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    ESTABLISHED 188S BArclay 7-5371 |||| PRfSS CLIPPING BUREAU -io&jblHircb Street - New York JJArelay 7-5371 Pg|SS CUPPING BUREAU I6^3>urch-'^^6pt - New York pMANDA'N, N. D. ?√ßPIONEER BArclay 7-5371 pIlsSCLIPPING BUREAU 165 ChurcK Street - New York SEP 2V1953 _^^ Film Stars Say Vows Fourt^Time jfifcaf fflfiLQ LAS VEGAS, ...Jfev. (|B?╟÷While nea-rby^k^E^teoters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth j and Dick Haymes. today gambled once more' with matximbnyjg V,""'" ?╟≤ The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each 'has said three times before, in. a ! simple ceremony inline Gold Room | of the Sands Hgtef^~ ~^- District Judge Frarik MacNamee j will officiate >^ at: lh%'-\ five-minute j (ceremony. Jack Entraftter; general! manager of the Sanj^ will be the; only attendant. Photographers and] reporters will butntafnbeV t|j| 4n-| j vited guests three to**one. ^^BW!f-11 Ihe brought Rita back to the court-1 permanent residence in Nevada, 1 house, where both nervously filledjbut said they will soon move near 1 out the marriage license forms. JGreenwich, Conn./where they are Both'Haymes and Rita claimed'looking for a house. Haymes ii DEVILS LAKE, N. JOURNAL Circ. D. 3,790 D. The unpretentious affali^gwCn bel quite a contrast to-J^le^i^^feenJ star's lavish. ..FrenShd Vw$f$)g to] Prince AJw%lian^'>,l|j^^Iissi Hayworthjtfwill" j^W?ver^O^e. a, new wedding gowj|i. She $|j|| 'she would wear. a blue linen'^ilpaight dress wlHch^heJ??^-wo*!ri*^^6re., Her head will vS^pove^^^^hyga] toast-colored^^at*'^^ulle"^S???·vel- vet. She wUl^weaa^loves^HSmatch the hat. o.-dg . ;m ?√ß . Only guests invited;'a!:^^0isfit3ess I and legal associates of fiie^oouple. J The only relatives on hahd^wnT'bel the bride's two daughters. They? are Rebecca, 8, the offspring ofj | Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson j Welles, ahdd the Princess Yasmine, J33/2, like her moslem father a di- 1 rect descendant of '?╟≤ $f?║T prophet ' Mohammed. 1 * j$ vfifri Final barrier to the wedding was eleared^yesterday when Haymes copped a&seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour later,! TYLER, TEX. Courier-Times-Tdegraph ^?√ß?·?·?·5: H.8I6 Rita And Dick Haymes To I Toss Marriage Dice Again Las Vegas, Nev. ?╟÷(/P)?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried to make \ sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth I and Dick Haymes today gambled | once more with matrimony. j The 34-year-old actress and her I crooner, 35, will recite vows each lhas said three times before, in a simple ceremofty in the Gold Room I oi the Sonds Hotel. 1 District Judge Frank MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of -the Sanda, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Only guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. I The only relatives on hand will "be the bride's two daughters. They of I are Rebecca, 8, the offspring Miss Hayworth's marriage to Or-1 son Welles, and the Princess Yas-1 mine, 3Mi, like her Moslem father I a direct descendant of the prophet I Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding, was I cleared Wednesday when Haymes 1 copped a seven-minute divorce de- j cree from Nora Eddington Flynn I Haymes. Less than an hour later, j he brought Rita back to the court- j ?√ß house, where both nervously filledj out the marriage license forms. I Should the government win its i deportation case against the Argen-' tine-born crooner, what country j i will he and Rita live in? "I'm not going to be deported,"! he answered. "We both intend toj ; ne auswciw j_mm live in the TL S. A A rpnnrter ^e in the U. s. a. A reporter asked him if he had! jver tasted any of Rita's cooking.! "Who marries Rita Hayworth ?╟≤$g&rf$oking?" the singer asked. FORT DODGE, IA. Messenger & Chronicle e Ctrc.jW&ll'7-g. SEffclSSl __. FjP 211953 Hapes, Rifa Sign MoneyPScf Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 19 (IP).?╟÷ Crooner; Dick Haynje^ announced Saturday .lie has signed a pre- nuptial i^aet with Rita Hayworth declaring that all of hePWPSfseafca*- ings and holdings would be protected "fdrg life" from any debts or obligations he might incur as her husband. Haymes, who has announced he intends marrying the actress when he obtains a Nevada divorce from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes, who received her own California decree- Friday, said the reciprocal agreement was drawn up at his own ordejf, "I hay||??rdered this pact drawn ip tOflllllct Rita from niw #*.?╜?╟≤* * *jSffJ8?t<-lt:it;u ims Pact drawn up tofiSpct Rita from any claim whatslf|$|ff^ against me." he demy v,,vja muieei ana lane care of all my troubles whether they be whatsffifiEg against rne," he declared, "'^^htend to stand on my own two feet and take care of ,*v uuuuiwi wziemer xney De mousy, legator personal difficulties." Hayme's said the agreement was drawn up by the film star's attorney, Bartley Crum, and signed by himsel4aB<iiiiii*(^late Fridav ni??M at the? '"1 ""^ aigiieu uy ?╟÷?╟÷-. late Friday night >ands HoJel here. Haymes, Hayworth Nuptials Thursday LAS VEGAS, Nev. (iP).~Dick Haymes, a crooner.who has had plenty of trouble vhffi,'wives and Uncle Sam, takes '^^??^^mm?? out a marriage license Wednesday with Rita Hayworth, a gal who has had her share of husband troub^Cr Haymes and the glamorous I screen s|ar pick up the wedding license at 3 p.m. That is just one, . fibuttmi hour after hei RlTAH$nW0RTtt gets a divorce from Nora Ijpfing-i] ton Flynn Haymea^pfW The Argentine-bora^ger and the actress will be marrifiPThurs-' day at th^ ^ands HoteK: where' both have beeii'^IflSW^Ior sonae^ gfcime. It will be. marriage No. 4 Mor both. I gM 3-1- Honeymoon plans must wait re-, :-|||imption of a de,p9j?^tipn hear-] -slag, started last m.p4pL|pj|schefl $tiled to resume i^i|;tlpraday in' Mm. Angeles, Uv*s$|^f&migration aaf^iorities hold tlflllil^me^ who bl^^iever beetle a T?║?·t?║?·en, failed to^^tain a re-entry permit after jg Rita recently in Honolulu. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York VARIETY NEW YORK CITY '* SEP* U 1858 Hollywood KTTV program chief Bob Breck- ner back from Las Vegas vacation, and chief engineer Ed Ben- ham returned from Lake Tahoe- trek . . . KTLA's Homer Garrett and his Y-Knot Twirlers, square dancers on "Western Varieties," booked at Copa room of Sands. Las Hayworth and Are Manandlie LAS VEGAS, Nev. UR?╟÷While nearby crapshooters tried to make j sevens and elevens, Rita Hay-1 worth aad Dick Haymes today' gambled once more with matri-1 mony. . The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, recited vows each has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold .Room of the Sands Hotel. District Judge Frank Mac-1 Namee officiated at the five- minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, was j * the only attendant* Photographers and reporters outnumbered the invited guests three to one. 1 The unpretentious affair was \ quite a contrast to the screen I star's lavish Frencm'Wedding to I Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. oTjjkM. Only guests invited were busi-i| | ness and legal associates of theij I couple. The only'relatives on hand!!' I were the bride's two daughters, jl I They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring I I of Miss Hayworth's marriage toil I Orson Welles, and the Princess I ?√ß Yasmine, 3%, like her Moslem1/ 1 father a direct descendant of the 1 prophet Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding j;' 1 Was cleared Wednesday whenjl I Haymes copped a seven-minute jl divorce decree from Nora Ed-i dington Flynn Haymes. Less than I an hour later, he brought Rita J back to the courthouse, where! both nervously filled out the mar-1 riage license forms. Should the government < win its | deportation case against the Ar-1 gentine-born crooner, what coun-1 try will he and Rita then live in? ; "I'm not going to be deported," ?√ß he answered. "We both intend to live in thegJJ.S.A." A reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cook- I MINOJ NORTH DAKOTA &AHY NEWS ^SEP 24^1953 ^ Rjffo, Haymes 1 Gamble Againy On Marriage LAS VEGAS, Nev. UP)-Whilel nearby crapshooters tried to makeB 11sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth?√ß i and Dick Haymes today gambledH ilonce more with matrimony. ?√ß "j The 34-year-old actress, and herB crooner, 35; will recite vows each ?√ß [has said three times ^efore, in all simple ceremony hij?Σ≤fl|Gold Room ?√ß of the Sands Hotel. --*??<-?╜*w-?╜><nI j DibU'i&'b1 gB^gwwPl'Jffi^^iacNameel will officiate at~ t^^ttive-minutel ceremony. Jack EnttaTOr, -generall manager Of the Sandsjgivill be thel only, attendant. Photographers andj reporters will outnumber the in-1 Jvited guests three to one. The unpretentious afrair will be v. [quite a contrast to the screen! ?√ß star's lavish French wedding to| iPrince Aiy Khan in gl949. Miss| Hayworth will not even have aj [new wedding gown. She said she would wear a blue linen straight dress which she has worn before. |Her head will be covered by a; toast-colored hat of tulle and vel- i vet. She will wear gloves to matchf the hat. 1H!$3 I Only guests invited are business! land legal associates of the couple.! IThe only relatives on hand will be| Jthe bride's two daughters. They\ !are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of| *Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson t I Wells, "and the Princess Yasmin, I13V2, like her Moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet iMohanimed. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday when Haymes copped a seven-minute divorce decreed from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour later, ,he brought Rita back to the court-, [house, where both nervously filled iout the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and Rita claimed permanent residence in Nevada, but said they will soon move near JGrfenwich, Conn., where they are looking for a house. "All my is in the East," the crooner explained. BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 ChurchgStreet - New York MADlfeON, IND. XicSjRIER mC&rmP- 4,592 SEJ?2igf53 MTA, HAYMES ARE [ON 4TH HONEYMOON "Who marries Rita Haywbrttf r cooking?" the singer asked, j j WOOSTER, OHIO RECORD Circ. D. 16.123 LAS_VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 25?╟÷^ ?╟÷l^^^yWSrWfind Dick Haymes I'we^lh3 the fourth honeymoon for each of mem today following a brief flash-bulb-lit wedding in a gambling resort hotel. 'Tdieel wonderfully happy," the redhaired bride said after the three-minute ceremony. "I am married to the man I really love. It sounds so wonderful to be called Mrs. Haymes," The movie star and the crooner j fly to Jsew York Saturday and later j to Philadelphia, where the bride- i groom starts a night elub engagement Monday night. "Our careers, in fact nothing, will^fgver separate us," Rita de- clajpi She said she'll travel with Hapnes on his night club tour. Thwjf^'have rented a house in Griwnwich, Conn. Miss Hayworth sa|Ljshe'll commute between there an$T Hollywood for one picture a jyeaf. The ceremony was performed by Judge Frank MacNamee in the Gold Room of theSands Hotel. [Roulette games?╟≤ ah<T"Slul'mafhiiiw continued whirring in the nearby j casino. M; \ Rita's two daughters, Rebecca, j 8, by her marriage to actor Ors^n Welles, and Princess Yasmjjng, 3%, by ex-husband Aiy'g-Kbra, ?√ß j 1 looked on from a divan. ?√ß "Ehe bridal couple said theic^I j I dop" firmly. Big tears came fato I Rw^'s eyes at the words. T^e J I double-ring ceremony was over be-1 I fofc jshe got her ring on ftiq||s j |fins|err; she put it on afterward, j II want a ring, too." m ?√ß 11 w|ft a ring, too." f Miss Hayworth wore a shaft - sfeeved, blue linen dress, ag$Pask colored tulle and velvet hat and ! matching gloves. Her bouquet was j of orchid^ and lilies of the valley. ; Haymes ffwxnjfik a blue pin-stripe {suit with blue tie. Before her marriage to Welles and Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to oilman Edward Judson. Haymes previous wives ^were actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, exwiffe of Errol Flynn. In connection with his inmlgra* tion difficulties, meantime, the honeymooning crooner could take cheer from a federal court decision Thursday?╟? in Miami, Fla. In a similar case at Miami, Judge John" W. Holland ruled in Federal Pistrict Court that the return of Harry O. Voiler, 62, former Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico in 1951 " did not constitute an entry into the United States within the meaning of tha!917 Immigration Act.'* PuertoJ^raco and Hawaii are insular possessions of the United States. JJudge - Holland held that , "For a resident alien to make a j reentry, he must go to a foreign ' ! pf^rt." Miss Hayworth said she plans to commute, between the tPIh! I Coast and Hollywood for picture making. Mmmk Should the,government*win its 1 deportation qfpe against the Argen-I "Wno mames i^vu Itine-born crooner, what country for cooking?" the singer asked ^rilLbe ,an$ ftpta^vthen live- in? "I'm not going to be'.'ejiftprted',"] he answered.' "We both intend to the U.S.A.".j?╜Rm is ^^11crooner sa^ ^e will'iawel [inw> Miss Hajt^sorth^s suite at the ISands right after the' wedding. Aj [reporter asked him if he had ever j tasted any of Rita's cooking. 'Who marries Rita Hayworth arc. D. 10.592 - S. .9,243 sff Hi? SEP 23 1953 ^Vegas. for six weeks . . . ?╟÷sj-k-^ ^Waii" vidpix series began on HJ-JTV M ?╟≤ KTTV cameraman 'ick Spalla to Mexico City to lens footage for "The Open Road" . . . NTG launched his "Road to Fame" on KHJ-TV . . . "Your Jeweler's Showcaseg'^Hamilton .Watch-sponsored vidpl^i^Bries on KNBH last season, shiftS-Ji|" KTTV this season, showing alterniile -weeks . . . Agreement has be^^jdreached between AFTRA an||||fpace Patrol" producer Mikefjweyery whereby thesps in re-runs j^oj^pientifiction series will draw $5?Θ╝ra^eek for the kines, which begaa|I?║ig KECA-TV last week . . . "JQmMihe Coach," with USO footballlpich Jess Hill, and UCLA' nientoF^^L Sanders, began on KNBH,-witlvTHc-L-Silver Battery sponsoring. I Haymes-Haywartn I ilCeremoTvy Simple I LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Film 11 s lai] HfIVVtllj WWtll'wftWd crooner I Dick Haymes today planned a : "simple ^wedding" with .television j anS J^^beel earner as grinding ,. Then they"11 settle down^fe tot what they hope' will be atsedate life as S^ajurbanites gi|i .JGreenwich, Conn. v5^^>*i The ce^^ohy Thursday will be; held in tf^jGold??Room .of t h e| jSandseHo^!-fwith only^ nine guestss i?╜*4*?╜^ bu?╜?╜news and camera men jwere told they could attend. AUGUSTA, GA. HERALD Circ. D. 28,430 SEP 2 319?? Inaymes Fixes iWedding Plan ?√ß LAS VEGAS, Nev. UR ?╟÷ Dickd. ?√ß Haymes, a croonetT who has had ?√ß plenty of trouble with wives and 1 Uncle Sam, takes out a marriage I license today with Rita Hayworth, j a ^al who has had her share of [husband trouble. I Haymes and .-the glamorous j screen star pi$&&'ttfc the wedding I license at 3 p.ln^^^paeiftc^d^ylight fitiihe). That i?╜ just one hou?·r&fter I he gets a divorce fromgNgra Ed- I dington Fiynn Haymes. ,Vi*?║ig5g f\ The singer and the actressg:!*vill I be marri?½jftomorroW "^SpP|i-.m. I in S^ncjl^ MHptp.L wherp hnth have I been guests for some time. It will gbe marriage No.4 for both. jfWed in Hotel LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)-Red- haired Rita Hayworth and crooner Dick Haymes, with all the aplomb of' professionals going through a ?√ß well-rehearsed scene, were married I her|{3Thursday in a gambling hotel 1 ceremony ?╜M^^^?Σ≤ Rita added drama to the scene i by quivering slightly at the close I of the ceremony but otherwise they stuck to the script and their per-K formahce went off with the smooth- B ness of one^of the bride's starringB roles in Hollywood in the fourthH marriage for both. ?√ß The press outnumbered the! guests by nearly three.tb one at the floodlighted ceremony which (was delayed 45 minutes because dpfe|^ct Judge Frank^'MeNainee was tied -up in his court'^.a-fury trial. (Continued on Page 4) * ftl