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    This its entirety. The original item is available for research and liandhng^^huM^^I L ib^ reql,ies\, additional digitization or with any questions regarding access at WIl *.HIB^H-iKiMi Living Section By Carol Cling Review-Journal ?√ß* ?√ß?√ß V he latest cinematic Recount of 1 the Titanis?╟╓satnaiilen-voyage demise captured a boatload I of,Oscars Milnday night, fol-mKtm lowjng in tbp wake of its , Tony-winning Broadway ffttisical predecessor. - ~ t?╟ "5\ Lopg before either of them lured-pndi-ences aboard the doomed luxury lmer, however, Las Vegas had its own version of the Titanic -^ sinking nightly. , HEg.t ?╟╓?╟≤ ' FEATURES EDITOR: Frank Fertado; 383-0274. E-mail: Thursday, March 26,1998 a ? α ? α |j j Las Vegas Review-Journal ?╟╓ ?╟ú ?╟Ñ Pageli ?╟≤ ?√ß j * Jeff Scheid/Review-Journal iSqrviyors escape the Titanic aboard a lifeboat as the doomed luxury liner sinks onstage during Bally?╟╓s long-running production show ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ THAT SINKING FEELING ?╟ Jubilee!?╟╓ has been deep^IixiHgthe Titaiiid siffce i98i And, after about 14,500 performances, it shows no signs of permanently disappearing under the make-believe waves, j The Titanic sequence featured in Bally?╟╓s ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ has beeri a show fix? ture since it began its. run, in 1981 ?√ß'?·*.. jg$ back when Bally?╟╓s was the original MGJid Grapd Hoteland creator Donn Arden was king o?·thefgtage spectaculars. ,, ?╟úDonn Arden was really of the Gecil B. DeMille mold.?╟Ñ fifllly?╟╓A-pmfa^.ainmmat di-r^rtor^^^S' SaroTisort' s^ys ofthe late >w?╜Jtt^4e??l^-8j=eator. ?╟úHelooked at' the And the titap^c Titanic sequence in ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ definitely qualifies as spectacle, with its ^11-singing, a|l-<fSncing cast of almost 100 kicking up their heels on the deck, in the grand ballroom andjnt tfee massive engineroom. That is. until giant icebergs loom into view, dooming ?╟úthe up-to-date-est, greatest ship afloat.?╟Ñ About 5,000 gallons of water and 50 pounds of explosives add to the impact when the "Jubilee1?╟Ñ Titanic strikes an jeebeig , ?╟? ^ .1 ( ?╜ ?╟úI keep wondering why they don?╟╓t Please see T1TANIC/2E Oren Zusman, left, and Maya Givon talk about their homeland Israel to students at Meadows School. Visiting teens give Meadows Softool students a glimpse at life in Israel By John Rrzybys ^View-Journal Ma^a Givon and Oren Zusinan loft an inflatable gldbe into a group of about two dozen sj|ident^and ask whoever cateh-?╟ ss tiie ball tp;,s^yssjtoefhing about Israel;' Hi;,Which, of-course,:unmediately makes1 the Spiincy Earth about as:popular as a-hairy?' ; Spider. K Chalk it up to the inherent' shyness of f . j r j ?½en-agers put pn thejspot. But the students ?√ßigamely get into the e^'rcisl bffer- whenever tlmw can?╟╓t avoiqk^^Mgh. the ball ?╟÷ a fact, a snippet of information, a bit jdf shared knowledge about Israel. PiMaya and Ore?½; both 16k2j pre from Israel, They visited Thg Meadows Schooftwo ;.. Iweeks'ag0 aspartfc^amonthlong United ^States ^it during?╟╓iwhich theymet and (talked with teen|agersfrom New York tpl; | t Theft six-day stop Vegasivas sp'qi^ ; sored l^ tnp Jewish Federation of Lbs Ve- * -,i ?gas |pd wasnne of a'serie&of eventkthat ?√ß'marlb hexvniohth?╟╓s celebratioh of Israeli ^5'dt?½nbivei:sary. While in toym, Maya and (Men?╟╓s itinerary., included visits^o several schools. Ori this 1 mornibg, they?╟╓le meeting students atThe Meadows Sclmol.- ' Maya and Oren|usi.tbe glppe ffiss as an icebreaker:.A few students who edn?╟╓t avoid catchSg the inflatable Earth admit they Idon?╟╓t kiiow much about Israel, whjle others offer fpCtxmfe that Orpn records onthe ' board?╟╓usin^ key words ?╟÷ ?╟úTorah,?╟Ñ?╟úPales-tiniansy?╟Ñ'?╟úDead Sea>?╟Ñ ?╟úMilitary.?╟Ñ 1 Oreii and Maya take out a map gf the I ^Middle Edst and point out a few of Israel?╟╓s landmarks. Maya points out her city, Haifa, ,while Oren says the town in which he lives, Ashkelon, is too smalTto make the map. Haifa, Maya?╟╓says, :is ?╟úkind of like Las Ve* gas,?╟Ñ except for its size and the gambling here: -So,?╟Ñ Oren interjects, smiling, ?╟úit?╟╓s totally different.?╟Ñ?╟╓'^' , I iYou don?╟╓t take your acff^pWcouhtry and not learna little bij ab^ut Riming. -One of the students?╟╓ aims offer,4 |i* American yopffi^i a glimpse into theirway?? of life in^srael. For exaftiple, Oren jokes, ?╟úI hope you don?╟╓t think jp^ride cmpelsVWe ride camels that are palled Mazda?╟╓ and ?╟ Subam,?╟╓-^^ The differences ?╟÷ and the 'similarities ?╟÷S ibefwfen Maya ap&pren,* and their American counterpartSiare a recumngvtheme (throughout the 50 minutep or so that the youths talk. -At times ?╟÷ when, for instance?╟╓, Maya takes, a Coke can from Israel', a magazine 'fpr Israeli teen-agers and a few political bumper stickers ajit,gf her backpack ?╟÷ the similarities are striking. Other times,'it?╟╓s-- -. tb# differences that become file focus of conversation. Take Israel?╟╓s compulsory-military service. ?╟úEvery man and woman has (to spgnd)?╟?at ?╟≤Jepst ajfew yearsfn the Army,?╟Ñ O^i explains, followed by a few more years spent j ; in the equivalent of ouf reserves. ''' What if someone isn?╟╓t physically able to J Sprve in the Army? ?╟úThat?╟╓s just a fraction, Oren sayp Then, 'to laughter from Maya 9 Please see ISRAEL/2EJ