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June 7, 1955 Loew1s Incorporated Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Culver City, California Gentlemen: You have advised the undersigned that you contemplate producing a motion picture tentatively entitled ?╟úWEEKEND AT LAS YEGAS", and you have familiarized the undersigned with the story you propose to tell in said motion picture, and attached hereto\is 9-page story outline thereof, of which the undersigned fully approves, and the undersigned furthermore fully and irrevocably approves of the screenplay of>#s.ur said motion picture as loiig as such screenplay shall be based tip on ^ or adapted from the attached story outline, though the undersigned fully understands that when the screenplay of said motion picture b^ written, changes and additions and suppressions will be made by you in 'said sjk story outline and fhe undersigned also approves all of the foregoing1*/, as long as the spirit and nature of the story outline will not be;\ substantially altered. , ?╟ .?√ß/?╟╓ .?║?,/' .?╟≤ i'.?╟╓?╟╓?╟╓'''1'' ^ /V"'A' ?╟ , Y Though the undersigned, is fully aware that your motion picture is ' telling a story of fiction, there is, however, a character therein V who, because of the position which the undersigned occupies,may point y to or depict the undersigned. This is to assure you that the undersigned will never claim that sijich character in youi motioh picture is in any way intended to be the undersigned, resembles fnd/or depicts and/or points to the undersigned, and/or libels file untier signed, and to the extent that the permission of the undersigned be necessary to show such character by an actor j of your selection,/! hereby give you my irrevocable permission to | proceed and use fob such character a fictitious name of your choice* and such dialogue written by your writers as you shall deem fit and! advisable. The present consent is irrevocable so that in reliance thereon you may proceed with yopr motion picture, and it is made for your benefit and for the benefits' of your successors, assigns, and licensees. The term "motioh picture" as herein used means and includes a feature talking motion picture, its air and screen trailers, and its advertis- ing and publicity,/and such may be projected and transmitted by any means or method now or later known. Yerv truly yours. RM:GS Las Vegas, Nevada SANDS HOTEL