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    KMpusHEft* I888y' |SArciaY 7-537l3 pREssWJ!6 ?Σ≤?!im ^AYliiPLLB,JB?' BREE^CQURIW : .cii-CT- 9i6vm Rita Hay worth, Dick Haymes To Marry Today Las Vegas, /Nev.g 2B '?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the SandsJHo- tek District Judgp Frank MacNamee will Officiate at the five- minute ceremony. -Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be the bride's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, 3%, like her moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet Moham med. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared Wednesday when Haymes copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour later, he brought Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Should the government win its deportation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what coun^ try will be and Rita then live in? ! 'Tmjitbt going to be deported' ! he an||pred. **We both intend to live ij&f the U. ?║. A." Th^^poi^er said he will move into l^^'^Hayworth's suite at the Sands 'tight after the" wedding. A reporter asked him gif lie hiad ever tasted an^qf' Rita's cooking. "Who marries Rita Hayworth 7^CQpking?" the singer asked. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING 8?║|EAU 165 ^^dkJtef^ -~fo*ijifffork FORT^fctoNS, CO&0. CQlQg$DOAN IRita and Dick j Going East LAS VEGAS, Nev. UR?╟÷Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes are on the fourth iW4^r?i10^^,f??9i|^f them I following"a flashbulb-lit' wedding in a gambling resort hoteif|| "I felfvwond^wilyha^pjljf' thej reU-hai^dA'bride a said.-, ?╟≤?╟≤apiir the three-mijtiute ceremony" ^p^grsday. j "I am married Ibivifiie m$$P really love. Iiipounds' so worj|prful to be called Mrs. H^ym^^w The i&fi&il, stjifr ahd HD^*rooner wip fly^^l^ew^Srk, Saturn ay and later t^^PhMd^tta, .'^fags the biidegi'obab^tMtK^ nigMmub engagement- Monday nigl%f^p To Livjb jl* '^as?·?·'% ?½M$%a_te\el?8KJ^ fact^iothing, will eyer t separi|^'us^^t|ta declared.1'She sai^^hf'lldl^iel with Haymel* qj$ Jhis jiight club tour. They *$$i^r%ted Aa '-|||pseg Greenwit!|j, ^i^^MissAJiayworth said she'll commute betwee^ the^e and Hollywood ;;for gone picture ye^f. fK ?╟≤ as performed oNamee in the &tej- IrBanigra- eantiine, the could take The ceremorj by Judfa Fr Gold ?w|jttf -In cohnecj tion driSjjT honeymcK$ipffl?║^^ cheer fyojn a Tetferal court decision Thursday ih/ Miami, Fla. Immigration ,official there said it 'very likely will.have great effect on the deportation case involving Haymes." Illlll^ii Construes Act T Haymes, a native of Argentina and an alien, has been charged with reentering gthis country illegally after visitipg Miss Hayworth in Hawaii last spring. '?√ß?√ß ?√ß , In the similar-case ,e at Miami, tr.S. Dist.,.Jgg^phn W. Holland ruled that tited^e^rn of Harry 0. Voiler, 62, Sovibefi- Miami Beach newspap^^ublisher, from Puerto Rico in'4^^'"<l^|rhot\Constitute an entry into the Unnld States within the meaning of the 1917 Immigration Act." Puerto Rico and Hawaii are insular possessions of the United States. Judge Holland held that "for a resident alien to make a reentry, he must go to a foreign port." ESTABLISHED 18 BArclay 7-5371 PRESs'cLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York SPRINGFIELD, ILL. STATE JOURNAL ^ Circ. D. 52,303 SFP 25 1953 Rita Bride Of jDick Haymes [ Wed In Gambling j Hotel Ceremqt|^ ?√ß | Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 24 (UP) {Red haired Rita Hayworth and j crooner Dick Haymes, with all the | aplomb of professionals going J through a well rehearsed scene, jwere married here today in a Igambling hotel ceremony. ] The press outnumbered the by nearly 3 to 1 at the j floodlighted ceremony which was' delayed 45 minutes because District Judge Frank McNamee was tied up in his court by a jury trial. McNamee finally rushed in and took his place in the gold room of the Sands | |iotel. Rita and Haymes, who had been waiting in an adjoining office, then slowly marched in while cameras ground. McNamee quickly read the marriage vows and both said- their "I do's" in clearly audible tones. Rita, wearing a blue linen dress, carried a bouquet of white orchide and she trembled slightly as Haymes slipped the ring on her finger. Later she put i finger also. BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BJ^EAU 165 Church Street - New York CENTRALIA, ILL. SENTINEL Circ. D. USB SFP fjjgf Rita, Dick Are Married^ In Brief, Flashy Rites ESTABLISHES) 1888 df*]) BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU l65gChurch Street - New York CETNTERVILLE, IA. fljfe^'irc..[}. 5,777 SEP 24 1953 LAS VEGAS, Nev. IP?╟÷Rita Hay- wortfcu-JftMiJ DTclL",,"Ilaymes are on the fourth honeymoon for each of them today following a brief flashbulb-lit wedding?.in a gan\h$ng xe- sort hotel. ". gV *'jffi[ "I feel wjsiderfully haj??^,, the. redhaired Mdje' said i?║|er the three-minuiff?". ceremony!' %?il am married to the< maurl rel^ly Jove. It sounds so wohderful to-be called Mrs. Haymes." The movie star and the crooner fly to New York Saturday and later to Philadelphia-, where the Horide- groom starts a night club engagement Monday night. "Our careers,' in 'fact nothing, will ever separate -us,V Rita declared. She said she'll travel with Haymes on his night club tour. They have rented a house in Greenwich, Conn. Miss Hayworth said she'll commute between there and Hollywood, for one picture a year. The ceremony was 'performed*, by Judge Frank JkaicNamee'; dn,i the Gold Room jdf.gtfte ganda- Hotel. Roulette gan^epyand sToTUliieMBiep continued wh&ing in the nearby casino. Rita's tw^ffaughters, Rebecc$, 8, by her marriage to actor Orson Welles, ar|& v|??rincess Yasmine, Wm by ejs-husband Aly-mKhaij, looked on -trmk^ .'divan.3 ;?·| The bridal > couple said tkW? '%' do's" firmly.; Big tears caMe^tnio Rita's eyes vat the wordsiy T^e' double-ririg^ceremony was ojyer.ibp-' fore she ?╟≤ gQt her ring oh Dick's! finger; she. put it on afterward.' Little Yasmine shrilled, ?'JVIama, I want a ring, top," Miss Hayworth wore a short - sleeved,1 blue linen dress, a toast- 'colored tulle and velvet hat and matching gloves. Her bouquet was of orchids and lilies of the valley. Haymes wore a blue pin-stripe suit with blue tie. Before her marriages to Welles jand Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to oilman Edward Judson. Haymes' previous wives were actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, ' ex-wife of Errol Flynn. Z^\ In connection with his immigray tion difficulties, meantime, thel honeymooning crooner could take cheer from a federal court decision Thursday in Miami, Fla. "fn a similar case at Miami, Judge John W. Holland ruled in Fesder'al District Court that the return of Harry O. Voiler, 62, former Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico in 1951 "did not constitute an entry into the United States within the meaning of the 1917 Immigration Act." Puerto Rico and Hawaii are insular possessions of the United States. Judge Holland held that "For a resident alien to make a reentry, he must go to a foreign I port." ; SIJB*! [Hayworth and Haymes [To Ajjprry Thursday j MS vreaftK, Npv.. m ?╟÷ While j nearby crapshooters tried to make. J sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth J and Dick Haymes today gambled J once more with matrimony. I The 34-year-old actress and her MARRIED AT LAS VEGAS ?╟÷ Singer Dick Haymes gets to know his new family better as he and actress Rita Hayworth, who were married Thursday, take a few minutes rest at their hotel. With them are Rebecca, 8, daughter of Miss Hayworth by a former marriage to Orson Welles, and Yasmin, 3, daughter by her marriage to Prince Aiy Khan, whom she divorced recently. crooner, 3^^will recite vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sands Hotel, District Judge Frank MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be the bride's two daughters. They \ are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, VA, like her moslem father a direct descendant ^ of the prophet Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared Wednesday when Haymes copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Hayes. Less than an hour later, he brought Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Should the government win its; deportation case against the Argen^ tine-born crooner, what countrj will he and Rita live in? "I'm not going to be deported," he answered. "We both intend tc live in the U.S..A." The crooner said he will move into Miss Hayworth's suite at the Sands right after the Wedding. A reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking.' "Who marries Rita Hayworth for cooking?" the singer asked.