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I agree.DATED: MARCH 7, 1966 TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS & KEY PERSONNEL ?ç l Q' FROM: SAXES OFFICE SUBJECT: AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL TOUR #11 (Cystic Fibrosis) DATES: SUNBAY/MARCH 13, 1966 through T7EDNESDAY/MARCH 16, 1966 ATTENDANCE & NUMBER OF ROOMS: 100 ROOMS - 191 PERSONS RATES: FULL AMERICAN PIAN - BEVERAGE INCLUDED RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: BETTY TICE MEETING & FUNCTION SCHEDULE SUNDAY /MARCH 13, 1966 179 Persons will arrive at Alamo Airways via United Airlines - Common Carrier at 4:30 P.M, Transportation will be arranged. Balance of this group approximately 12 persons via United Airlines - Flight #345 at 2:45 P.M. All guest are to be pre-registered. MONDAY/MARCH 14, 1966 Entire group will attend the Copa Dinner Shot? (Mr. Marino has the details.) TUESDAY/MARCH 15, 1966 NO FUNCTIONS SCHEDULED 7JEDNE SDAY/MARCH 16, 1966 Group will depart at 11 P.M. via T.I.A. Charter Flight from Alamo Airways - Ground Transportation has been arranged. Departure time for guests who arrived via Commercial Carrier forthcoming. Bell Captain to pick up luggage at 2:15 - Transportation Unlimited will handle from there.