished community member Freddie Glusman. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, we wish you L'Shanah Tova. Sept. 2001 Message from Temple President Sandy Mallin ? Women's League Early Childhood Center News Our summer camp program has finally come to an end! The children had a great time with seemingly endless activities, parties, special guests, water day, cooking, dance, music, and cheerleading classes. We would like to thank all of the wonderful supportive families that had faith in us during our first year! Your children are super! On September 4, the Early Childhood Center will open for its 2nd year. We are looking forward to having our halls filled with Hebrew and Spanish classes, music, dance, mini-minyan with Cantor Friedman, Kabbalat Shabbat lunches, in addition to our integrated curriculum of secular and Judaic studies. Currently, we have a few spaces left in our 2nd and 3rd classes. Tell your friends! A /Sr^J ^ Exciting News from the Education Department / \ ( ' f We have some exiting news from the Education Department. Our Mommy & Me and Shabbat & Me are going to resume on September 4th. 0 - 1 5 months are meeting on Tuesday, 15 months to 3 years old are meeting on Wednesday and all ages will meet together to celebrate Shabbat on Friday. Please call the office for more information on fees and registration. (Save your spot, space is limited) We have some very exciting new courses and we will continue to offer some of last year's courses that were in high demand and very successful. So, look in your mail V ^ for the 2001 - 2002 Adult Education booklet. Our Religious School keeps growing. In order to accommodate all our families and the new families who are joining us during this time of year, the Religious School is going to hold a double session on Sundays. 1st session is from 9:00am to 11:30am and the 2nd session is from 11:30am to 2:00pm. If your child is already regis-tered for Sunday morning and would like to sleep some more and come in at 11:30 or if your schedule allows it, please call ASAP to the Religious School office and ask for Jacob or Ayelet. i ? Connect With The Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom Blanche Meisel The Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom is preparing now to greet 5762 with a wonderful calendar. The white squares of our shiny new calendars are filled with monthly meetings on the third Wednesday and with varied special events. Brand new this year will be our top-of-the-line Holiday Boutique on Sunday and Monday, November 18th and 19th. On April 21st we introduce Feminism, Modernism and Judaism our community-wide seminar day. Join in the short-term study, discussion and craft sessions and holiday workshops for the preschool and religious school parents (and anyone who wants to participate.) When you attend our meetings you will be enriched further with The Odyssey of Jewish Food, the history of Jewish food throughout the world, ancient and contemporary. Our long time favorites will continue and be enhanced. The Schwartz Judaica Shop, will be stocked with the newest and finest Judaic merchandise and opening on Sept. 4th to meet your entire gift, holiday, Shabbat and religious needs. Continuing are the Sept. 2001 Lamazlle classes for parents-to-be and the Bat Mitzvah classes for our members. There will be gifts for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrant and for the newborns. The Torah Fund campaign in support of the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Ziegler School of Rabbinics is renewed every year. We raise funds in an exciting and painless fashion to meet both our pledge to Temple Beth Sholom and our administrative and educational needs. We continue to plan and innovate on all levels. Every woman in our congregation benefits from her membership in the Woman's League. We invite your membership, comments and participation. Connect with the women of Temple Beth Sholom for the enrichment, education, growth, camaraderie and friendships you are entitled to have. The First Meeting is Wednesday, September 12th at 11:30 am featuring Gefilte Fish, Preserving our Traditions Through the Generations, discussion and more. We welcome you in the small social hall. Under The Dome s "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. New Events for the New Year 5762 - ? Rabbi Goodman to lead discussions relating to Jewish women. Five Thursdays at 8:45 a.m. from October 11- December 13, 2001. By reservation only. ? 2001 Secret Sister - Make new friends at this fun and innovative evening in the Sukkah. Oct. 4th. ? Craf t Sundays - Three Sundays a year to create crafts for upcoming Jewish holidays (babysitting available). For additional details on the events above, please call Sheryl Honig @ 255-1081, Emily 6oodman @ 367-4776 or Suriva Fischer @ 656-5451. I f you are interested in joining a women's bowling league, please call Mona Silverman at 248-8902. Coming Soon - Dedication of Mitch Halpern Memorial Field. Man of the Year Dinner - honoring Fred Glusman, December 2, 2001. A Dessert Reception - hosted by Temple Beth Sholom to be held on Thursday, September 6th at 7:00 p.m. to introduce highly acclaimed artist/author Dorothy Rice. Introduction to Judaism classes starting on September 5, 2001 - Know your heritage. Know your religion. Know yourself. This 9 month long course will clarify Judaic issues through lectures and discussions. Jewish philosophy, Jewish history, our life cycle, Dietary laws, and Holidays are some of the topics which will be discussed in this course. This is especially designed to meet the needs of people who would like to become Jewish, and for people who would like to know more about their own religion. Classes will meet on Wednesdays from 7:00pm to 8:00pm - Call to sign up for classes. Bereavement Support Group - Because we know that the loss of a loved one is a very difficult thing to bear, the Chesed Committee of Temple Beth Sholom is starting a new session of our Bereavement Group. Meetings will be led by Ole J. Thienhause, M.D., M.B.A., Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Nevada School of Medicine. Dr. Thienhause has a very extensive and impressive background, in addition to which he is Board-certif ied in General and Geriatric Psychiatry. The group will meet on Thursdays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The f i r s t meeting will be on September 13th - please call to sign up. JACS Group - open to any Jewish alcohol/chemical de-pendant A family members or friends to explore recovery & spirituality using Jewish resources. Anonymity respected. Meets in the small social hall Tuesdays at 7:00pm. IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO IS HOSPITALIZED, PLEASE NOTIFY THE TEMPLE, SO THAT WE MAY CALL OR VISIT. Sept. 2001 Tributes...Donations from our Hearts Prayer Book Fund In Honor of: Albert Koulange's 90th Birthday Ethel Koulange Lily & Max Phillips Adele Baratz's 75th Birthday Florence Frost In Memory of: Julia Goodman Mona & Charles Silverman Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer Shelley, Stan & David Carroll Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Andrea & Richard Gordon Margaret & Lou Bouchet Ruth & Allen Brewster Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau & Richard Aarenau Lil & Kenny Glicken Ruth & Allen Brewster Elaine & Irving Steinberg Bernard Ogron Ruth & Allen Brewster Marci & Rob Murdock Mona & Charles Silverman Andrea, Richard, Drake, and Scarlett Gordon Ruth & Allen Brewster Shelley & Steve Pincus and Children Mel Cotton Nina & Les Boshes Capital Fund In Honor of: Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Sabrina & Brian Steinberg Agnes Mason General Fund In Honor of: Morris Berman's Aliyah Irv & Elaine Steinberg Maddie & Aaron Lapping Mr. & Mrs. Harry Grants' Birthdays Bill & Madeline Weiss Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Birth of grandson Kalman Elaine & Irving Steinberg Sept. 2001 Gabriela Silverman's conversion Evelyn & Herbert Silverman Dora Marcus' 100th Birthday Ann & Max Ukeiley Mr. & Mrs. F. Geringer's New Home Albert Koulange's 90th Birthday Anne Ukeily Norman Marsh's Aliyah Rosi Markewich's Happy 67th Diane & Herb Kaufma nB irthday Misheberach for: Albert Nahmias Sandy & Stan Mallin Beverly & Henry Sandler Suzie Nahmias Beverly & Henry Sandler Geraldine Fischer Lil Glicken In Memory of: Irving FiePlhdilsip Rosenberg Julia Goodman Penny Mendelovic & Eva Mr. & Mrs. Albert Nahmias Bernard Ogron Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Randi & Adi Matushevitz Agnes Mason Florence & Melvin Shapiro Lillian & Henry Kronberg Deanne & Harold Stralser Raquel Habib David Miller Mr. & Mrs. Albert Nahmias Kevin Bartnof Phillip & Norma Wilensky Miriam Sharp's Brother Helene Rosen Father of Randy Kelly Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Mollie Weiss Harold Gastwirth Ronald Lieberman Sharon & Jerry Lancz Vilma Haims Marie Ackerman Ruth Erman Nina & Les Boshes Holly Carter Anne Ukeily In Appreciation of: Elaine and Irving Steinberg Thank you friends for your contributions to the Temple in honor of our 4dh anniversary. Thank you to the congregation Ruth Spector Education Fund In Memory of: Julia Goodman Dr. Sheldon & Karen Schore Adi & Randi Matushevitz Lily & Max Phillips Elvira & Jeffrey Michelman Ethel & Albert Koulange Nina & Les Boshes Jewish Community Day School Philip Rosenberg Bernard Ogron Arlene & Jerry Blut Mimi Katz Elaine & Irving Steinberg Elaine & Tom Lamwa G. Scott Menke Sandy & Stan Mallin Henry & Lillian Kronberg Ruth Goldfarb Philip Rosenberg Harriet Goldberg Dr. Louis Schwartz Rabbi Dr. Henry & Sally Leiberman and Family Ann Gastwirth Karlin Family & Ruth Wald Trudy & Barry Holtzman Gail & Mark Binder Gail & Harvey Emert Barbara & Igal Chozahinoff Vanessa & Roger Fink In Honor o f : llene Fogel's Birthday Nina & Les Boshes Adele Baratz's Birthday Mimi Katz Sandy and Stanley Mallin Birth of grandchild Mona & Charles Silverman a Tributes?Donations from our Hearts Misheberach for: Louise Appenzeller Ruth Spector Anne Westerman Caryl & Jack Berg Preschool Fund In Honor o f : Drake's 4th Birthday Laura & Stan Shuster Birth of son Max Andrea, Richard & Scarlett Gordon Sandy & Stan Mallin Birth of grandchild Elaine & Irving Steinberg Shirley & Sidney Chaplin In Memory of: Agnes Mason Marlene & Lawrence Isenberg Bernard Ogron D.J. & Jon Jensen Rabbi's Discretionary Fund In Honor o f : Jillian Chaya's Baby naming Joanna Kishner & David Alexander Claire & Ryan Strimling Birth of twins Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe Noah's visit with Gabe Rene's Happy Birthday David & Tina - new endeavor and road trip Sidney - Home after Africa Sarita & Seymour Slackman Sarita & Seymour Enjoying 40lh year together Morris Berman's Aliyah In Memory of: Julia Goodman Ellen Scully Judy & Ron Mack Andrea, Richard, Drake and Scarlett Gordon Joanna Kishner & David Alexander Lillian & Henry Kronberg Debbie & Harold Lederer Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe June & Bert Colodny Zena & Bennett Fishbain Heidi & David Sander Jaye Straus Edye & Irwin Goldberg Marlene & Maury Jones Phyllis & Morton Silverman Mimi Katz Paul Schmier Sybil & Isadore Greenberg Phyllis & Ira Wechsler Louis Levin Mr. & Mrs. Albert Nahmias Naomi & Art Sloan Arlene & Jerry Blut Debbie, Aaron & Maddie Lapping Naomi & Arthur Sloan Barbara, Howard, & Jay Kenig Carolyn & Oscar Goodman Sandy & Stanley Mallin Carol & Jeff Zucker Sari & Joel Mann Barbara & Howard Kenig Ruth Spector Miriam & Maurice Sharp Dr. Stanley & Audrey Abramow Sylvia Friedland Stuart & Flora Mason Kathleen & Morris Menasche D.J. & Jon Jensen Deanne & Harold Stralser Dr. Debora & Dr. Mark Barney Mr. Rene'Colen Dr. Sheldon & Mrs. Karen Schore Mother of Tracy Banner Phyllis & Morton Silverman Agnes Mason Lillian & Henry Kronberg Bert Davidson Ruth Spector Building Fund In Honor of: Irv & Elaine Steinberg's Anniversary Debbie Lapping Mita & Harry Shuster's Birth of Grandchild Steven Saxe's Birthday Andrea & Richard Gordon Sandy and Stan Mallin Birth of new grandchild Lillian & Ken Glicken In Memory of: Uncle Sam To Marci & Rob Murdock and family Andrea, Richard, Drake, and Scarlett Gordon Bernard Ogron Andrea, Richard, Drake, and Scarlett Gordon Scott Menke Woody Rossum Debbie, Aaron & Maddie Lapping Miriam & Maurice Sharp Misheberach f o r : Gerri Fischer Lil & Kenny Glicken Yahrzeits In Memory of: Helen Fishbain Brandt Bob & Betty Brandt Jay Sarno David & Heidi Strauss Harriet G. Ross Edward J. Ross Stuart P. Ross Jeff Uhlmann Audrey Merkin Jack & Rachel Gee Donald & Rema Gee Samson Stein Hilda Stein Yochai Joe Knaani Laraine Knaani Irving Aisuss Charlotte & Sam Showel Dr. Meyer Rozen Brenda & Jerry Katz Evelyn Shafer Gertrude Wolk Leo Rudolf Clarice Kirsch Benjamin Banker Lester Banker Era Fuhrman Melita Fuhmian - Vickter Hugo Lilie Joyce & Harold Lilie Ruben Blumberg Amelia & Alvin Blumberg Howard Gellar Jo-Ann Geller Harold Levin Wendy, David, Lindsay & Tyler Feldman 6 Sept. 2001 Tributes...Donations from our Hearts Adele Feitelson Roselyn Silkes Sam Best Mona & Charles Silverman Morris Tepper Bemice Lazar Kalman Lazar Molly Lazar Jack R. Lazar Marsha Levin Ashley, Louis, & Chelsea Levin Jeanette Miller Anita Moll Lillian Shapiro Cramer Dorothy S. Nathan Max Pearl Theodore Pearl Selma Altose and Family Simon Aprill Eunice Merkin Henry Dubin Robert Dubin Benjamin Kahn Kim, Fred, Alex & Sara Memar Samuel N. Pink Anne L. Pink Carl M. Kwartler Sheldon & Sharon Gottlieb Morris Aaron Rosenberg Phil Rosenberg Yochai Joe Knaani Laraine Knaani Rose Lipsky Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Sam Simon Mary & Jack Simon Henry Dubin Robert Dubin & Shelley Weinberg Rita Zakar Ronnie & Neil Schwartz Rabbi Benzion Frank Milton Frank Abraham Koulange Rivka Koulange Ethel & Albert Koulange Philip Kossovsky Max & Lily Phillips Jean Lasky Marshall Lasky Lewis Langbert Joseph Aitkin Karen & Jeffrey Langbert Sarah Simon Connie Pectol Sylvia Semenoff Sasha Semenoff Max Weinstein Adele Engel Morris Aaron Steinberg Dr. & Mrs. Leon Steinberg Jean Lasky Marshall Lasky Betty Schmier Paul Schmier Neil R. Gentry Viola Goldstein Anna Hager Shirley Chaplin Anna Wexler Daniel Wexler Bertha Finkelstein Doris & David Bluth Stanley Weiss Rochelle A. Thone and Barbara A. Don Ethel Shapiro Flo & Bo Sokoloff William Long Blanche & Phil Meisel Jeanette Weiss Margaret & Lou Bouchet Phillip Shapiro Ethel Shapiro Agnes Mason Irv Waller Melvin Shapiro Leon Mack Judy & Ron Mack Solly Faktor Charlene & Geoff Sher Hadji (Auram) Borukh Susan Molasky Blanka Marsh Norman Marsh Harold Seltzer Marci & Edward Seltzer Fanny Weitzman Lily & Max Phillips Ethel & Albert Koulange Edith Goldman Steven Goldman Arnold Baraz Ruth & Allen Brewster Jeanette Weiss Margaret & Lou Bouchet Neil Eskenazi Sally & Zadick Eskenazi Cantor Charles S. Gudovitz Albert Kulwin Dear Temple Friends, Thank you so much for all of your heartfelt expressions of sympathy on the loss of my mother. My family and I are touched by your generosity and kindness. Rabbi Felipe Goodman and family A Very Warm "Thank You" - Your thoughts, kind expressions of sympathy, and your donations, on Ann Gastwirth's passing have comforted all of us. On behalf of my entire family. Thank You, Harold Gastwirth Sept. 2001 a Have Your Next Event Catered at Temple Beth Sholom by: Majestic Caterers of Los Angeles Please Contact Paula Cohen at (818) 968-3581 Gerald L Gersten First Vice President - Investments 702-562-1100 800-966-8146 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY SALOMON SMITH BARNEY INC. 1645 Village Center, Circle #80 Las Vegas, NV 89134 FAX 702-562-1111 A member of citigroufST Member of Temple Beth Sholom XXIK-n cnlv box. do... 10^ OF? LWTTATION5 INVITATIONS Bridal Accessories and Calligraphy by Scrip La tions Bar Inv cations ? Skull Caps ? Favors Balloon Hero' ? Theme Parties Please call for ar. appointment w r j i Karer. ^chore " 0 2 . 2 5 7 . 7 4 0 0 ^600 ^Xtet S x ^ j n . >iu. 103 ? M c r . - F f i l l - o . Sit. 1 1 - V Sunday by A p p o i n u n c n i Live d.rtehaem Now receive a free Social Dining Membership with home or homesite purchase Enter the Enclave at Red Rock Country Club and experience the vibrant lifestyle of Summerlin. 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HSU, MD 3121 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 512 Us Vegas, NV 89109 (702) 796-7150 3150 N. Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 233-1000 Sept. 2001 Rose Raphael Real Estate Consultant ERA Sunbelt Realty 3101 Spring Mountain Rd? #1 Las Vegas. NV 89102 Multi-Million Dollar Club Office: (702)364-1699 Fax: (702)364-9603 Toll Free: 1-888-ERAROSE Email: ^^^ ^f^Bk. & G9 M I S ERA* Each ERA* Office is Independently Owned and Operated NORTHERN PACIFIC M O R T G A G E C O M P A N Y JefTMichelman Senior Loan Officer 6625 W. Sahara Ave., #3 Office (702) 248-0800 Las Vegas. Nevada 89146 Fax (702) 248-8900 Toll Free (888) 548-0800 Cell (702) 218-1300 Buying or selling, I will contribute 10% of my commission to TBS upon successful close of escrow. Or 2 D ? Barth White President i D # L/c. #0019915A <o PH: 702-631-5959 % e F i n i s h FX: 702-631-5983 E-mail: 1-800-998-3289 Quality Wood Products 3 6 0 - 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 N. N c l l i s BlvtJ. Residential Commercial Entry Doon I lilluw M??l IXmn & Knumt French Doon Wood Doon Pnhunx DOOM Toilet Pmitioni Dout l l i i i l m t UL Approvrd MrtJ Shop Minor \Vardrot*? Stair ? Rail Sn trim Bath 1 Linlvtirc Clout Solution) Frro r?tlrnntr* License OOSOIS WhuliMMthi & nutnll - Custom floor* 'Tbtrt it ntiuht'.tutrf-.T Qujfitj' FRAMING STUDIO BEAUTIFUL, SURPRISING, IMAGINATIVE FRAMING FOR 25 YEARS Carved, Hand-drawn, and Custom-Designed Mats We Specialize in Framing NEEDLEWORK and JUDAICA 2550 S. Rainbow Blvd. (Behind 7-11 at W. Sahara Ave.) (702) 227-0966 V %\nfi'?kik 'af * C V2J cS CRain6oa> X/vJ (Suite 107) ifcu Jjeyai, OfeuaJa <59/46 Oionnie OSerhowilz Real Estate Executive Office: (702)257-1600 Jax: (702) 2J2 -<52<54 Oo/Uree: /(jOO) <53/-.3044 Ce/hi/ar: (70l) 338-2272 uiu/ui.Jin ess eh orne/o ursnet BURIAL SITES Have you considered buying a cemetery plot for your family? Temple Beth Sholom has a section available for immediate sale at Palm Mortuaries and Memorial Park. Call the temple office at 804-1333 - or - ALLEN BREWSTER FAMILY SERVICE CONSULTANT & PRE-NEED PLANNING BEEPER: 702-598-9900 BUSINESS:702-464-8360 RESIDENCE: 702-873-4269 Cemetery and Mausoleum Spaces Shipping out-of-state prices on flat & upright headstones Sept. 2001 Invest up to $100,000 tax-deferred for your child's or grandchild's college education. Through the new NextGen College Investing Plarf?. 702-227-7053 Merrill Lynch 2300 West Sahara Avenue Suitel200 Us Vegas, NV 89102 Attn: Joel H. Goot Financial Consultant Vice President For many families, the expense of higher education is one of their greatest financial challenges. That's why you should consider the NextGen College Investing, PlanNV, a new tax-advantaged way to invest up to $100,000' per child for higher education. , Highlights of the NextGen4* plan include: ? Assets from the I'lan can be used at accrcdired U.S. colleges or post-secondary schools. ? Earnings grow federal-income-tax - deferred. ? 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A^pv^i* lt?*iiini hiUrc^ Ijttv* it 1I45JMH) bftirfi:ilfy. tttnulftij FfciTi Vj N C X t 1 mt rxii Oe-tiai'j- G^n Oi!??: M.irJI & Ca, Iiw M'tiltr IIIC Sept. 2001 Staff TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Rabbi Felipe Goodman Cantor Director of Education Daniel Friedman Jacob Raijman September Calendar and Programming Director of Early Deborah Jensen Childhood Education beptember Officers President Sandy Mallin 1 - 9:00am Bar Mitzvah?Ryan Tischler 1st Vice President Jeff Zucker 4 - 6:30pm Beginning Hebrew 2nd Vice President Mona Silverman 7:00pm JACS Secretary Shelly Carroll 7:15pm Adult Bat Mitzvah class Treasurer Amy May 5 - 7-8:00pm Introduction to Judaism Immediate Past President Jerome L. Blut 6 - 7:00pm Dessert Reception introducing artist/author Dorothy Rice Honorary Board Member Sharon E. Sigesmund 8 - 9:00am Bat Mitzvah?Emily Robinson Board Of Directors 11 - 6:30pm Beginning Hebrew Robert Fischer Melanie Greenberg 7:00pm JACS Joanna Kishner Dr. Steven Leibowitz 12- 7-8:00pm Introduction to Judaism Jim Lukasiewicz Marci Murdock 13- 6:30-8pm Bereavement Support Group Rose Raphael Mark Scheiner 17- Rosh Hashanah Services Evening 8:00 pm Elaine Steinberg Faye Steinberg 18- Rosh Hashanah Services Morning 9:00 amEvening 8:00 pm 19- Rosh Hashanah Services Morning 9:00 am Men's Club President Irwin Goldberg 20- 6:30-8pm Bereavement Support Group 26- Yom Kippur Services Women's League President Blanche Meisel Kol Nidre Evening 5:45 pm Havarah Chairman Lou Bouchet 27- Yom Kippur Services Morning 9:00 am Yiskor Memorial Service 11:00 am Schedule of Services Morning Minyan Sundays & Legal Holidays @ 9:00 am Monday - Friday @ 7:30 am Mincha/Maariv Monday -Thursday 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Fridays 7:30 pm Shacharit Saturdays 9:00 am Erev Shabbat Candle Lighting Times August 31 @ 6:44 pm September 7 @ 6:33 pm September 14 @ 6:21 pm September 21 @ 6:09 pm September 28 @ 5:57 pm 10700 Havenwood Lane ? Las Vegas, NV 89135 phone 702.804.1333 ? fax 702.804.1370 ? M TEMPLE BETH >HOLOM 1 0 7 0 0 HAVENWOOD LANE LAS VEGAS, N V 8 9 1 3 5 WWW.BETHSHOLOMUV.ORG Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 171 Las Vegas, NV Dr. & Mrs. Barry Barkan 2300 South Tenaya Way Las Vegas, NV 89117