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Congressional Record, Volume 131, Number 152, November 6, 1985


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    United States uf America Congressional "Record PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 99 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 131 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1985 No. 152 Senate Mr. HECHT. Mr. President, I know Judge Alex Kozinski well and have worked closely with him on community activities over the past year. Not only is he held in high regard in the Jewish community, but also he is considered one of the finest legal minds on the bench today. Of equal importance, Judge Kozinski is a genuinely fine and decent man. He is warm and forthright and has a delightful sense of humor. His commitment to excellence carries over to everything he does. No one questions the sharpness of his mind or the dedication, energy, and devotion he brings to his judicial tasks. We have heard some accusations which, to my mind, are largely without substance or significance, that a number of years ago the judge handled some administrative tasks without using sufficient tact. He refused to sugar-coat reprimands to subordinates who failed to do their work with the degree of professionalism Judge Kozinski required. From what I have heard of the testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, these allegations that he was difficult to work for were resoundingly contradicted by a number of his former employees. But more importantly, they are largely be-side the point. Of my own personal knowledge, I can say that Judge Kozinski is a good man. In my judgment, he is going to be a superlative circuit court judge because he is an uncompromisingly fair man as well as a brilliant one. Letters and testimonials from numerous judges and attorneys and law school professors and bar associations, as well as his own record on the bench and as an attorney, all attest to this fact. I urge the Members of the Senate to join me in supporting a great judge and a great American. We should now get on with the job of confirming President Reagan's wise choice of Judge Alex Kozinski to the ninth circuit court of appeals.