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Kol Badmidbar, newsletter from Midbar Kodesh Temple, February 2000



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    KOL BAMIDBAR THE VOICE OF MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE VOL. VI ISSUE 2 SHEVAT/ADAR 5760 FEBRUARY 2000 P U R IM C A R N I V A L , T O R A H W A L K , A C A D E M Y A W A R D S P A R T Y . . . . H E R E ' S W H A T ' S N E W A T M I D B A R K O D E S H T E M P L E The President 2 Youth 3 Education 4 Events 5 Vinik Bar Mitzvah 6 Office Update 7 Temple News 8 Business Ads 9 Birthdays, Anniversaries 10 Yahrzeits 10 Tributes 11 Passover candy sale is going on now, order today! KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 2 February 2000 FROM THE ACTING PRESIDENT: Later this month, at a regularly scheduled board meeting, a slate of officers will be presented to the recently elected board. At that time I will officially take the reigns of President of Midbar Kodesh Temple and Barry Fieldman and Mark Goldstein will sit comfortably at the table as Immediate Past President and Founding President. The transition should be a smooth one since it has been in the planning stages for almost 18 months. When Barry completed his first 2-year term as President, he agreed to be elected for a second term, with the understanding that he would step down after one year. During that year he would oversee the building of the new temple and I would oversee the daily workings of the synagogue. Since the ground breaking, just 13 months ago, we have worked together to implement temple policy that has been designed by the board of directors in the spirit of the founding members. Educating the Jewish children of our community, offering appropriate life cycle functions for our members, providing religious services and education for our community and remaining an "inclusive" rather than "exclusive" congregation, have always been our priorities. THE MOVE and THE RABBI have been equally important and by this time next month we shall have accomplished all. It has been an exciting and demanding six years and when we walk the Torahs out of Cactus Garden and place them in the ark at Paseo Verde, ours will be a shared sigh of relief, as well as celebration. Being the President of Midbar Kodesh Temple is not a solo task. The past two Presidents have depended on their families for emotional, hands-on and financial support. The youngest pre-schooler to the third and fourth generation have stood behind the presidency every single day. There are errands to run, programs to plan, checks to write, phone calls to answer, businesses to keep in motion. And like Gail Alcalay and Amy Fieldman, who will continue to help guide Midbar, Marcy will also take an active role. The office staff, clergy, professional staff and lay leadership are depended upon to keep everything moving. The membership is the final and most important component of the team. It is the needs of the general membership that must be met if we are to be successful. We need to continue to listen, to be available to help each other be successful in our task. Filling the shoes of the past Presidents will not be easy....Mark wears hiking boots, has a vision and took us out into the desert. Barry wears high construction boots, stands firm and is able to dig us out of all kinds of situations. I am shopping for my shoes now...they will be comfortable and durable as we make our move, welcome our Rabbi and set the pace for the next decade. To those of you who have paved the way, a humble thank you. For those who are now joining the family, wlecome to the future Midbar Kodesh 2000 ~ Bridging The Generations! Gerald Welt, Acting President E-MAIL IS A GREAT TOOL TO HELP OUR SYNAGOGUE STAY IN TOUCH WITH THE MEMBERSHIP GET WEEKLY UPDATES ON THE BUILDING, ON THE RABBINIC SEARCH COMMITTEE, ON COMMITTEE PROJECTS E-MAIL TO MIDBARKODESH@JUNO.COM TO BE PLACED ON OUR LIST PTN TTCTOT KOL BAMIDBAR Editor: Hal Rothman Acting President: Gerald Welt Cantor: Robert D. Fisher Office Administrator: Maria Scher PUBLISHED MONTHLY It has been my privilege to work with an outstanding group of people. These people represent our youth within Midbar Kodesh Tem-ple. From grades second through twelfth a lot of time and energy goes into programming and watching these people grow into fine young Jewish leaders of today. Katan, grades second through third, has an event once a month. There are thirteen active members and we ALWAYS have a good time whatever we do. The success of this program soars when the Katanim all get together and have a wonderful afternoon. Not be-cause they are forced to but because they want to be there, to hang out with other Jewish kids their age. Kadima Kinnus is coming up. This year there will be two different dates for Kadima Kinnus: March 31st-April 2nd and May 5th-7th, 2000 held at Camp Ramah in Ojai. However, this does not mean that Kadimaniks can choose which weekend to attend. Each week-end is for a specific grade. This change is due in part to the increase in size of Kadima Kinnus over the past few years. In order to accommodate all of the Kadimaniks interested, the schedule will be as follows: 4th and 5th graders only will be at the end of March and the 6th graders will be in the beginning of May. Applications will soon be in the mail. You must be a member of Kadima to at-tend the weekend. USY meets once a week. This program at Midbar Kodesh is growing rapidly. We currently have 24 paid members. This number will only get bigger by the year's end. I am proud to announce that USY will be putting on the 1st annual Purim carnival this year. The carnival will be for the entire congregation on Sunday, March 19,2000 at Midbar Kodesh Temple. Hope to see you all there. If you have any questions about the youth program or would like to help with Purim carnival, please contact Marci, 454-4848. B'Shalom, Marci Riceberg SCHOLARSHIPS Are you a USY'er interested in going on Far West on Wheels? Are you in religious school and looking for-ward to going away to a Jewish summer camp? If you are planning to participate in Jewish pro-grams, ask your youth group advisor, religious school principal, or Canter Bob for scholarship information. Scholarships based on need and merit are available. Don't miss out on this great opportunity! Tie Poundati on fyr . _ . Jewish dampM Ljfe ? ? l ? 1 ? ? atUNLV Attention: Jewish college students ? Socialize ? Explore your heritage ? Meet new friends & old ? Network ? Attend great events Hillel is in the Interfaith Student Center at UNLV (ISC) 4765 Brussels Rd. Phone: 736-0887 or emaii with your name, address and phone number to receive a monthly newsletter and/or weekly email. Tot Shabbat Dates to Remember Join Ms. Yvonne and Cantor Bob for special serivces at 6:15 on these dates: February 25 th March 24th April 28 th May 19th MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE 33 Cactus Garden Dr. " Henderson, NV 89014 S (Mountain Vista and Sunset) Behind Ethel M Chocolates) phone: 454-4848 fax: 454-4847 school: 454-5257 e-mail: ? Religious School Mira Slobody, Director The Hebrew School of Midbar Kodesh has entered the millennium successfully. Our Hebrew school enrollment has been growing which is a wonderful feeling. As we celebrated the secular New Year, along with the holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year for the trees, our teachers were able to teach some important elements. Our teachers try to instill in our students the lesson of using their G-d given talents, the importance of filling each day of our lives with meaning and taking the time to reflect on all of our blessings and to say thank you. We look forward with anticipation to our move into our new home. Wishing everyone a year filled with health and happiness. New Jewish Video Collection in Southern Nevada Hillel at UNLV has just opened the Kohlenbrenner/Goldstein Jewish Heritage Video collection. This collection, developed by the Jewish Media Fund, is a pioneering new approach to education through media. The collection consists of a video lending library of nearly 200 outstanding films and television programs with significant Jewish content, as well as a series of courses with in-depth study guides that explore key topics in Jewish life. The library is located at the Interfaith Student Center at UNLV, 4765 Brussels Road. For more information call the Hillel office at 736-0887. Special Chavurah Night at the Movies Susan Cane is organizing a Chavurah night out. Save the evening of February 27th for this pre-Academy Awards event. We will be attending a movie nominated for an Academy Award and then having a dessert reception following the viewing. Check with your Chavurah Chairperson to find out more information. PASSOVER CANDY SALES This is your last chance to order Passover Candy. Sales of these delicious kosher for Passover treats help support Midbar Kodesh Temple Religious School and other Youth programs. Every packaged item has the "U" seal of Kashruth. This is our fifth Passover Fundraiser. Please help us make it a success. To place your order, simply fill out the enclosed order form and return it to the Temple office with your check by February 13, 2000. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 5 February 2000 ACADEMY AWARDS PARTY PLANNED FOR MARCH 26 Watch The Stars Come At With Midbar Kodesh Temple on Sunday night, March 26, at the home of Amy and Barry Fieldman. Two large screen TVs will be available for viewing during the Buffet Dinner (parve/dairy) as well as outside patio screenings. Thirty-Six Dollars per person will be the charge for this annual Midbar social function. Tick-ets will be available to synagogue members and their guests and will not be available to the public. Eight plush red velvet oversized chairs, in a private screening room will be available at $180.00 each to serious viewers who would like to make this donation to Midbar Kodesh Temple. The seats can be purchased on a "first come, first serve" basis (by postmark) as soon as the invitations are received. Last year's "Serious Viewing Room" was a popular spot for dedicated movie goers, who rarely surfaced during the long broadcast. While they will be expected to que up for the buffet line, drinks and snacks will be available in the private theater room. A silent auction is also planned for the evening with minimum bid gift items available from $25 - $350. A Beach Front San Diego Condo Weekend has been a popular item in the past. Look for your invitation in late February and come Watch The Stars Come Out With Midbar Kodesh Temple! TORAH WALK COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET ALL ADS F OR THE TORAH WALK COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET AR DUE TO THE SYNAGOGUE BY THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 0 t h ADS WILL BE $ 1 8 . 0 0 a n d $ 3 6 . 0 0 THE BOOKLET WILL FEATURE MIDBAR KODESH "ARCHIVAL INFORMATION" AND BE GIVEN TO THE MEMBERSHIP ON THE DAY OF THE WALK CONTACT THE SYNAGOGUE AT 4 5 4 - 4 8 4 8 TORAH WALKED BEING PLANNED As soon as Midbar Kodesh Temple is given the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) for the social hall and offices, Shel Sbarra and team will be moving the synagogue to our new location at 1940 Paseo Verde Drive. The move itself should be an easy one, and particularly uneventful, but the moving of the Torahs will give the congregation cause to celebrate. Alan Roselinsky will be orchestrating the Torah Walk from Cactus Garden to Paseo Verde. He will make the final decision on the safety of the walk and on the appropriate route. Each team will be 5 people and we will need to walk about 4.5 miles. Alan will be contacting the membership to see how many people would like to participate in this special honor. The City of Henderson, the police department and Rabbinical input will also help Alan make this decision! Women's Social Club Mah Jongg Every Monday Night For More Information Call Jil Glyman 897-5697 KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 6 February 2000 KEVIN VINIK Kevin Vinik's Bar Mitzvah Kevin Marshall Vinik will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on February 19, 2000. Kevin was born on March 1, 1987 in Las Vegas, Nevada, to Linda Vinik and Barry Vinik. He has one sister, Michele. His grandmother is Lillian Vinik of Deerfield Beach, Florida. Kevin attended Derfelt Elementary School. He is currently in the seventh grade at Johnson Junior High School. Kevin has achieved the rank of first-class in Boy Ccouts and enjoys playing soccer and baseball. Kevin's favorite activities are spending time with his friends, roller-blading, bike riding, listening to alternative and heavy metal rock, and chatting on the computer. Kevin has worked hard to prepare for his Bar Mitzvah and has gained a great deal of satisfaction from his accomplishments. We, his, parents, are very proud of Kevin. Please join us for services on Kevin's special day. M a z e l T O Y t o K e v i n ! M3DBAR MAVENS ARE FORMING A CHESED COMMITTEE TO MAKE HOSPITAL CALLS AND VISITS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF THIS COMMITTEE PLEASE LEAVE YOUR NAME FOR TOBY ROSENBUSH AT THE OFFICE OR E-MAIL TO HER AT Meet New People Join one of the Midbar Kodesh Temple Chavurot! Contact Susan Cane (312-6250) for placement or to start a new one! JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 65 Breakfast meeting 10:00 A.M. 1st Sunday of every month Country Inn Restaurant Sunset Rd & Valle Verde Henderson Call Joe Fink 454-8929 Do you have a child of Bar or Bat Mitzvah age? Make sure to schedule an appointment with Cantor Fisher to set a date for your event. The 2001 calendar is already being established. If you have any questions about Bar/Bat Mitzvah training, tutoring, or kiddish, please contact Maria at the Temple office 454-4848. The sooner your event is scheduled, the smoother it will run. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 7 February 2000 Office Update by Maria Scher, Office Administrator As we try to close out our 1999 year, we thank everyone who brought their account current and fulfilled their commitments for the 1999 year. Also, thank you to those of you who prepaid for the 2000 year allow-ing us greater financial freedom during what would have been a very slow time of year. In the office we have had a few changes. The most noticeable is that our bookkeeper, Sabrina, has had to take a full time job during the day and has been working for the Temple three evenings a week and on Sun-days. If you have a question regarding your account please call the office and if I am unable to answer it I will speak with Sabrina and get in touch with you the following day. A quick Jewish story: On Succot (which I know has already passed, but it's good story none-the-less) we shake the lulav and etrog. I recently learned the significance of this act. The lulav, made up of a palm frawn, willow and myrtle branch, and the etrog, the citrus fruit, represent the four types of Jews. The palm has taste but no smell, the willow has smell but no taste, and the myrtle has neither smell nor taste while the etrog has both. These are the Jewish people of the world, those who study Torah but do no mitzvot, those who do mitzvot but do not study Torah, those who neither study Torah nor do mitzvot, and those who do both. I found it interesting and it caused me to rethink which type of Jew I am. B'Shalom! TEEN PROGRAMMING AT MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE "Jews Among The Nations" is the second unit being taught in the Ma'ayan program at Midbar Kodesh Tem-ple. This 8 week unit discusses the Diaspora, the practices of Jews in other countries and the challenges facing American Jews. This program is taught by Larry Davidson and is designed for post B'nai Mitzvah students through 12th grade. Students may join the class at any time. Two other units will follow this session. Teenagers are also invited to informal youth programming though United Synagogue Youth (USY) at Midbar Kodesh Temple. Local teens interact with students from a six-state region which includes Southern Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Hawaii. Midbar Kodesh USYers have the opportunity to travel several times per year to conventions and programs out of state. For information on teen programming call the synagogue at 454-4848. ALL CALL FOR COMMITTEES Midbar Kodesh needs YOU! The following committees are looking for members to assist with activities: Education Committee Kitchen Committee Transition Committee Membership Committee Fundraising Committee Social Committee Visitation Committee To volunteer your time on one of these committees, please contact the Temple at 454-4848. Thank you! Barry Fieldman, thank you for all you have done. We will always remember all your dedication to our temple and we will never know how to thank you the right way. Sincerely, Jorge, Silvia, Demian, Natali, and Bruno Gitnacht KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 8 February 2000 TEMPLE DUES Midbar Kodesh Temple's "Sustaining Member Category" was established to enhance the annnual support of the synagogue. A recent change was implemented to enable members in three different categories to enroll their children in Hebrew School at a discounted or complimentary rate. Along with other perks Sponsors ($2,700) receive one 1/2 tuition; Benefactors ($3,600) receive one full tuition and Founders ($5,400) can receive complimentary tuition for up to four students. While the Sustaining Member rate ($1,800) does not include Hebrew School tuition, it has become a popular upgrade from the Standard Family and Dual Member dues ($1125 + $200 LID). A thank you to those who have already signed up as "Sustaining Members". Consult your monthly billing statement for more information. ANOTHER WORD ABOUT DUES: This is the second month that the new "member friendly" monthly statement has been mailed, enabling families to pay dues, pledges and fees either monthly, or in greater part. The bill also shows a quarterly breakdown and requests that families stay current by the end of each quarter. Already, this monthly payment schedule has helped the cash flow at Midbar Kodesh Temple and is pointing us in the right direction as we prepare for THE MOVE. Members are urged to pay their bill upon receipt or by the 15th of each month. Just like any family who is moving into a new home, and most of us have had that unnerving experience within the last five years, putting our finances in order will help us with our monthly overhead. Office Manager Maria Scher, and bookkeeper Sabrina, thank you for your help in keeping your accounts current and send a special thank you for taking the new dues structure in stride. Each member is important to Midbar Kodesh Temple and the positive response to the dues increase has been appreciated by those who must balance the books and pay the bills every month! ULPAN AT MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE Beginners' Hebrew Ulpan classes will begin at Midbar Kodesh Temple this month. Toby Rosenbush, a Jewish educator with a Bachelors' of Religious Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary and a Masters of Education from the Yeshiva University in New York taught ULPAN in Israel and will bring the program to interested students. She is a former Hebrew School Director of a local synagogue and currently co-chairs the adult education department of Midbar Kodesh Temple. The ULPAN method was developed in Israel to integrate newcomers a quickly as possible into the mainstream. Almost every international language institution uses the ULPAN method to teach languages. Mrs. Rosenbush's curriculum will teach how to easily communicate on a simple level. Introductory reading skills will also be taught. There will be a material charge only for the 10 week program and the hour will be set on the needs of those attending. Contact Midbar Kodesh Temple (454-4848) to register for the course. Yeladim Academy, housed at Midbar Kodesh Temple, is looking forward to the move to 1940 Paseo Verde. Aside from having new classrooms, the children will have an outdoor playground. As the move in date approaches you can see the excitement on the faces of both the students and the teachers. If you are interested in enrolling your child in the preschool, please call Denise Schnitzer at 458-3555. 20'something Jewish Graduate Students & Professionals now have a place to meet party and network... at any G . A . P . a-.., event Add yourself to the GAP. listserv with hundreds of other friends for weekly event updates AND get a newsletter of future events. HOW??? Call 661-4GAP or email with your name, address and phone number. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 9 February 2000 Financial Strategies, Inc. A Registered Investment Advisory firm Steven A. Budin, J.D., CFP Certified Financial Planner 3737 Pecos-McLeod, Suite 102, Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702)454-8744 ? Fax (702) 454-8864 Securities Sold Through Linsco / Private Ledger A Registered Investment Advisor Member NASD/ SIPC MASSAGE FOR HEALTH Present this card for 20% savings WOMEN ONLY By Appointment Only Call Rocbelle (702) 270-8851 $50.00 Per Hour Stress 4 Pain Relief Deep Tissue Swedish Certified & Affordable Your Logo Or Message On Over One-Half Million Promotional Products? Even Clothing! Promote Your Image and Support Midbar Kodesh! With Every Order, A Donation Is Made To Our Synagogue Adventures ia Advertising^ Promotional Items For Corporate Campaigns, Product Introductions. Special Events. B "nai ATazvoc Trade Shows And More! Las lfegss J i l l & Nils FUazraich Ph: 436-0867 Fax: 436-0905 E-mail: jfrSuctv Your ad could be here. Call the Temple office for information on advertising opportunities. N E A L E. L E W I S CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT SUITE 2 0 2 A CENTURY PARK 1771 EAST FLAMINGO ROAO LAS VEOAS. NEVADA 89119 ( 7 0 2 ) 3 6 9 - 2 3 3 3 FAX 17021 3 6 9 - 6 0 9 9 NEAL E. LEWIS, C.P.A. MAURA ROBINSON Marble & Granite Sales & Fabrication 5395 S. Polaris Las Vegas, NV89118 Tel. (702) 795-7210 Lie. #38957 Kitchen Counter Tops Fire Places Flooring p r r t l Reiss Corporation Residential Land Commercial LINDA C. WILNER Multi Million Dollar Club 4485 South Pecos Road Las Vegas, NV 89121 Office: (702) 384-3904,Fax: (702) 454-4254 Direct: (702) 456-8727 ? Toll Free: 1-800-935-SOLD (7653) E-Mail: ? Pager (702) 877-5883 "THE RIGHT CHOICE" For information on advertising in the Midbar Kodesh Temple bulletin please call Maria at 454-4848. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 10 February 2000 BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES 1 Francesca Hoffman 14 Millie Silverstein 25 Ivan Poloneicki 5 Elliott and Millie Brian Husney 15 Eric Belkoff 26 Valerie Weinberg Silverstein Karen Simon Harry Firstenberg 27 Jeffrey Krashin 16 Jerrold and Barbara 2 Andrew Kaufman Sara Slobody Maria Scher Feldman 3 Michael Fieldma 16 Jesse Funk 28 Michele Nimmo 17 Louis and Rhonda Janis Riceberg Gregg Shalin Kaminsky Harrna Wellish Ivan Steinberg Ze'ev and Amy 5 Thelma Lichtenfeld 17 Joseph Benoualid Yacobovsky Joel Ostrovsky Michelle Vinik 23 Joel and Sandra Stokes Barbara Tabach Howard Zola 28 David and Maria Kahan 6 Arlene Piatt 18 Stanley Ames Rina Roselinsky Jacob Gallen 8 Chuck Schwartz Jessica Kazandjian 9 Myra Fairell 19 Elizabeth Kahan Ann Hamik Susan Segal 11 Barbara Belkoff 20 Fred Ehrlich Louis Kaminsky 21 Nathan Schwarts Sara-Ann Lipson 22 Stacy Fisher-Eisen 13 Dawn Blinder Alysha Stephon Andrew Grisar 23 Cima Mizrachi Bonnie Pomerantz 24 Beth Finsten 14 Nancy Gerson 25 Jacob Abbott Julie Goldstein Mark Hulsing Ze'ev Yacobovsky Evan Poloneicki Midbar Kodesh Temple, its staff and board of directors wants to acknowledge the celebrations of life and joy with our congregants, as well as the illnesses and sadness that complete life's circle. Please call, or have someone call for you, immediately, so that we may serve your needs: Maria Scher (454-4848) Cantor Bob Fisher (794-4994) Acting President Gerald Welt GMWESQ@AOL.COM WE REMEMBER February 1- Shevat 25 Mrs. Margaret Poloneicki mother, Marvin Poloniecki February 2 - Shevat 26 Mrs. Beatrice Cruvant mother, Dr. Ethan Cruvant Mr. Martin Neil Goldstein father, Mr. Philip Goldstein Mrs. Marie Sokolov Swartz mother, Mrs. Gay Goldstein February 3 - Shevat 27 Mrs. Charlotte Popowcer mother, Mr. Robert Popowcer Mr. Martin Seaver brother, Mr. Ira Seaver February 4 - Shevat 28 Mrs. Lenora Newman sister, Mr. Sheldon Sbarra February 5 - Shevat 29 Mr. Henry Thumin great-uncle, Mr.Jef&ey Bordelove February 7 - Adarl 1 Mrs. Rose Lee Levin wife, Mr. Charles Levin February 8 - Adar 12 Mr. David Cohen February 10 - Adar 14 Mr. Martin Ogintz husband, Mrs. Minna Ogintz father, Mrs. Amy Fieldman February 14 - Adar 18 Mr. Max A] pert father, Mr. Robert Alpert Mr. Jay Fieldman father, Mr. Barry Fieldman Mr. Arnold Greenfield father, Mrs. Ileen Spoor Mr. Ralph Spoor father, Mr. Randy Spoor February 15 - Adar 19 Mr. Earl Dawson father, Mrs. Diana Dawson February 19 - Adar 113 Mr. Henry Kover father, Mr. Joseph Kover February 20 - A d a r l 14 Mrs. Eva Pancer mother, Mr. Herman Rosenbush February 21 - Adar I 15 Mr. Bernard Levin brother, Mr. Charles Levin February 26 - Adar 120 Mrs. Helen Dawson mother, Mrs. Diana Dawson Mr. Isaac Gattegno father, Mrs.Irene Rugeti Mrs. Pauline Perlman grandmother, Mr. Howard Perlman PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW IMMEDIATELY IF THERE IS AN ERROR IN THE YAHRZEIT DATE OR IF YOU NEED TO ADD ADDITIONAL NAMES OF YOUR LOVED ONES THE 24-HOUR YAHRZEIT CANDLE IS LIT THE EVENING BEFORE THE YAHRZEIT DATE. YOU MAY RECITE KADDISH AT MIDBAR THE SHABBAT FOLLOWING THE DATE KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 11 February 2000 WE RECORD WITH GRATITUDE THE NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS In honor of Silvy Alcalay, A speedy recovery, from the Rothman Family In memory of Father of Crystal Flaton, Heartfelt sympathy, from the Rothman Family TEMPLE GENERAL FUND Yahrzeit Irving Roth, by Bunnie and Jerry Roth Adele Goldstein, by Julie and Philip Goldstein Jason Deutsch, by Freda and Ira Goldstein Gordon Silverstein, by Howard Perlman Gay and Bob Goldstein, Happy Anniversary, from Carol and Silvy Alcalay Irene Rugeti, A speedy recoveiy, from Gay and Bob Goldstein Silvy Alcalay, A speedy recovery, from Gay and Bob Goldstein BUILDING FUND In honor of Elise Ax, Congratulations on having a new school named in your honor, from Gay and Bob Goldstein Julie and Joel Ostrovsky, Mazel Tov on the birth of your daughter, from Philip, Julie, Marcie and Matthew Goldstein Bob Fisher, Thank you for preparing Marcie for her Bat Mitzvah, from Philip, Julie, Marcie and Matthew Goldstein Joel Ostrovsky, Thank you for helping train Marcie for her Bat Mitzvah, from Philip, Julie, Marcie and Matthew Goldstein Minna Ogintz, Amy Fieldman and Janet Stein, Thank you for preparing a great luncheon for Marci's Bat Mitzvah, from Philip, Julie, Marcie and Matthew Goldstein Bob Goldstein, a speedy recovery, from Carol and Silvy Alcalay Mark Goldstein, Happy Birthday, from Carol and Silvy Alcalay Life is Precious.. MORTUARIES ? CEMETERIES CREMATORIES Murray Artman Memorial Counselor 7600 S. Eastern Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89123 (702)464-8520 Res: (702) 456-9043 Murray Artman of Palm Mortuary Will Donate A Percentage Of Each Pre-Arrangement He Personally Makes With A Midbar Kodesh Temple Member. ACKNOWLEDGE FRIENDS & FAMILY WITH A TRIBUTE OR DONATION. Call Roz Sbarra 896-2598 In search of Bar/Bat Mitzvah invitations? Need business cards or letterhead? For all your printing needs, call Elaine at Maria's Quick Print 435-6503 As a Temple member you will receive a 10% discount and the Temple will receive a donation on each order. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 12 February 2000 Shabbat and Holiday Services FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 - 7:30 PM CANDLELIGHTING 4:51 PM Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 ROSH CHODESH ADAR 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 - 9:00 AM PARSHA: MISHPATIM Shabbat ends 5:51PM MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7 ROSH CHODESH ADAR 1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 - 7:30 PM CANDLELIGHTING 4:58 PM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 - 7:30 PM CANDLELIGHTING 5:05 PM Chavurah Shabbat SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 - 9:00 AM PARSHA TERUMAH Shabbat ends 6:05 PM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 - 9:00 AM PARSHA: TETZAVEH Bar Mitzvah of Kevin Vinik Shabbat ends 6:05 PM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 - 7:30 PM CANDLELIGHTING 5:12 PM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 - 9:00 AM PARSHA: KI TISA Shabbat ends 6:11 PM JOIN US FOR AN ONEG OR KIDDUSH FOLLOWING EACH SERVICE. SPONSOR A KIDDUSH OR ONEG SHARE A SIMCHAH WITH YOUR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY MEMORIAL MENORAH PLAQUES Memorial plaques are $350 for members and $550 for non-members. For more information or to order a plaque, call Judie Lewis 458-1805 or 369-2333 YAHRZEIT Call the office, 454-4848, to give yahrzeits for loved ones, so their names may be read at the appropriate Friday and Saturday services SIDDURIM ? MACHZi To Purchase or Dedicate a Siddur, IV DRIM ? CHUMASHIM achzor or Chumash, Call the Office. MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE 33 Cactus Garden Drive " Henderson, Nevada 89014 (702) 454-4848 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1373 FUTURE HOME: GREEN VALLEY RANCH F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 0 K O D E S H < C E M P C * Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 7:00 PM Education Committee Meeting 2 3 4 7:30 PM Shabbat Services Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries 5 9:00 AM Service USY Shabbat 6 9:30 AM Minyan 11:30 AM Kalan 13 9:30 AM Minyan 11:30 AM Kadima 7 8 9 10 6:00 PM USY 11 7:30 PM Shabbat Service 12 9:00 AM Service 14 7:30 PM Board Meeting 15 16 17 18 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Cliavurah Shabbat 19 9:00 AM Service Bar Mitzvah of Kevin Vinik 20 9:30 AM Minyan 21 22 23 4:00 PM Midbar Mavens 24 6:00 l'M USY 25 7:30 PM Shabbat Service 26 9:00 AM Service 27 9:30 AM Minyan Cliavurah Night al the Movies (TBA) 28 29 VOLVO TOYOTA NISSAN HONDA SUNSET AUTO IMPORTS. INC BfPrsrr- I ? * * * . ^ 4 K 4 Mon-Fri 8am-6 pm I ) Sat. * 704 W Sunset Rd, Suite B-17 (1 Mile east of Sunset Station) A Sensible Alternative To Dealership Service 5% SemoK Cmzens Discouirr Tune-Up ? Brakes ? Clutches ? Oil Changes/Maintenance Engine Repair ? Electrical Repair ? Water Pumps ? Belts ? Hoses Starters ? Alternators ? Batteries ? Timing Belts ? Carburetors TUNE UP SPECIAL Includes: Spark Plugs. Scope Analysis. Timing Check. Road Test. 4 CYLINDER $ 3 8 . " 6 CYLINDER $ 4 8 . " ' r 3 0 f C 6 b i C 9 0 k T SERVICES 1 4Cyi$209.98 l 4 Cyl. Reg $269.95 I Includes-.Oil&Filter change | ? Tune-up ? Fuel filter ? Air filter ? Transmission oil Change ? Transmission filter change ? Differential Oil Change ? Radiator drain & refill ? Brake inspection ? Tire rotation Inspect belts & hoses LUBE, OIL <S. FILTER CHANGE 24 point Safety Inspection $18.95 | Up to 5 Quarts 10W30 jCastrol G T X j TIMING BELT Replacement for Most Cars 4Cy' S l 6 l 5 0 DOHC $221.?? 6 CYL. Call for price Factory recommended Replacement Interval every 60.000 miles j BRAKE SERVICE $ 8 9 . 5 0 PER AXLE For most Japanese cars & trucks 4x4 Extra Includes:Pads or shoes Machining Rotors/ Drums; Packing Bearinas FREE DfllLT SHUTTLE SERVICE ALL WORK (WRfi Total Service for all Japanese & earopean imports RADIATOR (S.ENGINE DRAIN (S. REFILL $ 3 3 . 9 5 ? Total System Flush ? Includes 1 Gal. Antifreeze ? Most Cars AIR , CONDITIONER. I RECHARGE | $ 2 4 . 9 5 I Labor o ? ?? RFrecgon. $ E49x.9ira3 AUTO TRANS SERVICE $ 4 8 . 0 0 1 Includes | ? Check system for leaks I ? Check hoses & belts No extra fees for I hazardous waste ? Includes ? Replacement of Pan | Gasket & Fluid | ? Clean filter Screen I Castro/ GTX J. I CV BOOT REPLACEMENT 99 $ 8 9 . Includes ? Parts and labor Additional Boot $46.45 extra for same axle. CLUTCH SPECIAL *$289.95 Includes ? Complete clutch assy. & Labor ? M o s t Cars ?4x4 ? 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