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    PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Streei - New York LA SALLE, ILL. NEWS-TfRIMNE Hayworth, Haymes Married, Leave on Short Honeymoon LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)?╟÷Rita' Hayworth and Dick Haymes are on the fourth honeymoon for each of them today following a brief flashbulb-lit wedding in a gambling resort hotel. "I feel wonderfully happy,'"' the redhaired bride said after the three-minute ceremony. "I am married to the man I really love. It sounds so wonderful to be called Mrs. Haymes." The movie star and the crooner fly to New York Saturday and later to Philadelphia, where the bridegroom starts a night club engage- iiieiitr Monday inight; "^^jjfe*J^**emr* "Our careers, in fact nothing, will ever separate us," Rita declared. She said she'll travel with Haymes on his night club tour. They have rented a house in Greenwich, Conn. Miss Hayworth said she'll commute between there and Hollywood for one picture a Xear, Games Nearby There ceremony was performed by Judge Frank MacNamee in the Gold Room of .the Sands Hotel. Roulette games and sTolTWiifHfie^ continued whining in the nearby casino; Rita's two daughters, Rebecca, 8, by her marriage to aCtor Orson Welles, and Princess Yasmine, 3%, by ex-husband Aiy Khan, looked on from a divan. The bridal couple said their "I do's" firmly. Big tears came into Rita's eyes at the words. The double-ring ceremony was over before she got her ring on Dick's finger; she put it on afterward. Little Yasmine shrilled, "Mama, I want a ring, too.** Several hundred persons lined the way as the couple,, arm in arm, walked from her quarters in a remote part of the hotel to the ceremony. Miss Hayworth Wore a short- sleeved, blue linen dress, a toast- colored tulle mdivelvet hit and matching gloves:; Her bouquet was of orchids andglilies' of the valley. Haymes woHga- ?╟≤ blue ,pin-stripe suit with blue""lieyogg'd"'- '" We&'lBJjffifc', \r Before her marriage" to Welles and Prince Aiy, Rita was., wed to oilman Edward Judson. Haymes' previous wives were actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, ex-wife of Erroll Flynn. The crooner got a Nevada divorce Wednesday from Nora, who obtained a California decree from him last week. ?√ß In connection with his immigration difficulties, meantime, the honeymooning crooner could take cheer from a federal court decision yesterday in Miami, Fla. In a similar case at Miami; Judge John W.-Holland ruled in Federal District Court that the return of Harry O. Voiler, 62, for: mer Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico in 1951 "did not constitute an entry, into the United States within the meaning of the 1917 Immigration Act." Puerto Rico &pd Hawaii are insular possessions of the United' States. Judge Holland held that "For a resident alien to make a reentry, he must go to ""a foreign port." ESTABLISHED 1888 ' BArclar^g PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York TUPELO, MISS. jourIal Circ. D.|?½,809 SEP??1983 . Rita Hayworfh, Dick Haymes Plan 'Simple7 Fourlji Marriage LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 22 (UP)?╟÷Rita Hayworth disclosed today .shje/Utt f$$$EV d-et#NKSJ?" 1?fSfc Hayra?╜I*in a :b#tei conf^nijf r$6m Thursday witft.?╜nly iluie gupsts and the pr?║ss looking on.?╟≤?√ß*- "Wejlwant. a simple. ;^^ping," Rita mid. "This onegisitpo im- portanpto me to* clutter *fp with a lot Mi unnecessary frills. ''It'&aenough that we glove each other land we're finally getting mari3m| after so many difficulties." Rita^|ill wear a simple, straight blue ]|&& afternoon dress that will %hbw$^heig "deep sun-tan. She sent ftf her Los Angeles home for abei^pbat and gloves. She'll wear orchids,! Th^bridegrooi^ will wear a dark blue suit for the?·simp]$ civil cere- mon&ybefore st#t?· District Judge! Frai$s^cName^T$e' couple will! exch$$ge'plain gold wedding bands! Thj^gtre%^tj|Ie fotitth wedding! for id|h also yjm+be\ his ^attorney, j Davfd|Marcus,^Mld''MrsrMarcus; Rit^-mtorrteyj^^rtt^^Gpum, and hisj&&4; the $t$j|s $?·ildren, Re-! beflaf, m and' Ysfemhi,. 3; Genie B^J^& then* nurs^;ifand Jack' E^at^;a^lfa^rFr^dman, two ofTOte^fen^bs^Df the jjands Hotel. The- ceremony'''will--" be held in the;3.Sand&'A;GbM Room,, locale for press conferences ffflp.lbelebrities; vpir?╜tbp; ^^??3flh^^<ga1hftbling spa.! Alter they I a&s,^Tlita and Dick! will -be host" rto kM&?╟≤?╟≤'?╟≤visiting press! s?╜sgle weddlti^^HH^^'^hotograph- e^.-rjRjr newsre^sls .^pai^ television,; a :jK?║tel ^snokeintaixff^aid. ffi& fcbuple plan to honeymoon! at 4h?╤-S?╜hds b#^' the weekend! and thett:g**rayel to Philadelphia,! where Hajmes will open a night I club singing engagement. Rita revealed sTie and Jbymes will fprs ake J3blly wood '>?√ß toJlive in Greenwich,.d|ld6nn., "becwXse it's neaireEdpick'.^ TV. worfc>dand better for the childfeixs^c She'll return to THoflywood only to work in movies. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPIN0BUREAU 165 Church Street,': New York AURORA, IjLL. BEACON NEWS Circ. D. 27,512 i|p28,338 SEP2B19# TAKE CHILDREN, %PG TO N. Y. LAS VEGAS,', Nev. 4??-Honey- mooners Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes left by planfflgJtor New York early today, along with 'her two daughters jand his Jboxer dog, Brutu$. 1 , - The^youngsters, ftebjicea, 8, and Yasmine,- VA, were somewhat disappointed at the airport because time didn't, permit talm'to see Haymes' dog whiehy-iiad been placed in the airliner's! baggage compartment at Los Ahkeles. & The actress and crooner, mstr- ried at the jSands HbteLhere in-a three-minute eerembhy Thursday,, appeared to be.exited as they left this gambling resprt. They took 16 pieces of luggage" with them. Haymes is due at Philadelphia Monday for a singing engagement That same day at Los Angeles, hi? attorney will < ask for a continuance in a deportation hearisg against him. BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CtlPPIN%&REAU 165 Chureli; Street -^few York HUNTS VILLE; ALA; TIMES Circ. D. I6,65'6A>:J|'|6,923 Rita And Haymesl Wed In Las Vegas Five-Minute Ceremony j Fourth For Singer, Andj Beauteous Film Actress LAS VEGAS, Nev.' ?╟÷ UP)?╟÷While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows,each has said three- times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room I of the Sandfl,,,Jfetelfr District Judge Frank MacNamee j will officiate at the five-minute ceremosiy. Jack Enm^er, fbneral manager of the Sands, will^be thej only attendant, fejptogp-aphers and j reporters will outnumber the in- if ! vited guests three to one. | Only guests invited are business | and legal associates of the c?║|ipie. J iThe only relatives on hand'TO& be | : the bride's two.^daugfyters. : Bolh'Haymes'A&lcl Rita' claimed I \ i permanent residence in Nevada, r but"said they will^s^^'moye near | Greenwich,- Colin.,], where they are | looking lor n c[ y i.gJ,,,'"'':All my w6i$t i^fe^ylhe East," j ithe crooner exp^ain^d,,^ . | Miss. Hay\vortU;.;s.a?╜r. -she plans I ! to; commute . between the E ast j Co|||rg&iid fiolly\^p8' for picture I j makieig. " j The crooner said he will move I jinto Miss Hayworth's suite at the | Sands right after the wedding. Ajj reporter asked him if he had ever j {tasted any of Rita's cooking. ."Who marries Rita Hayworth! |oo? cooking?" the singer asked. I ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York CARROLL, IA. TIMES-HERALD Cir. D. 4,492 SEP 24 ^IJIL |feita Hayworth, Dick Haymes Try Marriage fer 4th Time By JAMES BACON LAS VEGAS, ^Nev^ UR?╟÷While nearby d!^!^SJroot''53pyl^*5^ t0 make seveng|8ind elevens, Rita Hayworth and lapjk Haymes today gambled o|ice JEObre with matrimony. JThe 34-year-old actress and her ciponer, d?║5f will recite vows each We. kaid three times before, in a mgiple ceremony in the Gold Roffln.' ot',l|e Sands Hotel.Jffx&Sj^ffi ?╟≤District Judge Frank MacNamee wiiiv..^ officiate at the five-mMiw| ceimioay. Jack Entratter, general manager.of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited -guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be the bride's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's n^arriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, 3%, like her Moslem, father a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. .?√ß^,.-,^p|^|? Finai barrier to the wedding was cleared Wednesday when Haymes copped a seven-minute divorce decree, from Nora Eddington Flynn Hayihes. Less than an hour* later, he brought Rita back to the^court- house, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. . Should the government win its deportation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita, then live in? "i'm not going to be deported," he answered. "We. both intend to livein the U.slA." The crooner said he will- move into Mis Hayworth's suite at the Sands right after the wedding. A reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's coofking. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-J537I PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York AMES, IA. TRIBUNE Circ. D. 5,421 ;li>ER24 1953; Rita and Haymes Marry Today ?║| LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes,. nervous as beginners, make it four apiece today when they exchange wedding vows amid the clicking of dice and whir of roulette wheels in a gambling hotel..{jf^'i Mwhile a gay mob of tourists play iSi chips in a casino downstairs, 1^ flame-haired movie beauty and the crooner will say their "I. do's" in the press conference room of the plush _Sands Hotel. Rita, 34, acting like an excited bride, made this ceremony the simplest of her career. Iky^edding No. 3 to Prince Aiy Khan featured champagne, royal guests and lavish clothes. But for her fourth wedding, Rita those,'^h old dress of blue linen, a plain gold wedding band and a simple civil ceremony with no decorations and only 10 guests.' '3i^SMl The actress, who/usually. dodges the press, this time invited them all?╟÷ newsreel cameras included?╟÷ to the wedding in this gambling mecca. Judge Frank MacNamee was called in to perform the ceremony only 20 hours after Haymes won his six-week, quick Nevada divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn on grounds "she."i^V*'!i|iterest iri: the marriage." Haymes, a native of Argentina, faces possible deportation on charges he illegally re-entered this country from Hawaii. He also is up tct his pug nose in alimony troubles with wife No. 2, Joanne Dru. -Nora divorced Haymes last Friday,' but had Dick %nc Rita worried when she delayed: signing a waiver to permit today's marriage. "Rim.still hasi|''tg^|ttled her alimony with Aly^3Pfc%3ft; An armed hotel guard hov|rs.fc|||-B. s't a n 11 y around jYasmin daughter of Rita and Aiy, because ofl^uieats, possibly, from religious^ Aiatics, to the little girl's. U^^j^J^i-^ ^t,ef tl^ceremoa.^ Ijltta was scheduled t^^layjj^^ss |f a luncheon for i5|&;;%uests and press. The happy couple had no plans for the rest of the day and will honeymoon here until SundayJ Then they'll trek to Philadelphia! where Haymes begins a singinJ engagement. .