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Letter from William Derderian (Las Vegas, Nev.) to Chic Hecht (Washington, D.C.), January 23, 1986


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    Senator Chic Hecht Senate Office Building; Washington, D.G. 20510 Dear Senator; I'd like to take a few minutes of y v a 1 u a b l e time to express the disappointment our members feel wttii?the stance you have apparently taken in opposition to the ratifi-cation of the Genocide Convention Treaty now before your august body. While we appreciate the time given to your meeting recently with some members of our organization, I must, in all honesty, report to you that they thought your statements supp-orting your opposition were ambiguous and not based on the voluminous evidence we have on hand and substantiated by many Jews throughout the world. I am sure you are (or should be) familiar with them. I can appreciate Senator Helm's and your concern about 'dilution' of our constitutional perogatives BUT, surely 'The Declaration on Implementing Legislation' should remove any question of sovereignty. I find it unbelievable that the United States is one of only four or five countries who have not rati-fied this treaty. The fact that Israel vms one of the first nations to ratify the treaty and. a tremondous majority of Jewish individuals and organizations makes your continued opposition iven more incongruous. Please study this issue and reconsider your posi-tion. It is not only your vote that is involved. Peculiarly, I have heard some senators have said 'if Hecht's opposed, it must be anti-Jewish and I'll go along' or words to that effect. We are looking forawrd to hearing from you. 5900 W.Tropicana #97 Las Vegas, NV 8<01O3 (702) 876-5058 Will zanr-jTerderian President Armenian/American Club