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I agree.23. 58 ANGLE - PRINCESS She puts the shell to her ear but instead of any sound of the sea it is a swinging number predominated by the royal trumpet of King Louie. 59 MED. TWO SHOT - PRINCESS AND LUCYBIRD Lucybird notices the strange look on the Princess?╟╓ face and the sudden movement of her body, as if to dance. LUCYBIRD What is it, your grace? PRINCESS (handing shell to her) Listen to it. Lucybird takes the shell and listens; again we HEAR the same stomping number as the Princess had heard. Lucybird cannot restrain herself; she immediately starts doing the "swim.I LUCYBIRD It?╟╓s King Louie and his Swinging Knights! Lucybird continues doing the "Swim" until: 60 NEW ANGLE to include the Duke. DUKE How now! What subversive gyration does thou callest that? Lucybird recovers quickly and both she and the Princess are obviously frightened. PRINCESS It was just an exercise. The handmaiden, Lucybird, was demonstrating it. DUKE (moving closer) Indeed. (notices sea shell) And pray thee, what is this? PRINCESS A sea shell. I found it here in the garden. Near the gargoyle. (CONTINUED)