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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    6/10/63 Mr. S. 0. Stisj United Talent Mfesgeentr, Inc. &?║ ferth Michigan Chlty, aUan# Star SQr ?╟≤ Steeps It dm nice telhiag te pee e* the |6W?║ M St **** %& week with you again ?╜ Ml Skelton* X m enclosingm* mMiI on lid# eei weeld appreciate your making sure that ?╜9 ?╟≤* "Mltee cmtMim enclosed Bouche drawing. Mi pee teed m mmattarleS ea-the-deMla fteteJWr* Ml m last i?╜?╜'?╜ preftree ead newapaperelippM?? ?Σ≤ weald help M la preparing acme material te flit la with the event. A?? we entile# the aohatule twt see#If# ee will fly te St. Mdii ?╜ni yiMly water mm te BeQeela - X will he la teeth with pee Mae ee the eeeet detee ead Hint* St ween he elae to meet pee la ft* laelft ead M*e ever te the rear wten pee* He Ae have eee refuel regarding the Ms* eetup* Ml Ml appreciate It U we could have e plain white tiiMrf egeleet which he eeeSd week# with the head la Met tad below hia, If that la poaclble. he will he hath la teeth with pee eeeet hat meanwhile, If pee here any fuasttene, please eel! ?╜e. Itaieet rperils. AF/?╜#