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I agree.AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL 1330 BOYLSTON STREET ?ç CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. 02167 ?ç 232-4264 Mr. A. Freeman Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al: It was certainly a pleasure speaking with you today. Hy Abrams was in this afternoon, and suggested that I write to you and ask for any information which you have presently for shows scheduled for January 1966. In addition to this, please send me a copy of all pieces of pertinent material that you may have so that we may decide what we would like to use. TRAVEL SERVICE, INC. Sept. 7, 1965 Sincerely, ITERNATIONAL TRAVEL Harold S. Low HSL:m and Sales Dept, material forwarded 9/29/65. Garden Room, Room Service) Menus, brochures (Copa Room menu,