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Letters about the Jewish Family Services Long Range Planning Committee, July 18, 1990



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    1990 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE Minutes 7/18/90 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bea Levinson, Chair Bernie Kaufman Sherm Kerner Dorothy Eisenberg Barbara Kirsh Dan Goldfarb David Gross Ruth Urban Bill Feldman Meeting called to order by Chair Bea Levinson. Bea turned the meeting over to David Gross. David said JFSA needs to be automated for efficiency. He would like to get a new faster computer with more memory. He priced a computer, monitor, tape back up and jet laser printer for a total of $2,300. David pledged $500.00 so we can get the computer online ASAP. Bill has a copy of a software program for caseload management written by the West Palm Beach JFSA that will work for our agency too. Per David, the key to meeting the LRPC goals is to have the office automated. David discussed the computer capabilities and networking benefits. He feels Elana who is now on staff is very capable and will be able to run the office If given the right tools,I.e. the computer. David discussed the handouts. He questioned what "donated services" as an expense was and will check with the accountant to fine out the details. David said the five year projection breakdown in the handouts allows some cushion. The $20,000 increase in revenue isn't unreasonable to achieve per David. Regarding the membership analysis, David showed the average donation as $50.00 and projected what membership units we need at $50.00 each. David feels the long term projections for Increase in revenues is realistic and everyone present agreed with him. David was thanked for doing such a good job analyzing the data and projections. Bill passed out the membership categories. David commented that JFSA is getting several thousand dollars worth of donations without solicitation. He asked If a thrift shop was appropriate as a fund raiser. A discussion ensued about donations of big Items and clothing. The general feeling was that this was not an area JFSA was Interested in at this time. Bea reminded the members of the LRPC that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss how the agency would reach the fund-raising goals. A lengthy discussion ensued about the membership categories. Dorothy and Dan suggested the minimum category be raised to $50.00. The committee agreed and this recommendation will be made to the Board of Directors. 1 Long Range Planning Committee Meeting Minutes July 18, 1990 Barbara discussed the history of the membership drive. Bill said the membership chairman would be selected shortly and the new chair would use a letter drafted by Bill and Sari Aizley. Barbara strongly suggested to Bill that the new chair be on the ground floor of the drive starting with the letter draft rather than being excluded. Dorothy said new names for solicitation need to be added to the membership drive and the membership chair's job should be actively seeking names. Ruth recommended that co-chairs rather than a single chair be selected for the membership drive since It Is such an Important role. This will also allow some continuity when the chair goes off. Dan commented that the membership pitch letter should be kept to one page as long letters turn people off. David suggested that the LRPC pick a date for the formal membership campaign to begin and a recommendation Incorporating this be made to the Board. Dan and Dorothy mentioned we need to focus on the big picture - not the role of the membership committee or role of the Board of Directors to direct the committee and calendar deadlines. Dorothy stressed that big givers need to be solicited or contacted directly rather than through the letter solicitation only. Dorothy suggested the need for another major fund-raiser other than the membership drive and that there be two separate committees. Bernie expressed concern that a fund-raiser scheduled near the membership drive could create a conflict. David said If the membership drive runs right the existing members will be billed and only new members will be solicited, therefore there should be no conflict. David reported we need a $2,400 Increase In the money raised from the USO dance In order to meet the projected fund-raising Increase. Dorothy stressed the need for person to person contact as the best way to raise money. David suggested the committee set a goal for person to person fund-raising. Bernie suggested a committee be established called the Friends of JFSA whose sole purpose is person to person fund-raising. Sherm suggested a gift annuity program might be developed as It Is tax deductible. The long range planning committee decided to recommend to the Board that a committee "Friends of JFSA" be established to develop a major givers program during year one of the long range plan and that the program be Implemented In year two. The meeting closed with Bea, Danny and Dorothy pledging $250.00 each toward the computer for the agency. 2 Long Range Planning Committee Meeting Minutes July 18, 1990 Next meeting August 29, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. to discuss the results of the survey and review the rough draft of what the LRPC has accomplished so far. Ruth and Bea will outline the latter for Bea to present to the next JFSA board meeting. Minutes subject to review, revision and approval Respectfully submitted Ruth Pearson Urban JFSA Long Range Planning Committee Recording Secretary 3