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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    imtiimiiimm Page 5 COHVENTURES Russell Fifer, of the National Association of Concessionaires, is a Member of this Association which consists of airlines, travel agencies, hotels, and others who have anything to do with convention service and sales. There are approximately 200-300 people who meet once a month in Chicago. Fifer advised that they are interested in a Las Vegas night. We would have to provide entertainment at a cost of close to $1,000. Kelly has looked over the roster and feels that at the present time this should be passed as there are just a few people on the roster, such as Russell Fifer, who could do us much good. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES. WESTERN MEETING, If f t This Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Association of California Executives at Redondo Beach on Friday and Saturday, February 24-25, 1961, at the Plush Horse Inn, with an anticipated attendance of 75-100 people. This is a worthwhile convention to attend as there will be many California Association Executives in attendance, as well as a few of the National Association Executives. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRAVEL AGENTS The Bureau has been advised by the AS I^ Headquarters in New York that the ASTA Convention in Vienna is in jeopardy, because they have not signed a contract suitable to ASTA. Kelly advised that he felt that if the 1961 Convention was not held in Vienna, it would probably be held in Rome. Kelly emphasized the importance of getting passports in the event any of the hotel people could go to this Convention. It was suggested that Kelly write a letter to each hotel owner recommending that,if possible,they should have a representative to the 1961 ASTA Convention in Europe, explaining the reasons f o r t h i s. It was also suggested that Kelly get in touch with Senator Cannon during his trip to Wash., D.C. in March, regarding the ASTA Con- vention in Europe in. 1961 and Las Vegas in 1962, in connection with the promotion of tourism into Las Vegas and the Lnited States from Europe.