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Letter and Journal of the Sixth Annual Testimonial Dinner from Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky (Jersey City, N.J.) to Chic Hecht, December 29, 1986



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    B R I S - A V R O H O M EXECUTIVE OFFICE ? 35 COTTAGE STREET JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY 07306 ? (201) 798-0056 BRIS AVROHOM CENTER ? 555 WESTMINSTER AVENUE ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY 07208 ? (201) 352-8733 ACTIVITIES Brissin, Yeshiva Education, Bar-Mitzvos, Tefilin, Camps, Library, Passover Sedorim, Holiday Gatherings, Family Counseling, Synagogue, Kashrus, Mezuzos, Hospital Visitings, Pidyon HaBen, Free Loan, Kolel Tiferes Zekanim?"Levi Yitzchok" (Adult Education), Chupahs and Wedding Ceremonies. BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID MINTZ Chairman of the Board MILTON GRALLA Chairman Executive Committee JACOB ROSENBAUM President JOSEPH DEUTSCH, M.D. MARVIN JOTKOWITZ FILA KOLODNY MURRAY WILSON STANLEY ZASLOW Vice Presidents HERMAN C. SILVERSTEIN, Esq. Chairman Hudson County Chapter MOSHE FURER DANNY KAHANE Co-Chairmen Union County Chapter GERALD PARKOFF Chairman Passaic County Chapter BELLE ROSENBAUM Treasurer JACOB ACKERMAN, M.D. MOSHE ANDRUSIER LEIBEL AVTZON HOWARD BASH SHLOMO BENDAV1D SHIMSHON BENDER RABBI HERSHEL BILLET MEL BLUM RABBI SHIMON BOBROYSKY BENSON CHANOWITZ HON. ANTHONY CUCCI DAVID H. DOMBECK, M.D. HAROLD FREUND, Esq. SHLOMO FRIEDMAN, Esq. STANLEY GOLDSTEIN HON. FRANK GOURINI SHIRLEY GRALLA DAVID GREENSTEIN MEYER GUTNIK RABBI ZEV KATZ GERSHON LERMAN ELI MINTZ BENJAMIN PAGOVICH, M.D ROBERT S. PERSKY, Esq. AARON ROSENBAUM DANIEL ROMONCHONO DAVID SCHARF ABRAHAM SCHLUSSEL SHEILA SCHLUSSEL SHOLOM BER SCHUCHAT FRANKLYN H. SNITOW, Esq NORMAN STARK RABBI CHAIM WASSERMAN JOSEPH WASSNER AVRUMI WEISS SHIMMY WEISS YISROEL YARMUSH RABBI MORDECHAI KANELSKY Executive Director RABBI ISAAC G. MINTZ Educational Director RABBI ELIYAHU SHAIN Certified Mohel RABBI BORUCH LEPKIVKER Program Director December 29, 1986 Dear Honorable Chic Hecht: On behalf of the friends and supporters of Bris Avrohom, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your warm letter of support you sent for the journal of our Sixth Annual Testimonial Dinner, in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Murray Wilson. The support we have received at our November 30, 1986 Dinner will enable us to continue with our vital functions of aiding our Soviet Brethren in becoming Torah-True Jews, and good American Citizens. We thank you once again, and wish you and yours a very Joyous Holiday Season. 'ncer ely, >i Mordechai Kanelsky Executive Director RMK/sk RABBI DAVID WILANSKY Administrator B R I S A V R O H O M o n n i N n > i n GRAND BALLROOM ? NEWYORK HILTON ? NEW YORK CITY GUESTS OF H O N O R ? MR. & MRS. MURRAY WILSON for the benefit of B R I S ? A V R O H O M Sunday, November 30, 1986 . VOWTl 11\yn-*lO H"D Grand Ballroom New York Hilton 6th Avenue & 53rd St., New York City Cocktails 5:30 p.m. ? Dinner 7:00 P.M. Entertainment by Mordechai Ben-David accompained by Neginah Orchestra MR. & MRS. MURRAY WILSON GUESTS OF HONOR MR. & MRS. STANLEY ZASLOW M A N O F THE Y E A R A W A R D MR. & MRS. GERALD PARKOFF C H E S E D A W A R D SENATOR MATTHEW FELDMAN P R E S E N T A T I O N O F A W A R D S MR. & MRS. FRANKLYN H. SNITOW, ESQ. KESER T O R A H A W A R D SHLOMO BEN DAVID A M B A S S A D O R A W A R D MILTON GRALLA P R O G R A M C H A I R M A N BOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID MINTZ Chairman of the Board MILTON GRALLA Chairman Executive Committee JACOB ROSENBAUM President JOSEPH DEUTSCH, M.D MARVIN JOTKOWITZ FILA KOLODNY MURRAY WILSON STANLEY ZASLOW Vice Presidents HERMAN C. SILVERSTEIN, Esq. Chairman Hudson County Chapter MOSHE FURER DANNY KAHANE Co-Chairmen Union County Chapter GERALD PARKOFF Chairman Passaic County Chapter BELLE ROSENBAUM Treasurer RABBI M O R D E C H A I K A N E L S K Y Executive Director RABBI I S A A C G. M I N T Z Educational Director RABBI E L I Y A H U S H A I N Certified Mohel F o U N D E R s JACOB ACKERMAN, M.D. MOSHE ANDRUSIER HARVEY ARNEL SHIMSHON BENDER RABBI HERSHEL BILLET MEL BLUM HAROLD FREUND, ESQ. YECHESKELFREUND ALEX GAVRIELOV STANLEY GOLDSTEIN MEIR GUTNICK AVREML JACOBSON WILLIAM KLEIN SAM MALAMUD DAVID SCHARF SHOLOM BER SCHUCHAT NORMAN STARK ALEX TSITSVASHVILI JOSEPH WASSNER SAM WATENSTEIN TED WEINBERGER SHIMMY WEISS AVROHOM WEISS YISROEL YARMUSH O N O SHMERL ABELSKY GARY D AMBROSE VICTOR ARNEL HOWARD BASH YEHUDA BECKER IACOB BERMAN MENDY B1STR1TSKY MENACHEM M BL1ZINSKY YAAKOV BRAFMAN F1SHEL BRONSTEIN SHIMON CHA1MOV BENSIE CHANOW1TZ MICHOEL CHAZAN DAVID CHEIN ZALMAN CHEIN MEIR S CHEIN DAVID COHEN SAM COHEN RACHAMIM CHUDA1DATOV DAVID H DOMBECK, M D NOSSON DUBROWSKY REUVEN ELBERG HESHY EPSTEIN I. EPSTEIN 4 SONS MENACHEM EZAGUI BEN FISHMAN SHLOMO FRIEDMAN. ESQ BEN-TZIONS FRIEDMAN NECHtMlAH FOCEL LARRY FURER DOV FURER ARTHUR GALATZ IORDANCALATZ STEVEN J GLUSBAND. ESQ ARTHUR ABBA GOLDBERG SHMUEL GOLDMAN RABBI ARYEH GOTLIEB YOSEF I GUTNICK RONALD GREENWALD AVROHOM LEIB GREENBERG DAVID GREENSTEIN ARI HALPERN SAM HALPERN SHMUEL HEBER ASHER HECHT YITZCHOK HECHT DAVID KAPLAN YOSSI KATZOFF AARON KOLODNY HESHY KORENBLIT GERSHON LERMAN BENJAMIN M LEVINE MENACHEM M LEW1N YONASON LEWIS BARNET LIBERMAN JOSEPH D LIGHT MORDECHAI LITZMAN MOSHE MACHPUTZ DAVID MAUSKOPF REUVEN MILLET MICHAEL MORGENSTERN MEL MOSS SHLOMO NAPARSTEK AVROHOM NEW YITZCHOK NEW JERALDC NEWMAN ALEX NISNEVITZ LAZER NISNEVITZ MENACHEM NOE AVROHOM NOTIK WILLIAM H PAULEY III ROBERT S PERSKY, ESQ YAAKOV PINSON MENDEL RAKS1N ZALMAN RAKSIN GARY RAYMAN DAVID REITER DON RESNICOFF ELI RITTERMAN YACOV ROGATSKY DANIEL ROMANCIENU MENACHEM ROSENBLUM LEO ROTH NISSIM ROUBINI NACHMAN SANOW1TZ AVROHOM SANDHAUS ABRAHAM SCHLESSEL NETANEL M SCHLOUSH MEIR SCHREIBER IOEL SCHWARTZ RABBI ZECHAR1AH SENTER YOSEF Y. SEREBRYANSKY GEDAL1AH SHAFFER AVROHOM ZEV SHARFSTE1N JERRY SIMON YOSSI SIMON ZALMAN S1ROTA AVROHOM SLAVIN BARRY SLOTNICK. ESQ YITZIE SPALTER MEIR STEINHAUSER MENDY TAFFEL MORRIS TRENK YAKOV TSITSVASHVILI YITZCHOK TSITSUASHV1LI JEROLDM WEISS SHIMON WEISS MORDECHAI WERDIGER IDA WINOGRAD YAAKOV M ZIRKIND BERTRAM ZWEIBON H O N O R E E S To all Participants in the Sixth Annual Dinner of the Bris Avraham Organization Jersey City, New Jersey. G-d Bless you all. Greeting and Blessing, I was pleased to be informed of your annual gathering which provided me an opportunity to address the honorable organizers, friends and supporters of the vital organization "Bris Avraham," and most specifically all who are participating in this assembly. Your dinner is being held on the day after Shabbos Mevorchim Kislev and you will certainly still be under the influence of that Shabbos, for "All the days of the week are blessed by Shabbos," and the Shabbos also influences all the following weekdays. We may therefore dwell on an important aspect of the month of Kislev. During the month of Kislev Jews celebrate the brilliant holiday of Chanukah. A unique aspect of the Chanukah holiday is the special mitzvah of kindling the Chanukah lamps. This act clearly indicates, even to human eyes, to anyone who passes in the street - even a non-Jew - that for Jews there will be light even when there is darkness all around. This point is stressed by lighting the Chanukah lamp after sunset at the outermost door of the house. Another important point. This illumination is made real when Jews realize that although they are "weak" and "few" in a physical sense, they are not afraid of those who are "mighty" or "many" in a bodily or corporeal sense. Jews are ready to stand up with spiritual herosim and self-sacrifice, which is drawn from "your Torah," G-d's Torah, and the "decrees of your will," G-d's commandments and statutes, in all matters of Yiddishkeit, Torah and mitzvos. This is one of the lessons of the Chanukah lamp. When the world is in a state of sunset, especially the multiple darkness of these final days of the golus (the time of the footsteps of Moshiach), the Jew is not dismayed by the darkness of the street, and he illuminates his own home with the "lamp of a mitzvah and the light of Torah." This alone will not satisfy him until he places that light at his outer doorway so that the world will see this light of Torah and mitzvos. Clearly, this is the work of "Bris Avrohom," to awaken in every man and woman, old and young, this strength and fortitude which will illuminate the individual and his/her environment with the light of Torah and mitzvos. I am sure that all the friends of this organization will understand how to evaluate the vital activities of this organization, and in a warm and openhearted way they will pledge to assist in the continuation and expansion of their activities. This will also widen the avenues of G-d's blessings for them in all their needs, materially and spiritually. Respectfully, and with blessings for success in all these matters, /Signed: The Rebbe's signature/ By the Grace of G-d 15 MarCheshvan, 5747 Brooklyn, New York RABBI MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON Lubavitch 770 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn. N. Y. 11213 493-9250 S T A T E O F N E W J E R S E Y OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR CN-OOI TRENTON oeess THOMAS H. KEAN G O V E R N O R November 21, 1986 Dear Friends: I am pleased to send warm greetings to the members of Bris Avrohom on the occasion of their Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner, which will honor Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson. The Bris Avrohom Center can be proud of the spiritual contributions and moral support it supplies to immigrant families adapting to their new environment. I commend the dedication and commitment the Center has provided over the years and hope other organizations choose to follow your fine example. On behalf of the State of New Jersey, I thank you for all you have accomplished for our State. Best wishes for future endeavors. Sincerely Thomas H. Kean Governor B R A V R O H O M n ? w P * n 3 W ? n x T ? x n r i BILL BRADLEY NEW JERSEY United States Senate WASHINGTON, DC 20510 November 30, 1986 Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Friends: Greetings to all the supporters of Bris Avrohom as you gather for your Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner. This is truly a very special time for all of you involved in this outstanding organization. I commend you for your hard work and devotion to the many New Jerseyans whose needs you serve. I join with all of you in extending our best wishes to the honorees, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson. Warm regards. United States Senator BB/amj B R I S A V R O H O M n ' v y J O - n ^ v y ? J i n [ ? o i l SUITE I M S OT? PKNN PLAZA N t w YN??, N e w Y w k 10001 (212) S47-7390 QlCniicb ^)lctie& Senate WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 November 30, 1986 Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Friends: Allow me to extend my warmest greetings to everyone gathered here tonight for the Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner of Bris Avrohom. For so many years, you have been of immense assistance to the Soviet Jewish community in America. Your efforts have been far-reaching, ensuring the religious and cultural integrity of the emigre community understanding for the first time the fruits of liberty. As your United States Senator, and as Chairman of the Helsinki Commission, please know that we will continue in our just and moral struggle to arrive at that day when all those who seek freedom from the chains of the Kremlin will join with their loved ones, to bask in the light of freedom. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, as they are honored by Bris Avrohom. Together, they have contributed dynamic leadership, involved "hands-on" commitment, and an overriding affection for their Soviet Brethren, both behind and free from the Iron Curtain, as they have worked to further the goals of the Lubavitch Movement. Let me extend my best wishes to al.L for an enjoyable evening, and my best wishes to Bris Avrohom for much continued success in pursuit of its most noble goals. ALFONSE M. D ' A M A T O NEW Y O R K AMD:js B R A V R O H O M r i ' v y J O - m W ? ri N T ? N n J l C H I C HECHT NEVADA U N I T E D S T A T E S S E N A T E W A S H I N G T O N , D. C . 2 0 5 I 0 November 30, 198 6 Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Rabbi Kanelsky: I regret that a previous commitment prevents me from joining you tonight. However, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations to Bris Avrohom on the occasion of its Sixth Grand Testimonial Dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson. Please convey my very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and for the continued success of B-xis Avrohom. We can all be proud of the excellent sypport you provide so many families of Russian B R I V R O H O M n 1 vy D ? ji 3\!J ' j i n r ' n n n CARL LEVIN MICHIGAN United S t a t e s Rotate WASHINGTON, DC 20510 November 17, 1986 Bris Avrohom Center 555 Westminster Avenue Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208 Dear Friends: I have recently been informed that Bris Avrohom will be celebrating its Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner on November 30, 1986. I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to you on this joyous occasion. I applaud the contribution the organization has made in implementing programs structured to assist Russian immigrant familities in continuing the traditions of their Jewish and American heritages. Please extend my congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, for their beneficence to the success of the programs. I commend you for your involvement and leadership. Sincerely Carl Levin CL/dgl B R n A V R O H O M n 1 \u D ? n 3 MJ ? ji x T - x n J l ' S i r ; C O N G R E S S OF T H E U N I T E D STATES W A S H I N G T O N , D. C. 2 0 5 1 5 ROBERT G. TORRICELLI November 25, 1986 NINTH DISTRICT NEW J E R S E Y Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Please accept my best wishes upon your being honored at the Sixth Annual Bris Avrohom Testimonial Dinner. You and your family should take great pride in being singled out by an. organization with a steadfast commitment to others. Bris Avrohom only honors those of equal caliber. Again, my congratulations. ROBERT G. TORRICELLI Member of Congress RGTrdfs B R \ S ? A V R O H O M n 1 vy JO ? 11 3 vy ? n n T ? n n r i E N E R G Y AND C O M M E R C E COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEES: CHAIRMAN. COMMERCE. TRANSPORTATION AND TOURISM HEALTH ANO THE ENVIRONMENT OVERSIGHT ANO INVESTIGATIONS V E T E R A N S ' A F F A I R S COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEES HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CARE EDUCATION. TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT HOUSING ANO MEMORIAL AFFAIRS S E L E C T COMMITTEE ON AGING November 13, 1986 SUBCOMMITTEES HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH AND LONG-TERM CARE Dear Members of Bris Avrohom: I would like to extend my appreciation to your organization for the many valuable contributions you have made in helping Soviet Jewish emigres assimi-late into our society while ensuring that their Jewish traditions and values remain strong. This past July, I visited the Soviet Union and met with a large number of Soviet refusenik families who are denied the right to emigrate and join their families in the West and are harassed because they will not abandon their dreams of freedom and will not deny their religion and their traditions. The refusenik's struggle to continue is rewarded in those rare occasions when exit visas are granted. Yet, Soviet emigres continue to face difficulties, as all new immigrants, once they reach this country and it is in this area where your organization has played a major role. Perhaps the greatest humanitarian service provided by Bris Avrohom is one of providing Jewish emigres with the comfort of knowing that what they had to struggle to enjoy in the Soviet Union, they can enjoy freely and proudly in the United States. Your efforts to ensure that Jewish irrmigrants continue the traditions of your forefathers and to provide a caring setting for this are to be conrnended. I congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson for their contribu-tions and commend your membership for your efforts. With best wishes, JJF:sel JAMES J. FLORIO N E W J E R S E Y 1ST DISTRICT 2162 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILOING WASHINGTON. OC 20515 (202) 225-6501 1 COLBY AVENUE. #16-17 STRATFORD. NJ 08084 16091 627-8222 FIELD OFFICES: WOODBURY. NJ CAMDEN. NJ Congress of the B n i t t d States iftouse of Tlepresentattoes n ? vj D ? n 3 VLf - n h T ? x n J1 Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky Executive Director Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Rabbi Kanelsky: Once again I take the opportunity to extend my heartfelt congratulations to your honorees Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, and to all the members of the Bris Avrohom family, I commend all of you for the service you provide to your communities and to new immigrants in need of a social and religious welcome into American society. On the occasion of your sixth Grand Annual testimonial dinner, you have much to celebrate, and the people whose lives you enrich have a great deal to be grateful for. Please accept my best wishes for the coming year. H O U S E OF R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S W A S H I N G T O N , D. C. 2 0 5 1 5 J I M C O U R I E R NEW JERSEY November 29, 198 6 B R I s A V R O H O M n ' v y J O ' T i i v y - t\k J ? n n 11 r ??? WILLIAM J. HUGHES 2ND DISTRICT. N E W JERSEY COMMITTEES: COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY CHAIRMAN SUBCOMMITTEE O N CRIME COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE A N D FISHERIES SELECT COMMITTEE O N AGING SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS A B U S E A N D CONTROL Congress of the United States mouse of lltpresentatta Washington, B.C. i m November 14, 1986 WASHINGTON OTKt 341 CANNON HOUM OMCT BUKONM WAMINOTON. B.C. 201 IB (202) 2 2 B - 6 B 7 2 DISTRICT OFFICES: 2 3 0 7 NEW ROAD NORTMFIELD, NEW JERSEY 0 8 2 2 6 (BOB) B 4 B - 7 B B 7 1B1 NORTH BROADWAY P.O. Box 24B PINNIVILLE. NEW J E R K Y 0BO7O (BOB) 6 7 B - 3 3 3 3 Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Rabbi Kanelsky: I am writing to express my sincere congratulations to Bris Avrohom and two of its special members, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, who are being honored at the sixth grand annual testimonial dinner. Over the years, Bris Avrohom has provided countless services to Russian immigrant families, to help ease their transition to American citizenship and enjoy their new-found religious freedom. Bris Avrohom is a community-related organization which is truly founded in the love of the people it serves. I am very pleased to join in paying tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson for their leadership and dedication to community service. They have done an outstanding job in helping make the American dream come true for so many Soviet-Jewish emigres. I am pleased to extend my warmest wishes to the Wilsons and all the members of Bris Avrohom for continued success and good health in the years ahead. With kind personal regards. WJH:mb n 1 w JO ? m W - r i x T - x n r i H O U S E OF R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S W A S H I N G T O N , D.C. 20515 CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH November. 30, 7986 F o u r t h DORMER New Jersey MA. and MAA. Mwuiay Wilson BsUa AvAohom CenteA Jex&ey City, New Jexiey Vnax MA. and MA&. lnliZion: I am delighted to A and my he/vutfielt congAatulationA to the. both o{> you at the Sixth GAand Annual Testimonial VinneA -in youA honoA. The two you who axe honoAed and Aecognized this evening Aet fane and admiAable examples o^ how aZl o& ui can woAk to heZp each othex and impAove. the wotiZd in which we live. YOUA oAganization can take gAeat pAide in the many services it \ AmdeAed to youA community oveA the yeaAA. Once again, l e t me wish both oft you a joy^ut ceZe.bAation on this Apedjodi occasion. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH MembeA ofi CongAest B R A V R O H O M n 1 vy 1 0 * n 3 W ? j i n I - x n J l MARIO BIAGGI 19TH DISTRICT, NEW YORK WASHINGTON OFFICE: 2428 RAVBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225-2464 DISTRICT OFFICES: BRONX 3255 WESTCHESTER AVENUE BRONX. NY 10461 (212) 931-0100 YONKERS SECOND FLOOR 6 SEMINARY AVENUE YONKERS, NY 10704 (914) 375-0500 Congrea* of tfje ?mteb g>tatt& Jfyoustt o! ftepretfentattoea a?a?(f)tnaton, 3BC 20515 November 20, 1986 Bris Avrohom Executive Office 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey COMMITTEES: E D U C A T I O N A N D L A B O R SUBCOMMITTEES: POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION LABOR MANAGEMENT SELECT EDUCATION V I C E - C H A I R M A N M E R C H A N T M A R I N E A N D F I S H E R I E S C O N G R E S S I O N A L P O R T C A U C U S SUBCOMMITTEES: CHAIRMAN, MERCHANT MARINE COAST GUARD AND NAVIGATION PANAMA CANAL/OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF S E L E C T C O M M I T T E E O N A G I N G SUBCOMMITTEE: CHAIRMAN, HUMAN S E R V I C E S C H A I R M A N . A D H O C C O N G R E S S I O N A L C O M M I T T E E F O R I R I S H A F F A I R S 07306 Dear Friends: It is my pleasure and privilege to extend my greeting and warm wishes on the occasion of Bris Avrohom's Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson. While our nation is proud to offer many cherished and newfound freedoms to millions of people from repressed lands .around the world, we also must recognize that the transition from a native to an adopted homeland is not an easy one. Bris Avrohom fully realizes this fact and has served the religious and social needs of more than 1,200 Soviet Jewish immigrant families in an admirable fashion. I am eternally hopeful that through your efforts, and through those of us in Washington who refuse to let the repressed of our world be forgotten?particularly the 3.5 million Soviet Jews?we will be able to one day ensure that all people will be able to practice their religious and cultural beliefs freely and without fear of reprisal! B R I A V R O H O M n ? \u JO ? n 3 VJ ? n x T ? x n J1 STANLEY FINK S P E A K E R T H E A S S E M B L Y S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K A L B A N Y PERSONAL AND UNOFFICIAL November 30, 198 6 Rabbi Mordechal Kanelsky E x e c u t i v e Director Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Rabbi Kanelsky: Please permit me to extend my personal greetings to each of the participants at Bris Avrohom's Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial D i n n e r , along with a special word of commendation to your honored g u e s t s , M r . and M r s . Murray Wilson. This evening signifies an appropriate time to reflect on Bris A v r o h o m ' s many achievements of the past year -- partIcu1ar1y, such joyous occasions as the union In holy matrimony last June of twenty Russian-JewIsh couples who had been denied a religious rite In the Soviet Union. Your o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s goals In filling the religious and social needs of RussIan-JewIsh immigrants are obviously being met with great success, with the continued support and efforts of your o f f i c e r s , m e m b e r s and friends. Best wishes for a most enjoyable annual c e l e b r a t i o n , and for the continued accomplishments of your fine organization in the years ahead. Very truly yours, tan 1ey Fin B R A V R O H O M n ? \u p * : n : i W ? : n x T ' X n r ! STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 EDWARD V.REGAN STATE COMPTROLLER November 10, 1986 Rabbi Morrlechai Kanelsky Executive Director Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 Dear Rabbi Kanelsky: Congratulations on the occasion of Bris Avrohom's Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson. I'm sure it will be a most enjoyable evening. The services your organization provides to Russian immigrant families are most important. Remembrance of our heritage and the continuance of religious traditions are vital to becoming good American citizens. The accomplishments of your organization are proof of your commitment to preserving these traditions. Hopefully, some day your Soviet brethren will be able to experi-ence the religious freedom under which your organization flourishes. Sincerely yours Comptroller EVR:MCN:rrh n ? vj P ? n 3 W * n x T - x n j l THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK CITY HALL NEW YORK, N. Y. 10007 NOACH DEAR C O U N C I L M A N . 3 2 N D DISTRICT. BROOKLYN 1 3 7 3 C O N E Y I S L A N D A V E N U E B R O O K L Y N . N. Y. 1 1 2 3 0 3 3 8 - 1 1 1 0 COMMITTEES: CONSUMER AFFAIRS FINANCE PUBLIC SAFETY STATE LEGISLATION November 30, 1986 Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky Executive Director Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, New York 07036 Dear Rabbi Kanelsky and Friends, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to join you on the occasion of your Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner. Throughout the Jewish Community Bris Avrohom is known for the outreach it provides to meet the needs of the hundreds of newly arrived Russian families in this country. I therefore extend to you and your honored guests my congratulations and wishes for continued success in the future. ND: pb S E R V I N G : B E N S O N H U R S T . B O R O P A R K . K E N S I N G T O N . M A R I N E P A R K . M I D W O O D A N D E A S T M I D W O O D B R A V R O H O M n ? M) K) * n 3 W ? n x T - x n J1 ins; m s m D'powu; in "731 In tribute to the many supporters and Benefactors of Bris Avrohom . n - D u r n ' w r r a p n Law Office of ARTHUR S. FRIEDMAN 1276 Fiftieth Street Brooklyn, New York 11219 (718) 853-8282 Shlomo Friedman, Esq. Peninsula Resources Corp. Bruce L. Listhaus, Esq. RIED Management Corp. RIED Overseas Leasing & Sales Ltd. Gitty Unger Malky Halpert B R V R O H O M n ? w JO ? n 3 W ? n x T ? x n J l Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson MICHAEL POLLACK B R I V R O H O M n 1 \u D ? t\ 3 Ml - j iN T ? x n J1 Congratulations to Roslyn and Franklyn Snitow Devoted to their people Inspiring to their Community And a pride to their teachers RABBI and MRS. DAVID ALGAZE B R V R O H O M n ? w P ? n 3 W ? n x T ? x n T1 Congratulations to our good Friends Roslyn and Franklyn Snitow LINDA and BENJAMIN BRAFMAN & FAMILY Best Wishes to our good Friends Roslyn and Franklyn Snitow KEREN and HARVEY BARNET B R I A V R O H O M n ? vy JO ? n 3 VJ * ji h T ? x n n To our Friends Frank and Roz Snitow mi?>a ins Your faithful dedication to the needs of the Jewish Community is an inspiration to us all. SUE and JACK GOLDHABER Best Wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Murray Wilson from Sonas Boutique 1201 Kings Highway corner of East 12 Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229 B R V R O H O M n ? vy O ? n 3 vy ? n n T ? n n H Compliments of BENJAMIN andTALIA PAGOVICH M.D. and CHILDREN Zvi-Gil, Ori-William, Shimon, Odelya-Edith Congratulations to David Mintz and Bris Avrohom from HOWARD J. RUBENSTEIN B R A V R O H O M n ? * :n 3 W ? n x T ? n n ri Best Wishes to many supporters of Bris Avrohom SOL ROSS Sairmont Insurance Brockers 1600 60th Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11204 (718) 232-3300 Mazel Tov to our children Rosalyn and Frank Snitow from MR. & MRS. RAYMOND SNITOW MR. & MRS. BEN KOLINSKY n 1 D ? n 3 VLf - p i n t ? o r I Best Wishes to our friends Franklyn and Roz Snitow from Graphic Feature Ideas, Inc. "Graphic Design, Typography and Marketing" 80 Eight Avenue New York, N.Y. 10011 Mazel Tov and warmest best wishes to Frank & Roz JACK BETWARDA WARDS ICE CREAM CO. INC. 1-800-526-0198 93 Sherwood Avenue 1-201-595-8100 Paterson, N J. 07502 JANE CINEV NAOMI & STEVE WOLINSKY n 1 w D * Ti 3 VJ ? n x T - x n J1 In memory of our beloved Grandmother rry nyjniya buiy^ m i y yu^N mu/n wnn u/jo n ^ n p '3 u m p nnu; muQj from Avrohom Baruch, Cipy and Chana'le Junik You're a VIP at OMB. / ?.' -Hi, OMB BANK , and Trust Company 630FIFTH AVENGE. NEW YORK. N Y. 10111 ? (212)541-8070 Branches: 5002 13TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11219 ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10048 MEMBER FDIC '? u i O W I r. '? THE ONLY BANK IN NEW YORK THAT IS CLOSED ON ALL JEWISH HOLIDAYS A subsidiary of UNITED MIZRAHI B A N K LTD., ISRAEL Established in 1923 Worldwide Assets Exceed $5 Billion B R A V R O H O M n ? \u JO ? n 3 VJ ? ji x T - n n J1 T H E CITY OF N E W YORK O F F I C E OF THE MAYOR NEW YORK, N.Y. 1 0 0 0 7 November 30, 1986 To All In Attendance Sixth Grand Annual Testimonial Dinner Bris Avrohom Center 555 Westminster Avenue Elizabeth, New Jersey Shalom: On behalf of the City of New York, I salute our friends of Bris Avrohom in our neighboring State of New Jersey. We are bound together in faith, friendship and concern for the well-being of Soviet immigrants who have come to our blessed land of freedom to begin new lives...and that includes, of course, the renewal and strengthening of spiritual life. I congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson on the tribute they are receiving from their many friends of Bris Avrohom. B R V R O H O M n ? \u 10 ? n 3 Vj> * n n T - x n J1 nnm ^vb rv'v pnsn tjoii n "DI y y n p e w n " m n k-'u^u; ^ttbp ity^K jck n"mn p innjs/Diu D a w n p u / m n y i ,rnu7 " n 'a o o v n n . n . y j . n n ? vy D ? n 3 W ? n x T * h n T\ Our Activities ? Brissin ? Tor Children and ? ? Adults ? Education ? Yeshiva, Talmud Torah, ? ? and Youth Clubs for Boys ? ? and Girls ? Bar Mitzvah ? Lessons and Celebrations ? ? for Boys and Men ? Tefillin ? Tor Young and Old ? Camps ? Day and Overnight ? Library ? Judaic Literature in ? ? Russian * Holidays ? Gatherings and ? ? Celebrations ? Counseling ? Family Guidance ? Synagogue ? Daily Morning and ? ? Evening Services * Mitzvos ? Kashrus Work Shops, ? Kolel Tiferes Zekanim Levi Yitzchak ? Adult Education Bris Avrohom 35 Cottage Street Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 798-0056 (201)659-0770