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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    IBBMIHfflMlSI Freeman company PUBLIC RELA TION S ?╟≤ #. tWVTT&TtmTO i I - FEGDUCIBS TO 11 Mg lg lit fXOM** Invite # top Russian inpresaarios Am fields of radio and television, stage, Mtion pictures, and perhaps the Morale Minister, ae veil a* aewie critic fro?½ PEftVOA to attend Vws^Mt Preview in t?╜mi ?╤#iiss* . ?√ß Mayses of thime people cueing by cable free Mia Hidcell, International Representative of Variety* who ie ace in Umov oa the ?╟╓Variety I at ??mat local Goodwill Tour piano. Invitations to go to these people by specific name, and actual act ef inviting thee will mean newspaper copy. t. wm mm* mm mmmmt Stage a nation-wide contest among aerie editors an writers, with the ala of selecting about S fanilie ef about 3-4 people, to win a fabulous weekend in baa- bps, starting with attendance cl the Sdltor would alee aeeoapaay winning family Mitera would XlSti coordinated contest bat bade, hopeful that thus will push the bade ef eeaieat to ?╟≤* ?╟Ñ?╜f ME nr LA8 VEGAS. MARIA - CHCLS 2-7100" Saturate public with small ads la personal columns, spots ea rede, aftvplaae banners, and where practical, message in sky-writing (4 cetera new available in Chicago), #l#k teaser mmmmmmm mt&t&d alWi. Mm mile mm mb te number, recording bp Cyd Charts?½?½ plays autoaatlcally, containing senily-spolcea message about the picture. leceaaefkd IWt 31 emehaagee to haade aechanlcs on this in each area, with a contest built up to see which eachsxtge encourages amt calls. I, "MBIT ME?√ß ?? LAS VEGAS" PBCALS ?½ Print up strip, about elm of auto bumper strip, using mm of picture and ?Θ╝yife figure, and get these placed all ewer world ?╟÷ top of Sifel Tower, ea girders an construction Jobs bid ia why, and ea my place Mat mm cause picture er new?½. BEVERLY HILIS, CAL. ?╟≤ 449 SOUTH BEVERLY DRIVE ?╟≤CRESTVIEW 6-4326