Archival objects in this container: 40e Gala de L'Union des Artists, 1973 Celebration: Dance as a Photographic Art, Vol. II, 1972 Nureyev, 1973 The Essence of Bejart, 1972 The Ballet Annual, 1961 La Danse, 1958 The Private World of Ballet, 1975 Hillsway's Who's Who: Favorite Recipes of Famous People and Personalities, 1978 Anatomy for the Dancer with Exercises to Improve Technique and Prevent Injuries by Raoul Gelebart, 1964 Anatomy for the Dancer with Exercises to Improve Technique and Prevent Injuries Vol. 2 by Raoul Gelebart, autographed to Sulich by the editor, William Como, 1966 Le Ballet Contemporain, California, 1940