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    SYRACUSE, N. Y. HERALD JOURNAL Circ. D. 129,251 SEP 25 1953 l|jp 'lashbuUm MOUNT CARMEL, PA. ITEM i Circ. D. 5,534 %P- lames man rRita Love' ?·AS VEGA$^e^$W.~-Riia .jjffiwtfffh. and, Dick Hayinf^jEttt *^on the fourth honeymoon**fpr each QfJtli^m today following a&r^gf! i.||ashbulb-lit wedding in a gambling resort hoteL R^3fi5feel wonderfully hap|y," tnero""-"?√ß.*;?√ß?√ß ?╟≤'?√ß''' ?√ß'?╟≤"''?√ß ^IS| red-haired bride-^aid after ml^^Mji^if^^y^^^i1*168^ airiyjjlvet hat and) : threes-minute ceremony. "I am "j Welles, and Princess Yasmij jl^^jrby ex-husband Aiy Kl| [looked on from a divan. j TJHE BRIDAL couple said thjtt! "I do's" firmly. Big tears cafae- . into Rita's eyes at the words, j The double-ring ceremony ^jfwasl over before she got her ring onl Dick's 5finger; she put it on after- wa||E' - .Little Yasmineg,fchrilled, "Mama, I want a ring, too.v M|gsHayworth wore a short-j sleeved, blue linen dress,"-a toast- tember 25, I married ,,to|&e man I really love= Sit' sounds;^'so wonderful to be] '^called Mr^.,Hayme^j?· ?√ßcropner Jiygto NeW York Satur- ?√ßday and ft^ter to Philadelphia ?√ßwhere -the -bridegroom starts & ?√ßnight-^yeto. engagement Morfdayj I night.. W___^Wm*'' "OUR CAREERS, in fact noth-l tig, Will ever separate hs,". Rita' with Haymes on his nighti^WbTmatching gloves. Her bouqtfetll tour. Theg&jpye rented a housefwas of orchids anttMilies of the in Greenwich, -Conn. Miss Hay-J worth said-* she'll- commute be-j tw^h ?╟≤ ther#'. anittHolly^bd; for one picture .a year. The ceremony was performed! by Judge Frank MacNamee in the Gold, Room of the Sands! ?╟? .Hotel. Roulette games arid sloT HSfSPRIB?! continued whirring in thehearby casino. Rita's two daughters, Rebecca,! 8, by her marriage to_ actor .Orson! BETHLEHEM, PA. GLOBE-TIMES Circ. D. 23,112 S?·P^ 31953 Rita To Have Sirryjle Wed^y^ I?╟÷With Camercg^^ridif^ij I LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Film] ISl^^^r^aS^^fe^1^ sooner 1 Dick-''-Haymes"~' today -,planned |g8itajfeWeddih#-1 fsfcjfl* television Jahdi-^ewsreeL (JMe^s grinding I away. ?╟≤ ^^Mjf<*#. | Then they'll S?·ttI?║g-down as to -iwhat'?√ß they hope -yirijl j>&: a. sedate ft life fcsuburbanile^^^reeniwl^ | ?╜teSJh^fti;?√ß the 5P??y_ie^hnlle_rs, won ':&o;WsiP*h* a Sil^-Pie wedding," ?√ßMiss^^^Forth dsa0^i^j^yr.!(i|*|nis j one i|" feo. important to 'me. t^^jt-1 ter up* with a lot of unnecessary' ^hl^^likkehough that we love each j ofll^vV.^.'- But the wedding, unlike the final BALTIMORE, MD. OT#S POST Circ. D: 219,418 SEP 231953 ORLANDO, FLA. ' SENTINEL ?╟≤' . C Circ. D. 23.613 wSB>23195J. feTTffTJ^^EDDINC TOMORROW liF Here Comes Rita With TV And News Cameras I?╟÷i be hejyitbe. Gold Room of the $2 star Rita' Hayw?╟?rth J|* ^?·1 M r crooner Dick Haymes planned ,came^-^fee told they ce^d Wednesday a "simple wedding" attend. Wit with television and newsreel . l^fc;* cameras grinding away. Then they'll settle ddwn as ib what they hope willeft|| sedate life as suburbanip^Jy Greenwich, Conn. The ceremony Thursday wiE ?╟≤"TRINIDAD, COLO. QHRGPICLE & NEWS "Circ. D. "3,490 lffiP*E.'" *w^R^"1 R E D beauty sighed happily' that she and| j Ha> mes "a*re finally getting! j married alter so many dilf icul-11 !ties." ?╟?, kwg|g.;^gw-.- Among their recaht. troubles j ' _h>;>7e been an attentat by the Government to ^ie^ii^Haymes? | a citizen of Argf^ina, and death threats against Miss P Hayworth and her youngest j I daughter, three-year - old j - Yasmin; / Rita, Dick To Have 1 Simple Ceremony LAS VEGAS, Nev. ?╟÷ UR?╟÷ Rita Hayworth, who married Aiy Khan amid scented swimming pools and international society, will wed HDi$?·,'?·t$ssk?·s in a simple gceire- I mbfsyc tomorrow morning. 1^'jH The former princess and the crooner will be married by a Nevada judge in a three-minute ceremony attended o*ly by their lawyers, her two daughters and the press. Miss Hayworth said the event will take place in the Gold Room of the.J^nds Hotel at II a.m. tomorrow moFniiij?. [Conn... ?√ß-.- -:-..'' ' w^jm,< r'.m^^ The?╜i?╜eremony.-t$$j&$ey? will be helddpl?║i5fl??-?√ßJSelch^^Qt^-^ of t h e jAc w;nf,pj with oniy Ane guests invited^ ")$-% news and camera men were told^ey could attend,, Th$ 'red-haired beauty s ii"gah5eg<& happily i;ba$'she and Haymes "are finally^-getting married afi?·r js&. mayg difficidt|ss> *&;'V" Ai^bng^^it recent troublesome' [been^an ^mtSmpt by the gpvern- [ttient to deport-Haymes, sL c^^Rf of ArgentinaK'a35t#...death -ft^patiiL I against Miss Hayworth ' ahd * her M youngest daughter, three-year- old I Yasmin. ^mf'^ see all of their headaches solved. Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, and her other daughter, Rebecca, 8, still are under protective guard and Haymes' difficulties with the Immigration Department remain to be jrones&a Out. ^,^U\be/iRita's fourth wedding arid Haynw third.- ^e^couple plans to h?╜$teyih00n. at tite .?║?║nds oveKtlje weekeii^rjind'thehvi&,avel td-3Fwiadelphia, -^ere "Ht^'y-iiaie s| opewf ?√ß&?√ß -*nt^bt> cl?║b engagement, iea;vinig', the crpp^er's lawyers to hahcfie his case 'before Me^eovern-1 mebfc 19 hearings, .whjgbi 'resume, Monday 'jj im : lt?·J2 HAYMES' NEW FAMILY?╟÷Dick Haymes sits on the lawn of a Las Vegas hotel with his fiancee, Rita Hayworth, and bets acquainted with [Rita's two daughters. On her mother's lap is Yasmin, 3, daughter by the actress' marriage to prince Aiy Khan and standing is Rebecca, 8, who is Rita'* daughter by her marriage to Orson Welles. ESTABLISHED 1888 J BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York CONNEAUT, OHIO NEWS-HERALD Circ. D. 4,970 SEP 21 1953 MORRISTOWN, N. If RECORD Circ. D. 9.699 SEP 24 1953 Dick Haymes leiSs Rita lay worth In Quiet Ceremony at Las Vegas LAS VEGA^wNev. UR ?╟÷ While near-by cr.apshTOters.Saed to make sevens and elevens, Kim Hayworth atjmif>ick Haymes gambled once rft&W ^tftfi. matrimony Thursday. The "34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, were 'tot recite vows gach has said three times before, in a simple .ceremony in the Gold Room of the; Sands BHotek^_.. ' Dist. Judge Frank--MacNamee w-as to officiate^the five-minute rites. Jack Entratter, general man- a-gef-fef tl%r.Sands, wasi^^b.e the only attendant. '^Tlp, unpretentious rites;:, contras.;; t>> the screen star's laivislr.French wedding to Prince AI??:Jrapn in 1949. Miss . Hayworiii didn't even have a-'dfi^?- wedding - gown. ' She planned - ,Vto. \vi>av ' a blue linen straight :^%?'5which sha; has worn before. H^jk m . Wi%- J I ^ -The only.guests invited were.fbus- iness and legal associates of the couple ."-The--oiily relatives on hand v&ek'the hide's two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss ""H|??orth's marriage to Orson Wefl?·K'^|& tlio Princess Yasmine, .31-;. bk- h<^r Moslem father a egrept de.scendent of the prophet Mnhaninv-rl Rita ?·%dm'Wer father. Edpuardo Can^hiod'a-'kdancing teacher, dwas too busy irking with his classes to -attend. A final barrier, to the wedding was cleared Wednesday when Haymes copped a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than, an hour later he brought Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage. license form's. Both claimed permanent residence in Nevada but said they will soon move near; Greenwich, Conn., house. ^here they are looking for ly work is in the East." the Co ywdrlh said she plans mi '?√ß'between the .East Hollywood for picture Haymes' career has 'received}?√ß a much needed boost within the past six weeks. A spokesman said Haymes was begging :,Jjag; .'jobs; until publicity spawned '~1$$?· cleporta- tion'a^jon and his romance with Miss: Hayworth brought him offers galore. I^-now has two solid years of bookings, at "double his former asking pri'ce of $4,500 a week. Immigration officials ..'CohteaiB?: Haymes, still an alien, faile^^^: obtain a re-entry permit after .^Imp'' ing Rita in Honolulu recently. A reporter asked Haymeljyif h& had ever tasted any of Ri^l^;%?║pk- "Who marries Rita Hay worth Mr cooking?" the singer asked,.di&wi BArclay 7-5371 ^RESS CLIPPING BUREAU ?√ßpXhurch Street - New York fcAHANOY CITY, PA. H^ECORD AMERICAN Circ. D. 6,816 An Extra Attraction for Las Vegas Tourists LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UiP) ?╟÷ The tourists who mill around the luxurious Sands Hotel for dice and swimming get a free^lTcSb* show" that isn't on the menu. The? cast includes glamorous Rita Hayworth; daughter Rebecca, 8, by ex-husband Orson. Wells; daughter Yasmin, 3, by ex-husband Aiy Khan; a detective hired by the hotel to guard the children after Rita received letters threatening Yasmin's death; a uniformed hotel guard as extra protection, and a nurse. They often are joined by crooner Dick Haymes, Rita's fourj^pius- band-to-be, who's in dutch with the timmigr&tMfi authorities and ex- wife Joanne Dru, and an FBI agent iMiog^lfeed--to< fKfef: Tuesday about the lexers.. \ Dick and Rita are vacationing here while he awaits his six-weeks' divorce from wife .Nora so they can get married. Occasionally some lawyer connected with one of these various: problems wanders into 'the scene. The whole entourage is on view by the pool and in the hotel dining) rooms every <iay. "I'm expecting suspension from my studio any hour," said Rita. "But we're going ahead with plans t0 stay here and marry. We feel| the wedding will be worth all this."i DAILY VARIETY HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. fki^EP 2 B1953 H|f I THE PRESS: John Wayne, Roy Rogers, Tex Ritter and Wild Bill [ Hickok comic books received an "Objectionable" raMpg in Parents' j Magazine annual report. Bob Hope, Martin & Lewis, Tarzan and Walt Disney comics got an "A" rating . . . Sylvia and Ed Sullivan will be grandparents in March, daughter Betty (Mrs. Bob Precht) writes from Washington ... The "nude" foto of UP's Aline Mosby appears I m the Oct. 14 Focus . . . U^Sj^s'^ flack, Al Freeman, is getting rave notices from every scribe who had to cover the Haymes-Hayworth wedding . . . Grant MacDonald, picture editor on The Mirror has transferred to the Times . . . Two years ago, Leo Rosten did a Look yarn on Danny Thomas. It breaks^liext month . . . The Brentwood Piper," referring to the new Barrington Place bus line: "Busses run every 15-20 minutes. This should serve to discourage the street walkers along Barrington." In Brentwood? /sA ^ ?╜ # / Ty Power once had 15% of "The Robe" in i UI deal which never ^ materialized . . Chas. P. Skouras, Jr., and Diane Marie Mellos wed 1 N??7- 2 -at S??fia Greek 0rthodox Cathedral. Archbishop Michael : will officiate . . . Sandra Spence's beautiful absence will beWnspicuous I in the next Mike Stokey "Pantomime Quiz" series . . And that ' mysterious beautiful redhead Abe Schiller's " Geraldine Sutter . \RJti__vAiidDick RedtJvows %roday;Eaeh For Third Time By JAMES BACON LAS VEGAS, Nev. (ff) ?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried tfi make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth new wedding ^own. She said she would wear a blue linen straight dress which, she has worn before. Her head will be covered by a toast-colored hat of tulle and vel- and Dick Haymes uiaay s&inDTea j yet> ghe will wear gloves to match once more with matrimony. - i The 34-year-old actress and h?╜| the hat. i Only guests invited are business will recite vows eacb^nd legal associates of the couple. * P'he only relatives on hand will ft* the bride's two daughters. Thej are Rebecca, 8g the offspring ol Miss Hayworth's marriage to Or-j son Welles, and the Princess Yas4 mine 3%, like her Moslem fathef a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday w h en Haymes copped a seven-minute, divorce decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an; crooner, 35, has said three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Rooiri Districtducge^SP'MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute ceremony. Jack Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. The unpretentious affair will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. ' Miss Hayworth will not even have Continued on Page four.. Haymes, Rita Ink Pre-Nuptial Pact LAS VEGAS, Nev. ?╟÷ Crooner Dick Haymes announced today he has signed a pact with;-Actress [Rita Hayworth that protects all of her earnings and holdings "for life" from any debts he may incur after their marriage. Haymes, who plans to marry the red-haired actress after his Nevada divorce, said, "I intend to stand on my own two feet and take care of all my own troubles. Whether they be money, legal or personal difficulties.'' ?√ß::-j*g8fc8 He said he h^d "ordered" the reciprocal pre^1&^i&i|^t drawn up '"to pr6tej^;w^|^^om any claim wha^i^ieV^i^WtrB^''. . j^teanwhile>ll|r$:^^%:P(idmgton Flynn Haymes fce^^JW^^jF own California divorce^aecree from the handsome singer Friday. Byrnes said the agreement was drawn-up by Miss Hayworth's attorney, Bartley Crum, and signed k by himself and Rita jate Fridav night at the SandsTOeHier.c... [ Miss Hayworth's earnings and properties would begprotected for the sole use of herself, her children and her own heir'sgMiss Hayworth signed an identical docu- jment relinquishing any right to ! Haymes' assets, he sai<J. ! Haymes is awaiting '"a deportation . hearing in Los Angeles j government charges thf^rgentine- I born singer illegally re-entered this country after visiting Miss Hayworth in Hawaii earlier this year. been escorting,, is chirper . Eleanor Parker dated a Friedlob at the Mocambo but it wap brother-in-law, Fred . . . Included in the fabulous Bo Roos- JJob Fellows Centennial Party" (tab: $10,000) was a priceless magazine showing L.A., Bob, and Bo growing up in this past half-century Good Scouts: Jane and Delia Russell, Connie Haines, Jerry Colonna' SR1Ci ^7nf a,nd Peter Potter who took time out Sat. eve to entertain at St. Stephen'* Annual bazaar . . . Pinky Lee's next at Charley Foy's ?╟÷ Oct. 6 . . .B|ar}orie Main's car broke down en route home from : Palm Springs. She got a lift in a farm truck. Pa Kettle, no doubt .* * ' * ' *<-7ig*ffS WORTH QUOTING: Vittorio Gassman, about new projection systems: They'll never supplant talent with technique" . . . Jerry Wald about Deborah Kerr in "Eternity": "I just mis-cast her in the right part" Alex Gottlieb s first letter from son, Stephen, a frosh at Harvard- Please send me some pills, (signed) S" . . . WORTH NOTING- "How to Marry A Millionaire" goes out Thanksgiving Week . . Columbia execs^^lve this week and will decide whether "Caine" is released this J year or next ... Dr. Henri Chretien carries a 3-D still camera ATLAOTIC^CY|mJ.g PRES& CiYc,-D.d2^8-^R- 22,347 mest \^i_trfwwort1i Marries wsimmmmB^mmB haired Rita ?√ß3SS here Thursday hi I ceremony. by former marriaSe^Jf^Cam- hours TOttRf^ m Rebecca, ^e^^^^^Wr^^^g^^~|^ ^ ?╟≤^gfSlBSi aplomb bored with all twe_?╜??^ a Mommie Judge in and too** ^?Σ≤ng:"Hotel.^tta a to the soenelHaymes ^^SSS^-r^^ * m ^dl See HATWORXH. \$n slowly' per-(The film st|r. ^fbhotographers to i Suck to ^w^^^<^4leadtog.i^i^S^ mPfolks." stuck to tne 7^^rhthe smooth- leaauisy---- -^ on ta ioiks. ro?i m Hollywodd in the loa Rebecca, P^ked on a cou, I marriage for both d the McNamee quickly rea The press ?╜*SJb?·e^e at riage vows. . nen dresS) guests by nearly **?·j^ which Rita, ^SoSuet of white orchids the floodlighted ^Ses because carried a bomueto 11 y was delayed 45 ?Σ≤*f*M2Namee and she ggnbled s ^ on SSrlSd JupdfnhSroaonurt by a 3-y Haymes^sliPP^ ^ & ring on ?? ||;VS CHILDREN FOBBJ. **?╜ ^ ceremony took about| BIXle *e;fe^pre- an^pnnnltwo ^^^^^ ^ipals waited, Rita s wo