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    NACOGDOCHES, TEX. SENTINELS Circ. D. 3,460 SEP ip*3 VtWMBER FOUR APIECE. mita, Crooned Exchange Vows! By ALINE. MQSBY^MA- j LAS VEGAS, New, fMrt. 24 ?╜?< ] ?√ß?√ßH^itall a,y worth Wtffr Dick -Haymes, nervous as begJitTTSFs, make it four apiece Thursday when they exchange wedding vows jfenid the clickii^g of dice and wrhir W] lette wheels in a gambling J the plush ifonds jffiftel.. Rita, -34, acting, like a e a gay mob of tourists piay | bride, made thig cerei asino downstairs, j simplest ;of her career. chips the flame-haJreS&moyie beauty and the crooner will'say their "I do's" n the press conference room of & J&'I^MES ^^^^S 11,883 \MARR1ED'IN LAS VEGAS^ -__M__S_ Rita, Diet Make"! ft AAiiieli^lMda^ LAS VEGAS,': Nev.-^-Rita Hay- |'dueled -~ to the wedding in this, worth and Dick HayitiCs, nervous | gambling, mecca. as beginners,..mak^rit^our apiece j Judge. Frank MacNamee was | I today when they^'ge" hcxenawg j called in W perform the ceremony d-eidng vows amidMie-:-clicking of only 20. hours.after Haymes woh 1 dice and whir lapoiKpe! wheels hi^^slx??^^K7^uick Nevada di- !i in a gambling _w^e^^_^z'j&^^^\ vorce d^pre^-^om Nora Edding- While a'ghy mfoj-"of Wiristi play ton Flynft>- on' grounds "she loft thee .;flame-hai^^iho^^||^|Ltf L|P|AYMEi^'NAp^of.Ar|?½a- andilre' croonejc^l^ sa^'i^^g<<li t&a, faces posslhiie^^portati^a oh '^'^(Mpfges he illegally re^entsfared k^^ Countrj%?·r^n ^^waULHgat LANCASTER, PA. NEW ERA Circ. D. 40,614 SEP 241953 No New Wedding Gown Rita and Haym&Gmibk 4th Time With Matrimony LAS VEGASL_Nev. Off ?╟÷While neafflS^eSflSWSIIers" tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth-and Dick, Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. i*;iii^^l's. j _ The 34-year-old actress and her crooner,' thirty-five, will repeat vows each has said three times be* fore in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the Sands Hotel. : District Judge FfSM. MflBIfWttee will officiate at the five-minute rites Jack "Entratter, general manager of the Sands, will be the j only?╟÷-attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the ! invited guests three to one. The ceremony will be at 2 p. m. (EDT). No New Wedding Gown The unpretentious rites will be quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Miss Hayworth will not even have a new wedding gown,gShe said she would wear a blue\ilinen sjpaight dress which she has-.worn^fore.| Her head will be covered by toast-colored hat of tulle and vel-l vet. She will wear gloves to. match the taaiV^fflafi Only guests invited- are?:r|apineiss| and legal associates, of ':m* cou" pie. The only relatives cm handl will becthe bride's tw daughters.! They are Rebecca, eight, !|]p;*6ff?╜ spring of Miss Hayworth'sgmarri?╜ age to Orson Weliesjpand thglprin< cess Yasmine; 3J&r^P(NM^k3&G$i' lem father a direct descendant of the prophet MohammedgAiO^ Rita's Father Absent Rita said that her ^alifeag^'Ed' ouardo Cansino, a dancing teacher,v was too busy working with his] classes,to attend, Final barrier to^the Wedding was cleared yesterday'y^ten Haymes copped a seven-miip^divorce, decree from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than an hdufe later, he brought Rita back to tha??coQrt-{ house, where both Jj|ryously filled] out the marriage license forms', Both Haymes and Ritta claimed! permament residence, h\ Nevada, but said they will-lip move nearl Greenwich, Conn.; ^Kere they ard looking for a house. %"^.c.yu "All my work is in the East.'l the crooner explained.. Miss Hayworth said she plans to commute between the East cgasj and Hollywood for picture making iA^kmT"tfATIV^of Argen- "fpjourth wedding, .Rita chbse an today's marW EM- ions and only? 10 guests. C'Taiv because of threats, pos-l L^S' tr^invtja ^Wi ratios, 4 tomall-iw^^camerasin-lthe little girl', lite. J|$^f Weddingy No. 3- to Prince Aiy Kahn featured champagne, royal guests and lavish-clothes. Rut for -her 'fourth wedding, Rita chose an old dress of blue linen, a plain g'old wedding band and a simpiee civil ceremony with no decorations | and only 10 guests. -The actress, who usually dodgee the press,, this time'winvited them. all-?╟÷newsreel cameras included?╟÷ to the wedding in '?√ß this gambling* mecca.. Judge gFJyank MacNamee was called in to perform the ceremony only 20 hours after Haymes won his six-week, quick Nevada divorce decree"f^oitf-.lfoi?a TE^feg-tori-'lyiynn on grounds "she loelg interest in the marrittjg?·/V' ^ykx 1 Rumors Iifora might be in town for the nuptiife"1"- were circulated last night."When "the Sahara hotel reported she had reserved a suite there But ;shc failed to aiuvp and a friend said she had been, "talked out" of appearing-. f$|fr& wafc-<?╜ot-; available ftirlcomlfcent at her Hollywood home!. Dick and Rita, who (started dat- '. ing when both were working in Columbia Studio last February, in- k vited' only friends "who stuck by ] us" during their' various troubles j with former mates aid the law. BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPiil BUREAU l*>5 Church Street - New York PARKERSBURG, W. VA. SENTINEL Circ. D. 18,233 icflaymSM Rita Sign Pacfjj LAS VEGAS, Jlev^fe^-Croon-l er Dick Haymes announced today he has signed a pact'with actress Rita Hayworth that protects all of her earnings and* holdings ^forB life"-';^m any debts he may incur after their marriage. Haymes, who plans to marry the red-haired actress after his- .Nevada divorce, said, "I intend to stand on my own two feet and take care of aW my own troubles, ^e^her8 they be money, legal or personal difficulties." He said he hkd "ordered'w'theH reciprocal pre-nuptial pact clj;awnB up "to protect Rita fronli'gahya claim whatsoever against m&^T Meanwhile- Mregi^Nora Eddington, Flynn Haymes :jBtehred'eiiei? own California divorce^decree from the I handsome singer Friday. Haymes said the agreement was' drawn up by Miss Hayworth*?║?·afc^ torney, Bartley Crum^and $fg|^ I by himself and Rita late Fr$|jjy g night at the S^nds Hotel hig^T^ Crum said the pact states that Miss Haywopa^s /earnings, and '\ properties would ?╟? be pfofeecled for m the sole use <q|r herself, her chil-ffl dren and her own heirs. MissHay- worth signed .aft\,ide]Dti^al -d*ocu-l ment relinguj^ng an^ ylight io I Haymes' assej^|hei-said^^ Haymesoi^-^yaiting a deporta- v| tion hearing :Jp''^Los' Angeles oni governments C^Kges^the Argentine-1 born singer jllegSSly re-entered this i country after visiting Miss Hayworth in Hawaii earlier this year. 1 TARENTUM, PA. VALLEYNEWS Qrc. D. 16,212 !RitavHaymes I ^To .WedTodaM In Las Vegas ?√ß iJASaVEGAS. Nev. i^-VVIiilej" !!^f!r5JpW8Jl_shooters tried-" ?√ß'-y'!1' l^^e-'.Sevens' and elevens," Rii'al Mayworth Vlt!^[-- Dick HijoSHfes j ifidajf gambled once more^with! W^^aohW^^' ^'.'1-^St': il ^Tlie- 34-3 ekr-old'. actress .ahc .er, 35, will recite has'said three times ":a ' simple';ceremony 1 -Roam of'"the Sands Judge Frank Mac- lla^i-wi 11 officiate at .-. the ?╟≤{ive-ge+'inuii ceremony. Jack | Entratter. general, manager of j The-Sands. will be the only at- tenflant'.'- P lotographers and re- j poftersC'^i 1 outnumber the in- ivMed ^i*gt s ythree4td one. 1 ?Θ╝erten^0ny Simple i ^"Ihe ''unpi etentious affair' will a' ?√ß contrast to the r's- lavish French .Prince-AlyeKhan in ifwrn^ Hayworth"- will not Ijeverrg^ye a a=iew wediing j gov.vna-Sho said she would "wear I av- blue.'-viihf m straight dress as worn before;. Her ?√ß eovevp"' by a cjQi^t^iiat of tulle arid velvet. She -wnrli yvvt i&Y gloves to-match [ ?╟≤:^)riiy''?╟?1:,e 5ts invited- are busi- ega-1 associates ? of. - The only ?╟≤ relative^' 1 be the"i>bride's. two- They are Relbecca, ring of -Miss'"''Hay- trriage - tj^^.. Orson the Princess -.Yas- ike her moslem fa- t descendant: of the hammed. '?√ß?√ß?√ß 1 Fi},;:L-l> n rier to the wedding! w;as, clearec 1 'yesterday g^h e n ute "d-iivorce decree. from.--r^ora J Eadiirgton Flyhn Haymesg'Eess itb^'anyhour later, he "?√ß'brought i Rita back to the ;courtliouse, Ij wdiere- both nervously filled-out 'j the marriage -license forhis. | Both. Haymes and Rita <jlaim- t ed peirnianent residence in Ne- I vada, but said they will - soon move near Greenwich, (?·onn., where they are looking'for a ?√ß house. ' ^^Mn j "All my worft is in the East," Jthe crooner explained. I Miss Hayworth said she plans {to commute between the^-East j Coast and Hollywood for^pici Iture making. BOSTON, MASS. HERALD Circ. D. 133,497 --S. 256,460 Haymeses to Start For New York by Air LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 25 ?╜H Mr and Mrs. Dick Haymes and the kids check out of their honeymoon suite tonight ^,,M^^ tt^m o^giiv. to New Vprk LEV. -Havni?s"""m6vea^ into Rita Hayworth's suite yesterday.' after the crooner and" the screen star were wed in a 3-mffittte ceremony. The couple will depart at 10 p.m. Miss Hayworth's' dautos, Rebecca, , and Yasmi^ 3%, will! accompany the bride and groonx OriginaJlj^Haymes had planned to backtrack^ Los Angeles to pick up his Boxer dog, Brutus, but present jtans caM>r the dog to 30m the wedding party in Denver. EL DORADO, ARK. TIMES -?√ßKbc. Dv,2,969 SFP7251353 Rita Declares: 1 Married The Man I Really Love' LAS VEGAS, Nev. (&?╟÷Rita Hay-1 and Hollywood for;%feni>i.nre o ?╟? ~~ LAS VEGAS, Nev. (&?╟÷Rita Hay-i and Hollywood for a picture worth* and Dick Haymes are on | year. the fourth honeymoon for each of them today following a brief flashbulb-lit wedding in a gambling resort hotel. "I feel wonderfully bappy," the redhaired bride said after the three-minute ceremony. 'I am married to the .man I really love. It sounds so wonderful to be called Mrs. Haymes." The movie star and the crooner fly to New 'fork Saturday and later to Philadelphia, where the oridegroom starts a night club engagement Monday nigot "Our careers, in fa^t no tain?, will ever separate us," Rita declared. She said she'll travel with Hsymes on Ins night club tour. They have rented a house in Greenwich, ponn. Miss Hayworth said she'll commute between there The ceremony was performed by Judge Fisank MacNamee in.the Gold Room of the Sands Hotel. Roulette games and^ofc m?╜esr*ines continued whirring in the nearby casino. Rita's two daughters, Rebecc^, ^by her marriage to actor Orson Spiles, and Princess Yasmin 3^, by ex-husband Aiy Khan, looked on from a divan. The bridal couple said their "I do's" firmly. Big tears came into Rita's eyes at the words. The double-ring ceremony was over before she^ got her ring on Dick's finger; she put it on afterward. Little Yasmin shrilled, "Mama, I want a ring, too." Several hundred persons lined the way as the couple, arm in arm, walked from her quarters in a remote part of the hotel to the ceremony. Iii?║il! Miss Hayworth wore a short- sleeved, blue linen dress, a toast- colored tulle and velvet hat and matching gloves. Her bouquet was of orchids and lilies of the valley. Hayes wore a blue pin-stripe suit with blue tie. Before her marriages to Welles and Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to oilman Edward Judson. Hay mes' previous wives Were actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, ex wife of Errol Flynn. The crooner got a Nevada divorce Wednesday from Nora, who obtained a California decree from him last week. In connection with his immigration difficulties, meantime, >the honeymooning crooner could tai^* cheer from a federal court dsr (See I MARRIED page ROYAL OAK, MICH. TRIBUNE Circ. D. 20,595 liftoff, Dick P/ffiff E'Simple Wedding' Jo LAS VEG^Sg Nev, (U.R)?╟÷Film I star Rita cH'^yworth and, crooner\ I Dick Haymes today planned a f- j '"simple weeing" with television j ._ K i and newsreel cameras grinding' I away. || Then they'll settle down as to | j I j what they hopii will be a sedate 11 B life as suburbanites in Greenwich,! $ Ki Conn! ?? '?√ß I The cetemony Thursday will be 1 I; held in the Gold Room of t^Ssfldif^ I ^jg^jij^jy^nLy nine guests invitedVj ! but news and , camera men^ were 11| I told: they, could attend. "1 The red-haired' beauty sighed I I happilyyf&iat she and Haymes ^are | fe finally getting married after many difficulties." ??J!Jj$fc ": Among their recent troubles ha "been |n attempt by the governme to deport Haymes? a citizen of A gentina, and death threats again 'Miss Hayworth and her dauohte HATTIESBURG, MISS. * AMERICAN " ?√ß' ' " Circ. D. I3.85313SB& I ?√ß NAMPA, IDAHO FR^E PRESS...^ fej Circ. D^ 6,081 | SEP 24 J953 Rita Marries]] DickHaymeslj J LAS VEGAS*..Nev. UP) ?╟÷ Whiler J near-by crapsliooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth land pick" Haymies ;gambled once jmore with matrimony Thursday. j The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, recited vows each has jsaid three times befoi??:,gin a sim- ?╜ple ceremony ih tj^ Gold Room of : AnFinai barrier to the wedding was cleared Wednesday when j Haymes copped a seyM-n^fiUtevdi- j vorce decree from N.oM Eddington ; Flynn Haymes. Less than an hour j later he brough#%fyttf ha^ld the [courthouse, wheT^^6th het^busly; I filled out the marriage license I forms. I A reporter asked Haymes if he I had ever tasted any of Rita's cook- ling. I "Who marries Rita Hayworth foa I cooking?" the singer askejd. [RITA AND SINGER 1 TO MARRf THURSDAY I LAS VEGAS, Nev. Ut) ?╟÷ Dickp: !Haymes, a crooner who has hadb; plenty of trouble with wives andr. tJhcle-'Sam, take|:?╜tmt a -s&fgjfri&ge licei^se today with Rita Hayworth, a -p$*Nii!fio has haM^teer shar#.e ^ husban#trouble. pfl^lgwfoii j$ji$!$:! Haymes and the glamorous screen star pick .up the wedding license at 3 p.m. (Pacific daylight time). That is just one hodie after he gets a divorce from ,lp^iSd4 dington Flynn Haym?eiivjJ| , The singer and- the actress will- be married tomoriroSsr at tl a.mi Im Sands Hotel.JWhWe^lW^^tve ?√ßbeen guests fdFSbme ^^^S^Rrtlt Ibe marriage No.4 for both-- SHEFFIELD, ALA. TRI-CITIES DAILY W^ Circ; D. 6gjfi6. Haymes, Haywdrfh Get Marriage License LAS VEGAS, Nev. Ml ?╟÷ Dickf *Haymesr a crooner who has hacu fplenty xjj.jx.SJk-l?║. .with wives and| XJiScie' ^Sir #^ls out' a marriage license toiay^with Rita Hayworth, a galgwho has had her share of ihusband, trouble. Haymes ?╟?. and the glamorous screen star1 pick up the "wedding license at 3 p.m., just one hour after, he gets a divorce from Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. I The Argentine-born singer an^d the actress will be married tomorrow at 11 a.m. in the Sands,, Hotel. where both have been guests^mr j some time. It will be marriage No. ' 4 for bogy* . BELLEVILLE, ILL. JpWS-DEMOCRAT Wtato Wed Wick Haymes \in Las Vegas LAS VEG^S, Nev. (tfP)--Rita Hayworth :;$jfid Dick Ifajones, nervous as begmners, . make yilg four, apiece tocJ^?iwhen they exchange wedding vows amid the clicking of dice and whir of rdulette wheels in a gambling ?√ß hote|i While a gay mob of tourists play their chips in a casino downstairs, the flame-haired movie beauty and the crooner Will say their "I do's" in the press conference room of the plush Sands Hotel, jj Rita, 34, acting like an excited bride, made this ceremony the simplest of her career. Wedding No. 3 to Prince Aiy Khan featured champagne, royal guests and lavish clothes. But for' her fourth wedding, Rita chose an old dr^is of blue linen, a plain gold \^|pding band and a simple j civil ceremony with aM'Jtcprations and only 10' guests Jb:?╟? ' The ilpress, whQipually dodges I the press, this tirij|||lj2Vited them all?╟÷ newsreel' cam^^s; included?╟÷ to th^^iedding .ih^ii^ gambling meec^Hra gjfudge Frank r^facNamee was called in to perform the; ceremony sHoniyeSOrhojirs. after Haymes wonc M^alix-week, quick Nevada divorce decree from Nora Eddington'Flynn on grounds "she lost interest in the marriage." Haymes, a native of Argentina, faces possible deportation on charges he Tij^ally re-entered this country from HawaiL,;-Jte also is up to his pug nose gjivr alimony troubles with ?√ß,.viie--N;6;.'--'S, Joanne J D^u. Nora "^iyorc^g^ymes last I Friday, '-biji^l&d pSfck and Rita S worried wh|^^hc delayed signing | a waiver to ^lerrnit'.today's mar- I riage. * Rita still hasn't settled her ali- jmony with Aiy Khan.- An armed hotel guard hovers constantly j around Yasmin adaughter^pf Rita and Aiy, because of. thrcMts, pos- j sibly from religious fanatics, to the Ij little girl's life. After the ceremony, Rita was scheduled to play hostess at a luncheon for th^i guests and press. The happy Couple had no plans for the rest of the day and will honeymoon here until Sunday. Then they'll trek to Philadelphia, where Haymes begins a singing: engagement, j