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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    62. 129 SEQUENCE OF SHOTS 129 All of them obscured by the driving dust; bushes torn away and sailing off; the yuccas, bent almost flat by the wind: Kelly, Scott and Bashlk ?╟÷ individually, driven apart and reeling in all directions under the impact of wind and dust. 130 EXT. ON BASHIK 130 fighting the wind to get the folds of his blanket-end up about his face. He calls urgently to the Others: BASHIK The kaffiyah ... the blanket ! C^jjer your faces! 131 EXT. ON SCOTT 1313 whirling about in helpless confusion. Bashik battles INTO FRAME, manages to get the headdress wrapped about Scott?╟╓s face and to turn Scott about, his back against the wind. 132 EXT. ON KELLY 132 struggling with his own headdress. BASHIK'S VOICE (o ,s.) Kelly! This way! Kelly turns toward the voice and beings fighting his way TOWARD THE CAMERA. 133 SANDSTORM SHOTS CONTINUING 133 AS NEEDED. THE FINAL SHOT IS LITTLE MORE THAN A BLUR. DISSOLVE TO: 134 * * * 134 EXT. EMPTY DESERT - DAY l3^ Strangely, eerily quiet and peaceful now. CAMERA STUDIES THE SUN, NOW MUCH LOWER ON THE HORIZON, THEN PANS THE DESOLATE LANDSCAPE. In the distance, somewhat separated from each other, lie three sprawled and motionless figures, half-buried in the sand. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE COMMERCIAL