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ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York VINCENNES, IND. SUN-COMMERCIAL Circ. D. 13,448 - S. 13,843 RITA, HAYMES TO WED TODAY Will Be Fourth Marriag for Both. By JAMES BACON LAS VEGAS, Nev.?╟÷ (iP) ?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried* to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes Thursday gambled once more with marital happiness. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sand^ Hotel. DistricF^?║$^fe= "F?╤ank MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast to -the iscreen star's lavish French wedding to grinee Aiy Khan in 1949. . Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be the bride's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's mar ri aged tp Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmin.e 3%, like her Moslem father, a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Pinal barrier to the weeing was cleared Wednesday whehjkHaymes copped a seven-minute' divorce decree from Nora Eddingtoij' Flynn . Haymes. Less than an hou\ la&er, I he brought Rita lack' to thfrcburt- house, where both nervously filled ! out the marriage license forms. j Should the government win its I deportation case against the Argen- | tine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita then live in? "I'm not going to be deported," he answered. "We I both intend to live in the 17. S. A." The crooner said he will move ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7.-537I PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street- New York HUNTINGTON, IND. HERALD-PRESS Circ. D. 7,819 | S. 7,811 SEP5J419S3 Rita Nervous As Fourth WeddingNears LAS VEGAS, Nev. Sept. 24. (UP) ?╟÷Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes, nervous as beginners, make it four apiece today when they exchange wedding vows amid the clicking of dice and whir of roulette wheels in a gambling hotel. While a gay mob of tourists play their chips in a casino downstairs, the flame-haired movie beauty and the crooner will say their "I do's' in the press conference room of the nlush^andsVhotel. g Rita, 3C^*^***ei**n exclted bride, made this ceremony the simplest of her career. Wedding No. 3 to Prince Aiy Khan featured champagne, royal guests and lavishdclothes. But for her fourth wedding, Rita chose an old dress of blue linen, a plain gold wedding band and a simple civil ceremony with no decorations and only 10 guests.-j^lf^ The actress, who usually dodges the press, this time invited them all?╟÷newsreel cameras included?╟÷ to the wedding, in this gambling mecca. eV;'^yfe|M^ Judge Frank'MacNamee was called in to ?√ß perform?╟÷th??--^ee?╤?╜Baoay only 20 hours after Haymes won his six^week, (jiicit Nevada divorce decree from Nora- Eddington Flynn ion grounds "she ..lost interest in : the marriage.,: ??|p| i| Haymejs,va native of Argentina, faces possible deportation on charges. Ifce "illegally re-entered this countrxJ$33& Haw^V He also is up to his pukfnose, m alimony troubles with wifJpi^/Joailne Dru. Nora divorced" 'iJwgBMte la& Friday, but had Dickgaiu* ^$fta worried when she deb&efr signing^ waiver to permit ?√ßtoday's marriage. Rita still hasnJtj?╜|ettled her a i-| mony with Aiy Rhai. gfci armed hotel guard hovers.^feiantly around Yasmin,,daughter"$8:88* and Aiy,, because,-df threapjfcesgibly from religious fcnsM|Bplphe girl's life. 'mfSH R9.y After the-cerfe^feyliita was scheduled to .DWiJ^Jtess at a luncheon for thedgt^t* and press. The happy coup^g-fcs&K<fo plans for the rest of the iJMand will honeymoon he?e untif Sutfday. Then they'll trek to Philadelphia, where Haymes begins a singing engage- , ment. into Miss Hayworth's suite at the Sands right after the wedding. A reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking. "Who marries,Rita Hayworth for cooking ? " the - singer asked. ESTABLISHED 1S88 | BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York j BLOQMFIEU)??INDN WORLD tj||rc. D. :a;230 ^Mfc?· S#^#t953 Hayworth, Haymes Vows Exchanged In Las VegaS By ->, Emily Belser International, News Service Staff Correspondent Las Vegas, Nev.,y(i$)?╟÷Movie queen Rita Hayworth and singer Dick Haymes climax their torrid but tangled romance today when they exchange marriage vows at the desert gambling town of Las Vegas. Rita and tfhe Argentine-born crooner i$||I wed at the .Sa.n4& Hotel in* wfyat they describe as a "cozy' ceremony attended only by a few intimates?╟÷plus a coterie of newsmen, photographers, columnists and newsreel men. However', the "cozy" marriage will be in sharp contrast to Rita's last wedding to Prince Aiy Khan. At that marriage in 1949, guests at Aly's villa on the French Riviera enjoyed a champagne-splashed nuptial ceremony complete with musicians playing love songs and a gardenia-scented pool. Those in., attendance will include Rita's two small children, Haymes' mother, the couple s lawyers and their wives, two hotel men and 26 newsmen. Jack Entrattar, Sands Hotel show director, will be the best man. Rita will be attired in a light blufe \ linen -afternooi}A|||^M '$$%"$& something M happen^:b_i ?√ß Jh^LVfe with; rue." She will wear a rust colored tulle *-;hat-.\and *t$iolil?║ Jtpi match and nj&yy;^blue sKBe|p|,*^ in 'sha^feuitrast to her ?╟≤J^^sh1 wedding* iw^'Prince- Aiy, BffaV "austerity rites" will include no music, no jewelry, no flowers and no gate crashers-?╟÷Jaer special guards will see to that. ~ District Judge Frank McNamee will perform the simple ceremony. Following the- wedding, Rita will be hostess ?√ß at a press luncheon in "appreciation for the way the press has treated us throughout this whole ordeal." ?√ßg The ex-Moslem princess, never noted for *6verfriendlihess with newsmen, did an about .face and declared: "I realize finalljpwhat a friend - ly and can mkn-in [presenting * the true- side of the case when everyone.|pilse drops away." jja A fourVlayer we^ng cake, with the; r-'traditiona^^ride and [groom on top, can be cut into 50 btece^i^,. The couple will "exchange simple gold wedding bands to sol- ferhniz^ the rites.' 3 I Ri?½ said yesterday, as she and Kayi||es got a marriage license: I vlJrlrant a wedding with no pl^^is- tiih^^te^^^^^^-" king Dick Haymes and that's all that matters." The last barrier to the wedding, was passed yesterday when; Haymes obtained a Nevada di-| vorce from Nora Eddington Haymes in seven minutes. When Dick Haymes* Riia Hayworth I and her daughters, Rebecca,, 8, | and Yasmine, 3, are shown in Las Vegan, where Haymes was granted his divorce from Nora 1 Haymes yesterday. informed 'that the record fori quickie" divol-cesgin Las Vegas J is four minutes, Haymes cracked: I "If I'd known I had a chance to I break the recordyl'd have talked jl faster." 1 Haymes ytold district Judge Frank B. Gregory that his marri- ! age to Nora fell apart fepause of 'general- ijicompatability." The ?√ßcouple will reraii!n' ifF^s Vegas,dover the weekend, then will fly to- Philadelphia, where Haymes is scheduled to open a .singing- engagement Monday if the expee|ed continuance of his deporta^^ is granted, y In chronological order, Rita's former/jhusbano^ gyer& oilman Ed Judsoj^^er Orson Welles and Aiy Khan. ||&jjffo&s* previous wives^ejy nijfit eliirajsinger Joanna dl/tarshaljg film, Jlp Joanne Dru and Nora. Eddinmm Flynn, forni^vrife 'of Actoi^Jflwol FI^el^ IBuch Haymes. and hi.- bi kit- to jl be are beset wjih. legal'. problems, j fiita still haso^hot ( arrived at a ' financial settlement with Aiy ; 'Khan.,, after miucly trans-Atlantic j discussion. A^a^h6W* hfer two | daughters, Rebfctfca and ^Yasmin, j have been thre'a^'ed with bodily harm . throu^^^o.. ang^ynious | letters. B Hayn|$,^boi^^ ents in A$||ent|$|f^ tion because hefj entered the couhif ter having \^itj^ijjf lu last May.' 'T^l^|pjp^ is based on provisions ;'oP?fne McCai^^i act which Haymes' attorney^/ challenged. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York LINCOLN, ILL. COURIER Circ. D. 6,622 ' S?·P^1953ffi Haymes, Rita Gamble Once More By JAMES BACON LAS VEGAS, Nev. (ffV-While [nearby crapshooters tried to make |seven and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes todayv gamh^[; once more with matrih^yf'^ol The 34-year-old actress and her 'crooner, 35, will recite vows each has ..aid three times before, in a !simple cer.mony in the Gold I Room of the Sands Hotel. ! District Judge'Trank MacNamee iwjll officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be jthe only attendant. Photographers and reports will outnumber the invited guests three: to one. GREAT CONTRAST The unpretentious affair will be quite a I ephtrast to; the screen star's lavish French weddi&g to ?√ß Prince g^y.Khan in 1949.|i|Sy: -Onlafguests invited are business! and l?╜jM''.liissociates of ,thegdfuple.; The omy rtlatives^en hand^mll be the ^r^^. two daughfers|| They are :M$b]?║b%a., 8, thed^Cfsttling of Missi l^^orth's marri&?·e|to Orson We|^i,^and"1h^]^^ims Yasmin* ?^^ -iv^?,T 'jPiM^s08^111 ^a~ ther a direct descendant |.of the prophet Mohammed: ?╟≤ ?╟≤. F^pfL "feffl^rier tt^fes^^S was cle^ra??^|^nresd^|!^il^n Mayme's cop??^fH^yen-m^p|e^v?╜ce de- cree-'-frdm Nora Ecldin^tort Flynn Haymesl Less- than,-an'-hour later, ! he--..broue;ht RiTa.'back' .togthe court- hoi%C^ww^pe v^oth-^'feervd^ily filled ovt^ra^tl^eSria'^17'?╜d6Mfe forms. WHERB^O^?·i'5rE/' *TM Should^pfe:<'g;overnmjprt , win its deportation^ase against the Argen- tine-borp<*?╜rooner> what country, Will'j|^,^|^ Rita then live in .'"i^f'not going to be.deported," he a$^e^$j_??' yfetfySm iatend to .l|v^., ^^h4*t*Ji*AaT * ' TfaeH^roon^r said ho will move intoAjpiss Hayworth's* suit#4at the Sands right after the Redding. A reporter aske'd fti&IPA'he had eyer pasted any of iFtita's. cooking i:^?wSo marries Rita Hayworth for cooking" the singer asked. ESTATOsHfD 1888 BArclay 7^71 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York RLUFFTON, IND. NEWS-BANNER Circ. D. 4,046 SEP 24 1953 Exchange Vows LAS vJ^AS, Nev. OP) ?╟÷ Rita Hayv^orth and. Dick Haymes, nervous as beginners, and make it four apiece today when they- exchange wedding vows amid the clicking of dice and whir of roulette wheels in a gambling hotel. > ... The flame-haired, movie beauty and the crooner will say their "I do's" in the press conference room of the plush JSands Hotel. Rita, 34, acting" Tike"-an excited bride, made this- ceremony the simplest of her career. Wedding No. 3 to Prince Aiy Khan featured champagne, royal guests and lavish-''clothes. But for her fourth wedding, Rita chose an old dress of blue linen, a plain gold wedding band- and a simple civil ceremony with no decorations and only 10 guests. Newsmen Invited The actressgviiftl'.usually dodges the press, this time invited them .all?╟÷newsreel caiaiiras included?╟÷ to the wedding JlPthTs ?╟≤ gambling mecca. Judge Frank MacNamee was called in to perfq^m-the ceremony only 20 hours a-fwijl;; Haymes won his six-week, quick N.<^pda ^ivorce decree from Nora Eddi^gtoEfe Flynn on grounds "she losf^iQte^est in the marriage." May Be Deported Haymes, a native a'etfb'Argehtina, faces possible deportation, om Charges he ille^ply re. entereddfjte'h i s country fromd Hawaii. He . also is up to his pug nosed^pAalimony troubles with wife 'Nod' '2, ;Joanne Dru. Nora divorced Haymes last Friday, but ha<|*^^^and Rita worried when she delayed signing a waiver to permit today's marriage. After the ceremony, Rita was scheduled to play hostess at a luncheon for the guests and press.