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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    128 CONTINUED - (4): KELLY 61. 128 Mmm-hmm. BASHIK (very quietly) The name of my country Is Khadra, which means The Green Place, and that's what It shall be again. If I'm ever to be In the history books, I should like it to be as King Abd al-Salam, The Parmer. SCOTT Think of it. We knew Old King __ Abdul when he was just a punk kid in a hot-rod. KELLY (preparing to rise) Parmer boy, if all this is only a couple of years off, we'd better get started. SCOTT We'll make it. BASHIK Oh, yes. The sun is getting lower and there's almost a breeze. Kelly, dusting himself, watches as a wind snatches the dust away. One of the bushes stuck to the side of the yucca suddenly leaps past them and then another. Bashik alerts, concerned. Kelly stands to look about, quickly clasps his hands to his face In pain and drops hurriedly to the ground again, rubbing his face and the backs of his hands. SCOTT What? KELLY It's like a million needles. Now the dust is blowing visibly and fiercely about them. All Three of them twist and writhe, trying to shield themselves from the stinging sand which Is already dimming the sight of them.