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GROSS GAMBLING REVENUE AND FEES ENTIRE STATE TOTAL STATE CLARK COUNTY CLARK COUNTY GROSS PERCENTAGE GROSS % OF PERCENTAGE REVENUE FEES(a) REVENUE STATE FEES(a) STATE $ 2,441,423 K1S 57,1 19,438 |BR1,070 32,833,634 57.5 1,481,881 64*5* 2,651,590 48.8 58.0 ............. 58,661,456* 33,727,265* 991 1,735,1 85 rj 46:3 1 1,138,279 56.0 6,143,409 ............ 224,226,001 HSRjll 1 19,437,016 Bla 53.9 1,226,643 ^I'TsUbo ............ 7.57% 13.03% i4ij incl ude tab 1 e and race wire fees, or 2nd Quarter....... 1962 Full Year... ?√ßg9gBHM Percentage Gain.. These;,|i|^pp^|bas^S|percehtage quarter of 1960, as indicated by the the f!r-?t three quarters of 1961; fourth quarter revenue figures are not ?√ßs>- - available. |||En9 fl|s computed on, gros^l^^H fro^^MiS^^^^^ullf^fi^/ quarters BM whSl are collected.Sig?╟╓i, YEAR WMm 1947! ?√ßMyi ?╟╓/! 949. l$5?½i BBI mmm BB 51954. 1955! msm 11957.. lEI 1959.. I960? 1961.. Wmm. 17-YEAR RECORD OF GROSS REVENUE AND PERCENTAGE FEES ENTIRE STATE TOTAL FEES :$"rf|paa3 684,125 .1,102,047 1 -1 39,336 .1,348,500 1,702,086 .2,305,761 wkm?½mw^Q . 5,312,444(a) tt0S?½II9 6 wmmr(*)H . 8,268,404(a) wmmkwsimB ?√ß 9,911,636(a) ENTIRE STATE GROSS REVENUE $ 27,014,313 Bf33%'66W3Bi 38,579,648 43,310,948 61,345,073 90,201,744 " wmmimwmm 119,746,742 154,642,376 pi^OO.743 224,226,001 |I||li|?║S CLARK COUNTY GROSS REVENUE $ 50,000,000(b) 60,320,000 MmHM 79,551,926 86,5Mqmffl 104,413,226 ?√ßiggf64,402 119,437,016 ?√ß^TO^S>82.i^ CLARK COUNTY TOTAL FEES $2,500,000(b)] ^3,235,000(a) .s<3-,6^8,^00(a), ;/,3,726,645(a) 4,657,803(a) 4,953,803(a) ' 5,347,079(a)2*?╟╓ 6,1.43,409 (a) (a) Fig u re does not i ncl ude pena I ties, race wi re and ta b le f ees, w he. eas other years do. ??teSBlMmi^th;^g|ing: Control Board#, the absence of detailed figures for the TAX EXPLANATION: 3% of^ gross quarterly winnings under $60??,000 ranging up to 5%% on winnings Nevada Page Twenty MOTOR VEHICLE DATA MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL CONSUMPTION Sales .Bppjk962 set a record for Erne'amoum|^tffiff(?ep!aKn^^^Br93!^^gg^lq^j!^laj|^miTOjmB||B^^jBeBjBe^S^^panf increas'e^ofJ 24.42 ibeilpenfeoveM^61 KG Iarkr'CounTOfflsaIesghlarger Koi^^aipnsSpf the state % OF YEAR 1962 YEAR 1961 INCREASE INCREASE girK County......._...................................74,198,293 59,636,002 14,562,291 24.42 10-YEAR CONSUMPTION RECORD - STATE AND CLARK COUNTY 4 953ggMggSggggi ..............................37,055,470 gjgl.QO.946.831 r, 105,981,546 SI4.96 ]955.............................. 37.03 ..............................42,950,723 120,442,671 * 126,067,200 128,631,700 " j^8p9'459- 148,309,070 Hj 46,539,735 169,890,519 nSl ^^7..: 36.18 1958............................... ..............................47,492,143 36.92 I960............................... ..............................58,027,611 39.13 .............................59,636,002 40.70 1962*............................ * Net d^Fiom^a^terimf0rid. 2% allomMsH and^dMMiAaajjj^Mdeduisted', Twhereasaother years are gross gallonage. MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION YEAR 1962 Motor Vehicle ....1 l|w7Q.; , YEAR 1961 . 9sSS % OF INCREASE INCREASE 4 1 ,(665 .85 Regi11nued*to climb in 1962, surpassing the all-time high set the Isgiar. Thein reg.thaB^^^^ampm^|^^^^B|^ll8?╤pe'r?.cehT gain,-, putting the county well over the 100,000 mark for tho first time. 10-YEAR RECORD .............MMM ...............................44,i86 60,443 ?╟≤.................. 6i ,549 1 5 ,!966 1959.. ................... .......................................... 73,353 ..................... 87,704 SOURCES: State of Nevada Department of Flighways, Nevada State Department of Motor Vehicle ^^Remstran^MBB Page Twenty-one