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Congregation Ner Tamid newsletter, June/July 2000



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    CONGREGATION NER TAMID THE REFORM JEWISH SYNAGOGUE OF LAS VEGAS ...A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG JUNE/JULY 2000 - VOL. XIV No. 9 SANFORD D . AKSELRAD Rabbi BELLA FELDMAN Cantorial Soloist DREW LEVY President NEAL SCHUSTER Student Rabbi 27 IYAR - 28 TAMUZ 5760 MONTY E. WILLEY Executive Director JACQUELINE FLEEKOP Education Director Lois BERGMAN Preschool Director ABBIE BURK & MELANIE GORMAN Program Directors The B'not Mitzvah Class of 2000 CNT has a new website! Visit CNT en tlie Internet at www.uahc\+eb.cranv/n\CC2 Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Torah Study Opportunities 3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News / CNT Preschool 4-5 June/July B'nai Mitzvah 6 Auxiliaries/Committees 8-9 Yizkor / Shavout 10 Board Beat 16 In Memorium 16 Birthdays 17 Anniversaries 18 Tributes 19 Yahrzeits 21 (the Bulletin is published monthly) A Special Place To Belong W e r s h i p Services Conducted by Rabbi Satiford D. Akselrad & Cantonal Soloist Bella Feldman JUNE 2 JUNE 24 JONI COHEN AARON SPECTOR BAR MITZVAH 7:30PM BAR MITZVAH 10AM ONEG SPONSORED KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY THE COHEN FAMILY BY THE SPECTOR FAMILY JUNE 3 JUNE 30 ADULT B'NOT SHABBAT SERVICES MITZVAH 10AM LED BY IRA SPECTOR & KIDDUSH SPONSORED MAXINE MOLINSKY 7:30PM BY THE ONEG SPONSORED B'NOT MITZVAH CLASS BY THE SISTERHOOD TORAH STUDY 10AM JULY 1 JUNE 9 TORAH STUDY 10AM SPECIAL SERVICE FOR STUDENT RABBI JULY 7 NEAL SCHUSTER / SHABBAT SHAVOUT SERVICE SERVICES 7:30PM W/ADULT CHOIR 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED ONEC. SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD BY THE SISTERHOOD JULY 14 JUNE 10 PROSPECTIVE YIZKOR SERVICE 10AM NEW MEMBER SHAVOUT SUNDAE SHABBAT 7:30PM PROGRAM 12:30PM ONEG SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD JUNE 16 PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBER JULY 15 SHABBAT 7:30PM KELLEY CHENIN ONEG SPONSORED BAT MITZVAH 10AM BY THE SISTERHOOD TORAH STUDY 10AM KIDDUSH SPONSORED JUNE 17 BY THE CHENIN FAMILY DANNY UNGER BAR MITZVAH 10AM JULY 21 TORAH STUDY 10AM SHABBAT SERVICES 7:30PM KIDDUSH SPONSORED ONEG SPONSORED BY THE UNGER FAMILY BY THE SISTERHOOD JUNE 23 JULY 28 JESSICA HOFFMAN SHABBAT BAT MITZVAH 7:30PM SERVICES 7:30PM ONEG SPONSORED ONEG SPONSORED BY THE HOFFMAN FAMILY BY THE SISTERHOOD RABBI'S MTSSACE "Tov Lehodot L'adonai-lt is good to give thanks to God" The psalmists of old were not only great poets, but very wise think-ers. Tney recognized that it was important to give thanks to God for the many blessings that are around us. Now, at first glance that seems self evident. But it really isn't. Too often we go through life taking for granted tne many blessings that fill our life, and only when those things are taken away do we respond, not with gratitude, but with anger and bewilderment as to "why me?" The psalmist reminds us that apprecia-tion of our world is an important concept in focusing our energy on the good that surrounds us, even, and perhaps especially at a time when the world doesn't seem as good as it once did. Secondlu, we may wonder, why the neea to give thanks to God? After all, who are we to thank God? And does God need our thanks?! And again our tradition teaches us, that in expressing our appreciation to God, we are in fact attuning ourselves to the notion of appre-ciation in general. Think for a mo-ment: when we were little, our parents taught us to say "thank S|ou" when we received a gift. At irst we did so solely because that was what we were told to do. And then as we grew older and matured, we recognized that the expression of gratitude - the simple words "Tnank you" made us feel good as well. We knew that part of us needed to express our love and friendship for those important in our lives. And if we start with God, then surely, giving thanks to our fellow human beings will follow. In this same spirit then, I ask you to join with me and your fellow Congregants in expressing our (continued on page 10) 1 2 V Congregation Her T&trt1t> June/July 2000 DREW LEVY President STEWART BLUMENFELD VP Administration SCOTT STOLBERG VP Ways & Means HOWARD LAYFER VP Membership IRA SPECTOR VP Religious Activities JUDY CORNETT VP Education & Youth LYNN SASSO VP Member Activities DAVID STAHL Treasurer RUTH URBAN Secretary MEL HALLERMAN Trustee RITA GOLDSTEIN Trustee JACKY ROSEN Trustee-Membership LEON MARCO Trustee JERE' DAVIS Trustee MARC GARBER Trustee ESTHER SALTZMAN Trustee-Youth SHARNA BLUMENFELD Trustee-Library MINDY UNGER-WADKINS Trustee-Bulletin SANDY STOLBERG Sisterhood STEVE JOSEPH Brotherhood STUART KALLICK NTTY T B D TNT SANDY PITTLE Golden Chai BOB UNGER Past President JERRY GORDON Past President CAL LEWIS Past President EILEEN KOLLINS Past President KENNETH SCHNITZER Past President DR. DAVID WASSERMAN Past President DR. STEVE KOLLINS Past President MICHAEL CHERRY Past President DR. BERNARD FARROW Past President EUGENE KIRSHBAUM* Past President RABBI SANFORD AKSELRAD EX Officio 'Deceased Annual Meeting & BBQ CNTs Annual Meeting will be held on June 11 at 4pm in the social hall. We will have a wonderful bar-becue followed by Men's Club and Sisterhood in-stallations and Temple business. We will also be honoring all of the Temple volunteers and the Chesed Committee volun-teers, who truly make CNT "a special place to be-long.' We will recognize some other congregants who have made special contributions to CNT. Please be sure t o mark your calendar for this meeting! On June 11th, Congregation Ner Ta-mid will hold its annual member-ship meeting. This is a very important time of the year for our congregation, as it is the time of year when we elect temple mem-bers to serve on the Board of Trustees. It is also the time of the year when all areas of the temple reflect back on the past year, briefly discussing their accomplishments, goals, failures, and look toward the coming year. As the Board looks to the future, we are extremely excited and con-fident knowing we have a strong nucleus of members returning to fulfill their terms along with a few new faces joining us. Bringing new ideas, energy and thoughts to the Board. Consistency ana continuity are important aspects of our board. Many projects and new programs are not completed in one short year, but take time and energy spread over time to com-plete. We are confident knowing these members, who have volun-teered their time, will continue to five us their all. We are confident nowing our goals will be met and our future looks very good for many years to come. I want to personally thank each and every member who has given their time and worked so hard for the temple. We could not have done it without our board mem-bers, every committee chairperson, committee member and volunteer in the office, kitchen, or religious school. I have said it before, that volun-teering for uour temple returns happiness ana fulfillment threefold. Religious organizations, all over the world, rely heavily upon volunteers and ours is no exception. We could not afford to be in existence with-out our volunteers. However, we are always in need of more help. If you have the time, we will find something for you to do. Qo when you are asked to help out, think about the commit-ment but remember this is YOUR congregation. YOUR temple needs YOUR nelp and truly appreciates what you can do. Helping secure YOUR temple's future will not be forgotten. I welcome everyone to the annual meeting and look forward to seeing and greeting everyone. 'Drew Do you have a family member or friend zvfw is hospitalized? ) Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. June/July 2000 A Special Place To Belong >{ f \ Summer and the heat have arrived already and with that things tend to slow down a bit at the Temple. However, in case you have not heard already, the Jewish Commu-nity Center is hosting the very first Cantorial concert in Las Vegas. It will be held on Father's Day, Sun-day, June 18th at 3pm! This is a very exciting collaboration. Please, please don't miss this event! The concert will be held in the cozy Flamingo Library auditorium on East Flamingo Road. See the enclosed flyer in this month's bulletin for more details. I am fortunate to be able to at-tend the ACC (American Confer-ence of Cantors) National Confer-ence in Los Angeles during the week of June 25th. This is the first time the National Conference is being held on the west coast and it is a wonderful opportunity to see what is going on throughout the coun-try. I'll close with one more important reminder. The Adult Choir will begin High Holiday rehearsals on Tuesday. July 11th at 70pm. We would love to have you join us in song. For more information, give me a call at the Temple. B'shalom, Bella FELLOW CONGREGANTS NEED YOUR HELP CNT is looking for caring congregants who have time t o do a much needed mitzvah. Every week, congregants call for rides t o Friday Night Services. Unfortunately, very often, we have more people who need rides, than we do drivers. If you are able t o help drive congregants t o Temple, please call Abbie a t the Temple office, 733-6292. This is not a commitment t o drive every week. Your name will go on a list and then you will be called when rides are needed. Please call today! Religious School News School is over for t he summer and now some very important work be-gins again. I hope t o find a way t o make the school day have a more functional schedule. Even with all the logistical problems, such as absent teachers or problems with building usage. I am aware t h a t I need t o find a new way t o keep p a r e n t s more informed about school programs and t o encour-age more parental involvement. My s t a f f may be shifting and chang-ing so t h a t I will have teachers teaching subjects t h a t excite and interest them, so they will offer the enthusiasm needed for your child t o learn. Subjects t h a t may have been taught before will be taught with new methods t h a t your child will enjoy. My goal is t o give your children skills and information so t h a t they will value our traditions. I hope t o give them the materials needed t o bind them t o their peo-ple. Your children need t o be con-nected, by living and learning Torah, t o all the people of the world. I need you, t h e parent, t o be p a r t of t h e educational team In order to achieve these goals. Our school cannot pro-vide meaning t o what we teach without your support of practice a t home and connection t o our congregational community. Please register early, so t h a t we can make appropriate changes in s t a f f and provide materials needed for learning a t the begin-ning of the fall semester. As a team we will continue t o raise the level of Jewish Educa-t i on at CNT. Two thirds of our students now continue their edu-cation post Bat or Bar Mitzvah. Fewer students are in private tu-toring prior t o Bat or Bar Mitz-vah because they are being well prepared. The youth groups have doubled in size. This all proves t h a t we are not teaching j u s t for a life cycle event. We a t Con-g r e g a t i o n Ner Tamid are t e a c h i n g Jewish children for Jewish life. Jackie f(ee/(gp Congregation Her T*rn1t> June/July 2000 <jfc dfe <&> (jfe Cm P^EiChOOL dfe cfe cfe The summer months are here and our preschool year is coming to an end. It's been a year of fun and excitement, growth, and learn-ing, for our students as well as our staff. With our expanding stu-dent population, we enjoyed 3 full classes of adorable exuberant youngsters. What a great school year! I really want to thank so many individuals who helped to make our year such a success. Our teaching staff is the best: Miss Carol, Miss Leslie, Miss Eva, Miss Rina - you are superior in every way. You taught, assisted, carried, moved, Eainted, wiped away tears, fixed roken hears, broken toys and broken furniture. The children and I all love you and thank you for being sooo wonderful. I also want to give a big hug to our computer instructor Miss Elaine and our tal-ented music teacher, Miss Jodi. You helped to make our school year complete. A special thanks to the ladies in the office: Mary, Phyllis, and Karen - I couldn't have done it without you. Monty Willey, our Executive Director has been with our school on a daily basis giving us "high fives" ana his support and help in every effort we made (you are the Great- I I 1 June/July 2000 This month we are making final preparations for our graduation and closing day celebrations. We are gearing up for next year, when preschool will resume on Monday August 2 8 ' \ Our waiting list for next year grows every day, please call and make an appointment to visit our school if you have a child or grandchild between the ages of 2 l \ 2 - 5 years of age and want a quality Jewish Preschool education to begin your childs school expe-rience on the right foot. Our Kindergarten orogram is com-ing to fruition. v?/e are all very excited and anticipate a full class of 12 students. We will have an innovative program. Not only will it be a small class of students in a caring loving environment, but we will offer Spanish, and Computer as well as the Hebrew and Judicia in our program. The secular cur-riculum will be superior, what more could you ask for? Our class is almost full. Please consider your 5 year old future. If you are inter-ested call the office at 733-6292 and make an appointment. Lois 'Bergman TOP TO BOTTOM: 1. DRESSED UP FOR PURIM 2 . FUN WITH OUR MUSIC TEACHER, MISS JODI 3 . SINGING FOR THE GOLDEN CHAI 4 . EATING AT OUR SEDER ? A Special Place To Belong >{ f \ est). Our dynamic preschool com-mittee helps and guides us. Jack-ie Rosen and Judy Cornett, you are delightful and caring and tal-ented. Our Rabbi has been there to guide us, offer support and a helping hand. Thank you to all of you. All of our parents, friends and students have helped to make this our 2nd year, a banner year. This last month of school has been very busy, as usual. We celebrat-ed Lag'BOmer with a picnic and ames, Mother's Day with a great runch and program. We are get-ting ready for Snavout with songs, stories pictures and crafts about the giving of the Torah. We cele-brate our country and learn about those who made it great for Me-morial Day. We had a great Birth-day Party for the State of Israel. Hi, my name is Kellu Chenin. I go to Woodbury Middle School, and I'll be in the 8,h grade after the summer. I'll be thirteen on August 20, but my Bat mitzvah is on July 15. I can't wait until then when I'll get to see all my family and friends. Mu hobbies are playing piano, collecting snow globes and collec-tor Barbie's. I love to read and write fantasy and suspense books. My favorite kind of music is alter-native and some rap. Music, I think, is one of the most impor-tant things in life. After friends and family, that is. ^ pC. Congregation Her T*m1t> My name is Danny linger. I am in the seventh grade at Greenspun Jr. High School. At school, I play trombone in the Concert and Pep Bands. I also play piano, but not at school. In my spare time I like to be with my friends, read good books, play video games and check out my E-mail. I went to Israel in April and while there, I participat-ed in a special B'nai Mitzvah cere-mony. On June 17hi I will be called to the Torah to receive the honor of becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Please join me ana my family for my Bar Mitzvah Ceremony. Hi, my name is Joni Cohen. My Bar Mitzvah is on June 2nd. I am t h i r t e en years old and go to Silvestri Middle School. My hob-bies are playing guitar which I will be doing on my Bar Mitzvah. Another is skating with my friends at Skate Parks. I like to play any sport but tennis is my favorite. I have many people from Europe and America coming to my Bar Mitzvah. Please come join us. June/July 2000 Hi, mu name is Aaron Spector and I am becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, June 24, 2000. I am a seventn grader at Thurman White Middle School in Henderson. I am a member of the school Con-cert Choir and also our Madrigal Singers. I enjoy playing basket-ball and I am learning to play gui-tar. I enjoy spending time with my friends and being in TNT. I am looking forward to seeing all of my family and friends as we celebrate the occasion of my Bar Mitzvah. Hi! My name is Jessica Hoffman, and I 'm in the seventh grade at the Hebrew Acedemy. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and sleeping in. Some of my hobbies are singing, acting, playing the piano and cheerleading. My family and I would be delighted to see you at my Bat Mitzvah on my 13,h Birthday, June 23. 2000. Melanie Gorman to Serve As Co- The Congregation wishes a hearty mazel tov to Melanie Gorman who is expecting her first child in late July. Beginning in June, Melanie will cut back on her hours to allow her more time with her growing family. She will continue to do the publicity for the Temple. Mel-anie will handle press releases, ad-vertisements, flyers, and special projects. In November, she will take over the process of creating the bulletin. CNT is thrilled to an-nounce that Abbie Burk, veteran Hebrew Teacher, and NTTY advisor at CNT, will work part time at Tem-ple and will do the programming aspects of the job. Abbie will work with various committees, plan and implement programs, coordinate the Student Rabbi's schedule, and do a variety of other Temple Pro-gram related projects. Melanie and Abbie will be j ob shar-ing the position of Program Direc-tor. If you have questions or suggestions relating to program-ming, you should contact Abbie at the Temple, 733-6292. Abbie can also be reached by email at If you have questions or suggestions re-and Abbie Burk Program Directors lating to publicity, contact Melanie at the Temple, wnere she will have a voice mail box or e-mail her at CNT Starts Local Chapter of J ACS Beginning on Tuesday, July 1I, 2000, CNT will host a weekly JACS meeting. JACS is a twelve step program to provide support to Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons and Significant Others. The meetings will be in room 6 from 7-8pm. Please feel free to attend the meetings. RSVP is not needed. INVITE A FRIEND TO ICE CREAM SHABBAT There's no surer sign of summer than an Ice Cream Social. We invite you to invite your friends to a Prospec-tive New Member Ice Cream Shab-bat, Friday June 16th. The Rabbi, board members and staff will be present at 6:45 to provide an in-troduction and answer questions about our congregation. The ice cream will be served at the Oneg following services. This is a great way for you to share the Ner Tamid experience. This event is im-portant because a majority of our members have joined because an-other member has asked them to services. A few years ago, Jews in the Las Vegas area did not have the multi-tude of choices that are present today. Now it's hard for someone who is new to our area to know which temple is right for him or her. We're very lucky we have so much to offer. Unfortunately, many people don't make an effort to tell someone else about our Temple. I know personally that it is a won-derful feeling when you ask someone to services and they become a mem-ber. Several congregants have thanked me for inviting them to learn about the temple. They talk about all the friends they make, the sup-port the Rabbi is providing, the won-derful training the kids are receiving and much more. As an old commer-cial used to say "try it, you'll like it". Our new ad campa'\qn kicked off re-cently with the theme "I joined Con-gregation Ner Tamid because..." and tells the story of why many of our members originally joined. We're hop-ing t h a t we'll also see some new fac-es at services June 16th because they saw the ads. Please make the effort to say hi and make someone you don't know feel a t home. Mozvard Layfer VP Membership June/July 2000 A Special Place To Belong >{ f \ A U X I L I A R I E S 8c itiiiiiiiti S i s t e r h o o d tyzvs iiiiititiii As I sit down to write this article I can't believe another year has gone by so fast. April and May were very busy months. Our Women's Seder was a great success; we had 140 women in attendance. Maxine Mo-linsky and Bella Feldman led our Sed-er with the help of Frances KJamian, Phyllis Mark, Shirley Gellin, Janis Rounds, Maxine Gratz, Mary Zone, and Rita Malkin. All of whom were either past presidents or great la-dies. All the young girls in atten-dance sang the four questions beautifully and thank you to Glori Rosenberger for her beautiful guitar playing. And I would be remise if I didn't say thank you to all the wom-en who lend their hands in the kitch-en. Sheri Cohen, Shirley Gellin,Maxine Gratz, Harper KJamian, Frances KJamian, Rita Malkin, Phyllis Mark, Tammy Ostrow, and Mary Zone. Men's Club President Passes the Oavel On the eve of the completion of my two year term as President of the Men's Club, I reflect on the struggles and successes of the Men's Club. Happily our success-es greatly outnumber our strug-gles. Our accomplishments are due to the efforts of a group of dedicated men who gave of their time and energy to make this Men's Club, and every event we spon-sored, the success that it was. The success of the last two years has awakened a new interest in men's activities. A new slate of officers led by Mike Milano and Howard Laufer will be installed in June and tneu are ready and rar-ing to go. Tneu bring with them new ideas that will continue to build on a strong foundation; however, Our Chai Tea Fashion was so won-derful I don't know where to begin. Arlene Mack from Macy's did a great job putting the fashion show togeth-er. Our own sisterhood models were so great I thought they were pro-fessionals. Thank you to Sheri Co-hen, Debbie Levy, Susie Sernoe-Plotkin, Chen Raimist, Phyllis Mark, Nancy Layfer, Ruth Granich, Beth Bromberg, Stacy Yahraus, Nan Spector. And, as always, a big thank-you to the kitchen help. Mary Zone, Dotty Henkin, Bette Stahl, Frances KJamian, Tammy Ostrow. Our raffle was a big success and thank you to all that donated or solicited raffle prizes. The biggest Todah Rabah goes to Yvonne Weiss who pulled the whole thing together. If you're not a sisterhood member yet, this is the perfect time to join. Sisterhood membership runs from i l l e i f f e Club their success can only be mea-sured by your participation. It is for you, the men of Congregation Ner Tamid, that the Men's Club exists. After the new board is installed, I will take my place as Past Presi-dent and work to further the Men's Club ideals. I will continue to as-sist in the fund raising for our club. The NEW Entertainment Books for 2001 will be coming out in the fall and we have a lot of competition out there, so remem-ber we'll have them for you. Our Golf Tournament in the Spring will be built on its previous success and we look for greater participa-tion both in sponsorships and par-ticipants. I want to take this opportunity to thank Mike Milano, for stepping up and doing a terrific job during July 1-June 30. Membership is only $30.00 per year for Temple Mem-bers, $50.00 non temple member $50.00 for a mitzvah membership, Sending tributes is a great way to let someone know your thinking of them, and you can help sisterhood at the same time. A tribute can be sent for as little as $5.00 and $3.00 goes towarde your donor cred-it. Please call Shirley Gellin at 457- 6320. Please don't forget the Temple's an-nual meeting Sunday June 11th, at 4:00 pm, please come and watch as the new sisterhood board is installed. As always, thank you for all your sup-port and have a great summer. Shalom, Sandy my absence while I was recover-ing from an accident. Howard Lay-fer for keeping all of you informed as to the goings on at the Men's Club. Gary Gilman for fun filled informative programming and so-cial activities culminating with a highly successful Golf Tournament. David Nathan for being the guard-ian of our Treasury and Alan Nathanson for all his help. I also want to acknowledge and thank our support team of Joe Cracraft, Gcott Gorman, Gtu Solomon, Dick Granick, Don Marcus, Mike linger and Dave Wengell. My Presidency has been a fulfill-ing experience and I look forward to manu years working with the Men's Club. Shalom, Stephen Joseph Men's Club Presi dent Ccm$re$&tion Her T*m1t> June/July 2000 Golben O t A i May was a spectacular month for our group with "Yiddishkeit" bringing in a record crowd. We meet the first and third Thursday of each month at 11:00 AM, please come and join us. Our parties are always a sur-prise and a lot of fun and you will meet the finest people in the city. Golden Chai is very proud of its re-cording secretary Sid Garber, a re-cent new member of CNT. A short while ago, Sid lost his wonderful wife Terry, and he is picking up his life with new activities and projects. Sid is an example of what Golden Chai is all about. We are there for you. If you are a senior and have Thurs-days free, come and join us. A Ba-gel Brunch is $2 and our entertainment cannot be beat. Call 655-B603 for information. Happy Fathers Day t o al great Shavous. and a TNT TEE/VS OFA/E/? TAMW We had a wonderful year of fun events and good times with our TNT friends this year. We ended our year with a big splash at Wet-n-Wild wa-ter theme park. The teens of Ner Tamid kept cool and had a blast! I would like to thank all the parents for their support this year and I was thrilled with the enthusiasm and at-tendance to all the events. I hope you continue to support TNT and en-courage your children to be involved, they are our future and this group cr^a^^s leadership qualities. I am starting to work on programming for next year and if you have any sug-gestions please call me at 255-2207. My only request for next year is PLEASE RSVP before the event, it makes it very d i f f i c u l t to plan oth-erwise. We will have elections and our f i r s t meeting A lunch following the f i r s t day of Religious School. Please Keep that Date Open!!! The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Presents /\ New Program Coming Soon to a Synagogue Nearest Vou. "For the Future of our Jewish Youth " Grades 10-12 Housed at Synagogues throughout the Valley. A program designed to bring together Jewish youth in an exciting learning & social experience.., Develop Friendships that will be Lasting & Meaningful. look out fof more information to come, call the Fedetation office at 732-0556 June/July 2000 A Special Place To Belong >{ f \ SPECIAL 8HABBAT SERVICE JUNE 9th Join us on June 9,h as we cele-brate Shavout and say farewell to our Rabbinic Intern, Neal Schuster. The service will begin at 7:30pm and will be followed by a special Oneg in honor of Neal. Don't miss this opportunity to say goodbye to this year's Rabbinic Intern. Neal has spent this year conducting Friday Night Services, Saturday morning Torah Study, and Havuran programs. He has also worked with the Sunday school students, and helped at various Temple events, including two, very suc-cessful Pajama Havdallah's and two well attended singles events. We wish Neal luck in his future endeavors, and hope that he will come back to visit. He will be greatly missed by the entire CNT f a m i l y . Thanks Neal, for a wonderful year! Rabbi's Mtssact deepest thanks and appreciation for the many people who have helped bring strength and vitality to our Congregation. The weekend of June 9-11 will give us many such opportunities. Friday night we will hbld a special Shavuot Service hon-oring our rabbinic intern Neal Schuster. Neal has done a tremendous job this year. He has led services beautifulfy, shared in-spiring sermons, led a variety of Torah discussions, taught our youth, and conducted a wide range of adult education programs. As his rabbinic mentor I have truly enjoyed watching Neal grow as a rabbi and as a person. He truly will be a wonderful addition to the rabbinate and I am very proud of him and his work in our Congre-gation. On Saturday morning, we will observe Yizkor at 10am. While many of us associate Yizkor with feelings of sadness, these are not the only feelings that should be present. Yizkor is also a time to give thanks and appreciation for the many special people who have died, but nonetheless continue to influence our lives. Our family and friends who gave of themselves (continued from page 2) selflessly that our lives might be better. Vlzkor this year will Be fol-lowed by a very enjoyable "study" session Dased on the popular game show "Who wants to be a Minyo-nairre?" You won't want to miss this special treat of a program being developed by Ira Spector. Finally, on Sunday afternoon at 4pm, we will have our annual meeting and barbeque. As we have done in the past, we have taken this opportunity to pay tribute to the many volunteers who have made our Temple so very special. If you have given your time to help the Temple you are especially invited so that we may express our thanks to you. Our Temple has always been dis-tinguished by its volunteers. For it is you who give of yourself who set the example for all of us. That truly it is better to give than to receive. Therefore, it is good to give thanks, to allow us to ex-press our appreciation again and again for the many who have brought vision, strength and vital-ity to our Congregation. %a56i Sanford JTUqefrad i 1 i 1 i 1 Going Grocery Shopping? Traveling? Buying New Clothes or Gifts? Don't forget the Scrip program! Have you signed up yet? Call the Temple at 733-6292 for details... i ? i i ? i i ? i i ? i Congregation Her T^m1t> June/Ju y 2000 YlZkl^E. / ?>i\t*J(ASY 1999-2000 / 5760 ?Upward Aberman Murray Ader Dorothy E>ark Jack Leon E>est E-Va &ortman R.oslyn Caan E>Lanca del Valle Jay Penny B>enny Presher Arnold ELdland M<?LLi<s E-tkin Barbara padem Vicki r?Ld Paniel feldman tlerbert pscher Minnie fleekop Pedro arcia Morris Ginsberg Alvin CJlantz Samuel CJIoVinsky Celia Goldstein Joseph (^oldshein Alexander CJrossman Michael Cj"ust Corie ilepler Jack i\ Lou J-looker Porothy Uoye Joseph klahn fZose Kllein t>onny l^-Lein [Lrnest Lander ?itonia Lee Jerome LeVey Caroline Lewis Lthel Litt klate Lutz tlerman N^aLkin &randon Markewich Alan N^ark^witz Jack M^haels Ponald Nlewiger Samuel Nlovick Porothy ^rhriner ELsther Patruznick Pean Peskin R.uth Pessin Annette Polasky Maxine Pomerantz MerVyn l2.osenfeld Richard (2.ossman Alfred Rostov Pearl -fjaperstein Cecil Berling R.egina f i c k le (gloria Schwartz Ceal Shapiro Barbara bonnier Rose i t e in ELmanuel istern E>etty Rattner Trubenbach Mabel Tryon Porothy Vandenberg Frieda \Valton LloWard \\/eber Murray \\/eidenfeld Jesse Wert Al \VexLer Michael "Mickey" \Vright If you have a the name of a LoVed one you Would Like to add to this list please calL iCaren at the Temple. Yizlcor Sen/ices will be conducted Saturday. June tO at IOOO A M in the ?>eit Tefllah. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS! We Really Appreciate JIOU !! Your willingness to give without asking in return, llour dependability and heartfelt concern, The many kind things you do and say To warm others lives day after day, Make your gilt of time beyond compare. Thank you for being such a wonderful volunteer and supporting efforts as: Adult and Youth Education Brotherhood Member Activities/Retention Sisterhood Membership Committee Chesed Ritual Outreach Choir Social Action Office Support Ways and Means lnterfaith hospitality network Hoard of Directors PLEASE JOIN US! At the Annual Temple Meeting and installation & Bar-b-que Sunday June 11, 2000 at 4 p m in the Social Hall There will