Archival objects in this container: Education: Background information on PTA Resolutions, student housing, California legal action on segregation, student loan program, licensing private colleges (AB 573), Residency Training Program, questionnaire on public schools, UNR Medical School Budget, Clark County enrollment, and the Basketball Pavilion, 1980-1981 Education: Public response on education funding, medical school budget, special education, and sex education, 1980-1981 Education: Public response on the Post-secondary Education Commission, Alumni Association, and vocational education, 1980-1981 Education: studies, proposals, and pamphlets on high school seniors, sex education, and legislative proposals and briefings, 1980-1981 Elections: Elections Committee agendas, amendments, choosing Regents, memos and handwritten notes, 1980-1981 Elections: reapportionment, population distribution, term definitions, and government affairs presentation, 1980-1981 Elections: State of Nevada general election, 1980 Environment: natural resources and wildlife, Lake Tahoe, burial of radioactive waste, Beatty site, predator research, hunting, "Nevada BLM Outlook," livestock grazing, multiple use, and mining, 1980-1981