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    ESTABLISHED 1888 7($ BArclaY 7"5371 PMBOJPWS KjUAU JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Es^tm^8-Y; :"; Tlos angblbs - '*<?√ß$>. *V- San Francisco Ajrtfli * : ^oii^nd - Seattl4p- I Hollywood, Cw^j Reporter s|g?║T (Cir. 6,821) Poor, Las Vegas Start Gold Mush competition, derailed the cinema gravy train. High-salaried stars found themselves out of work with payments due on new cars, back income taxes and bills from the butcher, the baker and the swimming pool cleaner. Now the stars are back in Las Vegas on the hotel payrolls. Las Vegas, with its hot and cold ruflBISg^fice aad its 7,000,000 tourists a year, can afford the salaries to which i^Syie kings and queens are acoRstoj Weekly na^heck^lrom $|,000 to $15,0003are dflsified hej petty casj^MhanMed, of coume, by gorgeou^PettJrGirls. Just one hotel?╟÷thflf nejrSands-?╟÷spen#s $25, 000 a#weejr 'i9ffm(Sle la\_fh floor show#drfeJpied up by Jam. Entratter Jpf mew York's Jopacabana Clufiai its fMovie StarJ^-ln Person" y nig% along thp Great White Wly in Nevada, jpiich only $47 ,- 00|),000 ago wa^Hesert wasteland, EndorsprBig Checks itars whc^iave and will auto- grtoh thgn^facks of Las Vegas' bi?· checfts^nclude Marilyn Maxwell, now at the Last Frontier, Eddie Bracken, opening there April 13: Dick Powell, Van Johnson, Dick Haymes, Debbie Reynolds (she has an offer from the Flamisigo); Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jane Powell, Ezio 'Pinza, Jeannette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy, Dinah Shore (being paged by the Desert Inn at a mere $25,- 000 a week) and the same offer to Marilyn Monroe from the Sands, Wiggle-Hips Monroe, as Betty and Jane Kean quip in their act, probably will be asked to do a scene from her latest calendar. The 24-hour-a-day whirl: The Silver Slipper in the Last Frontier Village advertises: "Atomic Action Every Afternoon." It's a bingo game ... Tommy Noonan, wowing Peter Marshall and the customers in the Ramona Room with his clowning geaius, has written a comedy screeplay about two GI's which Fox may film co-starring Dan Dailey and Frank Sinatra. Howard Hughes just bought a Las Vegas home and, I'm told, bow-legs it around the place in western boots instead of his usual tennis shoes. Plans have.been okayed for the Casablanca. Estimated cost: $10,- 000,000. Golo'fown Glimpses Leon Chauveau, the world-famed Chef at the Sands, insists there are 1,000 different ways to cook chicken. (I wish there were many ways to make 10 the hare way) . . . There's a sign reading "Bar Nothing Ranch" on the main highway to Los Angeles. An eye brow-lifting teaser . . . The Kirbj Stone Quintet on the same bi! with Marilyn Maxwell, is as popu lar here a^ "21." The act, thej announce, worker on TV's Broad way Open House with two greai singers, Mel Torme and Buddj Grayco, with two great comics Jerry Lester and Jackie Leonard and with two great feminine starr ?╟÷Dagmar. Milton Prell, boss of the Sahara, is: still raving about Jeanette Mac- Donald's spotlight warbling in her first nightclub engagement for him but he confided, "She was scared stiff the first two nights, Then she relaxed and was sensa- ti@nal." It's Prell's prediction: "Las Vegas is just starting to &Xpw." Gay Nineties Warbler Beatrice Kay whispered it to me at the Sahara that she now owns a ranch in Reno, 40 miles from Harry Richman's cattle, Jempire. "It's a guest ranch/' she explained. "Harry raises cattle and t raise guests." Jimmy Durante^ inshirt sleeves, | is a permanent fixture at the Desert Inn's dice tables between! shows. But Jimmy's a shov^all byl himself while trying to Ps^^J^sl ;pernt." Sample Durant^O^^ "I think I'll throw 'f\_P^ window and we'll all s^^^ A" y $& w ?╜n'. NITERY NQTES THE ORIGINAL ?╟÷ DomeikE ?√ß* PRESS CLIPPINGS ?Σ≤ 220 W 19th St.,NEW YORK U, N.Y. 2^ TaI. CHelsea 3-8860 Set to ba?╜*TReggy Lee in her Ciro's en|S3^t>pfingKVne' 19 are ^ iMT^mh MOtndrnH Frankie" Pet^rcanaoli,/ trumpet and Frankie CaSingtTpianist Jerry f^we extended another two weeks at Pete and Billy SRyder's Melody Room. Arthur Lyons has signed the Grey- lords, Sfttrio, to open a week s run at the Saddle and Sirloin | Stud.o ?√ßCity starting next Tuesday.f)oodles and Skeeter, current attract.on at the Valley night spot, dose Sunday^ open next week at the CableGai/Vil lage, San Francisco, for a m^ Darvas and Julia open atjU-^ side, Reno, tonight w,thF?╜f/Ubuse and Margot Brander. Frariklg follows June: 25 for two^g Columbia recording sin* Nelson opens tomorrow at Hotel, Las^Vegas, for tw^ ^-PeTST-CTn^Hayes and wind at Reno's Riverside -._ night and come here for JunJ24 opening of four weeks at the A""" Cocoanut Grove, m w, Peruvian singer^R Surfll,, troupe are at Lewisohn Stadiui.., . --?√ß-?√ß York tonight following a top-b.z stand at Montreal's Sans Souci. Cir. (D 7,147) Charles e Sands Jt 1 sry Healy tel This Clipping From DAILY VARIETY HOLLYWOOD, CAL. H 0 LILIIY W0 OlDlrTl NIS I DIE1 ^BS RADIO/S/RfrMOTjpNAL FILM, "Ij^ Time For Everybody | I J ^ shown the trade for thelfirst time Tuesdjifi night at Ciro's, produced ?╟≤ its first immediate result yesterday when Jack Entratter, general manager of The Inlands. Las Vegas, booked Larry Finley into the hotel for a week of his j^llt'UJf.'jJSgfiiax furn. Entratt^^dewed the network short and was so enthused at its mes- J sage that lif| declared he wluld double the Sands' advertising budget on J radio. Finley will do his fab and plattePfetirit all of ne^Week from I 10:30 p.m. tp 4 a.m. at fne Sands wit|jjpt losing l^ocal sponsor on j his KFWB program. KFWB will get and air the show next nighty* on tape. ',-" \ . / ?╟≤ V BArclay 7-5371 ^liipSLIPPING BUREAU l65^Pfe|cb Street - New York SBOSTON, MASS. IP.MERICAN E^irc. D. 184,232 |jN 2 31953 ::m Jimmy Stewart. "Co-Sf&r -By LOUUMil O. PARSONS - HOLLYWOOD?╟÷Busy Jirii^ay Stewart practically walks out of the "Glenn Miller Story" into "Alder's Gulch," which is now called "Far Country." With that nice fat percentage on his pictures naturally Ji mmy enjoys working for Universal-International. J|i?·\M$eSS?·b& \fJ?·i.'8B_-9?·.?·' '* >?√ß ?╟? of He gefeas his co-star in "Far Counte^Ruth Roman and, cidentally, this is her first pictiire since she., and Warner Brothers said adieu. 'fSSii The same team that has made all the S|$&yart pictures will be with him again. Borden Chase has scripted Ernest Haycok's original story; Aaron Rosenberg is the producer, and Tony Mann the director. The story is an adventure tale which has to do with murder, Canada and the Alaska gold fields. - IRENE DUNNE'S comedy hit of many molte ago, "Theodora Goes Wild"/na\been taken out BArclay 7-5371 PR-SS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 fi*Mtc*v-Street - New York DAILY REPORTER HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. IWL2-5 _3sK?· NITERY NOTES Composer-pianist David Morton set I as musical director for Lynne Carter I and his four Cartiers, opening at Char- I ley Foy's supper club June 5. Harmonica player Leo Diamond set I for the Band Box show opening June I I with Billy Cray, Patti Moore, Ben Lessy and Larry Creen's musical trio. Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy planing to Reno today for Thursday opening at the Riverside Hotel. Champ Butler set for two weeks at the King's supper club, Santa Barbara, starting tomorrow. Mae Williams opened for a week yesterday at the Talk of the Town, Tucson. Billy Daniels, on English p.a. tour, plays two days a?·_jQstepd, Belgium, Aug. l^ft--"**^ _ ^fdna DeHaven set for threfe weeks atJ^LRgnel^o Vegas, Las Vegas, .Starting ?╟≤June 23, and Red Buttons forvtwo at the S4Q?·jj^,fi0?·ning July 29. jwilliam Morris agency handled. Pearl Bailey inked forJ?║uccessive week engagements at^rne Casino theatre, Toronto, and tbjrSeville theatre, Montreal, startiry^July 2. Following his l^day stand at the Jown Casino^fltfffalo. starting tonight, returns here on vacation. Darvas and Julia, who play a 12-day j engagement at the Canadian National Exposition, Toronto, Aufr 28, start a | run at New York's Latin Quarter Nov. f 22. I wrappings at RKO with the idea of re-make. I'll tip you off that Judy Holliday is intended for the star part. Judy would like to make a second pic.ture for Columbia a s Name For Herself." She has a date on Broadway for "My Aunt Daisy" and once it gets going- shell probably be tied up for a long time, just as she was in ""Born Yesterday." Instead of her usual "dumb" character, Judy .plays a straight dramatic role with tragic overtones in "Daisy." _ THE IDEA that Paul Gregory has f6r Van Johnson sounds like I natural. He wants to present Van in George M.~ mous "Song a^^fsapee Man,' and Van is jpily about the idea. Meanaiifue, Van has made his last Sglpper Club appearance, with the^Seeption of a return engage- , t at the SaT]4ihBi_litel T ff* gas next December. "Too haf^r k>rk," says Van. But I'd like to I that he will keep othej ,tes. There's nothing JT _ no matterJfcMjp^^^ the worK* To those of us who remember Lily MacMurray when she and Fred were married, and recall her great beauty and charm, it seems particularly sad that she died so young. Saturday was their 17th wedding anniversary. Never in Hollywood has there iteen a more devoted husband than Fred. He practically lived at-the hospital from the time she was taken there a month ago with a heart condition. Lily. had high blood pressure, kidney infection, and so many things, and yet, for a time, it seemed that she was going to get well. Bo Roos was with Fred those last few days, and was at the hospital when the end came early this morning. SNAPSHOTS OF HOLLYWOOD Collected at Random: Bob Precht, husband of columnist Ed Sullivan's daughter, Betty, has been promoted to naval intelligence by Washington, and is ex* pected any day from the South Pacific. Betty is here waiting for her husband. The Mary Kaye trio opens at the Mocambo tomorrow night, so in to hear Joe E. Lewis before he closed were the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. David May. The Burt Lancaster'children were so excited when their daddy came home from the hospital that they telephoned Ruth Water- bury to get a motion picture to run for hiai- as a surprise. So Ruth dug up "Johnny, The Giant Killer," a children's picture. Fortunately, daddy enjoyed it, too?╟? Remember Margaret Hayes, former actress? Well, she is the replacement in the Robert Montgomery summer TV show. Her husband, Herbert Bayard Swopes Jr., is the director. h^^^ Anne Francis has been tested for the role i%"King of the Khyber Rifles," which Maggie Mc- Namara refused to do. Scott Brady is walking on clouds! Laurence Olivier sent him the script of a play, inviting him to do the lead on the London stage in the fall. Gene Nelson, has . to raise ffteneces- sary -1 caMi to erty settlement, will open ' i Las Vegas uly 28, aftf a two. aulette Goddard sails on the 10th of July for another trip to Europe and a summer with Erich. Remarque. Louella Parsons' column Is a, regular feature of the Boston Sunday Advertiser. Louella Parsons" radio program is broadcast over WE'EI at 10 p. m., on Tuesdays. V^" Scott Brady is run at the Coca-