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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    SHEILA REYNOLDS i THE GAZETTE. SATURDAY. 'I.\K 7, \K?? il P7 6/?? Y Jee&L, Ritz Star Is A Hit A very handsome redheaded young woman called Sheila Rey- nolds is playing the closing show at the Ritz Cafe of the Ritz- Carlton Hotel this season. Traditionally the closing show is something special. For a cou- ple of seasons it was Comedi- enne Patricia Bright who ended the season, then Josephine Pre- mice obliged a few times. Judg- ing from Miss Reynolds recep- tion on opening night, she has joined the ranks of the special- ly favored at the plush cabaret. We think she deserves it too. A striking looking girl. she has a strong, pleasing personal- ity to match her appearance, good stage presence to add to the two and a singing voice to equal all three. Add to all this, a fourth qual- ity, a good repertory of num- bers. and a fifth, excellent mus- ical arrangements, and the re- sult is an unusually goot act. She approaches each song as a dramatic challenge and builds to a climax much as an actress would. This is a rare talent in a cabaret performer and when it is present the artist stands head and shoulders above the herd. In her repertory we particu- larly liked her My Fair Lady medley. The lead in to it is smooth and easy and her rendering ol the now famous numbers leaves absolutely nothing to be desired. Of course no act can get along with a good musical back- ground and Pianist John Gallant and the Paul Notar group pro vide just that. (lu KKP nt-Ly m MANAGEMENT SENIA GAMSA