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    WHEELING, W. VA. NEWS REGISTER Circ. D. 29V943 - S. 44,918 siP'lJpa | ?√ß_____. ^_- Famed Couple Sink Knife 'Into H_^qW:fiddiii$Cake ?╟÷\5n\Wk Press Telephoto $a|||yS'.; Actress Rita Hayworth and singer Dick Haymes cut a giant wedding cake Jailer their marriage in Las Vegasg The couple was married less; than 24 hours after Haymes receivl?·d his divorce from his former wife, Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. \: TV Cagteras, Flash Bulbs Herap 'SlmplJf Wedding for Rita, pick (Chicago Tribundfep^ss Service) a^LAS VEGAS, |[^L Sept|fe-- Rita and Dick w^#lnarrie{fehere yesterday sin whffik passes J^r - a simple ceremon^p|?║ thesejgjjarts. Press Agent Afflgjjfceman&s&iged it. Flash bulbs ol|Pfetill^mera men blinded thp^?╜fe%ts itSS; the spectators who 'sfteakedaSl&lf gthe -S&qds Hotel GoldLK$6mm&rid the grinclIlK1 W'TWr 'televisiori^eam- eras all but dr^h^edfc our the solemn words- .'^||^(?║ dc^ficiating judge. ^r?s lfi'*39[ All of the^prj^e^'^:fj|i?.e, old pros at this sort of'tfafp^i^iss Hayworth and Haymg^^ihg three-time losers at. matrimony and District Judge :Eran.k Mac- - Naihee a vete^ of mo*e whoop- ?╜de-to weddings than, he c^jpunt. i: ^..tar-^-^qy a\\ that, they missed '-?√ß".?√ß ?√ß?√ß '?√ß'?√ß?√ß.g..i>-^be cast of airhigh ^n^For instance, ^**lpdge that -r ~**i- 7-?·S?·BlOPv REFlSfeOR HERALD Circ. D. 3,993 g,, burne, incidentally,! acted for Nora when she divorced Errol! Flynn. j Rita, a little late in leaving: her cottage, appeared nervous as! she ran a gantlet of spectators' from the town. It is roughly six furlongs from her cottage to the- scene of. the ceremony and she hurried along, glancing to right and left almost|?║hyly. But when she and Dick stood before the judge, the nervousness had left her and she mads her responses clearly and comp%?·dly. The' 34-year-old ac*tress and her year-older bridegroom spent the wedding nighfckjjere and .wfflB leave tonight for d^S^d'elp^ia,' where Dick Has a singing engage-. ment. They gave Nevada as their; permanent, residence, but an-; nounced before the ceremony, they were looking for a house in Greenwich, Conn. 1 Haymes has been given an informal continuance in the giftK) migration case, which st'ern^ from! his registration alfca neutral alien during the-war tb avoid military] service, wijien he jnade a trip to] Hawaii and failed to re-register J the immigration s boys "packed] down on him. Much rests on the deportation! decision. Haymes, according to a close ^associate, was begging for jobs until he exploded On the nation's front pages with citizenship trouble and ' a, romance. Since then- he; has contracted two years of bookings at.twice his former ask|??^sj^3ce pf $4,500 a week. The bridegroom's :#0^plents to the press after th6 weeing were as succinct as RitaS; but he brought down the house when a reporter asked him if he ever) tasted his bride's cooking. "Now w h o," he * inquired, "would marry Rita Hayworth for her jjwJKIffg^." HNVRi ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CUPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York STATESVILLE, N. C. RECORD Circ. D. 4,400 SEP 24 1|?║3: Rita Haywn??Ui Weds Dick Hayn^ft Today [ LAS VEGAS. Nev. (UP)?╟÷Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes, as I nervous 'as,beginners, make it four apiece todi^..when they exchange [ wedding y<|ra>?an?·jti the clicking of dice andj^^gof roulette wheels in a gambluprhotel. While a g?·y mob of tourists play J their chip^lS a casino downstairs. \ the flame-haired movie beauty and the croon0'will 'say their "I do's" in the press conference room of the Rita, 34, acting like an excited bride, made this ceremony the simplest other career. Jt was set i for 2:15 pttm. EST. Wedding No. 3 to Prince Aiy Khan featured champagne, royal guests and lavish clothes. But for her fourth wedding, Rita chose an old dress ofa biUef linen, a plain gold wedding ^babd and a simple civil ceremony" With ho decorations and only 10 guests. The actress, who usually dodges the press, this time invited them all?╟÷newsreel cameras included. ?╟≤?╟≤ Judge Frank MacNamee was called in to perlorritgthe ceremony only 20 hours aftei** Haymes won his six-week, quick Nevada divorce decree from Nora Eddington Haymes on grounds "she lost interest in the marriage." Rumors that Nora might be in town for the nuptials were circu-j lated last night when the Sahara Hotel reported she had reserved a suits there. But she failed to arrival and a friend, said she had beenl "talked out" of appearing. 1 Dick and Rita, who started datinl when both were workihg in Columl bia studio last February, inviterS only friends "who stuck by us" durj ing their various troubles with fori mer mates and the law. The guests included David Mar-f cus, Haymes' attorney, and his wife: Bartley Crum, Rita's attorney, and his wife; Manny Gersh- man, a pal of Haymes from the hote!S|bVrchestrSklS|; Lerner, Haymes' pianist; gHal Howard. Haymes' agent; Abe 'Lastfogel, Rita's agent, and Harry Claiborne. Haymes' Nevada attorney and his wife. Rita's wedding bonnet Was of toast-colored tulle and velvet with a short veil and.gloves to nfatch. Rebecca, Rita's. 8-year-old daughter by second husband f&rson Welles, selected a pink and white cotton dress for the ceremony that brings her a third daddy. The party dress for Yasmin, 3, daughter of Rita and Aiy Khan, was white trimmed with blue. Haymes, a native* of Argentina, faces possible deportation on charges he illegally re-entered this country from Hawaii. He also is up to his pug nose in alimony troubles -with? -wif?╜ No. %-Joanne, Drifcv^: Rita still hasn't settled her alimony with Aiy Khan. An armed hotel guard hovers constantly around Yasmin because of threats, possibly from religious fanatics, to the little girl's life. jNews Throng Watches 4Gozy'Haymes-RitaRites I LAS VEGAS, Nev. (INS)?╟÷Movie iQUeen Rita Hayworth and singer j Dick Haymes climax their torrid but tangled romance today when they exchange marriage vows at the desert gambling town of Las j ' Vegas- Rita and the Argentine-born, crooner will wed at the Sands hot^e1Li|inmwhat they describees a ^cozy^HSlremony attended* only by a few intimates?╟÷puis a coterie of newsmen, photographers, columnists and newsreel men. However, the "cozy" marriage will be in sharp contrast to Rita's last, wedding to Prince Aiy Khan. At that marriage in 1949, guests at Aly's villa on the French Riviera enjoyed a champagne-splashed nuptial ceremony complete with musicians playing lov songs and a gardenia scented pool. Rita said Wednesday, as she and Haymes got a marriage license: "I want a wedding with no frills this time. After all, I'm getting Dick Haymes and that's all that matters." The last barrier to the wegdjjps was passed Wednesday when Haymes obtained a Nevada divorce from Nora Eddington Haymes in seven minutes. When informed that the record for "quickie" divorces in Las Vegas is four minutes, Haymes cracked: "If I'd known I had a chance i to break the record, I'd have talked faster." . . Haymes told District Judge Frank B. Gregory that his marriage to Nora feSJtt apart because of "general incompatability." The couple will remain in Las Vegas over the weekendgthen will fly to Philadelphia, where Haymes is scheduled to open a singing engagement Monday if the expected continuance of his deportation hearing is granted. In chronological order, , Rita former husbands were oilman Ed Judson, actor Orson Welles and Aiy Khan. Haymes' previous wives were night club singer Joanne Marshall, film star Joanne Druj and Nora Eddington Flynn, for-^. mer wife of actor Errol Flynn. pj jjjjy7-5371 PRESS OlfPPlNfe BUREAU 165 Chtireh Street - ^ewjlprkg MORRIS, lif.J?║f HERALD I SW'- BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York SHENANDOAH, IA. SENTINEL Circ. D. 3,967 SEP 191953 FREDERICKSBURG, VA. FREE LANCE-STAR Circ. D. 6,359 SEP2M953 ; Rita and Haymes lo Gamble 4th Time* On Marital Life LAS VEGAS, Ne^^?╟÷While nearby crapshootersj|$ried to [make sevens and elevens, jtita [Hayworth and Diek Haymes to- kday gambled once more:.with imatrimony. ' '>??K# i The 34-year-old actress- and her 'crooner',^ 35, will ?.reciteriy^fewsI each.has said three tides'1 h?║fore, in a simple .Q^re^^ggs^^ihe! , llpitrict " Judge Frank .Mac-: Namee will officiate- at thegfive-. iSuisfite cereMtsfty.,- Jack; Entratter, general;m^anager o|gfcthei Sands, wi^^^ the^.only | attendant. Phot3?gra#iers^f^d '^elbprt- ers will ou^bwnberd'me '^skated guests thle*., to one4-A ^Mfe^ ! The cel|i$phy will3&e^$||Ub. EST. g : ~'! ^isfitf^' ^Final Sarri^r ?·6 ih% i wr^Bning was cle!|tred?╟≤,, <yesterdaj^^^|,nen Haymes popped aVseves^feiriute divorce decree from- ?╟≤2^o1"a.'* EM-. dington Flynn HaVnies. 'Less than an hour later>?^''ft^wi]lt Rita J6ack to the r^ourth?╜use where both nervously, filled out the marriage liceru^ forms. .The crooner s>|^:he. will nmve I into'Miss fe)^.q|th!s suit^3at the Sands right ,a>"ter the we^cld- ing. A reporter aske'4 him if he ; had ever tasted any. of Rita's cpoking. ^m "Who marries Rita Rayworthl for cooking?" the singer asked. | pitaf Haymes To .fie. Married |On Thursday I LAS VEGAS, NevgA' j FiI'jlul m star Rita ii ay war j crooner Dick Hayffie&JHH Ined a ''simple wed4in|?·ff Ivision and newsreelc^|^ ing away. I Kfe|C I Then they 11 %settle'"j^| what they hope willl^^ ilife a s suburbanites ifid ?Θ╝$i Conn. . THE CfiRlfeoNY-^^^y ibe held ih the Gold Roo^lf rag the (Sands Hotel with .only nine guests ; jinv'i'PSSl,"*"'btl*t news and camera men ?╟≤were told they could attejllv \f- I The red-haired beauty Sighed ?╟≤ [happily that she and Haymfg "are I Ifinally getting married' '$&&?√ß?√ß $?? [many difficulties.',' I -Atfiong their recent troubles have lbeen an attempt by the government. ;tb deport Haymes, a citizen I pf Argentina, s^nd j^^ft^ threats against; Missgrnaywi^nj. and/ her youngest daughter, tMSe'^year-old Yasmin. ^#?" "We waji,^^r.siiiiJJi^^'ejjfetiTlg,'' jMiss Haywortn- saidd firmly? '*This. J one is too important to m'e to clut- jter up with a lot of unnecessary If fills;-It's^ough that we love each I other." YM_W^ I But the wedding, unMM ffie final | clinch in the movlij^fplers, won't I I see all of their ^^d^ches solved. I HISS HAYWOR.T^^sinin, and ;j her other daugJil^^Sebecca, 8, I still are under" pAtebtive ' guard j.1 ancfs Haymes' Mffieulttes With the | Immigration Department remain II ironed out. / | I -mtswili be Rita'sUourth wedding I and Haymes' third. The couple' ; I plins to honeymoon1 at the Sands' 11 oyfi|vthe weekeii^and then-.troiyel 11' tof;^hiladelf^tfef*w?h"e,re Haymes : i opens a j^^^g^mengagement, [Haymes Announces [/Pact With Rita LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Croon- er Dick Haynie^'iSIIhounced today he has sigpded, ^^act with actress Rita Hayworth-that protects all of her earnings and holdings \ "for life" from any^ifebts he may incur after their marriage. 8k . -$ Haymes, wlio"%0&h& to marry the red-haired actress after his Nevada divd|?║5e, said, "I intend to stand on my own two feet and take care of all my own troubles, whether .they be money, legal or personal difficulties. _W He said -Sk} had "ordered" the reciprocal pre-nuptial pact drawn up "to pfe%ct Rita from any claim whatUl^y^r against me." x IH^MeanwhiJS^Irs. Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes received her own California dS$Qil?·te decree from the handsome sitig^r 'Friday. Haymes %&ffi1$k :afreement was drawn lip^^^.^Bigywoi^?╜^t- | torney, B&tfjt&$ JSJtfttii, and signed by himself and Bftl'-^ate Friday night at the Sands Hfttel here. Crum said the pa^fc states that Miss Hayworth's earnings and properties would be protected for the sole use Of herself> her children and her own heirs. Miss Hayworth signed an identical document relinquishing any right to Haymes' assets, he said. I Haymes is awaiting a deportation hearing in Los Angeles on government charges the Argentine- born singer illegally re-entered ithis country after visiting Misssfe^- worth in Hawaii earlier this year. leaving the crooner's lawyers toj handle his cat>e before the gouern- , ment in hearings which: resume j CEDig RA?½>S, IA. ; JjAZEtfTE . drFaU7^7,674 - S. 57,665 211953 Nora Clears Way J For Haymes, RifaL ga? brilliant desert sun shOnea with a. rosy hue Monday for Dickl Haymes and Rita Hayworth. They are going-to fe^able to?╜e?? ] married Thursdafcaf^iAfl. .11 The way was c^gto S.unjla^f when the singer's ?Σ≤*j?½tfe?? 'lira Eddington Haymes^Imnged Jher mind again and ^^r^t to Jign the much-discussffF ^jaryer. Mgp, Marriage plan^ Jaatgrcami toj an abrupt halt wherC^ie ref&sed' to sign were put b^gk;.jn mOTion again. Cooed flame-haire|ptita iijln^ suite at the Sands, hatel;. "It was sweet olCgNora to^iglft But we TULSA, OKM. TRIBUNf Circ. 0U0b were sure she would. We are so I |happy." In Hollywood Nora said she Iwa&.burned up ovefc Haymes' an- fiiciim^ment of his marriage plans beiSiffe she'had a chance to get thwjiivorf ^ she obtained in Los Angeles last week.'. ?√ß*_%?? '{/?√ßM. first she though^ pf blocking h^ fending Neya^^p^orce and ! thB^&iarriage lor-i^w^^h by re- fu&ig to give Imjg," Jp|d waiyer, i bi#rtihen she sai^^e deeided "I wouldn't do anyi^mg to hurt j Dicfe He's in enough trouble." By "enough trouble" she re- I ferred mainly to the government move to Jdeport him. Haymes, Rita to Get License Today LAS VEGAS, Nev. UP) ?╟÷ Dick' Haymes, a crooner who has had plenty Of trouble with wives and Uncle Sajsci, takes out JEynaarri^ge pfrensief mday-with Rita jBayworth., a gal whoftas l^IRf^Sfee^f ih^isband tri&me. pf? ^Saymes Bind the glamorous, scfeen star pick up the wedding license at 3 p-h^RPacific daylight tihie). That is'just one hour after he gets a divorce from Nora Eddington FlynngHffljrmes. The singer and the actress will be married tomorrow at 11 a.m. in Sands Hotel; where both have beeiTWSeyf^for some time. It will be marriage No. 4 for both.