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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    JUl en s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Laguna Beach, Calii South Coast Ne#s (Cir. 2,958) | MOV iff By ARTHUR O'CONNOR ^LUU. ~- jZqfceg&fai ithe sensational in motion pictures should not miss the opportunity of seeing "Pick up on South Street," ^drama of the New York underworld and J of communist machinations to discover the military secrets of __ this country. Richard Widmark. j talented interpreter of tough guy parts, plays the lead, and ' I finds excellent support from |Jea,n Peters, Thelma Ritter and Jj several other players. j Dan Dailey, June Haver and Dennis Day are the star names in the cast of the Technicolor musical, "The Girl Next Door," which has been given Sin elaborate production by Twentieth Century-Fox. Movie has more story than is usual in this class fp^tUi-tr and is plentifully nkled with original songs dances. Miss Haver's sing- and dancing is so good that ne audiences .must feel a twinge of regret that she is heyer likely to be seen on the screen again. On the conclusion of this picture^ she retired to the quiet and peace of a religious life. Acting, singing and da,ncing all come easily to Dan Dailey, who turns in his usual smooth performance. Dennis Day, best" known as the talented singer and comedian of the Jack Benny radio program, makes the most of the opportunities provided him. Mack Gordon and Josef Myrow are responsible for several hummable melodies. Surviving the horrors of a German concentration camp, I former vaudeville headliner Kirk j Douglas, in "The Juggler," arrives in Israel in a half-crazed condition, blaming himself for the gajs-chamber deaths of his wife and children. With hatred of all men in uniform he beats up a policeman and becomes a fugitive, ultimately finding sanctuary at a collective farm. Tracked down by Paul Stewart, as a detective, he plans to shoot: it out but the influence and love of Milly Vitale leads him | to give himself up in the hope | that psychiatric treatment', will jset him straight agajjgitf Douglas j gives his usual dynamic performance and the new Italian Actress, Miss Vitale, proves both bea,utiful and talented. Supporting parts generally are well played, and .the photography, largely shot in Israel, is interesting. id Chat a f more than I lywood and I Case of John and ^ Wayne has caused more usual interest in Holly woo ~ without doubt practically all sympathy is with John.: Mrs. Wayne's demand for *$9(i30 a- month "to maintain her in the style to which she has been ac^ customed," combined wim a further claim for the ?║tfpport 'of her mother in Mexico,5is so excessive that the court i?· not likely to give it a moment's consideration. John's offer of $900 a, month may find court approval. Joan Bennett is booked to go to Italy y$jjj]t?·?║* starring part in a picture agjtitled "Storm Over the Nile.'^^i^al- recently was reported vigitin^a Sunset Strip nightclub wraPhusband Walter Wanger, Seeing these two to-J :gether again caused some eye-| *^?·tm_ Jibing Jn Hoi lywood. jthroughl added! ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 I PRESS COPPING BUREAU 1 165 Church Street - New Yorir | &&" VARIETY ?·?╜NEW j&RK CITY JHM& iFrsBrifcte La???╜ teas* Fischer 'jack Fina Ore Bar of Music [Josephine Premice Bwigfet Fiske tm Bradford Ore | b Gray's Bandbox ^Bffiy^Gray ?? Moore & Lessy Biltmore Hotel Dorothy Claire George DeWitt - |G??e&*chis (3) Hal Dervvirv Ore l, Cafe ??ala Queenie Leonard i Madda feWoSf .. Wck Hazard Trio Ciro's B Ivanko Tpe Ray Anthony Ore Charley FoY's L Carter & Carti'r; Mary Foy M Padula - A Browne Ore Mocambo Joe E. Lews Austin Mack -* Oliver Ore I statler Hotel Xavier Cugat Ore 1 Abbe Lane LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Desert Inn ' N Sherman's "Aqua Fair j Weissmuller I Vicki Drives El Cortex Cooper Sisters' ! Dick Curtis ! E Skrivanek Ore Flamingo "Follow the Girls Willie Shore Rose Marie Continentals i Ganjou Bros & I, Juanita . ! Flamingo Starlets Frank Howard i Torris Brand Ore Bobby Page Ore Last' Frontier Copa Line Ray Sinatra Ore Silver Slipper Hank Henry Sparky Kaye Ebonaires -, Billy Barty Valerie Bard ! Jimmy Cavanaugn Bill Willard M G Palominos George Redman Ore Thunderbird Rex Allen Sons Of Pioneers Angelaires ???╜?·Btfsu^2^B: Revue hum in Dave Barry j Devlyn Dncrs USahara : Ames BraSf/^^s^; Jack Garter. V Merlin Strings Cavaliers Barney .rvawui.e- Normandie Boys K?? Duffy Daniktionsl Al Jahns Ore El Rancho Vegas 1 Gordon & S MacRae 1 El Rancho Girls ?√ß Bob Ellis Ore- HAVANA Magdalena de Paula 1 Manolin & ShiUnsk; Roland Gerbeau TRay Carson Emma Puyo 1 Bromley Celeste Mendoza s4?B0?? cronuey ?╟≤J3AO-3DUO 9l(i J93J pU 1 oaiS ifaq? sb uaapirip aqj oj A~\u t UMop snoap /o uojpodsur ooj avo^j- ssa[}qSrs jo dnooS y?╟÷\f(" ?√ßr Ed C. Lloyd: Film StaH v tail ber lied the \J\\ IH W\Midug Barbara Stanwyck, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant and Dennis Morgan are the fortunate participants in new and suc-i cessful oil development in the Denver-Julesberg Basin of nortji-i [eastern Colorado. i f" These Hollywood ^?╜Mgj^j Pasadena Banker, Elected AJ.B. President I to lacy ?√ßon- Bdit jfeins Hew ftper with Producer Danny O'Shea "^ and Hollywood and New York writer Collin ?╟? Miller, own a I substantial interest in Kugel- Hogsett - Hart- man No. 1 in the Little Beaver field, Washington County Colo. CLEVELAND, June 12.?╟÷Stetson B. Harman, trust officer arid i assistant secretary of First Trust and Savings Bank of Pasadena, Pasadena, Calif., has been elected president of the AmericanJftlli? tute of Banking, educayS^aJ section of the American Bankers Association. The election was held Thursday i All this \llis evening, June 11, with th?? result ?╟≤IL announced this morning. George Clark, assistant cashier,, IT Farmers and Merchants National l Bank of Los Angeles, was elected L. to the organization's executive ?╜ I council, the A. I. B. governing i511 body. p The A. I. B. is the largest edti- fof I cational institution of its type |n the world, with a membership of over 100,000 bank people. Its program is carried on through classes held by chapters and. study groups in 400 cities and towns and through correspondence study. s^^^^MHB L Ar Exchange |f5 Transactions "?╟≤*?√ß T Shares I ?Σ≤ftti. June 13 ........ ?║-il?$ t&l previous toy <?╜?╟≤ ?╟≤_ ..iS'ior 82,420,736 ,fsstsa:":a??si ft** Yesterday's tmnsactloM on the. 1W Angeles Stock Exchange:, iales ?╟≤ HIS" *~ 100 Am Vise 2a 4?? 100 Armour ^10; lOOBandiniPet 3 100 Bankline.40 9 100 BasinO .15g 5 500 Benguet.lOe 1 281 Bishop.l0a ir 200 BolsaChOll - 240Bdwy-HJ80 9 100 Ca^OiljWd ?? 100 Ches&Ohr3 ???? ffiSSSSSffirtZ ;____ 100EiK.60 32% Wkfprfjfr 900 Exeter O 1.50 1.45 1.50 +.?╜?╜^. lOOJ^gimSt tiakg&k 1111 %T40a M4 M4 X&r^ 340<??adM1.40 11% 11% H%+ ?╟≤?╜?√ß 8*0%lg??.f02 23 32% 23 + *- 200 KtttH?╜F.30s 15V* 15% }?v*??" '%L 200 MenascoM 3\ 2 x 3^^.05* 1200 MerchP 1-30 1.25 l.|| .'ggm 200 OieftBidQ 2.95 a.vo I v it 121BacG&E2 36 36 36 + .* 160 Ml%- 32% 30% 30%- % ft* 268moI^1rt3 58 100 PugSftU2a 100 KadioC%g 100 Reserve O 100 RiceO.04a .82 130 Safeway m^ap^tH 1 381 SigO ?╜^|?? 81 80% HO^i 239 Socony??V 301 S 350 Sofluic.80 14 100 SgBrndB ny_ M% ,fl%+ g |2213st^.3fr 11% 11% i|% ;;:^ SPM?╟? 19 io%w + ^ j| j 3000 Zenda Mb ?╜??>* 3?? .....11 ?√ß?╟≤; J58 .01 W ^pTACTlVE ISSUES', -^ fr >j|id Asked ^^_ Bid ASK?╜?╜ 111 do pf d 3f IK Barnhrt M IP* BlkMa .S^> Clary M B9 CnChM .10 FM Bk 3H Holly 1-W, v *?.%Pl.gt4J& 91% 9f%' feH do4**0 f" QR ny j..<?╜> QgDev .02 itTPet 1.1?╜| 1.45 Rexal Dr 81 1.15 Solar A 17 f* ..gCEaor 40% Igor^ .11 -H S*.%I883 PacClay'"|V* .I^SCGasA Pac Fin 26 % 27 " ,e.tQW?? rv- V?i?╜t 1 BAh ?½&t0N JEAN PIERE AU^ONT and Irene jSelznick, producer, an attractive I twain. She sponsored B'way's "Streetcar Named Desire" and, "Bell, Book and Candle" ... Fri-| iday's court decision in favor of hisl ex?╟÷giving her $750 a month, plus| 115 G's for counsel?╟÷to be appealed! Iby George Hearst, of gazette clan| ... Franchot Tone in a tizzy. Objects to Betsy von Furstenberg'sj junket to Germany to visit with her _ mother . . . AP willhave 82 staff-1 ers covering regal festivities in Lon-f I don . . . Helen O'Connell, canary, land Andy Mclntyre, Coast cafe im- pressario, trek to altar in August ... Donald O'Connor divorce on this week's calendar . . . Gal for Joe Bleedens. He's NBC'ite ... G. Jessel to be profiled by S.E.P. . . . Eastern group trying to fashion full- length film out of footage on, Hay- iworth-Kahn honeymoon in Africa. I MARION DAVIES and her spouse, j Horace Brown, shopping for Vir- ?√ß iginia retreat. So they can he near ?√ß 1 her money . . . Vic Damone andj; [Mona Freeman up to their necks in I %une . . . Choreographer Michael!' ^s flicker fee tripled since'' Can-1 ^fcijgiling . . . B'way's British! Blind Sets iigets for i*0* *m?╜_?·\<^-d ffc^o/5 ?╟÷oET ?╟≤sm^nn Quarter Aousa8^nagazine ^^-?╜ W0K ?╜$&$% ?feB. i Hodges \ Pre^re' Pair*d fo] if grew?Σ≤ **Wn* Wl ?╟≤ ?╟≤ Rirh 'i*2?5,&i f??rkshc 2ura* --fofi , Q??ug: >3"W // 'r??rtsshop flrj, to Ba??i??!l, fe- Con. Wind, ,^ion Le^t m^a![y> next. hon I r_W_W^Wm'St Jan /gio's ev Z ,A^C?·rWl