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    ESTABLISHED J88g BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU | 165 Church Street - New York CHICAGO, ILL. HERALD AMERICAN tirx^D, 548,908 - S. J 51.407 JUN 15 1953 f Louella 0. Parsons Jane Powell's Break P\Vi+h Mate DmMe BY LOUELLA O. PARSONS Motion Picture Editor, International News Service. HOLLYWOOD, June 15?╟÷Jane Powell feels so miser- I able with a bad cold pltfs the emotional upheaval.of divorcing Geary Steffen that she msty cancel two night club dates and resfyiintil she starts ^3it the Deck" witlp^Vic Damone in August. La^^developments in,}the impasse between Jane and Qeiry are: -"^packed up, bag and-baggage, and mdved out of the house over the ?√ß weekend. II x m*:Jpbe puts the home upfor sale tomorrow.^H^;too big. It's beei?║|agreed that she keeps custody wtmm children, with jpary having righ^of visitation. But the division of cdftjo&unity propertyjpasn't been settled,mjk.that's still tgi big legal hassle. fijf|s N iAKE P0WB1X. JACK W^|ER is teUing the world (if he*4rfp|me first he'd have a better break in this column) th|Pi| has closed a deal for the remake of "Moby Dick" -i&'mm QJ-egofy Peck. The great sea classic, made firg^pth John Barrymore, will be produced and directed Jp^TOjl Huston under the ^banner of Moulin Productionjfand Mased through War- ners. Elliott Hyman, hea^f Moulin, losed the deal with Jack. / The picture, whicb/^ih't start unt| Spring, will have^ all the trimmings, Th|ee??, wide scree* Warnerscope and the all-media cameraHJaifl everything elle you can think of. r Sands 3 ; Vegas, a beau- "( fine guid- WESTAYtoaf^ tiful spot witS^fe$cell?╜ ing hand of Jack Entri During th| jksn t^pool is the Attraction. At night, the supper room^^anoTOfl with customers who love both I bpt and operatic music^Metropolran Opera star Robert Merrill stops- tho shear'..?╜ejf nlghjf He's^allowed by that 1 sizlding master of the bluelU^HirA?╜ttS^hgingr-vyfai> %ri^^s the/ place down in a heap. * * ?╟≤ GEORGIA AND RED SKELTON'jgfr very much dis- | turbed over reports they're having trouble again. I saw ! them at the Flamingo having dinner with the Abe Last- ! folgels. Abe is working on a deal for Red, who staged a very funny impromptu show. Rose Marie, whom ^ haven't seen since she was a child performer, is the siarof the revue there and she has great style. .The lyrics of her songs are so original. When she sang about Three-D, she got a big hand from movie people present....'. iSiSIB iftpll! 7 w$* * JBj Wil's CONTINUING OtiSfe TOUR of Vegas, we stopped by the Desert Inn which is having a facelifting job. While this is 1 being done, an outdooi^Huacade, with Johnny Weissmuller ; starring, is the big shiip.'?√ß In Johnny's revue (I understand he'll tour Europe with it for ZO weeks) is the daughter of Meliza Korjus. She's a r?╜* *?? "I mo paItnd SB* ??╜?·?· h^ ?? WW *IPPFI fm MXXlWmOQ qanoq?╜?╜ ?╜PU?? Larvnn?1 S ^ PUB 8^" UOa fusSo^ Aiaqof "cWwSff qZ ? m J?? 8Uin??m 8AW*In Vmiiov uo^ma inn i v ?* mj *?? uoissassotf pa^nd Mfokt > ?╟≤uoanrCTi.IP?╜n JaA0 W saawa sill I-ubui pu?╜ piajj.iW mPair?Σ≤ l Ama 9q* w s^ims am -dns njk oqm 'xxompuddmp \m u* AWP??"?? * o?? uiatft vm *midsoq ?╜ uj W2juj9ao pamiuoo sqn?? 9X?½ ???╜?? ^PJ^sa* pear <:*?╜* 3H 'sno^ag *ou s?╜a AmfriN?? uio^j pa^oou* 'ttfraooig PRE^|jSp4 B(i!^& ^Hollywood Highlights: l Re-Make Planned p^\o.b^ Dick'^i; KfeBy LOUEH^ O. PARSONS Sjjffi'* < HOLLYWOOD, Jane i#*-*Jane P<W?╜i feels so mis- erable with a bad cold plus the emotional upheaval of divorcing Geary Steffen that she may cancel two night, club dates and rest until she starts "Hit the Deck" with Vic Damone in August. ; , Latest developments in the impasse between Jane i and Geary are: He packed up bag and baggage and moved out of the hot*s* <rir#.;<tti* tvee^kenC.. _' Jane w^t put the Home up for Safe tomorrow. It's too big. It's fteiiis agreed that she will keep custody of the children with Geary having rights of Vmt*Mt. feat the division of community pr?╜f?╜fty hasn't been settled, and I that's still tfee big legal fl^le. '*. %',,?·*?·?╟≤* FROM NEW Y0H8: TOMORROW JACK WAR- ner will tell th* world (if he'd told me first he'd have a better break in this column) that he just dosed a deal for the remake <?║?· "Mcfcfi;Dick" to star Gregory Peck. The great ses s&ary ma^p first with John Barrymo?╜& ^Will be produceotilldl directed W John JRUsI^ W^&t^ime * ?√ßMfavim^l Mouluf-fePo^ic^I^is and released througtt. Wajfe^i e^.,jXliott Hyman, h?Θ╝8$ --M&- Moulin, closed the deal wita* Jack. Thgjjjcture won't start un- with sfl^.the trt??|iT 2-0, t^esCr^8,:v . and &&'''?m_W feera?╟÷and i every- _m can think?√ß ?√ß <^*j 3E> AT Tffl^' l^tsWgas, 4 spot Inm es^i| thanks to t&^ and of Jack ,y7 the pool is Then, H^fghf, the supper room is jammed Iffi&i ?Θ╝&&* toraers who ^ove botll feot and operatic mw?·ov Metro* politan Opera Star flobert Mefrill stops the show every night followed by that sizzling master of the . blues,, LOuis Armstrong, who brings the pfoje down in a heap. 4W6RGIA AM5. RED -^sxerroir are Tery~nHttett &*~ turbed at the. reports that they're having trouble again. I saw them m ihs flamingo having dinner with the Abe Lastfogels. -Abe is working on a deal for Red who staged , a , very funny impsmxptu show. Rose Marie, whom I haven't seen since she was a child performer, is the star of the ^evue there and she has :3^eat style. The lyrics of her songs wew so original, par* I ticularly when she sang about three-D she got a big hand from the movie people presr I ent. SNA^HOTS OF HOLLY- JWbod cmeeted at random: Beet^jr Wyn, wfto had it bad for Dan Dailey, an& Gwenn O'Connor, whp dates him now, were in the same party at the Encore?╟÷but no Dan. The girls came in with Pete Rugoio. JSdy ?·anova airmails that she, husband, Pil Rivero, and the new baby girLs'fia?╜e home to the $an feftaando Valley the end of the month. Judy leaves the Florida hospital Tuesday. Camerajn^a were all over the Mocambo snapping Jennings Lang and Gussie Moran between Joe E. Lewis Shows. At the same #l*e$ Celeste Holm with Mladin Z^ubica ?╟÷how's that again! Found, an honest firL When June Horne was asked if she's marrying Richard Melvin she said/. He hasn't asked me*" jj |ip$;; .'?╟≤ That veisy fine skater, Jerry Rehfield, star of "Frosty Frolics," starts teaching this Week at the Jerry Page ice skating studio in Westwood. Eve 4#defc's two little girls are his first pupils.. What's this about Ralph Meeker beauing Lois De Fee, tallest striptease artist (6 feet 4) in the wofld, arotind New York? That's all today. See yoii i tomorrow. (Hear Louella Prir&onsl every Tuesday at 10fp. m.l on KQV). ESTABLISHED 188* BArclaY^A71 PRESS O-IPPIKO BUREAU 165 Church Street- - Nej|York LOS ANGELES, - j NEWS |t ?√ß--Circ. D. 209,165 - S. OT<? JUN 9 19531 Jack 6aver j NEV/ YORK, June 9.-(IB-rr%llu- lah Bankhead appreciates the $20,000 a week?╟÷"Af^ all, I've i always been v^^t|<^^e jump J a^rj.o| ^heshfcS^tespite all I t^fei'moril^'ye' m^e^n my life" bW-She doesn#:fp9rcy_ any more lint ch^Sf!togp^%ts. ; i i\Tahplng ov^ 4;te*initial ex- j/^-j^ent ioutf m^as Vegas, f 'him:, rafter, km ;su<*^|sftil debut j if a three-^Aktei^^en^nt,J^ 1 a the no'te^Tsta^. __J^|'?√ßboth:thrilled and frights It's a?╜rea'?Θ╝*strain to undertake southing like this,", she: lloubt if I'll be able to down until I get back Kome to my^Jouhtr^ place at Bedford, N. Y. "I appreciate the response the people have been kind enough to give me and the'/Jtielp-by the management of the Sands, but %~ yy$psatit wait for it to be pver."v , A-check with Mfes Bankhead's management* here, the William MSrrfe office^ disclosed that her success in Las V^asthad resulted in night^M offers from others places but that no 'more dates had been set. Not,,every j place, of course, can afford a $20,000 a wee^j^alary for one' performer, becasj^f only in Nevada do'clubs-have the benefit q?·:a^huge revenue from gam- "bikig. ? "it sounds like a lot of money for three weeks, doesn't it," the actress said; '"but I actually don't get much more out of it than enough to meet running expenses, considering the tax bite, costs of bringing a staff here with me, getting special gowns for. the engagement?╟÷ $8000 for,Vtfca^3gOwns -alone. It ?√ß^eSakl^tgoesJ"?^.^^^^ " Miss Bankhead, who did a TV show once a month ;for NBC last season; isn't sure what the network Will do with her in the way of video starting in Jthe fall. "There's been some talk of mote shows in the musical variety format that I used," she said, "but nothing definite. I'm not too keen on continuing in that form. I feel I would like to do a filmed* series of half -hour \ programs based on situation ] comedy, possibly with me play- I ing myself in stories that would stem from my activities and my home life _ ESTABLISHED MS BArclay.lf|7l PRESS CLIPPING Blft^U 165 Church Street - '^^pYork CINCINNATI OBiO &i&rA '85.283 - S.: 264k 15 14 1353 ?√ß'?╟≤. Tallulah M{ Don't Let f < NEW YORK, June 13 (UP)-j [Tallulah Bankhead appreci^ the $20,000 a week?╟÷"After *U i've always been about one jural ahead of the sheriff despite aL the money I've made in my life ?╟÷but she doesn't fancy any more night club engagements. Talking over this initial experi- ment^out in Las VegftSt Nev.,^ Moo/a; jgifter her^kccessful debut for a UPee-^lek^ngagement at the l^yijj^fe the noted stage ^^Miashewas both thrilled LfrightehedT ^v- ?√ß?? ?╟≤ *S Agrteatatrain to under- take%??methlng like this," she I'll to ptiLijeei back home to my country place at Bedford, N. Y. I appreciate the response the people have been kind j enough to give me and the helpl by the management of the Sands, | but I just can't wait for it to be I over." m * - * ?√ß A CHECK with Miss Bank-? head's management here, thel William Morris office, disclosed that her success in Las Vegas! had resulted in night club offers \ from other places but that no| more dates had been set. Notj everfc place, of course, can af-f ford a $20,000 a week salary for? one performer because only in| Nevada do clubs have the bene-| fitv.'wElv'a huge revenue from; gambling. * ?╟≤ * ^tHT SOUNDS like a lot of; money for three weeks, doesn't* it,')^ie actress said, "but I ac-| tually don't get much more out of it than enough to meet running expenses, considering thej tax bite, costs of bringing a staff j here with me, getting specialj gowns for the engagement?╟÷: $8,000 for the gowns alone. Itj really goes." Miss Bankhead, who did a TV show once a month for NBC last season, isn't sure what, the network will dd with her in the way of video starting in the fall.