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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, January 2000



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Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin How funny,..How sad... Reflections for the millennium By Rabbi Felipe Goodman ? Funny how a $1,000 "looks" so big when you are asked for a High Holy Day pledge, but so small when you take it to the mall. ? Funny how long it takes to serve God with an hour of volunteer time, but how quickly a team plays 60 minutes of basketball. ? Funny how long a couple of hours a week spent at Shabbat services are, but how short they are when watching a Rebels home football game. ? Funny how we can't think of anything to say when we pray, but don't have difficulty thinking of things to talk about to a friend. ? Funny how we get thrilled when a baseball game goes into extra innings, but we complain when a sermon is longer than the regular time. ? Funny how hard it is to study a few pages of Jewish holy texts, but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a best selling novel. ? Funny how people want to get a front seat at any game or concert, but scram-ble to get a back seat at synagogue services. ? Funny how we need 6 weeks advance notice to fit a Temple event into our schedule, but can adjust our schedule for other events at the last moment. ? Funny how hard it is for people to learn a little bit of Torah well enough to tell others, but how simple it is for the same people to understand and repeat gossip. ? Funny how we believe whatever drivel the newspaper prints, but question the time-proven values that Judaism teaches. ? Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe, or think, or say, or do anything. ? Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending serious messages regarding God and religion, people think twice about sharing. FUNNY, ISNTIT? Are you laughing? Are you thinking? Based on thoughts written by Danille Milewski, Atlanta, GA Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Visit us on our web page: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from the Rabbi 3 Message from Pres. Sandy Mallin Religious School News 15 Interview with D.J. Sinai ? Carnegie Hall and More! 6-7 Our New Torah Scroll Men's Club & Sisterhood News 8-9 News for our Youth/Soccer at TBS 10-15 | Treasure Hunting around Las Vegas 16 Upcoming Events 17 Notes & News 18-21 It was a smashing i"TYibute" 22-24 Contributions 27 Community Bulletin Board 28 Calling All Artists 25TH EDITION A Message From Rabbi Felipe Goodman In this "New Millennium: A Program for Healthy Growth The second book of the Bible delineates the career of Moses, who probably has had more influence on the destiny of humankind than any other sin-gle individual. It is enlightening to observe how the Torah describes his life. In describing how he grew up, the Torah surprisingly uses what our ancient commentators consid-ered duplicate language. "And the child grew up" is fol-lowed by "And Moses grew up." Why does the Bible tell us twice that Moses grew up? The answer: There are several ways of growing up. Merely to state that he grew up would not give us the entire scope of his growth. "And the child grew up," is an expression of physical growth. It tells us that Moses achieved physical stature. The second phrase describes growth that is not related to physical size. It portrays moral and spiritual components. An understanding of the dual process of growth emerges from the text. In all ages, as a society we have placed emphasis on physical growth. To describe the status of the United States, we have statistics about its bigness. We cite our GNP, Gross National Product. All the physical objects we manufacture make up the Gross National Product. The Bible reminds us that in evaluating a country or person, we need both statis-tics that have to do with bigness and a measurement of greatness that cannot be calculated in physical terms. It is not sufficient to describe a country in terms of its GNP. We need to know its Gross Spiritual Product. What kind of peo-ple are we? Is there justice and righteousness in this land? Is there brotherhood, love and friendship? Do we take care of the needy and do we give opportunity to the underpriv-ileged? These statistics have to do with greatness rather than with bigness. The Torah tells us that Moses grew big, but that he also grew great. His greatness made him a leader and a prophet. In our own community we speak of big people, great philanthropists. What do we mean when we ascribe bigness to people? We often discover that what we really mean is that they own some big enterprise, or possess a large bank account, or head some large industry or organization where they wield power. We should describe people not in terms of stature but in terms of greatness. It is this dimension that is often missing in our thinking. A powerful person is not someone that hides behind wealth; a powerful person is someone that works hard to turn dreams into reality with-out stepping over other people's life. A person of greatness is someone who is so secure in him/herself that they do not find the need to justify his/her beliefs through manipula-tion, blackmail or deceitful persuasion. A person of statue is one that stays loyal to his/her ideals in spite of the dif-ferences he/she might feel with those that are working with him/her towards the betterment of this world. How very often do we get lost in pitiful rivalries as a result of the ongoing struggle for the curse we call power? How very often we preach love towards an ideal or institution but at the same time we damage it with our shortsighted per-sonal needs and self-centered ideas. As long as we behave this way we will experience no growth in our life. In every area of life we must understand the difference between the first growth and the second. When families are preparing for happy events, such as the approaching marriage of their children, it is important to distinguish between bigness and greatness. In making wed-ding plans people will say that they are having a big wed-ding. We must ask whether they mean a great wedding. Will it be permeated with spiritual and moral qualities or will the only calculation be made in terms of material things? Jewish tradition reminds us that while we hope to succeed, our ultimate goal is to be great. Young people begin life togeth-er hoping for economic and material success. But they must remember that with only that level of success they will have failed. True success comes when moral and spiritual values are blended with material forms of success. That is why we emphasize the custom of having young people take time before their marriage to enter the sanctuary and to seek God's blessing. They will then remember that in the midst of physical preparations, which indeed are necessary for a beautiful wedding, they must also prepare themselves for a beautiful life. That beauty can be achieved only when, underpinning all the physical arrangements, there are the abiding values of love, unselfishness, devotion to charity and concern for the rest of humanity. It is not sufficient to describe a country in terms of its GNP We need to know its Gross Spiritual Product 2 January 2 0 0 0 / Tevet-Shevat 5760 A Message From Sandy Mallin, TBS President., We have had an amazing month at Temple Beth Sholom. Our new buzz word has become, "SOLD OUT!" The early Shabbat service, the Gala Tribute honoring Oscar and Carolyn Goodman, and the upcoming Debbie Friedman Concert are all sell-outs. The spirit among our congregants is contagious. My sin-cerest thanks and deepest gratitude goes to our wonderful members who have worked so hard on behalf of the Temple. Arlene Blut, Marcy Saxe, Mona Silverman, Elaine Steinberg, and their committees and David Chesnoff and Tom Letizia who were responsible for helping to raise $200,000 at our "Tribute." A special thanks to the committee members: Marcia Bergenfield, Shelley Carroll, Shirley Chaplin, Helen Edell, Sandy's Wish List... As the end of the year rapidly approaches, many of us are hauling our unneeded "stuff" to Goodwill. If you think that the Temple office can utilize your "stuff" why not give them a call! Obviously, we want "good stuff!" for our office! If you are no longer carpooling and are "downsiz-ing" consider donating your van to the Temple. Or if you and several of your Temple friends would like to pool your funds and purchase a van for the Temple's use we would much appreciate the help. Remember, not only will you be doing a Mitzvah for the Synagogue, you too can benefit by taking a tax write-off for the items you donate. (April 15th is just around the corner!) Thank you for your kindness and generosity! Liz Goodman, Maria Letizia, Marci Murdock, Emily Novick, Bridget Shuster, Lara Stone, Sandee Tiberti, Ellen Underwood, and Barbara Kaplan. Board members Jerry Blut, Steve Saxe, David Underwood and our special guy Jerry Appenzeller. I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the hard work and support of our entire office staff, Louise Appenzeller, Helene Rosen, Use Chohat, and Patrick Pittman. Plan on attending an upcoming Shabbat service that will honor the chairmen and their committee members. Watch for details on this event. Have you driven by Havenwood Lane recently? Our syn-agogue is awesome! Our future holds such promise; you, the members of Temple Beth Sholom, are going to be part of a new beginning! I am looking forward to celebrating the New Year with you at our Champagne Shabbat, 5:30 pm New Years Eve. A Special Thank You We would like to acknowledge those who con-tributed additional donations to make our "Tribute" such a success. Adele Baratz Ron Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fertitta, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mort Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Maury Jones Mr. & Mrs. George Katz Mr. Ira Lipman Palm Mortuary Mr. & Mrs. Howard Schwartzer Ms. Vera Turner Dr. & Mrs. Kent Wellish and to Yvette & Ellis Landau our apologies on not including your ad in the Journal. Temple Beth Sholom Thanks The Patrons For This Year. Your Generosity Has Helped Defray the Costs of Our Bulletin Marcia & Lawrence Bergenfield Shirley & Sidney Chaplin June & Bert Colodny Suzanne & Dr. Allen Feld Lillian & Henry Kronberg Debbie & Harold Lederer Hylda & Murray Leitner Melissa and Mitchell Ogron Dr. Doris & Bill Soroky, z'l Elaine & Irv Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg If you would like to become a Patron, the Cost is $100 per year. Please call Louise at the Temple Office, 804-1333 and let her know that you would also like to provide financial assistance this year. Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin / / Religious School Education Update Inside The Golden Box T! l l "know that Rabbi Goodman is known for writing the most incredible sermons. I also .know that people do not want to read another sermon from the Religious School Director; however, I feel that as an Educator the best way to transmit a message is with a story. So, in my message this month I would like to go beneath the surface and demonstrate to you through a story what we are trying to teach our children at Temple Beth Sholom. In this parable a father punishes his daughter for wasting a roll of gift wrapping paper. The family was very short of money and this waste angered the father. The daughter said, "Daddy this gift wrapped box is for you." The father was ashamed of his reaction. He opened the box and once again exploded with anger ? the box was empty. "Don't nmHMHH^MmaNaan FOR PARENTS ONLY! We are revitaliz-ing the Kadima and USY Youth Programs. Please join us to learn about the exciting programs which the Youth Board has planned for this year. January 12, 7 pm. Meeting for parents of children 12-18 yrs. January 13, 7 pm. Meeting for parents of children 8-12 yrs. CALL THE OFFICE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF THESE MEETINGS, 804-1333- ? ? ? FOR YOUTH ONLY. All teens, 12-18 years of age, are invit-ed to participate in TALMUD 'N FRIENDS. The first meeting will be held at the Rabbi's house on Thursday, January 20, at 7 p.m. Watch the TV show "Friends" and join with the Rabbi in a Talmudic discussion of the show! Can't make this session, join us on the third Thursday of each month for the next session. you know, that when you give someone a gift there should be a present inside!" With tears in her eyes, the little girl said to her father, "But daddy, its not empty, its filled with kisses that I blew in for you." The father felt terrible. He embraced his young daughter and asked for her forgiveness. To this day the father keeps the golden box beside his bed. When he feels sad, unwell or lonely he reaches for the box and takes out one of his daughers kisses to remind him of all the love that his young daughter had blown into the box for him. We would like our religious school to be like this golden box ? full of Judaism and friendship for one another. Jacob Raijman, Education Director January 21st is the first Family Shabbat (formerly called, Tot Shabbat) of the New Year. This special program is in cel-ebration of Tu Beshvat, The New Year of the Trees! Bring a small photo of each member of your family. Together we will all "plant" our family trees! A catered meal will be a part of this innovative program. ? ? ? Get your shovels, pick ax and gloves and plan to be at the site of the new Temple on Sunday, January 23, at 9 a.m. The Religious School and Kadima youth will plant trees to celebrate Tu Beshvat. ? ? ? January 29tb marks our first Family Shabbat Morning Service. From 9:45-11:15 a.m. on the last Saturday of each month we will have a special service to introduce our chil-dren to Shabbat Services. Please join us! ? ? ? The USY will have their own pre-game on Super Bowl Sunday, January 30th Bring your friends for a friendly scrimmage at 1:30 pm. Then enjoy the game on big screen tv; snacks and drinks will make this a great way to spend your Sunday. TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHEDULE January 11th the Religious School Classes Begin for the N e w Semester January 16th Pre-School ? First Grade Classes Begin for the N e w Semester If you need further information, please call the office at 804-1333. 4 January 2 0 0 0 / Tevet-Shevat 5760 . A Very Exclusive Interview With Mr Piano Kid! D.J. Sinai: Our Very Own Celebrity... Performing At Carnegie Hall in New York!! 1 'The feeling I got in Carnegie Hall was overwhelming. The Hall, beautiful and breathtaking as it was, was even more wonderful to see with everybody dressed up in formal attire to see our show. The audience's response was wonderful, and only added much more to the evening's happiness." In his own words, this was how Daniel Jay "D.J." Sinai talks about his performance on November 28th at Carnegie Hall. His group of 65 students represented Las Vegas. D.J. was the only student soloist in New York. He delighted the attendees with two vocal solos and a solo piano accom-paniment to the choir of over 200 voices. Right now D.J. has an incredibly busy schedule. He is a member of Palo Verde's Concert Choir, Vocal Infinity and Madrigals; he is also the accompanist for the Palo Verde's Women's Choir. Here at Temple Beth Sholom he is the music teacher for our religious school. Many of you know, of course, that D.J. is also the accompanist and second voice at Temple Beth Sholom's Shabbat services. In addition, D.J. is studying under Voltaire Verzosa ? all this while attending High School classes. And D.J.'s plans for the future? College is his next step. He has applied to DePauw, Oberlin Conservatory and UNLV. His course work will be in Music and Voice. D.J. has outlined the next sev-eral years to include either a Doctorate in Music or a Cantorial Degree! On a lighter note he would like to be involved in musi-cal theater or opera. The idea of perform-ing on Broadway also appeals to D.J. We asked D.J. if he had any words of wisdom for others who would like to follow in his path. He answered with composer/conductor Linda Spevacek's favorite quote: "If it is to be, it is up to me." D.J.'s own philosophy is, "This sim-ple 10 word quote means so much within itself. I also like my own personal quote ? "Through the tough decisions of life, just follow your heart, and the rest will fall into place." I think that you control what can happen to you. Those who do good will be rewarded."" D.J., we at Temple Beth Sholom know that through all the good that you do, your dreams will surely come true. "Carnegie Hall was most defi-nitely the high point of my life today. The experience was so overwhelming that it will never leave my heart. To think that sometimes the best-of-the-best never get to perform there, and that I did at the age of 1 7 is so marvelous and sensational that it will stay with me for as long as I live." Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin / / Special Projects and Events... The Golden Chavurah held its first meeting on Thursday, December l6th at the Hebrew Academy. A panel discussion on "Important Senior Issues" made this a very worthwhile program. The three panelists, Jerry Blut, Dr. McKenzie and Rabbi Felipe Goodman enlightened the group and then answered questions posed by the attendees. If you would like to be a part of the next Golden Chavurah program, please call the office at 804-1333. Special Men's Club Projects This year, on Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Day, May 2nd, we will be honoring the six million Jews who perished in the holo-caust with a very special project. Dr. Gary Markowitz and his committee will be mailing out Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Day Candles to all of the Temple Beth Sholom members. Please be generous in your donation ? all funds will be used to fur-ther the educational programs of our Temple. The Men's Club of Temple Beth Sholom is undertaking a very important project on behalf of our Temple. The goal is to raise one million dollars to build and maintain a Mikveh at the new Temple. The funds will be raised in a very unique man-ner. Members of our Temple are invited to have the names of family and friends inscribed at the end of the Torah. It is said that doing so will bring prosperity and longevity to those whose names are inscribed. There is a limited amount of space for inscriptions; if you are interested in being a part of this very meaningful project please fill out the form below and return it to the Temple Office as soon as possible.. The cost of inscribing each set of names is 55,000. If you would like to honor a husband and wife ? that would be one set of names; if you are honorning two separate individuals ? the cost would be $5,000 per name. Each year, after the names have been inscribed, you will be invited to a banquet to honor those who have contributed to this most worthwhile project. MNME MM MM MM M MM! MM MM WW MM MM WW MM MM *M* WW <MB MM WW WW WW WW M MM M> MM WW MM WW WW WW MM WW GUI IWK WW WW Yes, I would like to honor my family/friends. Name(s) of to be inscribed in a Torah Scroll I Hebrew names of those to be inscribed Their relationship to you (ie. family, friends, etc.) ? Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ? Please invoice me for $ ? Charge my Visa or Mastercard. Credit Card Number Expiration Date Authorized signature My name My phone number My address Please return this to the Temple Office. P.O. Box 36837, Ims Vegas, NV 89133-6837 ? 702.804.1333 Ummwmwmmmwmmmm.mmmmmmmmmmwmmmm,mmmmmmwmmmwmmmmmm.wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ 6 January 2 0 0 0 / Tevet-Shevat 5 7 6 0 m*>iim mmSiS] WmiWi, smmmi M i / 3 Our Sisterhood and Men's Clubs in Action ... The Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood and Men's Clubs are beginning the year 2000 with a full roster of pro-grams. They offer something for everyone! Whether you want to explore your reli-gious heritage, update your job hunting skills, hear a veteran Hollywood Director, volunteer your services, or just enjoy some good music, the choice is yours! FROM THE SISTERHOOD: JANUARY 8: You and your friends are invited to join us for a Havdalah Service at Amilia Lev's home in Summerlin. Be part of a lively discussion on the special mean-ing that Rosh Chodesh (the New Month) has for women. The program begins at 5:00 p.m. Reservations are recommended. MARK YOUR CALENDARS. JANUARY 4 Men's Club LVCC Meeting "An Insight on Hollywood" JANUARY 8 Sisterhood Havdalah Service JANUARY 19 Job Market Tips JANUARY 23 "Broadway Meets Jerusalem Torah Fund pm to 8:30 pm at the Hebrew Academy. For more information, contact Gloria Bransky at 251-4278. WEDNESDAYS: Join us for the Sisterhood Minyan on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. Rabbi Goodman hosts a class after the minyan. A light bagel breakfast accompa-nies this learning session. For further infor-mation please contact Sheryl at 255-1801. FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR ANY OF THE UPCOMING SISTERHOOD PROGRAMS PLEASE CALL: Sheryl: 255-1801 or Kim: 646-5401 or The Temple Office: 804-1333; FROM THE MEN'S CLUB: JANUARY 19. Are you ready to get back into the job market? Thinking of changing jobs? Or if you are just curious about today's Las Vegas job market, plan to attend this program with Iris Gross. Iris is an Employment and Training Specialist. She will make suggestions on answering an Interviewer's Questions; tell you how to avoid some of the common "pitfalls" in today's job market, and recommend important skills for the novice job hunter. This program begins at 7:30 pm. Cost per person is $5.00. Refreshments will be served. JANUARY 23: Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom will be honoring Shirley Chaplin with the "Chai Olam Award" at our annual Torah Fund Brunch. Shirley is being recognized for her dedication to the Jewish Community, including Temple Beth Sholom and its Sisterhood. The brunch will be held Sunday, January 23, 2000, 11:30 a.m. at the Las Vegas Country Club. The couvert for this event is $20.00. Rabbi Felipe Goodman will be the Master of Ceremonies and Philip Goldstein, cantorial soloist, will present the musical entertainment, "Broadway Meets Jerusalem." Torah Fund is a Women's League fundraising program that helps support the Conservative movement's Theological Seminaries. Watch your mail for further information. THURSDAYS. Thursdays enjoy our Complimentary Progressive Relaxation Program with Irv Bransky from 6:30 MARCH 19 Men's Club Purim Carnival JANUARY 4: Mark your Calendar for an "Insight on Hollywood." George Sidney, a veteran of 75 years+ in Hollywood, will entertain you with fascinating tidbits of what really goes on in the movie-making industry. January 4th from 11:30-1:00 pm is for this luncheon to be held at the Las Vegas Make your reservations by calling the office. the date Country Club Cost is S20 for TBS members. MARCH 19: It's not too early to be thinking about Purim. This year the Men's Club will be organizing a Carnival for kids of all ages. If you would like to volunteer your time, please call the office and let them know. The date is Sunday, March 19th. GOLF ANYONE? The Mens Club would like to organize a Spring Golf Outing. If you are interested in participating or organizing this activity, please let us know. The Men's Club is coordinating two Temple projects. One is the Yom HaShoah Candle Project (Holocaust Day Project). You can read about this project on page 6 of this Bulletin. The other project is an opportunity for you to inscribe the name(s) of family and friends in one of our Torah Scrolls. For more information about these two very impor-tant projects, please call the Temple Office. To register for the Men's Club programs please call the office at 804-1333. JOIN US FOR THE DAILY MINYAN.... At The Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy ? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Sunday at 9:00 a.m ? Rosh Hodesh at 7:15 a.m. ? Friday Services at 7:30 p.m. ? Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin / / News For Our Youth... G.A.P. 20'something Jewish Graduate Students & Professionals now have a place to meet, party and network... at any G.A.P. event! Add yourself to the G.A.P. listserv with hundreds of other friends for weekly event updates OR get a newsletter of future events by calling 661-4GAP or e-mail with your name, address and phone number. New Friends Will Quickly Follow! Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life at UNLV ATTENTION JEWISH COLLEGE STUDENTS: ? Meet new friends and old ? Network ? Attend great events ? Socialize ? Explore your heritage Hillel is in the Interfaith Student Center 4765 Brussels Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 To receive a monthly newsletter and weekly e-mails: Phone: 736-0887 or E-mail: and leave your name, address, phone and e-mail. r I ft mm t B # j 3 B * JWw//, f i t M A Z E L TOV! As we enter a new Century we are very proud to share the joy of the first Bar Mitzvah of the new year with the Benincasa family. On January 8, 2000, Reid Thomas Benincasa will celebrate his Bar | Mitzvah at Temple Beth Sholom. Reid is passionate about baseball. He also enjoys reading, video games and assembling and fixing things! "1 am learning more about my religion and heritage. 1 am proud to have reached this milestone in my life." Well, Reid, we are all very proud of you, especially your own family. They wish you congratulations Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah. Love, Mom, Did, Arielle, Preston, Kara, (grandma Phoebe, Grandma Neddy, and Aunt Marsha. Planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah? BAR A N D BAT M I T Z V A H DATES FOR T H E Y E A R S 2000 A N D 2001 ARE FILLING UP FAST! IF Y O U R C H I L D W I L L BE A BAR OR BAT M I T Z V A H W I T H I N T H E N E X T T W O YEARS, PLEASE M A K E A N A P P O I N T M E N T W I T H RABBI G O O D M A N S O W E C A N SCHEDULE T H I S M I L E S T O N E I N Y O U R C H I L D ' S LIFE! C O L L E G E 7 ? I\ V 7 e are eager to keep your children connected "Jewishly" during their college years. Rabbi W Goodman periodically sends care packages, food, birthday cards and e-mails to our college I students. To ensure that your child stays "connected" please fill out this form and return it to: Temple Beth Sholom - College Residence Form ? RO.Box 36837 ? Las Vegas, NV 89133-6837 Student's Name College/University Address Dorm/Apt City/State/Zip School e-mail Student's e-mail ?Freshman ?Sophomore ?Junior ?Senior ?Graduate School Tel. Anticipated Graduation Date ^ I I I I I I I J 8 January 2 0 0 0 / Tevet-Shevat 5760 : < ... - V . - J v f * |I. ? ? ~. ~ ? - ? . ... -A'&jJe' " m/- r-A , :'r ",?.?? ' w ate-"- ? '-.'V V * 4 ? We had a wonderful turnout for the first TBS Soccer game with our Religious School Kids play-ing a spirited game against the 22 parents who came out to show their stuff! Our cheerleading squad was led by the teaching staff - thanks for the enthusiastic team spirit! Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin / / What A Way To Ceicbrate Hanukkah? ^^unday, December 5th, cars; 22 teams! ^ ^ i ne clues read like a mad scientist's concoc-tion.... "What Jewish major league baseball team play-er hit 58 home runs in 1938?", "What's the name of Simba's daughter in the Lion King 2?", "What is the name of the entertainer who converted to Judaism at Temple Beth Sholom'", and "What is the minimum time that the Hanukka candles must burn?" Gather around for Step One: Registering! This was the easy part, folks!! All Together Now.... Let's get started! I f f Fifty-three children and 49 adults took the challenge pre-sented by the USY and TBS, under the direction of our very learned (after all, he knew all the answers to the clues!!!) Education Director, Jacob Raijman. All of the par-ticipants, from 7 months to 74 years young stretched their imagination while trying to be the first team to complete the Treasure Hunt. From the TBS website to the Stratosphere, to Toys 'R Us, and to the site of the new Temple ? the 22 teams used every resource available to finish the Treasure Hunt with the most points. Cars were filled with encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries and cell phones! on oi any TMUMM. H i ?mU to Ho ? ?MM paraan. kon ot wwan M <*T>. mil mm ? concu ,( ma principal rj at lowing I c i S*?icw Wween MM Fir* Oaprtmanta t Stat* Agandaa M Journal -rmsnmnr for ytu say MaM Your ( ( 0 CM TO teMM 21M701 T B r n n r o s n u F *?uU m MM tn W?5l of towi to m i GtRAFFE unCngll wnm Ml M in IV. M a t ? MM <rf I W I J I I I U m f ' ? " i. PIMM caa IT* at 4 kunNi ATS 14?-TM. unna 1M-III NCAA FS m Al-Onor Wl Win Ot. Hot NorUn-dar mm Oar. in. KC. Cta Nag www nftpcfc* org LOST 2 FBMJT 6yr 4 2yr rwar Fac an 12/1 PlaaM c aivt ME BaaTSy" Ha lamyhaarl Ftaaaa' *3 . ttOOI^WMIO ? \Laal 11/30 Harm _ No CO ITMar SS4-6 P^loraa'FlaM M l bac jf/Hancho, o(t Lata Mw taiwn Ca? ?4< lOST UlV KJHan [ ton in Fraamg co Naadl Ownar ot nan l ? T ' Sartor Mb. Blac*/WM* Man W SanaiamaM Geoffrey Giraffe was a major player! 10 January 2 0 0 0 / Tevet-Shevat 5 7 6 0 Judges, A Giraffe and Assorted Other HERE COME THE JUDGES'. The TBS Religious School Staff had to deal with scribbles and scrawls, but they managed to decipher everyone's handwriting and keep the score! Dr. Daivd Steinberg and Family, awaiting the fudges rulings! Stuart Honig and Barbara Chozahinoff are delighted to have found the "Smiling Giraffe!' Did we win, did we win? That is the question on the minds of the Cohen Family, with friend Alex Familian; the Benincasa Family. All surrounding )udge Maggie! Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin / / WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE AND WHAT ARE THEY DOING? They are building a "Human Castle" inside the Stratosphere, as a million tourists wonder if this is some special kind of Las Vegas game! 12 January 2 0 0 0 / Tcvct-Shevat 5 7 6 0 UP, UP AND AWAYI A Big Congratulations goes to the adventurous souls who went to the top of the Stratosphere, Ed Kainen, losh, Neil Ostrow, Mrs. Barney, Al D'Armas, Stuart Honig, Mitch Ogron, Melissa Cohen, Rebecca Best, David Underwood and our own lacob Raijman (he went up twice!!!). What kind of plan is lacob and the Rabbi plotting with our USY Board way up on the Stratosphere? Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin / / What's With The Funny Clothes? These were definitely interesting challenges! Piling on the clothes with the Krygier Family; while the Kanin Family comes dressed Internationally; latter - the Krygiers & Kar: MEN IN BLACK; the Banchik Family with their "look-alike costumed car"; the Saxe Family & Car are showing their team spirit...The Barney Family with our youngest team player are all "wrapped up"; the Ogron Family papered themselves and their car...was there a run on Charmin....? AND THE RESULTS ARE IN Jacob, you look too serious.... what are you doing.... adding up the points, uno, dos, tres,.... The winner of the Sega Dreamcast with 463 points was the Ed Kainen Team. The Sony Playstation went to the Stuart Honig Team who garnered 430 points. And with 409 points the Philip Barney team went home with a walkman for each team member. At TBS everyone is a winner, in this case, all the young participants received a special gift chosen personally by our Education Director. A big thank you goes to Rabbi Felipe Goodman for providing the funds from his Discretionary Fund for the prizes; to Mitch Ogron who assisted with the special arrangements at the Stratosphere; to Sam Gewercer who helped Jacob Raijman put together the many, many ques-tions; to Jerry Appenzeller for some very fine photography; and to Ron Kirsh who graciously broadcast one of the clues on the radio. This was truly an inno-vative Treasure Hunt. Join us next year and see what our "mad scientist concocts". You too may find yourself building a human castle, in public, at the Stratosphere, or singing Mao Tzur in Rap! - ? irwy^ I Don't Miss These Upcoming Events*. C ecemoe oin your Temple Beth Sholom Family on FRIDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 31st for the Shabbat of the Centuries. Enjoy some cham-pagne and hors d'oeuvres as we greet the New Year & the Millenium together on this Special Kabbalat Shabbat. W e hope you were among those lucky enough to purchase Debbie Friedman tickets before they sold out! See you at The Orleans, SUNDAY, JANUARY 9th at 2:00 p.m.Thi